Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Otto looked at the light curtain in front of him, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked.

That's right.

If you continue to live so plainly, it will be too faceless.

Otto: "Hehe, I finally saw the shadow of the afterlife in her." "

"You see, in the face of the collapse, Fu Hua's first thought was not to hide in the subway station and wait for death, but to desperately go to find his friends."

"This kind of character has also been preserved to the present."

Lauderdale: "Indeed, as a warrior, Fu Hua is worthy of respect. "

"It is precisely because of this that she has been redeemed and qualified to survive in the last days."

"In this way, this is really the turn of the gears of destiny."

"Senior Fu Hua, ushered in a major turning point in his life..."

Rita smiled and said, "Indeed, Rita has always admired Lord Fu Hua. "

"In other words, if it were me, in the face of the Great Collapse without preparation, I am afraid that what I did was not as good as Lord Fu Hua."

"As a mentally immature student, I can persevere for three hours in the midst of collapse. Well, it's pretty good already. "

Otto smiled slightly: "Huh... My old friend has a long life. "

"When it comes to major turning points in life, I am afraid that this can only be counted as one of them."

"I don't know much about the story after that, but it must be quite interesting."

Lauderdale: "Huh? Didn't Fu Hua tell you about it? "

Otto smiled contemptuously: "How is it possible." "

"Red Iris Immortal, but a severe amnesiac."

Lauderdale: "Huh... Why is this? "

"I think she's quite normal, did she get hurt before?"

Otto: "Injured? Lauderdale, you're too conservative. "

"The injuries Fu Hua has suffered, none of you can bear."

"Brain damage is indeed one of the reasons, but it's more about the memory load."

"Let me ask, more than 50,000 years of memories are pressed into your mind together, will you go crazy on the spot?"

Lauderdale was silent.

She understood what Otto meant.

In 50,000 years, there are more than trillions of memories in my mind.

These things are stored in the brain, like information piled up on a disk.

Or C drive!

If she hadn't had amnesia, her brain would have exploded long ago.

Lauderdale could vaguely understand why Fu Hua was the holder of the Eighth Divine Key.

A divine key that can manipulate consciousness is a necessity for such warriors from pre-civilizations.

However, there is only one key to the eighth god...

With doubts, Lauderdale continued to ask

"Then, how many more are there in this situation like Fu Hua's senior..."

Otto waved his hand: "I am not an all-knowing and all-powerful broken will, and I don't know if you ask me." "

"But I guess there are other people there."

"If you don't rule out the existence of a few people, you can directly carry a memory of 50,000 years..."

Lauderdale nodded and fell silent.

At this moment, the shock in Lauderdale's heart was incomparable.

If those people really existed, could they still be called human beings?

That's a monster, okay!

Compared to Lauderdale, Rita is calmer.

There are too many doubts in this matter.

As one of the parties to the 2012 Lonely Panthalassa project, Rita knew that the World Bubble existed.

The light curtain in front of her, she felt that it was more likely to be a parallel world in the quantum sea.

Although Bishop Otto claims that this is a pre-civilization, there is a logical contradiction here.

Is this something that Bishop Otto is tempting....

Seizing the brief silence, she asked

"Lord Bishop, I would like to know how you brought this former warrior of civilization under your command."

"As far as Rita knows, the former civilization has not survived the blows of the Final Law."

"If there are still warriors in the former civilization who have lived to the present, wouldn't the civilization destruction of the final lawyer not meet expectations?"

Otto glanced at Rita and smiled slightly.

"There is no contradiction between the coming of the final lawyer and the survival of Fuhua."

"At the level of science and technology of civilization before, there are too many schemes to achieve this."

"As for how to bring Fu Hua to the Mandate of Heaven, that's another story."

"I know what you're thinking, Rita, but the video will give the answer."

Rita: "yes, Rita is looking forward to it. "


On the other side, St. Freya student dormitory.

Kiana and the three saw Fu Hua's actions in the face of Honkai.

I saw her action of risking her life to return to school in order to save her friends.

This is ordinary greatness.

However, it fully shows the background color of Fu Hua's class leader.

Everyone looked at Fu Hua, their eyes full of respect.

Bud Yi looked weak at the moment: "Sorry! Fu Hua squad leader, I didn't expect that my birth would bring such a natural disaster to Shenzhou. "

"I'm very sorry to take away your friends and ordinary life."

Fu Hua was already numb: "No, Bud Yi." "

"It's really not your fault, really."

"You can tell by looking back at the video..."

Bud Yi: "I understand, Fu Hua squad leader is a kind person. "

"I can see in the video just now that you attach great importance to all those close to you."

"You must be comforting me, but it will make me feel more guilty..."

Fu Hua: "Bud Yi ..."

"I think you're a little too extreme."

Kiana grinned loudly and patted Nha Yi's shoulder:

"Okay, the squad leader Fu Hua is right."

"You don't want to cause a crisis, you can't be blamed for that."

"Don't worry, with Miss Ben here, such a thing will not happen again!"

Bud Yi nodded silently.

Kiana: "Speaking of which, Fuhua squad leader is so powerful!" "

"Worthy of being the class leader of Fuhua! In the face of collapse, it can be so imminent! "

"Hehe, second only to Miss Ben."

"Being a teammate with Fu Hua's squad leader, it's safe to think about!"

Bronia: "Bronia agrees with the idiot Kiana. "

"According to the analysis of the reloaded rabbit, Kiana is suitable for teammates with Fuhua squad leader."

"Sister Bud Yi belongs to Bronia."

Kiana: "Hey! "

Immediately, the two fell into daily bickering again.

Nha Yi sighed.

She felt that she couldn't just say and not do it.

All compensation must fall to substance.

Just like now, I can't hang this low look.

Emotions affect others.

Thinking about it, Bud Yi gradually broke away from the guilt.

Then, her attention was on the light curtain itself.

As a self-proclaimed party, Bud Yi watched the video very carefully.

After all, during the time she became a lawyer, she had always been in a state of confusion.

After remembering for a while, Nha Yi suddenly thought of something:

"Wait a minute, I seem to see Himeko-sensei in the video."

As soon as these words came out, Kiana and Bronia's bickering stopped.

Fu Hua sighed lightly.

That person, she was impressed.

Kiana pinched her chin and said abruptly

"Yes, it's the last part of the video."

"Don't say it, that person really looks like Aunt Himeko."

"Aunt Himeko went to Shenzhou?"

Bronia: "No, Aunt Himeko has always been in the Far East." "

"She was the one who brought the three of us back to teach here as students."

Kiana: "Incredible! "

"Could it be that Aunt Himeko can use the Extreme East's Doppelgänger Technique? No wonder she gets caught every time I climb over the wall..."

Bud Yi: "Maybe, just look alike?" "

"However, since it is a major turning point in the fate of Fuhua squad leader, this lady's identity may not be simple..."

"As a major, Teacher Himeko can really bear this identity..."

Bronia: "Bronia agrees. "

"I think it was Fuhua's class leader who suffered the third collapse, and then met Teacher Himeko."

"Teacher Jizi came to Canghai City for some reason, rescued the class leader of Fuhua, and then let her join Saint Freya."

"Since then, the gears of fate have begun to turn."

"Fu Hua class leader has changed from a student to a Valkyrie fighting against Honkai."

"Well, it must be."

Kiana (clapping hands): "Very reasonable judgment! "

Saying that, the three of them dropped their gaze on Fu Hua's face.

They hoped Fu Hua would give an answer.

Seeing this, Fu Hua's expression was quite helpless.

For her, it is also a past that she does not want to reminisce.

"You're half right."

Fu Hua said slowly

"It's just that the person who saved me is not Himeko-sensei."

"Her full name is called—"



The picture stands still where the hands of the two touch.

It was quite an epic picture.

Gloomy alleys, dripping rain, neon lights reflecting in puddles.

The tall red-haired woman reached deep into her right hand and held Fu Hua's dazed raised hand.

The light of the street lamp shone behind the woman and shone on Fu Hua's cheek.

Sweat, tears, rain, all reflect the brilliance....

That composition, like a man in a desperate situation, reaches out and holds the light.

The gears of fate have since begun to turn....

Above the light curtain, words appeared.

[Hua knew that at this moment, her fate changed. 】

[Whether it is good or bad she does not know, she only knows that she has won the qualification to live. ] 】

[From student to warrior, the appearance of humble people means that the first turn of fate has been achieved. 】

[However, everything is just the beginning. 】

[The pace of collapse has gradually intensified, and the survival of civilization is like a candle in the wind. 】

[Everything is fate. 】

[However, despite this, there are still those who refuse to succumb to the dictates of fate. 】

[Although the flame of civilization is insignificant, although everything will collapse. 】

[But the moths chasing the fire will still hold the determination to die, create an organization, and embark on the road to save the world. ] 】

[This organization is called the Fire Moth.] 】

[Hua, will also be one of them. 】

[Destiny has changed, and a new life is about to begin. 】

[Fu Hua will usher in the final battle and usher in the second major turning point of his fate. 】

【Stay tuned.】 】

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