St. Freya, Office of the Dean.

After witnessing Otto's final ending, Teresa finally breathed a sigh of relief:

Teresa: "It's really intense..."

"Grandpa, in the end, he really did it."

"It's incredible..."

Himeko smiled: "Who said it wasn't, today was really eye-opening." "

"I knew that Otto was very powerful, but I didn't expect that even if he wasn't a soul steel body, he was still ridiculously powerful..."

"A person can use so many god keys, and he is proficient in the use of each god key."

"Your Honor, you must have been preparing for this day for a long time."

Teresa nodded:

"Five hundred years of combat experience has already made grandpa very powerful."

"Coupled with his dedication and persistence in Kalien, it will allow him to surpass his limits."

"Regardless of what bad things he has done before, just by the content of this video, I can proudly declare to the world that this is my grandfather, a real man."

"Himeko... Compared with my grandfather, am I really worthy of the position of bishop in the future..."

Himeko thought about the information mentioned in the picture for a while, and fell into thought for a while.

In the end, do you want to tell the truth...

After a few seconds, she nodded invisibly and said in Nicholas's tone:

"Frankly, Headmaster."

"If you want to be this Mandate Bishop, you are not qualified enough."

Teresa: "You won't be tactful!" "

Himeko smiled and said, "Just tell the truth, Headmaster. "

"Bishop Otto said the same in the picture, he said that you are growing into a great leader."

"Through the information given by the light curtain, we will definitely experience a lot of messy things in the next two years."

"And these things are probably enough to temper us."

"What's more, Bishop Otto is too clever enough to deal with all the problems of the Mandate of Heaven alone."

"And Dean Teresa's words, there must be helpers around, so don't worry."

"Trust your grandfather, with Bishop Otto's meticulousness and meticulousness, he will not easily do things that he is not sure of."

Teresa listened to Himeko's words and felt a lot relieved.

24 recalled the last words that Otto said to himself in the picture, and once again had a sour nose.

Yes, Otto had been thinking about Teresa all along.

In all the silence, he is also blessing Teresa to be a good leader, wishing Teresa to go her own way, and making the world forget her grandfather.

And among them, the Red Kite Immortal, the Law of Reason, will help Teresa.

Help her better govern Destiny and help her wash away the stains that Otto once left behind.

However, there seems to be something wrong with this...

Teresa fell silent.

She suddenly realized that something seemed strange.

The Red Iris Immortal is Fu Hua's classmate, and it is indeed correct and reasonable to help himself.

But the law of reason... Isn't it the ally of anti-entropy?!

Could it be that the future after grandpa left was infiltrated by anti-entropy?

Am I a puppet bishop?!

This... That's not right, right...

Theresa felt a little crisis in her heart.

But soon, this sense of crisis naturally dissolved.

Teresa is now the head of the Extreme East Branch of the Mandate of Heaven, and naturally knows the relevant information of the Mandate of Heaven branch.

She had heard Otto talk about something in his spare time.

In 1945, NANCY Edison, the chairman of GME, personally visited the headquarters.

She offered $13 billion in installment aid, hoping that Destiny would set up a branch in North America.

This is the famous "European Recovery Project" (based on the Marshall Plan based on the collapsed worldview, which is not equivalent to real history. )

At that time, Otto had not yet dissolved the council within the Mandate of Heaven, and those councillors felt that there were no vestiges of the previous civilization in North America, and the North American branch was just a tree without roots and could not become a threat to the headquarters.

$13 billion was pie in the sky, and the Senate passed Nancy's request.

Later, I heard from Otto that Princess Nancy seemed to have signed a research and development agreement with the local conquest for non-lethal weapons, and also helped the government train the army, turning the North American branch into a business, resulting in a very bad relationship with the headquarters.

Later, because of the Thanksgiving incident, the North American branch completely fell out with the headquarters, and two years later, it declared independence and established anti-entropy.

So in essence, inverse entropy is historically equivalent to the North American section of the Mandate of Heaven.

The fundamental reason why the Law of Reason and others are opposed to the Mandate of Heaven is the existence of Otto.

When Otto leaves, anti-entropy will most likely give up the infighting between humans, return to destiny, and fight together against collapse.

What's more, when Otto walked alone in the wasteland, he also talked about the fact that the lawyer of reason is a really good person.

This means that the elders of anti-entropy will assist themselves and forge a new path.......

Thinking of this, Teresa probably understood Otto's thoughts.

The burden of the future is heavy, and one day it will fall from my grandfather's shoulders and be borne by myself...

So, as Otto's granddaughter, as the heir to the next bishop of the Mandate of Heaven.

Teresa's eyes became firm.

Teresa: "You're right, Himeko. "

"Although the road ahead is difficult, there will be people who will walk hand in hand with me."


Teresa laughed:

"Himeko, you have to live these two years."

"The destiny of the future cannot be without you."

Himeko laughed and said:

"In a word, Headmaster, I won't be killed so easily."

"Oh, don't look at me like that, of course I know that my physical problems are being cured."

"Wait, am I falling on the head of the academy? No, your legs are not big at all..."

Teresa: "Himeko! "

A paradise of the past.

Thirteen Yingji watched the video the whole time and fell into a long period of contemplation.

For Otto's performance in the picture, for the scene when Otto ended, even if it was a thousand disasters of cognitive impairment caused by the side effects of supervariable surgery, he was faintly touched by this tragic picture.

Thousand Calamities: "I remember his name, Otto Apocalis." "

"Oh, if it weren't for the 50,000-year gap between us, I would really like to have a good fight with him."

Sakura smiled and said, "I think Otto should not be willing to fight you. "

"His last form is theoretically much stronger than you, but Otto is not obsessed with this power."

"In order to resurrect Kalien's ideal, he persevered for five hundred years, never changing."

"For that matter, he deserves my respect."

Eden: "What a romantic person..."

"Gamble everything you have to save your lover who died five hundred years ago."

"And in the end, he really succeeded."

"Otto's fate came to an abrupt end, but in exchange for the continued turn of Kalien's fate."

"It's just... These two did not succeed in meeting each other in the end, what a poignant story..."

Alicia: "Oh? Big stars have new musical inspiration? "

Aponia: "Otto... He probably has no less wisdom than Dr. May, but in the wrong direction. "

"In our time, he must also be a good leader..."

"The thread of fate cannot bind him, the rules of the world cannot bind him, and despite his achievements in life, Otto is indeed a man worthy of respect."

Mebius: "Oh, he's just been alive for a long time." "

"Five hundred years of time grind to make him seem so omnipotent."

"Yes, yes, he is very smart, but probably not as good as me and Mei, after all, this person's brain ah, all used on Kalien's body."

"Because of this, although he deserves respect, he is just a fool."

"Isn't this me scolding him, isn't his own pen name also Alpha the Clown?"

Phyllis: "Hmm... Sister Snake's words are completely impossible to refute ..."

Alicia: "Don't say that, Dr. Mebius. "

"Everyone has their own aspirations, and Otto's ambition is not in science, all he has been thinking about is Kalien."

"For Kalien, he gave everything he had, spent five hundred years defrauding the rules of the world, deceived Prometheus 17."

"Isn't that smart? I think Otto is too powerful! Even the gods can fool them. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Hehe, the fool I think is not just a summary of Otto's life."

"It also means that Otto's level of fooling can already fool the gods and the rules of the world."

"Ah, it's not easy to think about!"

Kevin: "Anyway... Even from a civilized point of view, Otto's role is also more beneficial than harmful. "

"With the Void, he has played a role in leading civilization to a certain extent, which is even greater than the role of us missing pioneers."

"Moreover, at the cost of his life, he squeezed out the most difficult laws of restraint."

"Either way, it's a thing to be celebrated."

"If I were still active in the world at that time, in the face of what Otto intends to do, I would probably choose adult beauty..."

Sue: "Indeed..."

"In the future, I have already made such a choice."

"Otto's future is something I can't see, but now I finally know why."

"This person actually stole the authority of Prometheus 17 to a certain extent... Incarnation as a deity. "

"For the development of the world, Otto's role must not be underestimated..."

Kosmo: "Since it is the observation of the Hengsha plan..."

"It seems that Otto is one of the keys to defeating Honkai..."

Kevin: "..."

"Hopefully, the next generation of humanity should have the opportunity to prove itself."

"And I, we, have to cover their actions."

"After all, I don't want to carry out the Stigmata Plan if it is not necessary..."

Hearing Kevin's words, Wilvie laughed:

"Oh, Kevin seems to be in a hurry."

"Under normal circumstances, you would not say such a thing as expecting future generations to make achievements."

"How to say, the second exposure did not see you, do you suspect that you are violent in the next civilization?"

Kevin: "..."

"Vilvie... It's not impossible..."

"But the stigmata remains... At least it shows that there is nothing wrong with the stigmata center..."

"I probably... is in a relatively abnormal state, unable to move freely..."

"I only hope that the next exposure can bring me the answer..."

Saying that, Kevin looked at the light curtain, and his eyes became calm.

For him, all issues must be judged above civilization.

Whether Otto is good or evil, Kevin doesn't care.

What he really cared about was what Otto could do for civilization and whether he could assist in the implementation and implementation of the Stigmata Project.

After all, after the end comes, everything will lose its value.

Just like the previous civilization.

At the moment, he is looking forward to the next exposure of the video.

He is looking forward to this exposure, which will bring him some truly valuable information...

St. Freya, student dormitory.

Otto's exposure is over, and the light curtain is in the preparation stage for the next exposure.

At this moment, the attention of Kia and others has not been withdrawn from the picture.

They are not to blame for this.

Otto's final battle was too surprising.

He dragged his heavy body alone and faced thousands of troops alone, but in the end he was victorious.

He stepped with his feet in a pool of blood, walked alone in the dark for five hundred years, and finally achieved his long-cherished wish.

The miracle of coming back from the dead, Otto did it!

At this moment, Kiana and the others were directly stunned in place.

It wasn't until Fu Hua sighed first that he summoned everyone's consciousness back.

Fu Hua: "In any case, the future Otto really got his wish." "

"Five hundred years ago, he told me that 667 he was going to find a way to resurrect to save Kalien, and I thought he was ridiculous."

"But now, he's proven himself."

Bud Yi wiped the corners of his eyes:

"But... This is perhaps a miracle that only Otto can create. "

"In the end, he actually resurrected Karin, not in some form, but really went back to five hundred years ago to save her..."

"This is... Travel through time..."

Kiana: "Bishop Otto is really powerful!" "

"Although we became enemies for some reason after that, Miss Ben still greeted him!"

"What do you think, Nha Yi!"

Bud Yi: "Common sense, Bishop Otto has done a lot of good deeds in his life, but also harmed countless people. "

"We can't forgive him for Leana, Joyce, Eleanor, and countless children who died in human experiments."

"However, as far as Bishop Otto's life is concerned, he has indeed accelerated the development of human civilization and made outstanding contributions in various fields."

"He is really a very contradictory person, as the subtitles say, Otto seems to have become the embodiment of contradiction..."

Bronia: "Bronia felt that Bishop Otto was right. "

"He doesn't need our judgment, because every one of his merits is huge."

"I think calling Otto the fool is the most appropriate description."

"A fool who has been alone for five hundred years has finally obtained a world of his own."

Fu Hua smiled: "Okay, no need to worry about Otto anymore." "

"He is indeed dead in the picture, but in reality he is still alive and well."

"Talk about the Bishop of Destiny wantonly, beware of being monitored by the eyeliner left by Otto."

Kiana: "Huh?!" Bishop, he will not be so careful to let people say anything. "

Fu Hua: "Otto is notoriously careful, and everyone knows about the Karian fantasy banning incident back then. "

"What's more, although Otto is not very old, he has experienced so many things that it is difficult to make a specific judgment."

"Therefore, when I notice Otto's death, I pay more attention to whether his long-cherished wish has been fulfilled."

"If Karen is really resurrected, then Otto's life is a success and a hero."

"On the contrary, he has become the walking shadow in his mouth, the person who points fingers."

"For now, Otto finally fulfilled his wish, and for this reason, he even became a believer in the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and became a god of the Innate World."

"So, no matter how much I hate his character and what he does, I will still respect him a little."

Bronia: "Bishop Otto... I've been recognized by the Red Kite Immortals..."

Bud Yi: "Okay, just listen to the squad leader, Bishop Otto's affairs are in the past." "

"It's just that he seems to be in trouble for us in the next two years..."

Kiana: "Don't worry, Nha Yi." "

"Anyway, in the end, Miss Ben is so powerful, if he dares to provoke us, hehe, Miss Ben will beat him all over the ground to find his teeth!" ......。

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