At this moment, everyone began to worry about Fu Hua's mental state.

In the previous video, the destruction caused by Fu Hua due to [Shenyin] was shown.

That's a terrible side effect of Hua's slack control over himself.

But the video continued to play, and the crowd found that their concerns were superfluous.

Because, Danzhu and Cang Xuan had long expected Hua's situation.

Before they died, they had already stored their last words in the Book of Cangxuan.

When Hua's emotions were almost uncontrollable, the Book of Cangxuan stabilized Hua.

She played the last words of Danzhu Cangxuan.

Danzhu is still so lively, saying hello to Hua and pulling things up.

Finally, she apologized to Hua.

Danju said that the two of them were going to do something terrible.

After that, the probability is that it will not come back.

She said that once the two of us left, please don't be sad.

People are always going to die, we just went decades ahead of schedule.

As a fusion warrior, you have to endure loneliness after all.

After all, you have to go it alone for a long time.

Nothing but the Book of Cangxuan can keep up with you.

And Cang Xuan is still calm and quiet.

She didn't say anything more.

Danju who should have said it has already been said.

She just introduced the functions of the Book of Cangxuan to Hua and explained the current problems of the Tinder Project.

Subsequently, he entrusted Hua with one last thing.

Guard Shenzhou.

Protect the land.

Protect this civilization that we watched grow up with.

The voice finishes.

Hua, who has experienced many collapse wars, has long been numb.

But this time, her tears could no longer be stopped.

The two deceased people who are still alive suddenly disappeared into their own world.

If the plan fails, what is the meaning of life.

Of course, she knows that the life of the two is short and cannot be with her for long.

But because of his own mistake, he lost the life of his friend.

How could Hua easily forgive himself.

"Danju... Cang Xuan.... Why apologize to me? "

"The one who should say sorry... It should be me..."

After this incident, the Book of Cangxuan stabilized Hua's mood.

did not let her fall into the abyss of loss of control and turned into a puppet of [Shenyin].

And Hua is also firm in its goal.

Although the Tinder program failed.

However, she still has a fire in her heart.

That was Danzhu Cangxuan's last request.

At all costs.

It is necessary to protect the safety of Shenzhou and save Shenzhou's life.

This will be her new meaning in life.

Hua knows that he has to fight for it....

This is the last wish of an old friend.

As for what you want to do.

In the future, there is time to think ....

After that, time passed like an arrow.

Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years pass by in a flash.

Several pictures flashed, which were all kinds of past events of Hua in the land of Shenzhou.

She exorcises demons, and she lives on earth.

But mortals always have birth, old age, sickness and death, and the separation after death is the most painful.

In order not to suffer from parting.

Gradually, Hua ceased to befriend mortals.

She travels the world with the Book of Cangxuan, seeking monsters and protecting the safety of one side.

She killed Poor Qi, killed the ferocious beast, and gave the Xuanyuan Sword to those who were destined.

She guided the world and taught the people of Shenzhou how to use the collapse energy for themselves.

The people called it "true qi" and derived various methods.

For hundreds of years, she settled in Taihu Mountain as her home.

With the company of the Book of Cangxuan, Hua's life is not boring.

517 AD.

As usual, Kevin and other pioneers met remotely to exchange information.

At that time, Grace still did not reappear.

Kevin reluctantly announced that the Ark plan had failed.

Although Hua felt regretful, he found that he did not have much emotional fluctuations.

Perhaps, the long time has consumed the mood.

Since then, Hua has come to the gathering every ten years, but has never seen anyone again.

Kevin and Sue mysteriously disappear, and Grace disappears.

From the forerunners of the former civilization, only Hua remained.

718 AD.

One hundred years after the founding of the Great Tang Dynasty, the collapse became more rampant.

Hua went to Chang'an City at a fixed time every year to discuss demon beasts with the Great Tang army.

During the hundreds of years she was stationed, the Great Tang Dynasty stood tall in the collapse and became the most brilliant pearl in the East.

Seeing the Shenzhou he guarded becoming more and more prosperous, Hua also had joy in his heart.

Although the Tinder plan could not continue.

But as long as human beings prosper, they will one day create their own "fire".

What Hua wants to do is to help, but not interfere.

Another few more years passed.

It was a Chinese New Year's Eve night.

Hua came to the city after a long absence, spending the New Year with mortals.

That morning, Hua and Cangxuanzhishu assisted the Great Wall in defeating the invading Broken Beast.

But for thousands of years, the energy of the Book of Cangxuan has bottomed out.

Huawei fulfilled her last wish before falling asleep, and came to the mortal world after a long absence.

Here, she seemed to see the Chinese New Year's Eve night of the pre-civilization.

It was a memory of hometown, a warm and sad memory.

After that, the happy times are always short.


In the midst of a brilliant firework, the Book of Cangxuan smiled and stopped functioning.

Since then, Hua has lost his companion again.

Illuminated by fireworks, in its happy atmosphere.

Hua silently recycles the Book of Cangxuan, waiting for the day in the future to wake her up again.

Without the company of the Book of Cangxuan, Hua's temperament gradually faded.

There are occasional people around, but there are always more years alone.

In order to meet Cang Xuan's instructions, Hua had to protect Shenzhou even if he was alone and betrayed for a long time.

After that, another 700 years were elapsed.

She often travels around the world to kill demons and remove demons.

Sometimes they turn a blind eye to the turmoil in Shenzhou, and sometimes they actively participate in it.

The people regarded him as the guardian of Shenzhou, and built temples to pray for good luck.

And Hua didn't care.

At the moment, she was alone, without any friends around her.

For seven hundred years, she still went to Vault 907 every ten years, trying to find traces of the Forerunners.

But in the end, she found nothing.

Kevin and Sue, really evaporated from the world.

The Ark Project and the Tinder Project have failed, and the outcome of the Stigmata Project and the Hengsha Project is unknown.

But Hua didn't feel much.

She seemed to be getting more and more rational.

There is no one around him, and the time of walking alone has been three dynasties.

Hua felt that it was normal for him to become like this.

In this way, you can control yourself more and avoid falling into the hell caused by the divine sound.

As for why I see things related to Honkai, I have an instinctive perception.

Hua Ye only thinks that it is experience, the experience of traveling around Shenzhou for thousands of years.

This is logical and quite reasonable.

Later, the Daming Dynasty prospered, and collapse disasters occurred frequently again.

Hua walked all over Shenzhou as a real person of the Red Kite.

She sent demons and demons and repeatedly saved the people from fire and water.

The land of Shenzhou is full of legends of the Red Kite Immortals.

After that, Hua Yin lived forever, and the immortal Yan stayed forever, and since then he has been named an immortal by the dynasty.

She does not care about political affairs and does not care about the change of dynasties.

But every emperor who ascended the throne always had to visit her at Mount Taihuo.

It is rumored that when you see the king of the red kite, you can prolong your life and prosper your dynasty.

And the king who failed to meet Xianyan either collapsed in the middle road, or changed lords and never ended well.

When the Daming Dynasty prospered, it was the period of China's highest status.

But Hua has no interest in these things.

As far as she is concerned, fame and fortune are all passing eyes, and it is better to kill a few broken beasts.

In 1446, the Nine Ghost Clans gathered at the military lord Kozuka in an attempt to resurrect the judgment-level Broken Beast Chiyu.

Hua who arrived with the flying sword thwarted the plot of the Nine Ghosts and killed all the enchanted people present.

On that day, she took Lin Chaoyu who lost her parents in this evil sacrifice.

Seeing that he was young, Hua took it to his side.

After that, another twelve years were elapsed.

Avalanche is occurring more and more frequently.

Hua realized that if she was alone, she would inevitably lack skills.

So, she seriously considered the proposal made by the Book of Cangxuan before falling asleep.

Why don't you start a sect, cultivate disciples, and help you act?

Compared to looking for a "destined person" to entrust Xuanyuan Jian before, this is a more convenient choice.

So Hua put his ideas into action.

She regarded Lin Chaoyu, who had been serving for many years, as a big disciple, and taught her improved [Shenyin] to herself.

This is called - too empty sword qi.

Since then, the Tai Void Sect has been established.

In 1458, Hua brought back Su Mei, a young girl from the tile spur, as his second disson.

It was still an evil sacrifice about collapse.

And Su Mei's parents were deeply enchanted and died at the hands of Hua.

In 1461, Hua took Lin Chaoyu to Mount Wangshan and instructed Lin Chaoyu to kill Yan Shiluo.

She set fire to the Wangshan Mountain, which was filled with true qi, and accepted five-year-old Jiang Wanxi, Jiang Wanru, and two-year-old Cheng Lingshuang as disciples.

Later, Hua Geng traveled all over Shenzhou, choosing a young girl with excellent qualifications as an apprentice.

By 1467, there were seven apprentices under the red kite seat, known as the "Seven Swords of Tai Void" by the people of Jianghu.

Everything went well, everything went smoothly.

The Seven Disciples have great respect for the Red Iris Majin.

They inherit Hua's will and help him fight against Honkai.

Until, that day.

The expeditionary force organized by the Mandate of Heaven stepped into the territory of Daming.

They used advanced Avalanche energy weapons, and the Daming army was once difficult to parry.

It was an afternoon in 1475.

Hua came to the Kipchak steppe alone, in front of the Valkyrie troops that swept across Eurasia.

Immediately, the battle situation changed in an instant.

The power of Honkai is vulnerable in the face of Hua.

With only one person, she destroyed the Valkyrie army and the ambition of the Mandate of Heaven.

Above the battlefield, the residual sun is like blood.

Hua looked at the general named Otto in the Valkyrie troops.

Immediately, she turned and left.

Leaving among the corpses of the Mandate of Heaven troops....

The picture stops abruptly here.

The subtitles appear again, which is quite dazzling on the light screen.

[In 1475, there were ripples in Hua's fate. 】

[Hua didn't know that what she did today had laid the groundwork for what happened to her a year later. 】

[That would be a sad thing to look back on.] 】

[It has been more than 50,000 years since the third turn of the gears of destiny. 】

[Implementing the Tinder Plan, Ling Hua finally got his own life. 】

[There is no need for someone to discipline or obey anyone's orders.] 】

[Hua, in a sense, has gained freedom. 】

[In the past thousands of years, she has done countless good deeds, and she has even put Shenzhou in order. 】

[Everything is for the wishes of old friends.] 】

However, Hua did not realize it. 】

[This short and long period of thousands of years has gradually made her indifferent. 】

[Her killing is gradually decisive, and her personality is cold and withdrawn. 】

[Aside from the events related to Honkai, she can't get interested in too many things.] 】

[And all this is not only the precipitation of time, but also the subtle influence of [Shenyin]. 】

[It made Hua turn the fight against collapse into instinct, and it influenced Hua's way of thinking.] 】

[Even under normal conditions, Hua's judgment will still be unconsciously guided by [Shenyin]. 】

[This has become more and more obvious after thousands of years of precipitation...].

[She was originally free, but she fell into an "unfree" situation. 】

[In the long run, this Red Kite Real Person may fall into the negative effect of [Shenyin] under normal circumstances. 】

[Fall into the hell of self-attack.] 】

However, what happened a year later put an end to this process once and for all. 】

[Hua's [Shenyin], about to disappear. 】

[The last scene of this exposure will be played soon.] 】

[In 1476, the Taifushan Incident. 】

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