[“Konoha’s guy!” “Want to fight? Yun Yin’s!”]
【”Anyway, sooner or later you will betray everyone, you rock ninjas!” “Kirigakure only speaks words? One of them speaks with fists!”]
【”You should keep your mouth clean!” “What are you talking about?! Are you going to fight?!” “Oh! That’s exactly what you meant!! Speaking of which, my father was killed by you sand ninjas! Now you want to court death I will fulfill you!”]
[Facing such a scene, Kakashi, the captain of the third team on the high platform, sighed deeply. 】
[At this moment, a small sand dungeon appeared among the quarreling ninjas. The blasted gravel successfully separated them without hurting them at all. 】
[Subsequently, one after another, all the quarreling guys in the entire ninja coalition were separated. 】
[The ninja who uses Sand Dungeon is undoubtedly the captain of the ninja alliance——Kazekage Gaara! ! 】
[Facing the ninja coalition forces who questioned each other, Gaara finally spoke, “For the benefit of each country, for the benefit of each ninja village, in the long war from the first to the third ninja world war, as ninjas, hurt each other , hate each other…]
This is absolutely true. The people in front of the video couldn’t care less about guessing how it could be said by Gaara. They were all thinking about one word, that is——
“For the benefit of the village and the country.”
Someone sighed, the faces of the dead companions have never been forgotten, and the names on the memorial tablet represent the short but glorious lives.
“Good opening remarks.” Qianshou Feijian never hesitated to praise outstanding juniors.
Gaara looked at the video, wondering what the person in the video was going to say, war and killing were their fate. To kill the opponent and survive is to prove the meaning of one’s own existence, otherwise it is meaningless.
‘I love Luo…’
Temari glanced at his younger brother worriedly. Kankuro was much more awkward than his elder sister, and he also wanted toI care about my brother, but I feel that the broken brother has never respected my brother.
[The video is about three years later, Gaara continued: “It is because of this hatred and thirst for power that I was born!” Closing his eyes, the handsome guy Fengying, who has always been cold and even a little rigid, looks so Sadness, pain. His emotions infected the ninjas of the Ninja League, who looked at the too young boy on stage in surprise, waiting for what he would say next. 】
[People who are familiar with Gaara have cast distressed and worried eyes at him. 】
“Born because of hatred…?” Naruto grabbed the clothes on his chest, he was suddenly afraid of what Gaara was going to say next, it was an instinct, similar to the instinct of animals to natural disasters, he had a feeling and I Ara is the same kind of resonance, and Gaara in the fear image will tear open the layers of darkness in their hearts.
[However, Gaara in the image certainly couldn’t perceive his fear, and the next words quickly spit out from his mouth: “I used to be hatred! I am power! I am the weapon of the village! As a sacrifice The power of the human pillar!!”]
As soon as these words came out, many ninjas who knew the meaning of Ren Zhuli immediately turned away from Gaara, and cast fear and disgust at him, and separated themselves from Gaara only by those eyes, and divided human beings and Gaara. The boundaries of the monster.
Gaara’s eyeballs were slightly congested, and the corners of his mouth twitched with murderous intent.
[“That’s right! I used to be the person who used to be the guardian of the Ichita Sands! I have power that I can’t control myself! It can be regarded as a weapon or a monster!!”]
That’s right, he is a monster, a murder weapon that took away his mother’s life when he was born!
“Naruto?” Sasuke and Iruka immediately found out that something was wrong with Naruto, and found that he was shaking so much.
Sasuke suddenly realized that he and Kasan’s eyes were all focused on Naruto and the sand ninja Gaara! Ten times greater than the previous maliciousness! Dozens of times! hundred times! As if Naruto and Gaara represent war! !
What does the village’s weapon and human pillar force mean? !
Obviously Naruto doesn’t have the power of Gaara!
Naruto didn’t respond to Sasuke, but looked at the back of the three generations of Hokage and asked with a trembling voice, “Grandpa, the power of sacrifice, the power of human pillars… what do you mean?”
In response to him, only the painful eyes of the third generation and the sigh of the second generation.
“I’m sorry, Naruto.”
[“I hate this world! I hate human beings!!” Gaara’s words hit people’s hearts, “I am trying to destroy everything!!”]
[“Just like what ‘Xiao’ plans to do now!!”]
“Gaara…” Temari’s painful eyes betrayed her. Although she was afraid of Gaara, she was one of the few people who never thought of being completely isolated from Gaara.
[In front of the Shinobi Alliance, Gaara conveyed his pain, sadness, and hatred together! ! Let the world feel pain, let the world understand pain, let the world accept pain! Then…they can become one, just as only the human pillar can understand the pain of the human pillar, the whole world becomes a whole, understand each other, and have the same heart! ! 】
So sad……
Naruto knelt down on the ground, curled up compared to his slender body.
“Naruto!” Sasuke saw Naruto like this, as if he saw himself on the night of the genocide. For the first time, he realized that there is no difference in pain, there is no such foolish words that he has never understood his pain! Naruto what happened to him? ! Why even the three generations of Hokage have to apologize? !
What exactly are the power of sacrifice and the power of human pillars? !
Sasuke faintly realized what power in the country of waves helped Naruto defeat Shiro and saved their lives.
Senju Tobirama sensed that the chakra inside Naruto was a little disturbed due to emotional interference, and immediately squatted down and used Senzhi Senju’s yang chakra to help him appease the cold chakra of the nine tails in his body.
[In the video, Gaara’s words attracted the All Ninja Federation. No one thinks about their own pain anymore. The connection of emotions sublimates their situation. What they think about is the pain of the whole world, as a human being, as a ninja, but The pain of being used as a prop, as a weapon. 】
This ‘however’ is the most powerful voice in Gaara’s words in the video. This is a turning point.
[“But a ninja in Konoha stopped me!!”]
The ostrich is calling! I actually have the first iron fan in my life! ! !
Today is still the third watch, and I was rewarded with a few points and several monthly passes. This thing will make me roar for a day! !
Today’s update progress – (2/3)
Ask for a collection, ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward!
I will continue to work hard. .

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