Outside the light curtain, the headquarters of Tianming.

Watch the barrage of people discussing issues on the light screen......

Otto, at this moment, he put his right hand on his chin and began to rub it.

This action of his means that he has begun to enter the thinking mode.

I saw him speaking analytically

"He was instantly killed by Kiana just now.........Is it really the true form of the evil god Suo?

Probably not.

That kind of existence cannot appear in an anthropomorphic manner.

That should just be........What Evil God Suo showed was just a part of his true body.

The real crisis has not yet been truly resolved. only..........

The gap is still too huge.

Before, I thought that if Xie Shensao was allowed to continue to grow, she would become a more difficult enemy.

But now after feeling the gap between her and [Final Yan].........

The threat she can bring is quite limited.

And, more importantly..........

She didn't even have the courage to fight Fu Hua head-on.

Now, after truly feeling the weight of [Endgame].........."

You can feel it from Otto's tone.

Although he did not think that the true form of the evil god Suo had just 567 completely disappeared into the [Quantum Sea].

But he also has the confidence that........

After feeling the overwhelming dominance of [Herrscher of the End], she probably won't have any other thoughts.

After all, the gap is too exaggerated!

Now, focus back on the video.

When Fu Hua lamented Yu Su's boldness, he was able to arrange for Kiana to cross the solar system to complete a crucial blow..........

Next to Yutu, she was also holding her cheek with her right hand, showing a somewhat sad expression, and slowly said

"However, in addition to your friend, No. 17 also always likes to give me difficult questions. You see, things here have just ended, and I have to worry about her new name again to fulfill my promise."

"..........Collapse of Will is obviously a good and appropriate name."

It's really something special that can make Yutu confused.

For example........New name for Prometheus (No. 17).

In Yutu's opinion, the most suitable name for No. 17 is obviously [Hengkai Will].

After all, countless efforts and sacrifices were made in the pre-civilization era..........Finally, there was a chance for No. 17 to find an opportunity, successfully intervene in [Endgame], and become a general existence like [Hengkai Will].

It is precisely because she became the [Honkai Will】.........Therefore, people like Kiana can succeed and still maintain human reason and humanity under the identity of the Herrscher!

So in Yutu’s view.........

There is no name more suitable for No. 17 than [Hengkai Will].

But, in No. 17’s own opinion.

Your most suitable name........In fact, it is still [Prometheus].

Just like in mythology, it brings hope to mankind.

That's exactly what she is.

Let the Herrscher become the strength of mankind........Let the Herrscher become the fire and hope of mankind.

This is the gift that Prometheus brought to mankind

【"Broken Will" is a literal meaning.

Prometheus, on the other hand, is a more meaningful and deeper concept. so.........

No. 17 himself prefers the name Prometheus.

But, outside the light curtain.

Listening to Yutu's troubles, the audience couldn't hold back any longer.

【Kiana: Huh? Was the trouble she was talking about just wanting to like the name Prometheus?】

【Raiden Mei: Collapse of Will........Prometheus.........I think the latter is better】

【Bronya: Honkai Will is more intuitive, while Prometheus is more charming.】

【Otto: It’s really a troublesome thing to be uneducated.】

【Dr. Mei: I think so too.........Prometheus would be a better name】

【Alicia: Hmm~~ It seems that everyone thinks so~ (cfbf)~】

【Eden: After all, it's a bit strange to directly call someone"Broken Will". Just call someone else......."Are they the same as"the moon, the sea, the fish, the cat"?】

【Kiana:? ? ? ? ? ? ?】

【Dr. Mei: Okay. It’s better not to dwell on this topic..........This is not the point. The focus should be on the follow-up to this video】

【Alicia: Yes, yes, yes~~ Dr. Mei is right, everyone should quickly lock their eyes and return to the light curtain~]

Eyes, continue to return to the video.

Also listening to Yutu’s worries.........

Fu Hua, her expression seemed a little speechless. to be honest........From her perspective, the problem Yutu was struggling with was actually a bit boring and meaningless.

It's just that Fu Hua can't express these words. and.........She didn't want to express such hurtful words.

More importantly, now is not the time to dwell on this.

Seeing Fu Hua, she once again put on a serious expression and asked Yutu a confirming question.、

"So, Mithline......Let's count now.....Has Suo been completely eliminated?"

In Fu Hua's own opinion, although this battle was indeed a victory.

Moreover, it was still an overwhelming victory.

It's just that..........

She still didn't have much joy and sense of victory. she always feels.........The evil god Suo has not been completely eliminated.

Listening to Fu Hua's question, Yu Tu.........Just as Fu Hua was worried, she gave a not too optimistic answer.

"Hmm, maybe it's a little bit worse? After all, her roots have already spread all over the Quantum Sea, and Kiana's blow only helped us eliminate her........The part exposed above the sea."

After all, it is an existence that imitates the [Cocoon of Finality].

If it can be easily and completely destroyed in such a simple way, it would be a bit too insignificant, and there is no need for humans to be so fearful.


Listen to Yutu's answer.

Next to her, Gracie began to worry again.

Because from her perspective.........

After all, the evil god Suo is still the enemy of mankind.

If she is not completely eliminated, she will still be a threat after all.

However, just when Gracie expressed concern.

Next to Yutu, she said with a slight smile again

"It's okay, Gratio, that's enough"

"Um. Based on our previous understanding of Suo, this blow will probably make her never dare to get close to the Earth and Pholos."

In a sense, the overwhelming strength of [Herrscher of the End][]

Perhaps it has scared the evil god Suo to death!!!

PS: Keep updating and keep working hard on coding!!!.

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