Outside the light curtain, inside [The Paradise of the Past].

Looking at the Herrscher of Knowledge in the video, she was so easily deceived by Raiden Mei's provocation.

All at once!

Alicia couldn't help but burst into laughter once again.

"Hmm~~ It’s really interesting....

This Herrscher of Little Knowledge is so naive.........It was so easy to be deceived. but.......She probably knew that it was a provoking method.

It's just that she is willing. in a sense.......She is the opposite of Hua.

After all, Hua would not refuse an order. but........Society of Lawyers of Knowledge......This is really quite interesting.

The Herrscher of Sensing Consciousness, she makes up for Hua’s shortcomings very well.~~"

Alicia, she seems to be very interested in the Herrscher of Knowledge.

As for now, the focus is back on video. communication through consciousness.........

On Kiana's side, she also heard the lines spoken by Mei Raiden and Herrscher of Knowledge just now.......After knowing the nature of this plan, Kiana also began to become worried.

She said with some worry

"However, under such circumstances, projecting consciousness......Wouldn't it be dangerous?"

Although Kiana knows that this matter must be completed now.

But Kiana, she is still worried about her friends instinctively.

It's just that........Under the comfort of teammates........Kiana quickly relaxed again.

After all, now she has to accept the advice of her companions.

I saw her speaking like this

"If the responsibility of making everyone equal to Kevin falls on my shoulders......

I certainly would not refuse every help offered to me."

After getting Kiana's consent,.......


In another space in 673, Leiden Meiyi and Herrscher of Knowledge also immediately started operating.

Moreover, as the two of them began to screen and filter the consciousness of other Herrschers,..........

On Kiana's side, the fog in front of her began to fade quickly.

The road ahead is gradually becoming clearer.

But at the same time.......Kiana's connection with her companions seems to be gradually weakening.

I saw her shouting

"fog......It did weaken a little bit.

Mei? Bronya?

The Lawyer of Knowledge?"

While walking towards the front........Kiana called out to her friends.

But it's a pity.......There was no response from her friends in her mind.

It seems that she is temporarily disconnected.

But think about it and you know.......The road has already come here.......

That means that the next path can only be completed by Kiana herself.

Outside the light curtain, inside the Tianming headquarters.

Look at the scene in the video.........Looking at Kiana who was left alone.

On Otto's side, he showed a real expression

"Um........The next road can only be completed by Kiana herself.

Therefore, now she can only continue her journey alone. over there.......What is the process of becoming [Herrscher of the End] like?"

As he said that, Otto's expression began to become expectant.

His gaze returned to the video.

He walked alone in [Subway Station 1]........

Kiana was in front and saw (afbi) a garbled TV series.

And in the garbled code, Kiana vaguely saw a scarlet eyeball.......

The identity of this eyeball has probably been confirmed.

Although I have never really fought against"her"........

But after experiencing those things, I also connected with the consciousness of other Herrschers.

Now 1, Kiana knew who appeared in front of her.

I saw Kiana at this time, she spoke seriously to the"TV"

"We'll show you what kind of things deserve to last forever......It can also exist forever."

This is the promise Kiana made to her after learning about the failure and past of [The Herrscher of Corrosion], as well as her wishes. As

Kiana's words just fell.

She obtained the Law of Corrosion Recognized by the lawyer, she successfully unified the authority of a lawyer.

At the same time,.......

In front of Kiana......."Buzz~~"In an instant, a door shining with white light appeared in front of Kiana.

This time, it’s Kiana who has accepted everyone’s help........There was no longer any resistance in her heart.

After confirming her inner thoughts, Kiana continued to speak.

"It doesn't matter......This is an opportunity that everyone worked hard to create for me.

Not only this time........

It started more than ten years ago, when I met my dad and the others.

I'm already on this path."

Speaking, Kiana took steps forward......He walked directly into the door that was shining with white light.

In an instant!

White light illuminates the entire screen........

When the light curtain weakens and recedes.

Kiana, she is already in another brand new space. here.......It is a green grassland! ?

However, the scene before her somewhat reminded Kiana of past stories.

Outside the light curtain, in St. Freya Academy.

Look at this grassland.......

Kiana, she tilted her head and made a confused sound

"em.......The scene here looks a bit familiar.......Does it count as having seen it somewhere?"

As soon as Kiana finished her words, Bronya immediately made a sarcastic voice.

"Paramecium's memory is still as bad as ever........Isn't this where we were during the decisive battle with [Herrscher of Wind]?"

Listening to Bronya's explanation, Kiana suddenly understood, and then scolded Bronya,"Who are you talking about

? left, and returned to the video with focus.

The story is still playing.........

After passing through a vast expanse of white light, we came to a brand new space.

He slowly opened his eyes and took in the scene in front of him.

Kiana, she was a little surprised and said

"here it is.......

This is the battlefield where the three of us faced the Herrscher for the first time.

It is also a tragic stage."

It seems.......In Kiana's eyes.......The battle with [Herrscher of Wind] was a completely tragic battle.

However, this is indeed the case.

Wendy was once an"A Valkyrie" who fought for humanity."[]

But it's a pity.......

She became a victim of Otto's conspiracy.

The story of the Herrscher of Wind is a story full of sadness.

But now is not the time to lament the past.

I saw Kiana, she took steps again.......He walked towards the small windmill standing in the center of the space.

Looking at the"little windmill" that could represent Wendy, Kiana said with a solemn expression.

"Wendy, what you didn’t have time to tell Bronya at that time, she already knew.

We all understand that you are a gentle and strong girl. everything we do now......

It is precisely because everyone's happiness is far more important than the Herrscher's power."

As soon as Kiana's words fell,.....

A gust of green breeze came from nowhere, gently blowing the wheel of the small windmill.

Kiana, she was recognized by the Herrscher of Wind.

The authority of the Lawyer has been successfully unified with one more person.

And the door shines with white light.......Appeared in front of her again........

Without too much hesitation, Kiana immediately took steps.......

After a burst of shining white light, Kiana came to the next space again.

This time the scene was a field of gorgeous white flowers. it's here.......Kiana seemed to remember something........

Looking at the small silver cube in front of her, Kiana already knew which Herrscher's representative it was.

I saw Kiana taking steps forward, came to the front of the cube and said

"Looks so familiar.......It's [your] thing, right?"

Here, the"you" Kiana said is exactly the [Herrscher of the Sky].

For Kiana.......The Herrscher of the Void has a certain meaning.

It brings pain and sadness, but it also brings strength and responsibility. and.......Now Kiana, she also knows her true identity very well.

Therefore, I saw her speaking to the silver-white cube again.

"Although I can't convince you......

But at that time, you let me go down the path of my choice.

You only recognize the results, although I don't think that should be everything. but.......【The result] is indeed of great significance."

As soon as Kiana's words fell, there was a faint vibration as if in response to Kiana's words.

Then, another sentence with a deeper meaning came from the silver-white cube.

【Ich 1iebe dich next second!

All the flowers on this flower field bloomed instantly.

The gorgeous blue and white color renders the whole picture, which is extraordinarily warm and cozy.

"The flowers are indeed very fragrant.......Mother Cecilia."

Outside the light curtain, in a training room of the Tianming Branch.

Looking at this video......

Listening to Kiana calling Cecilia as her mother 1.

I don’t know why.......Youlandale's heart suddenly palpitated. have no idea......Why did she react violently to the term"Mother Cecilia"?........

PS: The third update is coming soon, brothers!!!.

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