
St. Freya, Office of the Dean.

Teresa looked at the subtitles in amazement, her expression falling into doubt.

"I remember my grandfather saying that he was born in 1452."

"That is, when the first twist of fate happened, grandpa was just 13 years old?"

Himeko was a little surprised: "This is also too small." "

"What exactly does such a young child have to do to change his fate?"

"Could it be that both parents died, or were kidnapped or something?"

Teresa looked at Himeko with a strange expression.

She laughed and teased: "Himeko, I think your history should be no better than Kiana. "

"My grandfather's father was the 15th-century bishop of Nicholas Apocalis."

"With such a background, no outsider dares to disadvantage his grandfather, even if he was only 13 years old at the time."

Himeko pinched her chin and thought for a while:

"It's really weird....."

"Could it be that he met the right person or thing?" This probability is not very high..."

Teresa had the same doubts.

Fate is a thing, it cannot be predicted and judged.

It is not unacceptable to suffer a twist of fate at the age of 13.

And for Teresa.

As Otto's granddaughter, she still knows some insider information.

Otto always liked to tell himself a story called - Saint Karin.

And it is said that the reason why he was created is also related to that Kalien...

"Maybe... I met that saint..." said Teresa softly.

Before the words fell, the light curtain suddenly changed.

Teresa and the two immediately stopped talking and looked inside the light curtain.

The story of Bishop Otto began....

The scene of the light curtain changes and comes to the interior of a magnificent building.

The cry of a baby came from the depths of the building.

Nicholas 13 Apocalis, who was the head of the Apocalis family at the time, appears alone in the picture.

Held in Niklas's arms was an infant infant.

He had blonde hair, turquoise eyes, and a faint crying voice.

"Ferdinando... Fapien..."

Niklas ignored the crying baby and chanted his son's name.

Immediately, he nodded slowly.

"This is my third son, and his name is..."

"Otto, Otto Apocalis."

The picture changes, and the infant grows up.

Compared to his two older brothers, Otto was obviously born more handsome.

He has a decent posture, a good appearance, and a personable attitude towards people.

But here's the problem.

Otto, he is weak and sickly.

His brothers, Ferdinando and Fapien, were each strong men.

Strong and strong, walking like the wind, he is a good seedling for fighting in the army.

At that time, the power of the castle council behind the Mandate of Heaven was obsessed.

They are assembling an army with the intention of waging a massive crusade.

In this context, muscle and force are particularly important.

But obviously.

The frail and sickly Otto, has neither.

Therefore, Otto was snubbed.

Everyone did not welcome him, thinking that he was a child with no future.

But Otto, not for nothing.

The screen switched, and Otto grew up a little again.

He often looked at the sky alone, observed the birds, and made small objects himself.

Yes, Otto is very inventive.

He made all kinds of little toys, small inventions.

This made him feel that he was not the child of his relatives who had no future.

After all, he could still invent these things that no one else could do.

Fathers and brothers should recognize their talents.

However, all this did not go as he wished.

When Otto happily shared his invention with his father and siblings, he was always sneered.

"What's the use of these things?"

"On the battlefield, who uses these things of yours to fight?"

"Otto, you are not small either, your eldest brother is your age and has already gone to the army to study."

"Get down to business, Otto Apocalis."

Each time, Otto always happily presented his invention.

Finally, disappointed back to the room.

Relatives disapproved of his invention.

Everyone despised him.

At this moment, Otto felt as if he was abandoned by the world.

He held the small object in his hand that had been damaged by his brother, tears rolling in his eyes.

That's so unfair.

Is it only by joining the army that is the only way out?

Otto couldn't help but think in his heart, he felt a great injustice.

The world is like a cold cage, imprisoning itself.

Without a hint of sunshine and warmth...

Seeing this picture, the barrage kept scrolling from the screen.

[Kiana: Bishop Otto's childhood... It's a little miserable..."

[Bud Yi: It's really pitiful... It even reminds me of when I was a child, my father was always not around, and that loneliness was real..."

[Bronia: Bishop Otto's invention is actually great... They don't like it, so why destroy it? 】

[Lauderdale: It's ridiculous... Isn't the most basic respect given to children...】

[Dadalia: Hmph, children's dreams are the most fragile things, how can they be practiced like this! 】

[Tesla: No wonder this blonde bastard is so perverted, it turns out that there is a childhood shadow! ] 】

[Walter Young: One thing is to say, such education is indeed not conducive to the cultivation of children's values. 】

[Paimon: That Otto... It feels so pathetic...]

[Alecino: According to experience, the children taught in this way either have a strong tendency to extreme inferiority and self-destruction; Or, it will become a complete madman, the kind that is very difficult to deal with. 】

[Teresa: That's right, I really don't dare to match the current grandfather with him at that time..."

[Himeko: It seems that this person should have brought a lot of children..."

[Otto: Is this part actually playing... Scold... It was an unpleasant experience, but it turned out that I was right....

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Otto looked at his miserable childhood with interest, but the smile on the corner of his mouth never disappeared.

He is quite expressive:

"You see, my father and siblings didn't support my inventions."

"This is mainly because their brains are covered with the rust of war, they do not think thoroughly, and they do not see long."

"They always think that force can solve all problems, both externally and internally."

"But science and technology are the driving force of civilization, and this truth was only grasped by me at that time."

"So, in the end, isn't it me who sits in the position of the bishop of Heavenly Destiny."

Rita and the two listened to Otto's words, and their minds couldn't help but start thinking.

They knew that when Otto was in a good mood, he would say a lot of things.

But now the picture is clearly Otto's tragic childhood.

Why is he still so happy, is it because of the final victory?

And Otto was very perceptive, knowing almost instantly what his two subordinates were thinking.

He laughed softly and changed to a more comfortable position to look at the light curtain.

Otto: "Indeed... I'm in a good mood right now. "

"After all, the One is going to appear." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Rita: "The one? "

Otto nodded: "That, Saint Karen." "

"Hehe, she is a light that illuminates my dark heart..."

"My destiny... It did change because of this..."

Otto's voice just fell, and the picture changed again.

The gloomy room disappeared, and the tears from the corners of Otto's eyes disappeared.

In its place, it was a sunny morning.

On a green lawn, thirteen-year-old Otto walked on it, his expression full of expectation.

Even in a high-pressure family environment, Otto can still adjust his mentality.

He has always yearned for birds flying in the sky.

It was a feeling of unrestrained and freedom.

And today, he is in a good mood.

Otto held a paper airplane in both hands and carefully tossed it into the sky.

It was an invention that took him a night to make.

It contains Otto's yearning for freedom.

Phew -

A breeze blew through.

The paper plane smoothly set off from Otto's hands and rushed to the clouds.

It flies unhindered in the air, like a free and brisk bird.

Otto maintained a posture of holding his hands up, watching the paper airplane fly higher and higher.

Finally, he smiled.

The hard work paid off overnight.

He finally got his wish and created his own "bird".

Just as Otto was immersed in his own pleasure.

Snap -

A crisp sound pulled Otto out of his euphoria.

He noticed that the wings of the paper airplane had shattered.

A gust of wind blew through, blowing away the wreckage of the plane.

The paper airplane that lost its wings fell on the wall and shattered ...

What caused all this was a stone that was thrown ...

The footsteps sounded behind themselves, and Otto hurried back to look.

It was his brother, Fapien.

"Doing this boring stuff again."

Fabian looked at Otto, his eyes full of contempt.

He is Otto's second brother, the eldest brother studied in the army, and he was idle at home.

He is a fierce and introverted person, and he does not dare to do anything to others, so he can only bully his younger brother.

And Otto, apparently, did not want to talk to him.

Otto walked over to the wall and slammed his hand into the crack of the brick in an attempt to climb the wall and retrieve the wreckage of the plane.

It was the fruit of his overnight labor.

Even if you are denied by others, you can't deny yourself...

Watching his brother climb the wall with difficulty and reach for the paper airplane, Fapian laughed disdainfully.

"Stop doing useless work."

"You're in such poor health, it's good to be alive."

"How can I have such a useless brother..."

Saying that, Fapian turned his head and left, not looking at Otto.

Otto, on the other hand, slipped his foot and fell off the low wall.

A tingling sensation came from his hands, and Otto looked down at his hands, at the new wounds.

At this moment, his heart was suppressed to the extreme.

The fruits of his overnight labor were destroyed by his brother at will.

His own genius for invention was accused by his relatives of being useless and not taken seriously.

Otto knew that his life was so dark.

Can force and war solve all problems?

Is wisdom so pale compared to muscles?

707 How unfair this is...

Otto sighed.

Fate abandoned itself, and the world became its enemy.

He felt the tingling of his hands and seemed to fall into endless darkness.

Endless, without a glimmer of light.

His heart is also becoming more and more gloomy at the moment.



The girl's voice came, instantly pulling Otto's gradually sinking heart back to reality.


Otto was startled and hurriedly looked up.

Behind the low wall, a young girl appeared.

She has long white hair and blue pupils like clear lake water.

She was dignified and beautiful, with a cross decoration painted on her chest.

Looking at Otto's surprised expression, she laughed from the bottom of her heart:

"It just flew so high!!"

Saying that, the girl turned over directly over with her hands on the wall under Otto's astonished gaze and sat on the edge of the wall.

She pulled out one thing from behind her, it was Otto's paper plane wreckage.

"Is this yours?"

The girl's voice was childish, and she showed the paper airplane in her hand to Otto.

Otto looked at each other in disbelief, as if he was dreaming.

Could it be that someone is interested in my invention?

He pointed to himself and nodded repeatedly:

“... I did it. "

As soon as the words fell, Otto felt a light shining on his face.

At a closer look, it was the girl's sincere smile and admiring gaze.

"Wow! You are so powerful, you will definitely become a great inventor in the future! "

Instantly, Otto's cheeks flushed.

Tears also slipped through the corners of his eyes.

The confusion and pain in his eyes faintly disappeared, and there was only the girl's voice and smile in his pupils.

At that moment, he was convinced that he had seen the light.

Otto, who was abandoned by everyone, heard such encouragement for the first time.

He knew that he could be expected too.

It turns out that I can also be needed.

"Hmm... It's a pity it's broken..."

The girl looked at the paper airplane in her hand with some regret and jumped off the wall.

Otto hurriedly said, "If you need to... I can make another one for you..."

The girl shook her head and walked towards Otto with a smile.

"That's right... Great inventor, I have one more request..."

A gust of wind blew through, ruffling the girl's hair and disturbing Otto's heart lake.

The girl stood in the sun with her back to her back, and the wind blew her long dress and white hair, like a fairy in Eastern mythology.

Otto looked a little dumbfounded.

The girl's smile was sincere and dazzling, and she spoke softly:

"Come and help me"

"Let's save the world together!!

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