The picture changed again, and Hua's image changed greatly.

A year has passed since that day's conversation.

Her skin became a little tanned, and she had several more scars on her body.

After learning the truth from Beimah, Hua joins an organization called the Fire Moth.

Captain Bei Mihu took good care of her, like a confidant sister, and like a mother in Hua's impression.

This made her feel the care of humanity in the last days.

Although Hua is still very confused.

But she was acutely aware that she had to protect civilians, protect her squad.

Honkai will take the lives of all those who cherish it, like Carol, like his father.

You can't let your tragedy repeat itself.

Collapse must be destroyed.

Several pictures flashed, which were Hua's various experiences in the past year.

There are images of soldiers in military uniforms and holding rifles.

There is a picture of fighting side by side with Beyahu and killing the Honkai Beast.

There are pictures of playing with comrades and smiling heartily.

There are also scenes of wearing dresses and watching the captain dance on the dance floor.

Like a comic strip, the scene changes rapidly.

Hua's transformation became clearer, as if he had changed his person.

She has long lost the youth of a student, and there seems to be light in her eyes, and she does not see the confusion and sadness of the past.

Everyone knows that Hua regards the fifth squad as his home.

In the face of collapse, humanity must be united.

For Hua, who has lost her loved ones, the fifth squad is her few "homes".

Everything went that way.

The fourth collapse, the fifth collapse, the sixth collapse.

Hua has participated in almost all battles and even assisted the ace warrior of the headquarters - Kevin Kaslanna.

She witnessed the cruelty of the lawyer and witnessed the horror of the collapse.

At the sixth breakdown, Kevin was soft-hearted.

In the face of the Death Lawyer who knelt on the ground with tears in his eyes, he finally failed to pull the trigger in time.

But before civilization, the lawyer is, after all, an empty shell without feelings.

Seizing that momentary hesitation, the Law of the Dead unleashed his power.

Mass civilians died from the plague, and the fire-chasing moth paid a heavy price.

As an audience member of that incident, Hua knew that he could not be soft in the face of any lawyer.

However, there has always been a faint hope in her heart.

I may continue to go like this with the fifth squad.

Until the day when humanity triumphs over Honkai.

However, life is always full of variables and irony.

The catastrophe of the sixth collapse has not been completely stopped, and the seventh collapse has followed.

In the picture, there is a road sign with a kangaroo drawn.

This is Australia, where Hua and the fifth squad carry out their missions.

In order to neutralize the influence of the Law of Death, Beimahu was ordered to come here and lead the team to carry out the clean-up work.

This is the area with the highest concentration of people, and there can be no mistakes.

However, Hua will never forget the picture in front of him for the rest of his life.

The clouds in the air were gathered by the fierce wind, and meteorites with swaying tail flames descended from the sky.

He beckoned everyone to stop and took out his device to observe the data.

Her expression gradually became surprised, and the device showed that the concentration of Avalanche Energy was soaring!

At the same time, the temperature of terror is gradually soaring.

He dropped his device and shouted at the crowd:

"Find cover!"

The words did not fall, and the expression of humble humility gradually became dull.

She seemed shocked by the situation and didn't know what to say.

Buzz - buzz -

Alarms sounded from the air, and the fifth squad immediately raised its vigilance.

Hua immediately did so and hid in the boulder beside him.

She knew that the captain's instructions were correct.

The collapse energy rises to a certain concentration, and an explosion is about to occur.

There are indications that Australia is the site of the seventh collapse.

This is why Hua should not be vigilant.

Lawyers, I don't know where they will suddenly appear.

"I hope the captain and comrades are okay..." Fu Hua prayed secretly.

However, before the words fell, the explosion sounded.

Hua's vision was covered in flames.

She heard her comrades shouting captain.

She heard countless screams.

At this moment, she was dumbfounded.

The crisis came so suddenly that she was overwhelmed.

Whether to go out and save everyone, Fu Hua's heart began to entangle.

With such a flame, you will definitely die if you go out.

But hiding here, can you survive?

Do you want to let the dead and the broken beasts kill the captain and their comrades wantonly?

I think of the captain's voice and smile, and I think of the friendship of my comrades.

Thinking of my father, thinking of Carol.

Hua slammed the ground, picked up the rifle in his hand, and rolled out of the cover.

She is going to save the captain and save her teammates.

Even at the expense of himself, Hua wants to protect these "families".

The flames stopped, and Fu Hua picked up the gun.

And after she saw the picture in front of her, the whole person suddenly froze.

Where there are dead men, where there are broken beasts.

The one who killed his teammates in front of him was his own captain——

Humble Woohoo!

With a bang, the rifle in Hua's hand fell to the ground.

She stared blankly, and the whole person seemed to have lost something important.

In his mind, the various pictures of Captain Yu getting along slipped like a movie.

The captain who cares about himself.

That wise captain.

The captain who was gentle all the time turned into such a gesture at this moment.

She still has a humble voice and smile, and still wears the black robe that she loves.

However, her eyes were dull, and her pupils were full of fire.

The black robe fluttered to reveal snow-white legs, and the hair mixed with flames raged in the world.

She laughed like a witch.

Hua watched her quietly.

Watch her burn the earth and watch her kill her teammates one by one.

The captain in the impression has long disappeared.

In his place was a terrifying lawyer.

The seventh lawyer, born in the body of inferiority....

Hua lowered her head, seemingly never noticing the flames around her.

She quietly picked up the rifle and wiped the smoke from the body.

In his ears, explosions continued to sound, and flames flew along his body.

Hua seemed to be in another world, not paying the slightest attention to all this.


She's tangled.

Recalling Kevin's past with the Law of the Dead, she knew she couldn't keep her hands.

Lawyers, must be killed.

However, when she turned the muzzle of the gun at Bei Mihu, her heart ached.

She couldn't pull the trigger....

Didn't it be decided long ago.

Doesn't it mean that all lawmakers should be killed?

But why is that.

Why can't I pull the trigger when facing the captain.

Hua looked at the captain blankly, watching Bei Mihu get closer and closer to him.

The temperature became hotter and hotter, and there was a tingling pain in my cheeks.

He still had a smile, but his eyes were empty.

She gently held her hand on Fu Hua's barrel.

Subsequently, the rifle melted into molten iron ....

"Are you going to die..."

Hua whispered softly.

"Why... It will be such an ending. "

"You are the one who saved me, and you are still the one who killed me."

"But, why you, why is the lawyer you..."

Hua closed her eyes.

She gave up fighting.

Her intuition told her that today, it was her time to die.

In the heat, she fell weakly and buried her face in her knees.

Just like when she first met the captain.

It's just that it was a light rainy night, and today is a scorching morning in Australia.

One second, two seconds.

Hua quietly waited for the judgment of the flames.

She was already powerless to save herself.

Three seconds, four seconds.

The expected flame did not arrive.

The sound of footsteps sounded, just like that night in Canghai City.

Hua opened his eyes, but there was no humble figure in front of him.

She turned her head sharply, but saw that Bei Mihu was taking steps, getting farther and farther away from her.

Even, he waved at himself.

Recalling the past of the Law of Death, Hua was stunned in place.

"Captain... Didn't kill me..."

"I'm from the fifth squad... The only survivor..."

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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