
Otto, who returned to reality, held his head in his hands and shouted uncontrollably.

His soul steel brain storage system was hit hard, causing real pain to this steely body.

He felt countless waves of information pouring into his brain, not dissipating ~ because the brain could not contain this amount of information.

Among the many messages that disappeared, the only thing Otto remembered was the image of the god - committing suicide with a sword.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Otto fell to the ground in pain, and the picture froze at this moment.

At this moment, all the audience felt different degrees of shock.

Pure white subtitles also appear above the light curtain.

[The broken will is dangerous and mysterious, and he is, to a certain extent, equivalent to a part of the imaginary number. 】

[Although there are some problems with the way such an existence comes from, it is indeed a god in the true sense. 】

[For Otto, today is a great day. 】

[What Otto didn't know was that the resurrection method he asked about was actually the answer to it. 】

[Of course, he had a headache at that time, and he couldn't feel it.] 】

[The information given by the gods is still too scarce, so that after 15 years, Otto has not yet understood the true meaning of the suicide of the gods. 】

[However, the gears of fate are turning violently. 】

[Once the divine revelation is unraveled, it will become an important factor that changes Otto's fate, and it will develop into an outcome that affects all mankind.] 】

[The date of the arrival of fate has not yet been fulfilled. 】

[This system will intercept a future development trend and present it on the light curtain.] 】

[It was the end of Otto, the day Otto learned about his wishes.] 】

[Take this ending as the final game of the second inventory.] 】

[The last scene of the second inventory - Ragnarok.] 】

【Stay tuned.】 】

Genshin World.

Mond, Zephyr Riders.

Wendy looked at the various actions of the broken will, and suddenly felt that she was not worthy of being called a god...

It's terrible, compared to the Honkai Will, the God of Honkai, his own wind god seems a little abstract...

Looking at Wendy's stunned expression, Jean sighed softly:

"Guys, don't panic, this god does not exist in the continent of Tivat."

"It's just that compared to the broken will, the native demon god of Tivat is indeed difficult to look back..."

Wendy nodded slightly:

"That kind of thing is enough to be above heaven."

"No wonder the combat power of the Collapsed World is so outrageous, it turns out that there are such gods."

"Well, it's not a good place to fish, it's still Tivat..."

Diluc: "Indeed. "

"Compared to the all-knowing and all-powerful broken will, the one from Mond is really a little out of the table."

Wendy: "Hey. "

Lisa smiled and waved her hand: "Okay, Mr. Diluc, this is not a concept. "

"The seven gods of Tivat are the winners of the Demon God War, and in essence, they are just powerful life forms."

"But the will to break down on the light curtain... It's not that simple..."

Mona broke out in a cold sweat and said, "Fortunately, I listened to the one named Nasida in the barrage, and did not peep at this god with water divination." "

"In the face of this deity, my divination plate cannot even take shape, and even as long as I have the idea of divination, I will feel a strong premonition of crisis..."

"The group of old monsters of the Witch Society also told me through special means just now, don't fight the idea of that existence..."

Kelly: "Huh, Kelly thinks, that broken will is interesting?" "

"You see, he can become Bishop Otto!"

Albedo patted Kelly's head and said in thought:

"Perhaps, the act of change itself shows that there is no fixed form of the broken will."

"He is simply changing His appearance according to the person he is dealing with."

"In the final analysis, He seems to have detached himself from the conventional concepts of man and God, and is more like a special conceptual incarnation..."

"In the Honkai world, the gods turned out to be such a thing... It really blew my mind..."

Kaia: "But why did that god choose to commit suicide in the end?" "

"To Him, it seems to be an insignificant act, not suicide itself."

"Hahaha, interesting, just like a riddle, what exactly is Broken Will going to tell Otto?"

Wendy: "Perhaps, this act is the god's answer to Otto." "

"Judging by the subtitles, this is a divine revelation... It's just that Otto hasn't understood it yet..."

"Although, I don't understand it, hehe."

Diluc: "It seems that we can only wait for the last video to reveal this answer..."

"Such a symbolic act, there is a high probability that there are some statements in it..."

Meru, Jozen Palace.

Nasida's eyes were red, and her body was intertwined with blood-red and verdant light, and she seemed to be killing each other.

Her cheeks appeared lines that were eroded by the collapse, and the whole person kept panting, looking very fragile.

But fortunately, the red glow gradually faded.

The purple thunder light and the verdant brilliance together dissolved the strange power on Nasida's body.

The skirmish withdrew his hand with a slight disgust, and the breeze wrapped in thunder light, cleaning the purple crystals on his hand.

Skirmishers: "Boyel, you have to change the problem of random mind reading!" "

"If I hadn't left a little bit of divine power to assist you, this time, both of us would have to account for it here!"

Nasida said weakly, "I'm sorry... Ah hat..."

"I'm for ordinary people... have always respected their privacy..."

"But this time... That broken will... The nature of His existence is not simple..."

Skirmishers: "Hmph, according to what you said, you can still see something, so that you won't find nothing?" "

Nasida: "Yes..."

"It's not that I'm actively observing Him... It's this consciousness that sees me..."

The skirmishers were shocked: "Aren't the continent of Tivat and the Honkai world two different things?" "

"Why can the gods of that world see you through the light curtain?!"

"It's obviously counterintuitive that two worlds can communicate with each other so easily."

Nassida: "I know... You certainly won't believe it easily. "

"But... Ah hat, reality will not deceive you..."

Saying that, Nasida pointed to the fading lines on her cheeks.

"I just did, infected by Avalanche..."

The skirmishers fell silent ...

He looked at his hands, and there were also some purple crystals.

It was a combination of his divine power and the strange power on Nasida's body, forming some kind of dangerous object...

Nasida gasped and said with some trembling:

"That Broken Will can know that I am observing Him, and the reason seems to be that He perceives the World Tree of the continent of Tivat..."

"He just tried to cast his power over to try to pollute the World Tree, but I intercepted it in advance, so it didn't cause serious consequences..."


Nasida wanted to say something, but closed her mouth a little sluggishly.

Just like Otto, the knowledge injected by the broken will in her mind also mysteriously disappeared...

"But the picture shown in the video is already fifteen years ago."

The skirmish said with some emotion.

"In other words, the influence exerted by the will of Collapse seems to be independent of time and space, and is not disturbed by the world?"

"Just a small part of the power can kill a demon god..."

"This is... True gods..."

Narcida nodded and regained her composure.

She looked at the picture of Otto holding his head and shouting on the light curtain, and her eyes became more and more serious.

Nassida: "Ahma, what you said is just one possibility. "

"I have a very bold conjecture."

"Perhaps the God of Collapse also exists in Tivat, and has a certain connection with the concept of trees..."

St. Freya, Valkyrie quarters. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Fu Hua looked at the strange deity with a thoughtful expression.

Fu Hua: "So it is..."

"Otto, he actually saw such a existence that time."

"No wonder he roared and fell to the ground..."

Bud Yi touched his chest and said with some trembling:

"I didn't expect either... The God of Collapse really exists, and it is so terrifying..."

"He can communicate with the Lawyer and seduce the Lawyer to fulfill the mission of Collapse..."

"What if he takes the initiative to find me..."

Kiana patted Nha Yi's shoulder:

"Don't worry, Nha Yi, Miss Ben will protect you!"

"Have you forgotten how the three of us escaped from Changkong City that day we helped each other."

"Hehe, Miss Ben is very powerful!"

Bronia: "That's right, in order to protect Sister Bud, Bronia can also exert her own light and heat. "

"Reload the bunny, always ready!"

Bud Yi cried with joy: "It's great to have you!" "

When the words fell, Bud Yi suddenly thought of Fu Hua's skills in the light curtain.

Suddenly, she laughed directly.

"I'm also stupid, with Fu Hua squad leader here, the district lawyer can't make any storms..."

"But squad leader."

"If one day, the lawyer in my body awakens again as a scourge to the world, you must remember to keep your hands and don't forget to rescue me..."

Frankly speaking, Nha Yi is also a little panicked now.

Ask for flowers

She brought herself into Xilin's perspective and found that if she received this blow from Fu Hua, she would probably be killed directly...

After all, there is no ability of the Law of Death, and there is no way to recover from the injury.

Fu Hua smiled and nodded:

"Got it, got it, but you won't have that day."

"Bud Yi, you are a kind girl and deserve a better future."

Kiana: "Speaking of which, looking at the Void Law Celestine in the picture, I feel inexplicably familiar..."

"Squad leader, do you have any clues?"

Bronia looked at Kiana and teased expressionlessly:

"Stupid Kiana, shouldn't you also have some second personality?"

"Bronia concludes that Kiana is the Law of Emptiness! The order for unconditional annihilation has been given. "

"Request the history exam paper and carry out a targeted attack on Kiana!"

Kiana: "Huh?!" Miss Ben is not that Celine! "

"Also, why is it a history exam?"

Bronia: "Because of the stupid Kiana history zero points." "

Kiana: "Wow! Bronia, say no more! "

Watching the two bickering on the side, Bud Yi laughed from the heart.

After witnessing many collapses, she knows how to cherish this peaceful daily life.

Fu Hua, on the other hand, looked at Kiana and frowned slightly.

Although Bronia was saying a joke, Fu Hua knew that she was right.

Kiana looked at the video and felt familiar, perhaps corresponding to the part of her body that belonged to Celine waking up.

Why did Otto make Kiana, Fu Hua felt that things seemed a little difficult.

In theory, after the second collapse, Otto no longer needs to find a way to control the lawyer.

What exactly is he trying to do...

Why did the gods commit suicide? What is the significance of this act?

Is it punishing Otto for his sins, or does the gods not know the answer to this question?

St. Freya, Office of the Dean.

Teresa and Himeko are considering a reasonable explanation for these two problems.

Teresa: "I think it's probably a revelation. "

"The question that grandpa just asked is how to come back from the dead."

"This kind of question involves the underlying rules of the world, and even the gods can probably only give some hints vaguely."

Himeko: "Gods... suicide..."

"He took the form of Otto, and then drew his sword and killed himself."

"This gives me the feeling... It's like..."

Teresa: "Like?" "

Himeko: "It's like God is sending a signal to Otto." "

"-I won't tell you when I'm dead!"

Himeko looked like a joke and said what she really thought.

She had thought that Teresa would smile and spit out her answer as usual.

But this time, Teresa nodded seriously.

Teresa: "It's possible!" "

"Grandpa has not found trouble with collapse in the past five hundred years, and it is natural to be remembered and hated."

"What's more, the pictures that the gods showed for grandpa are all bad things that grandpa has done before."

"This seems to be actively embarrassing grandpa..."

Himeko smiled helplessly:

"I'm just kidding, you're the head of the analysis."

"But the light curtain said that this is a revelation, and Bishop Otto does not understand it now."

"But it seems that the timing of the gears of Lord Bishop's fate turned around, a major turning point in his life..."

"What the hell happened..."

Teresa sighed and said helplessly:

"Okay, that's it."

"What we considered, grandpa probably thought about..."

"I think that judging by the manifestation of the broken will, he may really know how to raise the dead."

"But why doesn't He say it directly, but express it by some action..."

Himeko: "It's really a strange thing..."

"Lord Bishop, those warriors of the previous civilization, now even the gods are included, one is more than a riddler!"

"It seems that we can only pin our hopes on the last video..."

Teresa: "Grandpa's future..."

"The final scene, it seems to be called Ragnarok, and it always feels a little wrong..."

The thought of seeing Otto's future made Teresa look forward to it.

As a product of Otto's paranoid experiment, Teresa is actually very curious about whether Grandpa has resurrected Karen...

But as the video says.

The meaning of dusk is not very wonderful...

And Otto is called a fool, not a clown.

Could it be said that his grandfather really did something big..... Long..

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