[“The one who controls your destiny is me, but the one who can decide your destiny is indeed you.” Itachi said to the victorious snake: “Think about what I said, and then make a choice!”]
[The pocket in the video finally discovered the abnormality. It turns out that not long after they met, every word and every action of Itachi Uchiha was a process of illusion! ! ! 】
[He was already immersed in that illusion called ‘Izanami’ and couldn’t get out! ! ! 】
Sasuke asked Uzumaki Mito: “This technique is like the sealing technique of the Uzumaki family! It seals the human spirit in a fixed time and space, and even people with immortality will be consumed in it, right?”
Mito nodded, “That’s right, sealing techniques and illusion techniques are more efficient ways to deal with people with strong resilience.”
Second generation Hokage: “No, Uchiha Itachi is using this ninjutsu to fight the enemy, there should be other purposes.”
The people around looked at the second generation: “Is there another purpose?!”
There is no need for the second generation to explain, because the image has already helped them to answer step by step——
[“Izanagi is a ninjutsu developed to redeem Izanagi’s use.” Itachi said: “Izanagi can modify fate, and the user gains invincibility in this way, but gradually he does not know how to cherish it. , become conceited, irritable…”]
In the seal of the root, Danzo squeezed his right arm, where there is a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye of a whole arm!
“Why not pay a small price for strength?”
“Humph! Indecisive, woman’s kindness!”
[Uchiha Itachi continued: “In order to change the Uchiha clan who changed using Izanagi back to what he once was, Uchiha developed a technique corresponding to Izanagi, and Izanami… hit Izanami. People with illusion 12 will always find their true self in reincarnation.”]
[Sasuke: “Is there no way to crack this technique?! Always look for your true self in the illusion…”]
[“Any art has weaknesses, and Izanami’s weakness has been set in the hall of illusion from the very beginning. As long as she accepts herself in the illusion and accepts the kindness of her companions, Izanami will automatically crack it. The rule of thumb is – when he does not disguise himself with other identities, accepts and finds his true self, the illusion will naturally unravel, and he will return to the real world.”]
“Sure enough!” Second Hokage: “That Uchiha Itachi believed that Tou was just a multi-faceted spy and forgot his true self, so he reminded Tou again and again in the illusion setting, so that he could clearly recognize himself and trust his companions. .”
Sasuke was a little unhappy, “That Itachi, sure enough, when the time comes, he will give priority to others.”
Naruto: “I don’t understand most of what Brother Itachi said, but I understand one thing!”
“That is to trust your companions at all times! Never betray them!!”
Sakura: “Naruto…”
Sasuke: “Hmph, you can understand this sentence.”
“What did you say—”
“But that’s enough.” Sasuke added before Naruto was about to quarrel.
Sasuke who watched the movie could understand his brother’s intentions, but Sasuke in the movie couldn’t understand why Itachi wanted to use Izanami for someone like Kabuto, and why should he help Kabuto.
[Itachi: “Sasuke, I once wanted to use other gods to manipulate you and give you a hint of “always protect Konoha Hidden Village”… In my eyes, you will always be a child who needs protection, and I never believe in your power, Your choice, blindly imposing your own ideas on you, trying to pave all the roads for you…”]
Sasuke lowered his head and said in a choked voice: “And he said I was a stupid brother, obviously… you are an idiot brother.”
The crow on Sasuke’s shoulder: “…”
[In the video, Itachi told Sasuke all the thoughts he could convey during the battle between the brothers and the enemy. It is also time to unravel the reincarnation of the filthy land, and return to the pure land for yourself and the souls who have been manipulated. 】
[Separation is always sad. 】
[Itachi: “I, Uchiha Itachi, can once again be Konoha’s ninja and protect the village, that’s enough.”]
Hearing this sentence, in conjunction with the slightly sadness in the video when the brothers separated.Music, many Konoha ninjas are also somewhat unforgettable.
In this world of ninjas, they survive as props and tools of war, but this is also their glory and their way of survival! !
Because of the bonds, they may have regrets, but this proves that they are not alone!
Among these Konoha ninjas who have fallen into sadness, I don’t know who is the leader——
Without getting an order from the leader, he took out the orange notebook he had with him.
It was an obliteration manual, which contained Konoha’s rebellion or enemies who had a deep hatred with Konoha. It recorded their intelligence and the order “Whoever sees it, kill without mercy”.
The Konoha ninja found the page where the “S-level traitor Uchiha Itachi” was obliterated, shouted loudly, and tore it off with a ‘swish’…
“Hey you!!”
The colleague next to him wanted to reach out to stop it.
But then, there was another ‘swoosh’! Someone over there also tore up the kill order for “S-Class Rebel Uchiha Itachi”!
“The most qualified to hate Uchiha Itachi is the Uchiha family!”
“And we were protected by him, so we didn’t experience the Fourth Ninja World War in advance, didn’t we?!”
“How can we… record him in the Rebel Ninja’s Obliteration Manual…” The hoarse and choked voice of the ninja imaged more Konoha ninjas around.
‘Shu’, ‘Shu’, ‘Shu’…
People kept taking out the manual, found the page, and tore it off.
The remnants flew away with the wind, like leaves of wood.
Uchiha Mikoto, who was hiding in the dark, finally burst into tears.
No matter when and where, the mother is always the mother, and the child is always the child.
Just like Fu Yue’s last words, even if the path is different, Itachi is still their proud son.
Her overly gentle child…
One day, I will go home.
She believed that their family would be reunited and have a happy ending.
[Sasuke couldn’t understand the choice of Itachi. He thought that Konoha caused Itachi and Uchiha to do this. Even if Itachi could forgive Konoha, even if Itachi insisted that he was Konoha’s Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke still couldn’t forgive Konoha. leaf! 】
[Itachi rarely sees his younger brother who is angry with him again, but he recalls his conversation with Naruto Uzumaki in his mind. 】
[“I used to want to carry everything alone, and then I failed.”]
[“I decided to trust my companion this time.” Itachi: “Sasuke, the person who can change you is no longer me. You must discover your true self as soon as possible.”]
Sasuke: “…”
[Sasuke: “…”]
【“The Art of Reincarnation of Dirty Earth·Solution!!”】
[The soul that is no longer controlled by the dirty soil is finally free. Sasuke in the image will meet his brother for the last time. The pain in it is self-evident. He keeps expounding his hatred for Konoha…]
[Itachi’s filthy body gradually dissipated, he walked towards his dear brother step by step, the posture was a bit like when he finally died, “Sasuke… Before I leave, I will give you my memory, all the truth is true. inside……”】
[Sasuke in the image received Itachi’s memory, Itachi’s pain, Itachi’s sorrow, Itachi’s helplessness, and Itachi’s sins in an instant…]
[“I won’t hide from you anymore.” Sasuke’s shocked eyes didn’t poke his forehead for the first time, but he wrapped his arms around his neck and pressed his forehead to his…]
[“I used to be, I didn’t want to involve you in politics and struggles.”]
[“But now that I think about it, if I trusted you more in the past, let’s change our father and mother together, and find a way to change the Uchiha family… Will everything be different?”]
[“It doesn’t matter if you never forgive me, no matter what you become in the future and what choices you make…”]
Sasuke in the video and Sasuke outside the influence opened their eyes wide, looking at Itachi, listening to his final farewell——
【”I will always love you.”】
Sasuke let out a painful choked sound.
Looking at the image, his brother shattered a little bit, drifted away, and his soul ascended to the sky.
He was speechless in pain.
[The same is true of Sasuke Shimonin outside the image. Sasuke in the image has gone through so many waves, looking at Itachi’s relieved smile and gradually dissipating body, when he heard the last sentence: “I will always love you.”, In addition to maintaining the initial surprise, he didn’t even know what emotions should be used to deal with the situation at this time. 】
[Perhaps, Sasuke in the image is already overwhelmed with pain. 】
[The video ends. 】
The crowd dispersed one after another, and Sakura wanted to comfort Sasuke, but after thinking about it, it was okay.
The same goes for Naruto. He believes that Sasuke, who knew the truth in advance, will be able to figure it out.
There were only two crows who stayed with Sasuke in a certain room in the central tower.
The Fourth Hokage also followed Naruto in the state of a ghost.
He watched the video and knew that so many things had happened after his death, Uchiha had been exterminated, and he felt very sad and blamed himself.
If he could have discovered the enemy’s conspiracy earlier, would he have been able to save his wife?, without sacrificing his son, even the Uchiha clan will gradually integrate into the village with the efforts of him and many Uchiha clansmen?
As he expected, the masked man was also in the way.
The Fourth Hokage always takes one step and sees a hundred steps. Now he is both happy and worried.
The joy is that some tragedies have been avoided through influence.
What worries me is the changes about the future brought about by the images.
Among other things, how can Naruto and the others improve their strength so that they can compete with the masked man in the near future?
at this time,
There is still one day before leaving the central tower,
There are still four days left before the Five Kages talks.
It seems to confirm Naruto’s previous “certain” thinking.
In a certain dark underground cave, the black and white Aloe has been trapped in the domain enchantment of the terrifying question and answer for a long time.
Today’s update (2/red bean cake in front of the memorial tablet), please subscribe automatically~
Huahua, monthly pass, please don’t abandon me qvq.

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