Outside the light curtain, someone was in the training lounge of the Tianming Branch.

Look at the picture in the video.........Look at your future self in the video.

Hollandale, her expression seemed a little complicated and a little confused.

It's not that I feel confused about that kind of future, or that I don't like it. only........When a person sees his future self, he will inevitably have some complex emotions that cannot be expressed in words.

Is it an accident or a surprise?

Or was it expected?

These are all possible.......

But what is undeniable is that the current Hollandale does have an indescribable complex emotion in her heart.

Hollander frowned slightly and said hesitantly.

"Is this the story of the future? future me.........I don’t know if I can get along well with Kiana and everyone in the"690".

I feel, hey........."

It seems that Hollandale still has a lot of things to worry about in her heart.

On the contrary, I was next to Youlandale, after watching the video in which Youlandale appeared in sports casual clothes with a new look in the future.........


Rita, she made a longing sound

"Is this the new look of Mr. Hollander in the future?

It feels pretty good too~~"

As she spoke, Rita continued to raise the corners of her mouth slightly.

It seems........She is indeed interested in all the styles of Hollandale.

But now, let’s focus back on the video. at this moment........Orlandale and Thunder Mei Yi........The two of them were looking at Kiana with very serious eyes.

As for Kiana, she also seemed to have done something bad.........He lowered his head in embarrassment, no longer daring to look directly at Youlandale and Raiden Meiyi.

Some are uncomfortable and some are guilty.

Kiana, she said to both Raiden Mei and Hollander at the same time

"You, don't stare at me like this. That's the result of artificial intelligence deduction, don't take it too seriously........"I really had a good meal." It seems that the reason why Kiana looks embarrassed now is because she really ate instant noodles secretly and was caught by Raiden Mei and her sister Yulandel!

Or is it? It’s easy to catch him.

No wonder.........The atmosphere in this place will look particularly serious now.

Outside the light curtain, this time the perspective shifted to the headquarters of the Fire Chaser Moth in the pre-civilization era.

Looking at the video, that embarrassed Kiana........

The heroes and warriors were also a little unable to hold on.

However, this scene also reminded everyone of someone.

Seeing Eden, she said with a slight smile.

"Uh-huh~~Eating instant noodles secretly.......The scene of being caught?

It’s really interesting~~

It always feels like it’s a bit like the scene when Kevin was caught by Dr. Mei..........."

Listening to the metaphor of Eden, all the heroes became happy and expressed their high approval of the metaphor of Eden just now. in fact.........The metaphor of Eden is indeed very correct.

Moreover, Kiana is a descendant of [Kaslana].

As for Raiden Mei, her appearance is almost exactly the same as Dr. Mei. so.........This scene can be said to be a perfect reproduction.

But, when the heroes and warriors were still having fun.

Dr. Mei as"myself".......

But with a serious expression, she shook her head and said

"No, although the metaphor of Eden does.

Such scenes are indeed very similar. only........If Kevin is caught secretly eating instant noodles.

In fact, he will never have any lines to refute or defend himself."

As soon as Dr. Mei's words fell.

Kevin next to him.......He suddenly didn't know what to do.

It seems that this is almost the case.

On the other side of the light curtain, in a training lounge of the Tianming Branch.

He looked at his future self and Raiden Mei, catching Kiana secretly eating instant noodles. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hollandale, her expression became more complicated.

She continued to sigh in a low voice.

"future me........Were you also involved in catching Kiana secretly eating instant noodles in the past few years?

Will I really become Kiana's sister in the future?

However, this is how it should be, right?

Instant noodles really don't have any nutrition.

The calories are not low either..........

But, can I really be a good sister in the future?"

I have been fighting almost all my life and getting stronger all my life........All the time is spent dealing with the [Honkai] Yolandel 0.......

She seemed to feel a little unsure about her identity.

And next to Youlandale, listening to Youlandale’s emotion just now........

As an adjutant, but also as a best friend.

Rita, she couldn't help but snicker.........

There's no particular reason.

It's just that she thinks that Hollander is particularly cute like this.[]

I will become someone else’s sister in the future.........This is really an interesting thing.

Continue to return to the video.

When Kiana was still covering up for herself and making excuses for herself........

Bronya, she once again played the role of"bad woman" and joined the conversation, reminding Hollander and Raiden Mei.

"Correction, this is a real incident restored by the artificial intelligence system based on surveillance video."

It seems that Kiana's excuses and cover-ups are of no use at all.

All of a sudden, Bronya has been severely exposed.

And, it seems.

Now Bronya, she It seemed that she didn’t intend to"let go" Kiana just like that. She continued to analyze and say

"I just took advantage of the fallibility effect in psychology and even greatly glorified the real healthy food in your cart that has almost disappeared in the tide of the times."

It seems that in the future world, videos like making 2.7 noodles will almost disappear in the tide of the times.

But Kiana, she still seems to be very fond of such instant noodles.

Maybe Because of........A certain bloodline of the [Kaslana Family] must have awakened in his body.

Facing Bronya's aggressiveness.

Now, Kiana has fallen into silence


It looked like she was probably thinking.

What kind of lines should be used to refute Bronya that would be more appropriate?.......

PS: I've been having some troubles recently, so updates have been delayed quite a bit. Why........

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