Outside the light curtain, the audience in the Honkai Impact 3 world.

Everyone is listening to the wishes of the heroes from the world of [Golden Garden] in the video. temporarily.....

Everyone's emotions have become a little more complicated.

Because everyone knows that these dreams have lost the possibility of realization.

But at the same time, everyone also knows.........These dreams are also fulfilled in some way.

Everyone’s thoughts were all displayed on the light screen through barrages.

【Kiana: Is this the wish of the heroes? always feel.........Their wishes are not much different from those of the pre-civilization era.】

【Raiden Mei: These are very simple wishes, I think..........The heroes of the pre-civilization era also prayed for peace and tranquility.】

【Alicia: Mei still understands us~~】

【Dr. Mei: Indeed, our ambition is to eliminate"Honkai". The ultimate core is just to regain the ordinary life we ​​once lived.】

【Otto: But you don't have that chance anymore..........】

【Kevin: Indeed, but as long as our ambition is accomplished, that will be enough】

【Alicia: That’s not right~~Our wishes have all come true, in that world of the Paradise of the Past.~~】

【Mebius: Indeed, if you want to say so, it is true】

【Dr. Mei: In a sense, 22......The Paradise of the Past is indeed the place where everyone idealizes their ambitions】

【Alicia: That’s the paradise for all us heroes.】

【Kiana: By the way, even if this is the case........I feel that everyone’s dreams will still be slightly different. and........I want to hear the real dream that belongs to him from Kevin’s mouth!】


As the discussion ended, the audience's attention returned to the video again.

Looking at the arrogant Qianjie.........

Alicia, she did not force the other party to reveal her"wishes".

After all, what he was thinking in his heart could actually be seen just now.

All I saw was Alicia. She turned her attention to Gratius next to her.

"It's your turn, little Gratius~~"

Alicia smiled and waited for Gratius to give her answer. only..........

For Gratitude at this age.

Life is quite carefree.

For her now, life at this moment is the best life. so........She doesn't have many wishes.

Simply put, Graciu transferred this problem to Kosmo next to him.

The difference with Gratio is that........in middle school........There are still many choices in life, and even Kosmo's personality has not yet been finalized.

The wishes and dreams he has are really too many.

I saw him rubbing his chin with his right hand, sinking deeply into deep thought.

"I.......Hope you can get into your ideal university?

No, it's a little early for me.

The most important thing right now is, now!!!

I hope that all collectible models with limited color matching of heroes will be available in the future!

No, no, it is more reliable to draw a miracle from a wish list.

Wait, that’s not too childish to say. never mind......Su, tell me."

There are so many wishes.

Kosma doesn't even know........Which one is your most desired wish?

As a last resort, Kosmo shifted the topic to Su next to him.

What's different from others is that Su's words.......

His dream is really easy to guess.

And without even thinking about it, he said what he had been hoping for all the time.

"May the patient recover.

May there be no more pain in the world."

This is probably what every doctor with professional ethics would hope for.

So.........Su's dream was very easy to guess.

However, after listening to Su’s wish.

Alicia's face looked a little troubled

"Su’s wish is a bit difficult~

Where is Eden?"

As she said that, the pink fairy turned her gaze to Eden beside her again.

She felt Alicia's expectant gaze.........

Eden, she spoke without thinking.

"As for me, I wish time would last forever at this moment!

Hope tomorrow.......It's just a lyric.

I’ll tell you later~~

So, what about you?"

Eden still hopes to maintain some mystery.

But maybe.........

Her wish was actually hidden in the lyrics she just wrote.

As for now, the topic has returned to Alicia herself.

Feeling everyone's eyes.........

Alicia, she also expressed her inner wish without thinking.

"My wish is very simple~~

I want to create an eternal paradise without disasters or wars. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone can pursue their ideals there.

Everyone can live happily."

Alicia's dream is actually the dream of everyone in the pre-civilization era [Fire Chaser].

It's a pity that.........

In this world, she has actually realized this wish.

But the heroes of the pre-civilization era failed.

Only a world called [The Paradise of the Past] has survived. over there........At least the heroes and heroes have fulfilled their dreams and wishes.

Now, basically all the viewers have expressed their inner wishes. the only one left........That's Kevin.

Feeling everyone's gaze.

Kevin, he also knows exactly what he wants to do now........

After thinking for a while, Kevin.

He finally spoke[]

"I have three wishes.......

First, I hope things go well.

Secondly, I hope to be in the same city as Mei next year and spend more time seeing each other."

Kevin's first two wishes are quite predictable.

As a social worker who works overtime every day, it is natural to hope that the work will go smoothly.

He also hopes to spend more time with Dr. Mei.........This goes without saying.

As for the last wish of 900, that’s a bit interesting.

It's really hard for anyone to guess.

Moreover, Kevin hadn't even had time to say his last wish.

Alicia, she interrupted Kevin

"I have been thinking about a question.......

What would our lives be like if we didn't meet each other?

Perhaps it is more beautiful to watch the sunrise with friends than to do it alone.

Those opportunities to meet make ordinary time burst into dazzling miracles.

Although the wishes made by each other will be difficult to realize in a short time......

But the seed called will has already taken root and sprouted in my heart.

Wait until spring for the gorgeous flowers to bloom.

And that spring will eventually come.

By the way Kevin, you haven't said your third wish yet."

After listening to Alicia's lines,

Kevin's expression became a little more serious, as if he had some realization.

Then, he looked up at the sunset that had finally risen and slowly said

"I hope........"

He only spoke, but no sound was heard.

No one knows what kind of wish Kevin made at the last moment.

This may be the final suspense of [Golden Courtyard].

As for now.......

It’s time to get started, looking forward to the next video!!!

PS: I am also working hard to update the code today!!!.

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