[The intense explosion lasted for more than ten minutes, and Xiao Nan in the image collapsed on the sea, and even the magic of the god of paper was unlocked, and even the little purple flower on his head was scattered on the sea, soaked by the sea… …]
“Xiao Nan…” Nagato couldn’t bear to see Xiao Nan like this.
[“Madara…should have already…” Xiao Nan’s vision blurred, she finally did it…]
“Lord Angel…”
The people of Yuyin Village saw that the enemy was killed, but Lord Angel was still alive, and they all thanked God for their mercy.
but! !
The next scene in the video made them scream silently in surprise! !
[“Do you think I’m dead?”]
[The masked man is still alive! ! He appeared behind Xiao Nan alive! ! ~】
“Behind!!” Nagato was concentrating on the video and wanted to remind Konan in the video! !But in the end it didn’t help.
[The ‘Madara’ in the image is holding a black chakra stick and pierces Xiao Nan’s body from behind. Because the magic of the gods is lifted, it is Xiao Nan’s real body, and in the image, you can see blood dripping from the chakra stick that penetrated her…]
At this time, Payne looked at the masked man with an unusually fierce look.
In contrast, Xiao Nan pays more attention to the information in the video, if this can’t kill him…
It seems that she still needs more information to reconnect with the way to kill Madara!
[“Why… are you still alive…” Xiao Nan’s voice was painful and intermittent. 】
[“Izanagi, is a special power that can connect fantasy and reality in exchange for losing light in exchange for it, and it is a forbidden technique of the Uchiha family!”]
[“It is a pupil technique that requires the power of both Uchiha and Senju.”]
“Uchiha and Qianju?!” Someone immediately responded, “So how did Danzo use this power before?!”
Seriously terrified…
[“Go to another world and regret it together,” the masked man said angrily: “It’s all your fault for believing in Naruto Uzumaki’s nonsense so easily.”]
Naruto stared fiercely at the man in the area not far away.
It’s that person…
He killed his parents! !
He also deceived the former “Xiao Organization” who wanted to strive for peace! !
“A person like you… a person like you, I will definitely defeat you!!” Naruto shouted at the masked man.
But now his strength is really not enough.
Naruto began to resent such a weak and powerless self.
Konoha Shimonin, who is the same as him, has seen the kind of battle in the video that is not at the same level as them, and his heart is also full of motivation to become stronger.
[“There is no peace in this world…” The masked man in the video said, “There is no hope…”]
[“Nagato believes in Naruto, just to comfort his poor self.” He continued: “Huh? Yuyin Village, which will never stop raining, actually stopped raining? What’s going on?”]
[Konan: “Yahiko, Nagato, theirs will never disappear, and…”]
[“It’s different from before! I also believe in Naruto!!”]
[“This time it’s his turn to be the bridge to peace!! To support him, I will be the pillar of this bridge!!”]
When Sakura heard the word Naruto and bridge, she muttered to herself, “The Land of Waves… Naruto Bridge…”
If their world were to be a story, it would seem that from the very beginning, from the moment their generation was born, they had a chance to lead to peace.
The predecessors of the previous era are still using their lives, beliefs and lives to pave the way for peace in this era.
[In the image, there is a masked man who lost an arm and an eye, and Xiao Nan, whose chakra was almost depleted and his abdomen was pierced. The last fierce battle between the two! 】
[Even in this dying situation, the battle is still magnificent, causing a turbulent tsunami…]
[‘Ban’ restrained Xiaonan’s neck and said angrily, “You call me darkness, right?! Then I’ll make you wither!!”]
[Xiao Nan has no way to struggle anymore…]
[Xiao Nan, who was strangled to death, slowly closed his eyes. 】
[After the rain passes, the rainbow in front of her is like telling him that the bridge she was looking forward to will be built one day. 】
I thought the video would end like this.
Nagato was in so much pain that he couldn’t bear to watch the video again.
He is willing to dedicate his life to Yahiko’s ideal, hide in the dark, taste the pain, and convey this pain to the world!
But he didn’t want to watch Xiao Nan die because of this…
[Xiao Nan’s body floated on the sea, a piece of white paper was soaked in her blood, and she received her last wish…]
【The red colored paper is scattered…】
[Across the rainbow. 】
[Back to their original place. 】
Ji Lai Ye suddenly choked up in his throat: “This is it!!”
Seeing his disciples die in front of his eyes one by one, even if he experienced the second and third ninja wars, it is impossible for him not to suffer.
“Immortal, where is this place?” Naruto asked.
“This is… the place where the former me, in order to atone for my sins, stayed in the Land of Rain to teach the three of them how to protect themselves.”
Zi Lai also misses that time…
No matter how cloudy and rainy the weather is outside, the house is always warm, with the smell of home.
The three children each have their own characteristics, Yahiko is frank with leadership style, Nagato is strong but timid and gentle, Konan, as a girl, has the ability not to lose to boys, and coordinates the relationship between Nagato and Yahiko…
“Really… I miss it.” If he could return to the Land of Rain a few more times at that time to see if the three disciples were doing well, maybe there would be no future in the image.
He looked at the red piece of paper in the video and flew home instead of Xiao Nan.
I heard Yahiko’s voice in the video…
[“We start from here for our dreams!”]
[“Then, after our dream is achieved…”]
[“Even if we go our separate ways in the future!”]
【“I will come back here one day, too.! ! ! “]
I saw three signs representing Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan.
Maybe others don’t understand what this means.
But Jiraiya suddenly felt that he couldn’t hold back his emotions!
“Teacher Jiraiya…” Xiao Nan called in a low voice.
Looking at the image, Jiraiya seemed to be back in the past. Jiraiya told them to use the frog card to report whether they and others were safe.
He seemed to hear the laughter of three people in his ears.
The same is true for Nagato, watching the image through Payne’s eyes…
In the video, the red piece of paper soaked in Xiao Nan’s blood flew to the only one of the three frog cards that was not turned over – Xiao Nan’s frog card.
The red piece of paper was pasted on Xiao Nan’s frog card.
In the uproar of “What does this mean? Three red signs?” from the audience, Jiraiya’s heart became sour…
“Welcome home, Xiao Nan.”
At the same time that Naruto heard Immortal Huo Se say this, the image finally ended.
Ji Lai also took the initiative to approach Payne and Xiao Nan who are local forces, “I think we can talk?”
“Jiraiya-sama!!” Immediately, some ninjas disagreed: “They are the enemies who destroy Konoha!!”
Jiraiya stared at the talking ninja with sharp eyes: “They haven’t destroyed Konoha yet! That’s just a possibility of the future in the image!!”
He looked at Xiao Nan: “Tell me about Yahiko, and…” He looked at the masked man over there: “This guy’s business!”
For this man, Jirai can’t say that he doesn’t hate him!
· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
Whether it was Yahiko or Minato, his outstanding disciples all died under his impetus! !
I even heard that Uchiha’s extermination also had this person’s handwriting! !
In future videos, Nagato and Konan are constantly being used! Even the eyes of reincarnation were placed in the eyes of Nagato, who was a whirlpool.
Just when Jiraiya thought so, there was another woman who also wanted to talk to Nagato.
Of course that person is Nagato’s mother-Fuso!
But in this case, without Hokage’s approval, Anbu and other guards would definitely not relax their vigilance. Even the newly resurrected Konoha Shiroya tightened his muscles and was ready to attack at any time after knowing that the other party would kill his son in the future.
Seeing that the video about Danzo was late, Senju Tobirama agreed to the petition of the master and the disciples to leave here to talk.
“It’s not too early,” Onogi said, “Second generation Hokage can prepare to start the Five Shadows talks, right? The old man is old, and he still needs to pay more attention to rest.”
It’s rare that the second-generation Hokage is younger than himself, and Ohnogi shows his style.
“I’m sorry, but in the eyes of this old man, you are still a stupid kid who was scared by Madara Uchiha and couldn’t walk…” Qianshou Tobirama returned mercilessly. People are polite.
…… 0
“Okay,” Looking at the shriveled three-generation Tukage, Qianshou Tobirama said, “Let’s go to the Hokage Studio with me, don’t waste time, the Five Kage talks can begin!”
In addition, he has arranged for Uzumaki Mito and the Yamanaka clan to explore Danzo’s hiding place!
At that time, there are still two days before the Red Sand Scorpion and Deidara arrive at Konoha.
There are still 4 days until Kakuto and Hidan arrive at Konoha.
The crowd gradually dispersed from the front of Konoha Ninja School. The leader of the ‘Xiao’ table followed Jiraiya, one of the three Konoha Sannin, to have a heart-to-heart chat, and the real leader of ‘Xiao’ followed with the guarantee of the second-generation Hokage. Five shadow talks? !
“What the hell is going on here? Hmm!”
Deidara, who was resurrected in the form of dirty soil, was left at the gate of Konoha Ninja School with a bewildered face. Several Anbu surrounded him. He wanted to perform an art and was sealed by a red-haired elder sister with her hands…
He Deidara has never been so aggrieved.
He was so angry that he scolded Sasuke Uchiha a few words…
He was also hit by Naruto’s shadow clone, and Haruno Sakura’s fist.
On the other side, Jiraiya and Payne, Konan, and Fuso left soon after.
The toad of Miaomushan actually used the reverse psychic technique to psychic Jiraiya away? ! !
Suddenly appearing in Miaomu Mountain, Jiraiya looked around with a bewildered expression.
“What are you doing, Master Shenzuo! Quickly send me back, I’m eager to talk to my disciple!”
He not only understands the situation of these seniors, but also needs to know more about the masked man, also known as “Uchiha Madara”.
This person killed Minato and Yahiko, he couldn’t forgive him so easily! !
“Don’t worry, little Jiraiya,” Master Fukasaku jumped in front of Jiraiya: “The Great Toad Immortal made a new prophecy, still about your disciple.”
Jiraiya: “???!!!”
His disciple? !
Nagato? Xiaonan? Or Naruto?
However, the answer that Lord Shenzuo gave him was not…
“Minato?!! Minato didn’t already…” Jirai was also shocked, he had no idea what predictions Big Toad Immortal would make.
Fukasaku: “It’s still Xiao Zilai, let’s ask Immortal Big Toad, he seems to have twoThe prophecy will tell you. ”
“Two… prophecies…?!”
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