Genshin World.

Meru, Jozen Palace.

The skirmish looked at Kevin's state at the moment and shook his head with a smile.

Skirmishers: "I can see that he really trusts his girlfriend." "

"If it were me, I would not agree to this almost impossible operation, and I would educate the person who asked me to do this operation."

"Kevin, huh... He made me feel like a recruit. "

Nassida: "Actually, what you said is only one of the reasons. "

"Kevin, this person, is simple and complex in his heart, although he is not as naïve as Otto of the same age, but his actions are still not so naïve."

"Frankly speaking, Kevin now has a certain tendency to self-destruct in his heart."

skirmishers: "? "

"Oh, indeed, this kind of surgery has to participate, and the tendency to self-destruct is indeed strong."

Nasida nodded: "The light curtain said that before the second exposure begins, Kevin's psychological change will be presented. "

"So, just by focusing on this, you can clearly see the overall change in Kevin."

"The Death Law of the Broken World is actually an important node in Kevin's change."

"At that time, Kevin missed the opportunity to kill the Lawyer because of his soft heart, causing the Lawyer to escape, using his ability to kill the entire city."

"Actually, Mei's reminder is not wrong."

"Like the desert behind the sand-proof wall, the heart of the lawyer of death is actually quite empty and desolate."

"Her feelings and humanity are false."

"This incident was like a knife that pierced Kevin deep into his heart and left a wound."

"He blamed himself, blamed himself for his soft-heartedness, blamed himself for killing the civilians of the city."

"This self-blame continued until the outbreak of the seventh collapse..."

The skirmishers listened to Nasida's description and suddenly laughed:

"Bouyer, you don't want to say that Kevin participated in this operation to atone for his sins."

"What kind of joke, man is killed by the law of death, what does it have to do with him."

"It's better to say that the top management did not expect Kevin's weakness to cause this disaster."

"Huh... To be reasonable, the group of guys above should go to atone for their sins. "

Nasida: "Ahma, you are about the same age as Otto, and it is normal to see many things." "

"But Kevin is different."

"Have you forgotten that Kevin's essence is still a kind young man."

"Now he feels like a slime slowly growing armor, this is not an escape, and growing armor is only to protect himself."

"997 I observed his heart, so I felt that it was very logical and reasonable for him to be the first experimental subject."

"The matter of the Law of Death caused him to fall into self-blame, thinking that his own momentary kindness had killed everyone."

"His heart has since become firm, and at the same time he is remorseful."

"If you become stronger, strong enough to grasp all the actions of the lawyer, will the outcome change?"

"He was tormented by this state of mind for a long time, until he encountered this experiment."

The skirmish interrupted with a chuckle:

"Okay, okay, I see."

"Kevin, out of his support for his girlfriend's work and his inner self-blame, chose to be the first subject."

"He feels that this is the weight he should bear, and once the operation is successful, he will gain great strength, and human technology will be improved, and he can fight the collapse disaster more efficiently."

"As for failure, huh... Kevin will only feel that he deserves it, that it is retribution. "

"Who told themselves that they killed so many people, and they didn't deserve it?"



"Is this self-destructive tendencies? Is this person showing up for this? He didn't know what Mei would think if he died, and did he know that if he died, the Fire Moth would lose an elite. "

"May may also blame herself for grief, affecting normal scientific research; It will take another three years for the Fire Moth to cultivate a captain who can lead troops and fight against the lawyers. "

"There will always be sacrifices on the road of mankind against Honkai, but in the order of sacrifice, Kevin must be ranked last."

"This guy is really... Too young, too young..."

Nasida looked at the skirmishers' somewhat hideous smiles, and shook her head helplessly.

She knows that skirmishers are the most understanding of human nature and the least understanding of human nature.

He knows the darkness and chaos of human nature, but knows little about its fortitude and sacrifice.

Therefore, in his world, Kevin's behavior is irresponsible.

However, Nasida is difficult to say.

After all, from an outsider's point of view, Nasida also thinks that Kevin's behavior is a little reckless.

As a matter of common sense, any experiment needs an experimental subject.

The Amilido Institute, which studies biology, is also raising mice to experiment with various drugs or for human dissection.

For the latest fusion warrior technology, although Nasida does not know what DNA is, she can also vaguely perceive the meaning of this term and the danger of the experiment.

Such a new technology should look for those who do not matter as the first experimental subject, and then develop it to Kevin's important combat power after the technology matures.

(CHDI) In fact, the Fire Moth did intend to do the same.

But since Kevin took the initiative to come forward, the people above were eager to see the results, so they allowed the experiment to continue.

Fortunately, the experiment succeeded.

With a zero percent probability, it turned out to be successful.

Until this moment, Nasida, the god of wisdom, felt a trace of discord.

Kevin meets Mei, joins the Moth of Fire, tastes the bitter fruit and is promoted to the fusion warrior, all of which seems to be doomed...

"It's such a weird sense of fatalism..."

"Could it be that there is some will to arrange all this..."

Nasida whispered to herself, her expression becoming complicated...

And skirmishers, apparently did not notice it ...

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Otto looked at Kevin in the experimental cabin, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

Otto: "Good, I've confirmed it now. "

"With the current technical level of Mandate of Heaven, it can't support the manufacture of fusion warriors."

"It's a bit expensive..."

Lauderdale frowned slightly:

"Fusion warrior..."

"Theoretically, humans with the genes of the Avalanche Beast can be called fusion warriors."

"Lord Bishop, strictly speaking, Senior Teresa seems to be counted as a member of the fusion warrior."

Otto waved his hand and said with a smile:

"No, my lovely granddaughter is far from it."

"You're right, but there's a difference between fusion warriors."

"Teresa is a gene born with it, and Kevin is an acquired gene."

"It's just that this process is different, and the technical fault line involved is already insurmountable."

"After all, you also know that the six-core Void Lawyer Celine was even killed in an instant under Fu Hua's hands, but Teresa couldn't do this."

"My old friend is a fusion warrior of the former civilization."

Lauderdale was silent.

She recalled the battle between the Red Kite Immortal and the Void Lawyer, and recalled the battle that was like crushing.

Fusion warriors kill lawyers, it seems that this is so easy...

On the other side, Rita looked at the light curtain with a little doubt in her eyes.

As an S-class Valkyrie of Destiny, Rita certainly knows the meaning and concept of the Lawyer.

They are the apostles of Collapse, the enemies of mankind, who came to destroy civilization and took the place of Collapsed Will.

But after watching the exposure about Otto throughout the process, Rita no longer believes this statement.

Both Lawyers of the Two Agents are fighting for humanity, as are the future Laws of Fire and Void.

They all seem to have a strong human nature... This is the most inconsistent with the former civilized lawyers...

Rita looked at Otto and asked suspiciously:

"Lord Bishop, according to Rita's observations, the former civilized lawyers, compared to now, are much more cruel..."

"Whether it's the Law of Death who mercilessly kills the entire city, or the Law of Flame who sets fire to the survivors' camp."

"Although those killed were the ones they once wanted to protect, they seemed to... did not show the slightest sense of guilt..."

"When this generation collapsed for the second time, the Void Law did not kill the experimental subject girl next to him.... In contrast, Rita felt that the law of the former civilization was very problematic, and it seemed that even existence itself was not consistent with the current civilization. "

"Is there anything wrong with this..."

Otto looked at Rita with interest, with a hint of approval in his eyes.

Otto: "It's you, Rita, who observes very carefully." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"In that case, I think you must have found a similar answer in the light curtain."

Rita nodded slightly:

"Lord Bishop, Rita has indeed noticed a brand new term in the barrage."

"The former civilized Ms. Mebius, seems to have come up with an interesting term-"


Lauderdale: "? "

"What you observed... Is it so careful? "

Rita: "As it should be, Lord Lauderdale." "

"This is the duty of a good maid."

Otto smiled: "That Dr. Mebius, I have turned to her records in the Void. "

"She was a learned biologist who controlled technology ahead of her time. It is said that the immortal body has also been achieved to a certain extent. "

"All in all, it can be confirmed that she is one of the fusion warriors and a scholar with a great status in the former civilization."

"There is still some credibility in what comes out of this population."

Rita: "Nasida of the Genshin World was once a little puzzled, wondering what kind of monster the Honkai Beast was. "

"Ms. Mebius' assessment is that they are alien creatures... It is the organ of the cocoon. "

"Could it be that Lord Bishop knows about this?"

Otto: "I don't know if I told you that in 1969, the Apollo 11 spacecraft sent by Antientropy successfully landed on the moon. "

"But the group of people with anti-entropy, after returning, are like having aphasia, asking and not saying anything."

"In the next ten days, our people also successfully landed on the moon and saw something strange."

"Hehe, that thing on the far side of the moon is not something that humans can measure right now..."

Lauderdale: "Lord Bishop... Behind the moon... What's there? "

Otto: "An empty city, a ruin, a large amount of soul steel remains, and..."

"A strange creation..."

"The former civilization called it the cocoon of the end."

Rita: "Worthy of being the Lord Bishop, he is really well-informed." "

Lauderdale: "What is that... It sounds like it has something to do with the Ultimate Lawyer..."

Otto waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Your bishop doesn't know everything, and this information is just something I found casually in the Void."

"It was only today that I saw the barrage of Mebius that I had a trace of this kind of thing."

"Now it seems that the news of the Mandate of Heaven and the anti-entropy blockade of the moon is correct, otherwise who knows how big a Louzi will be stabbed."

"Okay Rita, back to your question."

"That barrage of Mebius just now gave me some ideas, she was right, pure Avalanche Beasts were not born from Earth."

"How can there be such a silicon-based behemoth in the world of carbon-based life, huh... I'm afraid they all come from the release of the final cocoon. "

"The specific principle is most likely related to imaginary space, after all, we have never seen the Honkai beast turn into a meteorite and fall from the moon."

"And the lawyer, the probability is the same."

"I don't know the specific principle yet, after all, I don't even know what the will to collapse is."

"But that doesn't prevent me from speculating."

"The so-called lawyers, especially those who did not have humanity in the previous civilization, are most likely cocoon consciousness."

Rita: "Cocoon's consciousness..."

Otto nodded: "The consciousness of the cocoon replaces the consciousness of people, creating puppets in the real world, and performing the task of destroying civilization." "

"Therefore, the former civilized lawyers, who seem to have little humanity, even if they do, they all pretend."

"In this video, Kevin stepped on this pit and killed people in a city."

"But what I don't understand is why the lawyer of the current civilization is so different from the previous civilization..."

"The humanity of the two Walter and Celine is not pretended, for a high-ranking being, this is worthless and unnecessary..."

"If you look at this logic, the collapsed consciousness between the cocoon and the lawyer does seem a little redundant..."

"Is it a political commissar who does ideological work for lawyers? Is it the overseer in charge of supervision? Interesting, the former civilized lawyer is the consciousness of cocoons, and the existence of the so-called commissar or overseer is not needed at all. "

"The last era must have done something against the Cocoon of the End..."

Saying that, Otto showed a rare expression of awe.


"The amount of information exposed this time is really huge..."

"The study of Honkai by the former civilization is probably infinitely close to the essence..."

On the other side, Lauderdale and Rita no longer understood what Otto was saying.

These things are fundamental, directly subverting the worldview of the two.

The further back Otto's explanation goes, the more it becomes self-talk.

And what surprised the two the most.

The bishop, who usually has a good grasp in his chest, will show an expression of awe today.

This made it clear to them that even Otto Apocalis had doubts about the nature of the lawyer.

For a long time, Otto smiled and shook his head:

"Okay, I admit defeat."

"We are interested in Honkai... I really don't know anything..."

"It seems that this exposure of Kevin must contain the truth of Honkai."

"Huh... It's interesting, it's worth spending time researching..."

St. Freya, student dormitory.

Kiana and the three only felt that the painting style changed too quickly.

One second it was a youth love idol drama, and the next second it directly began to slaughter the city.

The strong sense of discord made all three feel a little fearful.

After a long time, Bud Yi sighed with emotion:

"The former lawyer of civilization... Is that terrible..."

"In comparison, the third collapse of the current civilization seems to be just a small trouble..."

Kiana: "It's just that I feel that those lawyers, so cunning, they know to use the pity of others to continue to wreak havoc!" "

"Compared to that, I even think that the Third Law Seal in the Bud Clothes Body is a lot cuter!"

Bronia: "Compared to the Lawyers, humans are still too fragile..."

Fu Hua listened to the conversation between the three and nodded in approval.

Fu Hua: "Indeed, the price of defeating the lawyer is very high. "

"So, the fusion warriors appeared."

"Kevin's metamorphosis, from here..."

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