“Hey, hey, what’s the situation?”
Even Deidara was dumbfounded, “Afei, there is something wrong with you talking to the leader like this! Mmmm.”
“It has nothing to do with you, you are just someone who was forcibly pulled into the organization to help.” The masked man directly kicked Deidara out of this complex network of betrayal and forbearance relationships.
Deidara, who was bewildered, didn’t know what was going on, let alone where to help.
He just vaguely felt that at this moment he was standing in the middle of the Shura field, suffering from an inexplicable impact.
After thinking about it, he still escaped to Mr. Ohnogi’s side.
Before he passed, he was directly punched through.
But luckily it’s a clay clone.
Deidara, who was aggrieved, finally rubbed and rubbed into the queue of Konoha Shimonin.
There is no way to shelter from the rain. The environment is large and comfortable.
In the previous video, it seems that the other future Gaara was stripped of the tail beast because of this bomb man, and if it wasn’t for Naruto’s rescue, he almost died.
So Deidara, who was excluded again, was angry, and just wanted to make some clay to scare a group of little kids.
Behind Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi stood up.
It was Itachi’s Tsukiyomi that forced him to join the “Akatsuki” organization.
After a round trip, Deidara was actually standing on the side of Konoha Shiro 12 Tooth and Kakashi, that is, near the second and third Hokage.
“…” White Fang whispered to his son: “Is the relationship between the major powers so good now? Even the rebels have come to Konoha? Don’t you need defense?”
This simply subverts Hatake Sakumo’s three views.
After all, when he left, it was still the era of the Second Ninja World War. The chaos of war and the rules of the Jagged Ninja were simply unimaginable in his mind, and he didn’t even know how to understand such a messy situation.
“Uh…” Kakashi didn’t know how to explain, “Probably, the image has changed a lot of things. Although it is still the second ninja war in my father’s memory, the image has already shown us the first time in the future. Four ninja wars, so many things were—”
After thinking about it, Kakashi applied the story of the ninja world to Mr. Jiraiya’s work, and used a very appropriate word——
Everyone looks at the video, isn’t it just a spoiler? !
The ‘Xiao’ organization hasn’t started catching the tailed beast yet, and the plot of their infighting has been shaken out!
【In the video—】
[The angry Xiaonan was surrounded by flying pieces of paper, making noises in the wind and rain. 】
[She was angry because she heard the words of ‘Uchiha Madara’! 】
[That Uchiha Madara actually said that the Samsara Eye was given to Nagato by him? ! ! 】
[Xiao Nan shouted angrily: “The Eye of Reincarnation was obtained by the village chief of Yuyin Village – Nagato opened his eyes, and it has nothing to do with you!!”]
Xiaonan and Payne, who were watching the movie, and others who were watching the movie in Konoha Hidden Village suddenly remembered that just before, the second generation Hokage’s words——
“How could you, a vortex clan, have Uchiha’s reincarnation eye?”
Originally, they didn’t believe this sentence!
It is only regarded as a way for the second-generation Hokage to provoke discord and cause infighting within Akatsuki! !
However, the words of ‘Uchiha Madara’ in the video seem to confirm that the second Hokage’s words are not false! !
Following the masked man, Payne also shouted the same words to the second generation: “What do you know?!”
“Why don’t you ask the old man to see it yourself.” Chishou Tobirama stared at the image and didn’t give them a direct answer.
[In the video, the divine paper around Xiao Nan is being manipulated by her, each piece of paper becomes a shuriken, and Xiao Nan himself is like a person, with hundreds of thousands of pieces of paper gathered on his body! 】
“Go through!!”
White Fang: “What kind of ninjutsu is this? I’ve never seen it before. In terms of time and space ninjutsu… What does this have to do with Minato Namikaze?”
“No!” Kakashi’s conditioned reflex told his father: “He has nothing to do with Minato-sensei!”
White Fang admitted that he still knew his son, and immediately raised his eyebrows suspiciously, and said nothing.
[“Kakashi…” Minato Namikaze who was present also saw Kakashi’s strangeness, such a sense of sight that he would rather deceive Senior White Fang than reveal the truth…]
[“Kakashi, what are you planning?”]
Four generations of Hokage vaguely had an ominous premonition, and his intuition told him that it was not a good thing for Kakashi to get the reward just now.
How do you use that ninjutsu scroll that can destroy Konoha with one blow? Kakashi!
[At this time, Xiao Nan and the masked man in the video have already had a fight, and the masked man stopped and said, “I’d better correct a few problems for you first…”]
[“First, ‘Xiao’ was established under the impetus of me. It does not belong to you. I am the real master of ‘Xiao’.”]
“?!!!” Both Xiao Nan and Nagato were completely stunned.
At this time, even Nagato, that is, Payne, who was present, shouted angrily at the masked man, “This is impossible! ‘Xiao’ was established by Yahiko!”
It seems to confirm Nagato’s question.
The image gathered in front of Konoha Ninja School suddenly changed!
[In the rainy jungle, the members of the first-generation Akatsuki organization are running anxiously, they are eager to save people! 】
“Hatosuke!” Xiao Nan shouted while looking at the image.
This person was their companion, but died a long time ago. The cause of death is unknown…
[In the video, Hatosuke is running around in the heavy rain, “Hurry up! Konoha’s Anbu rushed to the meeting place of Yahiko and Sanshoyu, there must be something strange!!”]
The named Konoha: “…”
Anbu, who was suddenly pulled in: “…”
Senju Tobirama doesn’t have to think about it to know, “It’s not Anbu, it’s the ‘root’ of Danzo.”
Although the responsibility of Konoha is inseparable from either Anbu or the root in this matter, but in the war-torn era, either you die or I live.
Where is the root of hatred, it can’t be traced back to one or two things at all.
Seriously, his death, the death of countless Konoha ninjas in the first ninja war, pushed Danzo step by step to this point, maybe?
Of course, no matter what the cause, if the rotten roots are not removed as soon as possible, sooner or later the entire tree will be affected! !
The second generation of Hokage and Konoha thought so, Nagato and Konan were even more surprised that Hatosuke had seen through the scam back then and wanted to bring someone to save them! !
Could it be that Yusuke was intercepted and killed by the people of Sanjiaoyu Hanzo? !
But then, the video gave them an unexpected answer——
[The members of Hatosuke and Yuan Xiao’s organization were blocked by Black and White Jue and…]
“Uchiha… Madara!!!!!”
In the sadness and despair of Payne and Xiaonan watching the movie…
In the tragic screams of those former companions in the video…
In the video, Madara Uchiha, who wears a white swirl mask and is about the size of a teenager, used the wood-dun ninjutsu and summoned many white monsters——
Kill all the members of Hatosuke and Yuan Xiao’s organization!
Bai Jue.
Wood Dun.
Madara Uchiha is a teenager.
The entire Konoha and Akatsuki were stunned by this information.
————Update today (3/Konoha Baiya), please subscribe automatically~
Temporarily resume the daily update of 8,000 words, sort out the follow-up outline + hoarding manuscripts, ask for flowers and tickets QvQ.

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