"Bishop Otto?!"

Kiana was immediately dumbfounded.

Her gaze was still on Bud Yi's body, and she couldn't take it off for a long time.

"Got it wrong, hey!"

"How can Bishop Otto wear a skirt and control the power of the law~!"

"This is clearly Bud Yi....-..."

Kiana has been protesting.

Until, she looked at the light curtain.

Subsequently, she felt the collapse of the worldview.

Otto on the screen is like a women's clothing boss.

He was dressed as a medieval European noblewoman, his long blond hair was tied into a whip over his shoulders, and his demeanor was quite elegant.

If he made some more expressions, it would be a lore...

Bud Yi is also stupid:


"This is completely different from the Bishop Otto in my impression!"

Bronia: "Bronia's emotional center is severely stimulated and abnormal. "

"It's bad, I won't be able to look directly at Bishop Otto in the future..."

Kiana hurriedly looked back at Fu Hua:

"Squad leader, what is the situation?"

"You and Otto have known each other for so many years, you must know why Otto is dressed like this!"

Fu Hua was also stunned, pinching his chin, recalling the memories that could be tuned in the past five hundred years.

Immediately, she shook her head helplessly.

Fu Hua: "Theoretically, Otto dressed up like this, I should not forget it for a thousand years." "

"Since I don't have a memory of this, either I burned it or I haven't seen it."

"But since Otto's appearance appeared on the light curtain... Hehe, I'm still quite interested..."

"This guy, is it stimulated by something...."

Bud Yi: "It may also be Bishop Otto, who has a proclivity for this..."

Bronia: "Agreed. "

Kiana: "Well, since it is to expose Bishop Otto, it is not unacceptable. "

"The last time I exposed the squad leader, I seemed to see Otto, it seemed to be in that..."

"Kipchak steppe." Fu Hua answered.

"Otto, he is now more than five hundred years old."

"In a sense, he is also an immortal existence."

"What kind of things can make him so devilish, I would like to know..."

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

This has been transformed into a challenge scene of not laughing.

The hard kind.

Because Lauderdale and Rita are going to be strained.

Originally listened to the various characteristics provided by the system.

The three of them have already set their sights on Raiden Bud Clothes.

But reversals always come by surprise.

Otto, who was originally bursting with confidence and claiming that the object of exposure must be the third lawyer, was directly dumbfounded at this moment.

Looking at herself dressed as a noble lady on the light screen.

Otto couldn't help but recall the time when he was young.

At that time, Karen turned into a strange thief and fought in the dark.

And the purpose of changing himself into this body is to attract the attention of the guards for Karian.

Otto remembers well.

That time, he risked betraying "Hue"...

"What a god... Where did it get the picture..."


Otto clenched his fist with his right hand, brought it to his lips and coughed a few times.

"You two, don't be so restrained."

"Once my life is presented, it is estimated that it will be quite exciting and subvert the values of all of you."

"Laugh if you want, don't stop laughing then."

Before the words fell, the two Valkyries finally laughed.

Rita smiled restrainedly, while Lauderdale didn't care so much.

Lauderdale: "Hahaha, did you see it, Rita." "

"If the light curtain is not displayed, I will never have imagined that Lord Bishop has such a side in my life."

Rita: "Indeed, Lord Lauderdale. "

"I have to say that Lord Otto's aesthetic is really good."

"Green symbolizes nature and vitality, and when combined with the bishop's blonde hair, it is even more charming."

Lauderdale: "Don't worry, Lord Bishop, we must keep our mouths shut and not go out to preach." "

Rita: "Lord Lauderdale... I don't think there is a need to publicize it, everyone knows it....."

"Ahem... Okay, okay, don't analyze it anymore. "

Otto waved his hand with an embarrassed expression and stopped the two of them from speaking.

"That's what I casually took out of my closet at home to make ends meet... Didn't think about it that much..."

"This system is really bad fun, and I actually threw the photos from that time..."

Lauderdale barely stopped smiling:

"Bishop Otto, I feel that your mood is fluctuating a lot right now."

"Is it because of the clothes?"

Otto shook his head.

"Not only, there are other problems..."

"I really didn't expect that the second person who was exposed miserably turned out to be me..."

"Gee... I won't have an accident with so many layouts..."

"Probably... No..." Rita comforted...

St. Freya, Office of the Dean.

Teresa had no patience at all.

As soon as Otto's appearance appeared, she laughed directly.

No way, this is too different from the grandfather in my impression.

Himeko, too, was directly stupid in place.

Himeko: "This is Otto?" God, how can our Lord Bishop have such a proclivity! "

"It's terrible..."

Teresa: "Hahaha, I can't believe that this is really grandpa." "

"Since I was a child, I have never seen him dress himself like this."

"It's so weird, it's so weird..."

Immediately, the two laughed together.

"Ahem... Dean. "

Himeko coughed twice.

"I think that the actions of the Lord Bishop must have a deep meaning." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"When he changed into women's clothes, he must be paving the way for some grand plan."

"It can't be love."

Teresa thought for a few seconds and nodded.

Teresa: "Himeko, you're right. "

"Grandpa, this person, is a very rational guy."

"To let him change into this kind of clothes, he must have encountered some terrible trouble!"

Himeko: "Like the fall of the Mandate of Heaven?" Inverse entropy invasion? "

Teresa smiled angrily, "That's not it." "

"I suspect that Grandpa is secretly planning something."

"Hmph, this is good, the light curtain appears, directly expose him!"

"I would like to see how Grandpa got to where he is today."

On the other side, the promised land of the past.

Thirteen Yingyun was a little caught off guard by the appearance of such a face.

They felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

And, faintly absurdity...

Thousand Calamities: "Gee... Is this male or female? "

Sakura: "Probably a man, well... It always feels familiar. "

Hua: "I remember, his name is Otto, and he appeared briefly a few times in the last video. "

Su: "Future Hua's superior? That Mandate Bishop... It seems like it's really him..."

Phyllis: "Huh! Ah Hua finally gave him a part-time job?! "

"No, it won't... I always feel that this guy is not very reliable..."

Canned: "Meow! "

Kevin: "notcoo1..."

Cosmor: "Kevin... You're too deep into the play..."

Alicia: "Oops... What a beautiful dress, well, but it doesn't quite suit Otto. "

Ask for flowers

"Eden, what do you think of this big star?"

After staring at it for a few seconds, Eden shook his head with a wry smile:

"Rate this makeup... It was a challenge for me. "

"That Otto, although he dresses beautifully, does not match his style at all."

"Besides, I don't think he likes this dress very much, you can see his expression."

Grace: "Cold... Like ice cubes..."

Wei Wei muttered in a low voice: "The second exposed guy won't be a pervert with a special proclivity..."

"He seems to be still a high-ranking person with great rights..."

"Oh... I don't dare to think about it..."

Aponia: "Probably not, the light curtain said, he has a kind of lawyer power." "

"In that case, he may most likely be a lawyer."

"And the lawyer should not put too much effort into dressing..."

Mebius: "Oh, that's interesting. "

"Let a lawyer sit in a high position, and the children of the future are really promising."

Alicia: "I hope this kind of thing is true." "

"This proves that the lawyer is no longer an empty shell."

"In that case, I will be happy."

Eden: "There will be, Ellie." "

"After all, what you do will definitely succeed..."

At this moment, everyone in the Collapsed World was taken aback by Otto's image.

There is no one who does not know the bishop of Heavenly Destiny.

Suddenly appearing in such an abnormal form directly broke the image he has always established in people's minds.

The picture is too explosive, causing the barrage to erupt directly.

[Tesla: Oh, this blonde pervert! ] 】

[Walter Young: Unexpectedly, the hobby of the Bishop of Destiny is very interesting, admire and admire. 】

[Einstein: It's time to update the information about Otto, and I have to add a transvestite label..."

[Himeko: Hahaha, Teresa, you have a good grandfather. 】

[Otto: It's okay everyone, laugh if you want, contemptible Otto Apocalis, it's an honor to be your joke. 】

[Teresa: Who said he was my grandfather's, Teresa didn't know him! ] 】

[Kiana: Aunt, has Bishop Otto always been like this? 】

[Nha Yi: I'm sorry Lord Bishop, but this is so interesting...]

[Fu Hua: Otto... You... It's a lot of flowery...】

[Cosmon: This dress is okay, but Otto's expression is a failure, if you smile it will definitely look better, when the former civilization was prosperous, all kinds of cartoons were popular, aren't there many women's clothing bigwigs in it, there are also a lot of them at comic conventions, I had similar ideas before...]

[Thousand Calamities:? 】

[Sakura:?] 】

[Mebius:?] 】

[Otto: ??? 】

[Cosmoz: That... I think it's not bad...]

[Alicia: Respect personal opinions. 】

[Vilvi: Personal views do not represent the promised land of the past. 】

[Grace: So... Does Kosmo also wear it like this? 】

[Cosmoz: ......]

[Cosmoz: No..."

[Bronia: I found that Grace was always able to accurately mend Kosmo. 】

[Walnut: Oh! Sure enough, this is how the barrage was issued! Just think about it, hehe, the hall master is so smart! 】

[Paimon: Sure enough! My words really appeared on the barrage! 】

[Paimon: Hmph, Tivat sightseeing group is coming to visit! ] 】

With a barrage shining with a unique light inserted into it.

The attention of the crowd was immediately drawn.

The people of the Collapsed World suddenly realized that they seemed to only focus on Otto as a person.

In the live broadcast room, there seems to be an audience from another world..... Knife..

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