On the other side, the Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

Otto watched all this with interest, and kept a smile on his face.

When he saw the subtitles appear, Otto genuinely applauded Fu Hua.

Otto: "Interesting, interesting. "

"There are so many other things that my old friend never told me."

"But she has a bad memory, which is understandable..."

"Hehe, the guardian god state cangsheng is the fire in the heart of the red kite immortal."

As the archbishop of the Mandate of Heaven, he is now the highest figure among civilized mankind.

At the same time, as an immortal.

Otto understood very well what Fu Hua was doing.

Even, he was relieved and admired by Fu Hua's decisive killing.

This was the original appearance of the Red Kite Real Person in his heart.

If that didn't happen.

Fu Hua may continue like this until now....

Different from Otto's understanding and emotion.

Lauderdale looked at the light curtain that was temporarily stopped playing, and felt a lot of shock.

Placed in the former civilization, Fu Hua's actions will only make her feel the gap between strengths.

After all, the former civilization is also fighting against Honkai, and it can also give Lauderdale a sense of substitution.

But this time, it was outrageous.

Fuhua is active in the long river of history on a scale of thousands of years.

A thousand years, dynasties change, vicissitudes of the sea.

Fu Hua, on the other hand, does not enter reincarnation and is not afraid of life and death.

No matter how the outside world changes, she is always her.

The pressing frame suddenly soared.

At this moment, the surprise in Lauderdale's heart was like substance.

She didn't know how to evaluate it anymore.

She also knew that she was no different from that yellow-mouthed child in front of Fu Hua.

There is simply no qualification to dictate to her.

On the other side, Rita was in the same mood.

Originally looking at the former civilized Fu Hua, Rita also felt that she was looking at a recruit whose mind was not yet mature.

But now, Rita has nothing left of that thought.

She finally knew why the current Fu Hua was so decisive.

Because, this senior is not seventeen or eighteen years old in appearance at all.

Her real age is already approaching 60,000 years old!

However, Rita is more detailed after all.

She still had doubts in her heart.

The current Fu Hua senior, it seems that something is not quite right.

Not to mention why she abandoned her mission and left Shenzhou.

Her current personality is completely different from what is shown in the video.

Let this Hua in the video wearing a Shenzhou Taoist robe come to Saint Freya.

She won't get along with everyone like she does now.

According to the concept that the red kite real person must be cursed when he enters the devil.

She is likely to "tie everyone together" at St. Freya.

After all, Saint Freya is hiding the Third Law...

Theoretically, that [Divine Voice] is inscribed deep in the brain, like a kind of thought steel seal.

Even if it is eliminated, the accumulation of thousands of years of behavior is not so easy to change.

This should have an impact on Fuhua in the next few hundred years.

She should be more cold and ruthless....

With these questions, Rita asked Otto.

What exactly is Shenyin? How were Fu Hua's predecessors affected?


How did she get rid of the influence of [Shenyin] like this?

Hearing Rita's doubts.

Lauderdale is also a little strange.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with Fu Hua.

She also didn't see any abnormal changes in the Red Kite Immortal.

The immortals kill all those who can be infected by collapse, and they are all people who have fallen into the devil.

People infected by avalanche were rarely saved in those days.

Even now, the special medicine of Heaven's Mandate has not been successfully made.

Fu Hua's behavior is very correct.

Why do subtitles and Rita say that Fuhua's predecessors were influenced by [Shenyin].

Lauderdale also voiced her opinion.

And Otto just smiled slightly.

At the moment, he did not skimp on explaining.

Being able to see such a real video is also a great exercise for my two students.

At the very least, it can be used to enhance Lauderdale's insight.

Otto: "Very good, Rita. "

"Being able to feel Fu Hua's abnormal changes here proves that your observations are more meticulous."

"You asked me what [Shenyin] really is, and I don't know its essence."

"But I know that [Shenyin] is the sword heart in the Tai Void Sword Qi."

"After practicing kenshin to a certain extent, people's personalities will be affected by certain obsessions."

"For example, 'Collapse must be destroyed', this is the influence of Fuhua."

"So you can see that the immortals burn the mountain and slaughter the nine ghosts."

"Except for a few young girls who showed no signs of infection, everyone else who was stained with a little enchanted aura was killed by Fu Hua indifferently."

"This seems quite reasonable at first glance, Fu Hua's means are crisp and neat, and the future troubles are cut off forever."

"But was she like this before?"

"In 554 BC, Xiao Yun lost the battle with Qingqi, and his whole body was mildly infected by the collapse energy, which is also the face of enchantment."

"But how did Hua deal with it at that time?"

"She rescued Xiao Yun, accepted her as a disable, and sent her down Taihu Mountain more than ten years later, and gave her 'Ruoshui' as a gift."

"At that time, the immortals had lived in Shenzhou for more than two thousand years."

"Can you say that she hasn't gone through the years?"

"Bianca, didn't you notice that after BC and AD, Fu Hua's criteria for judging those who entered the devil became strict?"

"This is not only because the years have consumed the redundant emotions of the Red Iris Real People, but also because [Shenyin] is quietly exerting influence."

Hearing Otto's answer, Lauderdon recalled the image.

Xiao Yun is the woman in red, a jianghu ranger.

She alone faced a Honkai beast that was at least emperor-level, Poor Qi.

That battle brought down the evening from noon.

When he was rescued by the Red Kite Immortals, Xiao Yun's body had already appeared on the lines that could erode by collapse.

At that time, he was injured by Qiqi, and the collapse brought by him could be infected.

But the Red Kite Immortals did not kill her.

Later, Xiao Yun, who had practiced too void sword qi, was cured instead...

This is obviously different from the experience of the Wangshan Sacred Flame Conference...

Could it really be said that [Shenyin] really made her more indifferent and cold?

If this is the case, then why is Fu Hua's character no longer so cold now...

It is easy to change, and the nature is difficult to shift.

[Shenyin] has existed in the brain for more than 50,000 years, and the nature left behind has been changed so easily!

All this, the problem is very big....

Otto looked at the doubtful expressions of the two and laughed.

Otto: "You guys wonder, this is normal. "

"If I didn't know the cause and effect, I would also be in doubt."

"But the problem is that your Fuhua seniors really washed [Shenyin] away."

"Although it wasn't her initiative... The process is a little strange..."

"It's really not an exaggeration to say that this is the timing of Fuhua's destiny gears."

Rita: "In 1476, the Taifushan Incident? "

Otto nodded:

"That's right, in the next video, 'Seven Swords of Tai Void' will appear."

"They are the central figures of this incident..."

"They, killed the red kite..."

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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