St. Freya, Office of the Dean.

Teresa heard Dr. May's description, and her expression gradually became surprised.

Teresa: "I didn't expect Fu Hua to have such a problem..."

"If Dr. Mei said, wouldn't Fu Hua be on the verge of collapse all the time?"

"For more than 50,000 years, no one can guarantee that their state is always under control..."

Himeko smiled: "I think it's okay." "

"Since this video specially broadcasts this experience of Fu Hua, it proves——"

"It's related to Hua's next change of fate."

"Moreover, the current Fu Hua classmate can't see any traces of being affected by [Shenyin]."

Teresa thought for a moment and felt that Himeko's words were very correct.

Indeed, Fu Hua's current state could not be said to see the influence of [Shenyin].

Even the vicissitudes of the former civilization do not have it!

This situation is really strange....

Teresa: "According to the description, [Shenyin]'s changes to Fu Hua's classmates are carried out all the time. "

"But Fu Hua's current state is probably out of the influence of [Shenyin]..."

"How do you strip things from the depths of your brain..."

Himeko said jokingly, "I don't know..."

"Perhaps, only a different brain will work."

Teresa smiled and said, "Hahaha, your idea is a bit extreme..."

"I don't know if it will work!"

Himeko: "Hahaha, that's it." "

"I may be a little too extreme."

"No matter how strong Fu Hua's self-healing ability is, it is impossible to change his brain... It..."

Immediately, the two fell silent.

They know one thing in their hearts:

Theoretically, for Fu Hua, this operation seems to be really TMD!


While everyone was talking, the picture on the light screen had changed.

It was a comic strip-like scene that recorded the last years of the pre-civilization.

Three nuclear bombs destroyed the remnants of civilization, and the decisive battle on the moon sentenced civilization to death.

Hua was present in every scene, and everyone was present.

But although everyone knows, Kevin and Hua, these fusion warriors, have the power to be above the lawyer.

But in the face of the scenes, no one does not feel a desolate sense of powerlessness.

In the vast and desolate universe, the moonlight throne turned into wreckage.

Kevin raised his sword and swung it at the colossus of the moon.

Immediately, a sword that crossed the final flame fell.

The surface of the moon was covered by heavenly fire, and the final lawbreaker was shut down.

During these precious twelve hours, Hua looked at the bones of his comrades and left silently.

Back to Earth, back to home.

In this last period, Hua recalled the bits and pieces of the past few years.

Countless battles, countless sacrifices, but in exchange for such a result.

Maybe start all over again, and humanity may have a better ending.

Think about it.

Hua knew that nothing could go back.

With a touch of sadness, with indescribable desolation.

Hua was expressionless and lay down in the sleeping cabin.

That is the key of the fifth god.

The key to stagnation, all things sleep.

As a forerunner, he is about to enter a new era.

A long life is imposed on this body, and the mission of Tinder is carried on the shoulders.

Fortunately, there is still something to do....

Time changes, thousands of years at the snap of a finger.

Hua wakes up in the Key of God and gazes at this new era.

The ruins are gone, the collapse is gone.

Fifty thousand years is enough to smooth out all sorrow and suffering.

The repair of the Fourth God's Key has greatly reduced the damage to the collapse.

Everything is so natural, so beautiful.

But the awakened Hua was full of urgency in his heart.

Face the collapse that will come back at some point.

Tinder, should be put into practice.

It's a long and arduous job.

Fortunately, a new human civilization has not yet been born, and there is still plenty of time.

Fortunately, she is not alone.

The former helpers of the Civilization Tinder Project, Danzhu and Cang Xuan, are by her side at this moment.

Over the course of a few years, the three traveled all over the continent.

Bury pieces of record soul steel, bury microcomputers containing the technology of pre-civilizations.

Above the earth, there are scattered tribes.

They were fairly primitive in equipment, but they were always plagued by small breakdowns.

And Hua will strike in time to save them.

Danju knew that primitive worship existed among these tribes, so he used the image of Hua as a wood carving.

Soon, the belief of the red kite spread.

Cang Xuan was very economically savvy and used seashells by the sea to create currency and help tribal groups develop.

Soon, the tribe prospered and civilization gradually developed.

Everything is thriving.

This is all thanks to the knowledge passed down from the Tinder Project.

Seeing the rapid progress of civilization, all three felt that their efforts were not in vain.

After that, ten years flew by.

The human tribe gradually grew, and Hua also found a descendant who could be entrusted with Xuanyuan Sword.

Cultivating warriors to fight Honkai has always been her biggest goal.

You can shelter one place, but you can't shelter the whole world.

Ultimately, humanity needs to rely on themselves, not the forerunners of pre-civilizations.

Danzhu knew that he and Cang Xuan were not immortals and could not accompany Hua forever.

The two used the techniques of the former civilization to make the Book of Cangxuan in the image of Cangxuan.

She will replace the two and accompany Hua to that distant afterlife....


Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Lauderdale: "It turns out that this is the Tinder Project. "

"Thanks to the knowledge of the pre-civilization, such a large tribe can quickly integrate and form a civilization."

"Oh, it looks really interesting."

Rita also nodded: "The former civilization was always in the shadow of collapse, and there would be no such life. "

"Oh, Lord Lauderdale, our tense nerves can finally relax."

Otto looked at all this, but only sighed softly.

"Nope... It's not that simple. "

"The Tinder Project is a problematic plan in itself."

"Cherish this routine, huh... The good days are running out. "

Lauderdale frowned:

"Lord Bishop, senior Fu Hua, they are indeed trying to help the development of the current civilization."

"From our point of view, that's a good thing?"

"In terms of results, this should be an excellent layout, huh?"

Rita: "Rita is also quite curious. "

"The birth of the Tinder Project gave civilization the power to fight Avalanche at the beginning of civilization."

"If the results are so remarkable, why is it a failed plan?"

Otto looked at the prosperous scene on the light curtain, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

Otto sneered:

"Why? Because collapse comes with civilization. "

"All additional increases in entropy will be future variables."

"Haven't you ever wondered why there was a catastrophe of collapse in the early days of civilization?"

"Then don't you wonder, why did the primitive people there worship the red kite?"

"Hehe, the forerunners of the former civilization, Tinder, are all abnormal negative entropy."

"And to popularize the tinder, it greatly amplifies the negative entropy."

"Soon, the natural disaster is coming..."

On the other side, the college dormitory.

The three of Kiana were immersed in the content of the light curtain, and they all exclaimed.

Fu Hua's squad leader is not only powerful, but also an immortal who guides the process of civilization!

This is too pressing!

Kiana suddenly looked back at Fu Hua:

"Squad leader, you are really powerful!"

"To be able to develop a small civilization in ten years, I feel that my history has been learned for nothing!"

Bronia: "Be confident and get rid of the feelings." "

Bud Yi looked at Fu Huadao with adoring eyes:

"Squad leader, you are really great, you can actually guide the development of civilization!"

"I think you are a hero of humanity!"

Fu Hua looked at the three and sighed silently.

Fu Hua: "Hero? Oh, I can't say it. "

"I, O sinner, shall be the sinner who killed them..."


Fu Hua's words were like thunder, causing the three of them to suddenly fall into stunned.


Why say this, how great is the behavior of the squad leader?

But before the birth of civilization, there were warriors who could fight against Honkai.

Hua looked at Kiana and continued

"Just now, Kiana mentioned history."

"Remember what I said, what is the essence of the Tinder program?"

Kiana raised her hand: "I know, it was Senior Sister who revealed the scope of the exam to us!" "

Hua nodded: "That's right, but what I want to say is." "

"The Walter teacher who proctored history, he actually knows everything."

"He can see at a glance that you have obtained the scope of the exam and are preparing various cheating methods such as small copies."

"You say, what will Mr. Walter do at this time?"

Kiana froze for a moment.

What was originally a good thing suddenly turned into a horror movie.

Bronia was still thinking, and Bud Yi replied tentatively:

"Mr. Walter... Will there be another set of questions? "

Hua shook his head:

"No, there is no time."

"He is more likely to take a sudden exam, so that your preparation cannot be completed, and you are caught off guard."

"The same goes for the Tinder Project."

"The Great Collapse is coming..."

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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