[“People in the village also avoided him because of that incident,”]
[“So in order to attract the attention of others, he can only try his best to win attention by prank…”]
Four generations of Naruto Naruto looked at the lonely back of Naruto in the image.
Because of the conversion of the video, Minato Namikaze knew why Naruto’s expression was so lonely…
That day was the start of the ninja school, and all Konoha’s Genin, Chunin, and Shangnin brought their sons to report.
And his son…
As the son of the fourth Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki has never experienced the love of his parents.
Thinking of this, Minato Namikaze has endless ‘sorry, sorry’ that he wants to say to his son.
Unfortunately, looking at all this at this time, he didn’t even have a chance to speak.
At the moment watching the video, the villagers of Konoha were also a little silent.
In the video, what Sandai Hokage said was right.
The Nine-Tails Rebellion left them with unforgettable pain.
The terrifying monster whose breath gathers the power of destruction;
The monsters that destroyed their homes and killed their loved ones;
The monster that killed the hero who ended the Third Ninja World War, their fourth Hokage…
In that child’s body.
Who knows when he will release the monster and the fear of that full moon night will sweep over again? !
“But ah!”
“But it’s too unfair to that child, isn’t it?!”
Finally, someone started to grieve for Naruto Uzumaki after watching many videos.
This cannot be blamed for the fickleness of Konoha villagers, but reality and viewing images are different after all.
In reality, their fear and suspicion cannot be avoided.
But to watch the video, watch it from the perspective of the audience.
Only then did they deeply realize how innocent the child who was once rejected by everyone was…
[The voice of the image is that the three generations of Hokage continued to say to Iruka: “No matter what, he hopes to let others recognize his existence…”]
[At this time, the picture of the image changes. It is on the roof of the Hokage Building. The three generations of Hokage are wearing the Hokage Imperial robe and the Hokage hat, and take a deep breath of the smoking bag. 】[And Uno Iruka is kneeling in a ninja posture, waiting for orders behind the three generations of Hokage. 】
The next sentence made the Konoha villagers who were watching the movie a little unsure of themselves.
It also made Naruto at a loss as well.
[“Iruka, the fourth Hokage originally hoped that the people in the village could regard Naruto as a hero.”]
[Three Hokage: “With such a desire, he died in order to seal the nine-tailed demon fox…”]
“Hero…?” Naruto murmured stupidly to himself: “As a demon fox container… me?”
[Namikaze Minato finally couldn’t bear it anymore, he fell to his knees and hugged his unbelievable son with his soul! ]
[He wants to say something, but at this moment he (bceg) is only choked up…]
[I can’t say anything. ]
Naruto Uzumaki suddenly remembered that the third generation grandfather is here!
He turned his head and stared closely at the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan who was also looking at him with soft eyes at this moment…
“Sorry Naruto…” The third Hokage said, “You are obviously a hero left by the fourth Hokage.”
He is also the most important son of him and Kushina…
Three generations of Hokage walked over, and pressed a rough and old hand on Naruto’s shoulder.
“Grandpa failed to take care of you…”
“You have suffered a lot, Naruto.”
“If Shidaimu was here, maybe I would apologize to you too…” And although Minato would not blame him in terms of his character, if it was Kushina’s girl, he would probably beat someone up. .
[No one knows that the Fourth Hokage is really here at this moment. ]
[Namifeng Minato pursed his lips, and tears rolled in the circles of his eyes. ]
[“Sorry, Naruto…” Minato said in a hoarse voice:]
[“Will you forgive such a father?”]
However, the current Namikaze Minato is still unknown.
What’s about to be revealed in the video is about Naruto’s childhood…
Far more helpless, helpless, powerless than what he wants to see now!
[In the video, Iruka is troubled by the fact that the three generations of Hokage arranged him to be the head teacher of Naruto Uzumaki! 】
[Iruka said: “Three generations of Hokage-sama! Please think about it again, I don’t think I am suitable to be Naruto’s class teacher!”]
For a time, many pairs of eyes stared at Iruka.
Iruka, who experienced the public execution for the first time, waved her hand and explained:
“Ah! That was a long time ago, so don’t let this kind of thing happen!”
Naruto gave him a small expression of grievance: “Mr. Iruka…that’s too much…I obviously trust you so much…I didn’t expect you to be like this—”
“One week!” Iruka interrupted Naruto and shouted, “I will contract your ramen for one week!!”
“Hey, success!”
Seeing how Naruto’s clothes had succeeded in his trick, Iruka just smiled and continued to watch the video.
[In the video, the three generations of Hokage are also melancholy about Naruto’s arrangement. 】
[He said to Iruka: “Everyone is helpless against Naruto’s naughty, and no one wants to be his head teacher.”]
Naruto Shimonin, who was watching the movie: “Grandpa Sandaimu, it’s too much…”
Three generations of Hokage scratched his face, and said with a confused look: “Then the old man will also contract your ramen for a week.”
“Hey!” Naruto smirked successfully.
Kakashi was speechless: “Naruto, you should eat more vegetables.”
Sasuke hit Naruto, “Can’t you watch the video honestly?! Your voice is too loud, didn’t you see the people from the Intelligence Department glaring at you?”
Although he helped Naruto stare back, that’s all.
Compared to staring, no one should be able to stare at Uchiha and Hinata?
[In the video, the three generations of Hokage have a serious expression, and he is melancholy for Naruto’s situation. 】
[“If this goes on like this, Naruto may not be able to graduate from Ninja School.”]
[“If he can’t become a ninja, he can only live in chaos in the village all his life!”]
[Iruka is startled: “Wait for Naruto-sama! Naruto he-“]
[“If no one really wants to be Naruto’s head teacher,” the three generations of Hokage looked like a torch, and he said to Iruka, “Then only let Naruto drop out of the ninja school!”]
A cold wind blows.
Naruto was frightened.
He never knew, when he almost never became a ninja again.
Not to mention Hokage, he was almost stripped of his qualifications to become a Genin!
There will be no chance to perform missions with Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi-sensei…
“Three generations… Grandpa…?”
“Sandaime is forcing Iruka-sensei to be your head teacher, you idiot,” Shikamaru, who exists as the mind of this class, helped Naruto to explain: “Iruka-sensei is a good man who won’t reject others. As long as the three generations of Hokage say this, he will definitely agree to be your head teacher.”
Dingci: “Naruto, didn’t you play tricks too much when you were young?!”
Ya followed along and said, “That’s right! Write idiots on the Hokage Rocks of the first, second, third, and fourth generations., idiot, idiot, isn’t it you? Naruto, did you still use paint at that time? ! Hahahahaha, it’s really yours! ”
The second generation of ‘stupid’: “?!!!” Even if it is written that the eldest brother is an idiot, why even the old man? !
“Idiot” Hokage III: “Alas…”
[‘Fool’ the fourth generation of eyes helplessly said: “I’m sorry, the second generation, the third generation…”]
“Hmph, it’s just that…”
Uchiha Obito, who was hiding in the Kamui space, switched to Madara’s mask and Madara’s voice at some point.
“Humph! Where there is light, there must be shadows.”
“It’s okay not to stay in Shinobi Village.”
“It’s better to invest in our “Xiao” organization…”
Naruto Uzumaki carefully watched the reaction of his most beloved teacher Iruka in the video.
I don’t know at all, I was almost pulled into a pyramid scheme.
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