When Kevin was inside the light curtain, he said the words to activate the [Stigmata Project]. outside the light curtain.......Audiences of the Collapsed World in different timelines.

Everyone also showed different attitudes.

In the pre-civilization era, this side of the Fire Chaser Moth.

After watching the video, my future self made these words.

Kevin himself showed that he was not surprised at all. because he knows.......The Last Herrscher is not something that can be solved so easily.

As for those [plans], Kevin himself didn't have much hope.

Although it was an extremely [unbearable victory].

But other than that, humans have no other choice.

But when thinking this way, Kevin couldn't help but glance at Dr. Mei beside him.

What is a little different from Kevin is that....

Knowing that all other plans in the future have failed, only the [Stigma Project] is left to try.

Dr. May, her expression was not very optimistic.

I saw her frowning slightly and saying

"Have humans finally made the worst choice? indeed.......【"Stigmata Project" has 100% confidence that it can overcome"Collapse". but i don't want.......You become a sinner to humanity, Kevin."

Kevin:"It doesn't matter, as long as it is for the victory of mankind, my sacrifice.......negligible."

What a heartbreaking line in response to Dr. May.........

On the other side, here is St. Freya Academy.

The"Yu Sanjia" who have no knowledge of the pre-civilization era.

The girls at this moment don’t know what the [Stigma Project] actually means........

Kiana, she continued to scratch the back of her head and said in confusion.

"em......【Stigma Project]?

What it is?

Is it the [Stigmata] used by our Valkyries?

Were they the ones who created the [Stigmata] more than 1,500 years ago?"

Kiana, who knows nothing about the pre-civilization era, is not surprised that she would think of the [Stigmata Project] in this way.

But.......These things she just said have nothing to do with the [Stigmata Project].

Next to her, Raiden Meiyi kept her brows slightly furrowed as she continued what Kiana had just said.

"What Kevin said [Stigma Project】........It's not what you think, Kiana........But I don’t know what the so-called [Stigma Project] actually means."

After saying that, Lei Dian Meiyi continued to shake his head.


Bronya took up their topic again

"Indeed, I don’t quite know what the so-called [Stigmata Project] is.

But the title says.......Kevin seems to be the [villain].

Therefore, I feel that [Stigma Project] should be something bad."

As soon as Bronya finished speaking, the three members of the Yusan family tacitly locked their eyes back on the light screen.........

The video continues to play.

Listen to what Kevin just said......

Su, he immediately opened his eyes that had been squinted before.

He looked extremely nervous and serious.

Walking forward, Su got close to Kevin and shouted loudly

"you mean........We must start the [Stigmata Project] now】?"

"【Project Stigma] is our final move. Even if it succeeds, all mankind will pay a huge price!"

"According to Dr. Mei's arrangement.......Only other plans are......."

He didn't wait for Su to finish what he just said.

Kevin, he gently pushed Su away from him.

He was also very sad and painful and responded.

"Now, all other plans have failed!"

Kevin's tone was also very determined.

Now he seems to really think that.......Humanity has no other choice.

I saw him rebutting Su and saying,

"The [Fire Project] carried out in China, after we handed over knowledge to this generation of humans, the powerful Judgment-level Honkaimon was born"

"Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu also died at the hands of the Honkai Beast [Chi You].

Facts have proved that as civilization accelerates its development, collapse will come faster."

"As for your [Hengsha Plan]】........You have been observing in the Key of the Second God for 50,000 years and still found nothing."

"Even though the number of observable universes is increasing exponentially, there are still 1,500 years before the Herrscher of the End is about to arrive. Are you sure you'll find the answers we need before the last second?"

Kevin's words were heartbreaking.

Su stood in front of him.......There is absolutely no room for rebuttal

【The launch of the Stigmata Project has become inevitable!......................................

PS: The minimum is stable at around 3-4 updates per day. Depending on the situation, there may be more updates. If there is any data to encourage you, Xiaopoujie will explode immediately! So, dear readers, please give the little author some motivation to work hard!!!!!!

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