At this moment, no one laughs at the father and son anymore! ! Because they are ninjas who are more handsome than shadows!

In the video, Maitekai changed to kneeling on the ground in a strange posture.
The blood red steam on his body was even worse.
Liudaoma can be seen through the eyes of reincarnation——
【”The strength of the acupuncture point on his heart has weakened, but other places have become stronger. It seems that the next blow will be the last.”】
When everyone saw it, although they knew that the red man in the image was Maitekai, they still couldn’t believe it because of the great changes! !
“A beast?”
They looked at the man in the video who seemed to be burning all over and said to themselves.
Minato: “The blood vessels appearing on the face look like the facial makeup of immortal arts. Is this the death gate of the last of the Eight Schools of Dunjia?!”
“Even through the video, I still feel very strong.”
Orochimaru stared at the image, the amphibian-like tongue excitedly licked at the corner of his mouth.
“Is this the power to unlock the eight doors of the human body? Unleash the full potential of human beings. This power is really as interesting as spell seals and fairy arts.” He laughed with a hoarse and low voice, making people feel chills behind.
The ninjas of Kirigakure Village subconsciously drooled when they saw the video. If it was such a guy, not to mention their Kirigakure Seven Ninja Swordsmen, even Mizukage-sama…
Just as he was thinking about it, Future Kakashi’s heartfelt voice came from the video:
【”Uchiha Madara once nearly killed Gokage, and Rokudo Madara is even more invincible. Fighting against such a guy… Kai, you really are an amazing guy!!”】
“Nearly killed Wukage?!”
“Impossible! Isn’t that Fengying right next to him?!”
“Besides, how could the ‘shadow’ in our village be defeated so easily?!”
“No,” the intelligence department of each village mentioned: “According to the analysis of various signs, if it is Uchiha Madara plus the infinite power of Undead Reincarnation Chakra, it is very likely that the Five Kages will be defeated.”
Ohnoki looked at the video. He and Hokage might be the ones who had actually seen Uchiha Madara in a few kages. He really didn’t dare to say how strong their five kages were at the same time.
But the man named Maitekai in the video is really special, he has the possibility of defeating Madara!
[In the video, the power of Maitekai shakes the surrounding boulders into the air, and the blood-red mist around him gradually turns into shape…]
“That’s… a lion’s head?”
“It’s amazing!!”
Dark red mane, huge golden eyes, big mouth like a crocodile, and a calm and majestic aura…
In the video, the creatures transformed by Metkai may have surpassed the level of beasts.
The one who was roaring at Rokusao Madara…
The ancient, legendary unknown realm that only exists in the far east!
The name of that divine beast——
The “dark red” viewer paused for a moment, stared at the image and spit out two words: “Canglong…”
The emperor-level divine beast is roaring at Liudao Madara at this moment!
It does not recognize Rokudao Madara as a god, nor does it recognize that he rules the world!
The spot in the image looks like a lunatic. Faced with this scene, he uttered the question and answer of the horror quiz——
【”Such a Chakra!”】
【”I approve of you!!”】
【”In terms of physical skills, among all the people I have fought against, no one is better than you!!”】
【”Maitkai! I, Madara, would like to call you the strongest!!!”】
It turns out that this is the question of the horror quiz and its answer.
It’s unreasonable!
This is everyone’s perception of ‘Blade’ at this time!
But combined with information from various villages…
The strength of Liudao Madara like this has far surpassed Wucun Zhiying’s comprehensive strength by several times, even dozens of times, or a hundred times!
“To be able to fight such a guy, to get his approval…”
Although the video was not played again, a figure at the end of the crane suffering in pain emerged in the minds of those who watched the movie.
And he smiled and said to everyone who looked down on him: “Thank you for your voice!”
There is also the sentence he said in response to Kakashi: “My name is Maitekai! From now on, I will become more powerful than anyone! ! ”
Looking at the man in the video, he roared!
The dark red Canglong uttered an ancient and long dragon chant…
The process of Maitekai rushing towards Madara was slowed down hundreds of times by the video! The way of the distant view just allows the viewers to see the whole picture of the Dragon God clearly! !
Male lions usually use their heads with back manes, and they have huge horns that are as powerful as stags, with piercing pupils growing under the huge horns, and two long beards that are calm and majestic grow between the mouth and nose like crocodiles. superior! !
The dragon has a huge and winding body, with scales covering its entire body! !
It was powerful, and the momentum of facing the enemy carried the power of sanctions. The roar of the dragon almost deafened the ears of all moviegoers, and many people even subconsciously covered their ears!
【”So fast!.”! “]
Madara Uchiha in the video discovered that the power was so powerful that even the space was distorted! !
too fast! That Liudao Madara couldn’t even make a move! !
When the power of the Eight-door Dunjia Formation is fully activated, can human physical skills alone be able to do things like distorting space? !
This can’t help but make people think, where is the limit of their human beings? !
People like Liudao Madara who claim to be gods are also being suppressed by human power! !
Uchiha Madara in the cave hates his old age, he hates Senju Hashirama’s strength, and longs to surpass him and surpass him!
He coughed angrily. Why did the man named Maitekai in the image fail to understand him like Hashirama? ! Why should the whole world be his enemy!
Obviously he can change this rotten world as a god! !
I don’t know that Uchiha Madara is still relying on the power of the first generation of Hokage to survive. The people in Konoha Hidden Village looked at the video, and they all knew that this was Matt Kai’s final blow!
The Dragon God roared and devoured the Six Dao Ban.
Kai kicked hard on Rokudao Madara who couldn’t dodge! !
Everyone saw Liudao Madara spitting out a mouthful of pus and blood. Through the perspective of the video, they also saw that Kai’s leg bones were completely shattered, and Uchiha Madara’s left half of his body was also completely shattered! !
The Dragon God bit him and pushed him back several thousand meters! ! !
The whole image is shocking, the dragon god full of majesty and power is pushing six spots across the devastated surface!
Just the air wave overturned the others! !
The Dragon God has no intention of stopping yet! !
Because the movement was too fast, it reached the root of the giant tree thousands of meters away in the blink of an eye, and hit it hard! !
[The background sound belonging to memory came again from the video——]
The voice of Kai in his youth.
【”My name is Maitkai! From now on, I will become a man who is more powerful than anyone else!!”】
“That brat back then, he did it.”
“That’s right, he did it!”
“What’s going on?! Even people from other villages like us have been moved!”
“Quickly put away your feelings! Don’t need feelings! It’s a prop!”
No one can tell, how did the ninja appear?
Obviously having samurai is enough, when did the samurai and ashigaru replaced by ninjas become the most advanced props in the war?
“Hey! What is that?!”
“Look at the video!!”
“A red moon, and… flowers?”
Everyone looked at the video.
The video is not full of flowers and full moon under the night sky, but a gloomy and weird color.
In the middle of the night, the moon hangs high in the sky, and the blood-red moon shines on the earth.
The devastated ground has experienced countless wars!
The weird giant tree has no leaves or buds.
There is only one flower growing on the columnar giant tree that rises from the ground and almost reaches the sky! !
Under the light of the red moon, Wei Wei could clearly see the purple petals.
This is still a bud.
But this scene is no longer difficult to guess, how weird and coquettish it will be when the buds bloom! !
With Ye Kai’s kick, Liudaoban was lifted several thousand meters away!
Hit it on a giant tree!
The air wave pushed the area around the giant tree backward by a hundred meters.
But the giant wood grain that looks like a stick is the only one that doesn’t move at all! !
After the smoke passed, those ninjas who were knocked upside down by the air wave struggled to get up.
【Li: “Teacher Kai!!”】
[Kakashi: “This is Kai’s final blow,” he turned his head left and right to search: “What’s wrong?!”]
Those watching the movie at this moment can’t wait to know the ending.
“Where’s Madara?! Where’s Kay?!”
“Did you win?!”
“I can’t see it! The smoke in the image is too much!!”
“Wait! I seem to have seen it!! That, that is—”
All major movie viewing areas around the world looked at the man lying in the ruins in the video, and were speechless one after another.
He is like a mummy. The orange-red blood marks on his body have not completely faded, but he has lost the last bit of consciousness of his life. He is lying casually in the ruins, his eyes are not closed and his eyes are white.
Because the last one of the Eight Gates of Dunjia is to release all of one’s own strength, the high temperature evaporates the blood and every bone, texture, internal organ, and skin.
So even if theNearly dead, Metkay was smoldering from the heat.
It’s just that the fire of life is extinguished, and the smoke is like gunpowder smoke on the battlefield, reminding people watching the movie at the moment after every recent war.
There was a heavy panting sound in the video.
“Could it be!!”
“Could it be that Liu Dao Spot is still alive?!!”
The image gradually showed the appearance of six Uchiha Madara.
Half of his body has completely disappeared, his gray and frying hair looks like a decadent old man, and half of his face seems to be peeled off.
However, the most surprising thing is that the half of his body that disappeared is growing back at a speed visible to the naked eye! !
“Is this… the power of a six-path immortal?”
“You didn’t even kill him with such an attack?!!”
“It’s over…”
“The future will be ruled by such a lunatic.”
Not to mention ordinary ninjas, even Ohnogi and Sarutobi Hizen are despairing! !
“Haha, cough, cough, it seems…” Madara Uchiha in the cave also took a few breaths before continuing: “It seems that the sky is still facing me, reading infinitely every month, sooner or later, it will illuminate the earth! Cough, cough!!”
Hei Jue opened a shark-toothed mouth next to him, mocking Madara Uchiha for being a fool. He used it thoroughly like a chess piece, and was clearly arranged by the Eye of the Moon plan.
But he flattered: “¨”Yes, Mr. Ban.”
He said: “The Eye of the Moon plan will be successful, and the infinite moon reading will illuminate the earth.” Mother will be released, and then will be your last value…
[Liu Daoban in the image can still laugh: “Hahahaha, I was almost killed by you guy!”]
Matday looked at Kai’s right foot in the video, it turned into ashes like burnt charcoal, and the chakra at the heart was so tiny that it was almost invisible! !
He looked at the still undead enemy in the image and told his son:
“Kai! Don’t be sad for your future self!”
Clearly saying this, Matty, a sensitive man, did cry himself.
“Yes! Dad! I’m not sad at all!!”
Likewise, Matekai also shed tears of kelp.
Only this time, the people around them didn’t laugh at their father and son.
They even wanted to applaud and cheer for the two fathers and sons who died one after another in the video! !
One for the village and one for the world!
Even if he didn’t completely kill the enemy, he did his best to show his will to never give up, and to pass on this will! !
“Dad! I’m proud to be the ninja in the video!” Young Kai clenched his fists!
“Very good! Next, you will have to train intensely! When you meet the physical fitness requirements, Dad can give you eight Dunjia at any time! Of course, it can only be the first one, and the rest will be discussed later!!”
The people around were stunned, “Hey Mateday, haven’t you already learned the eight ways of Dunjia?”
Matty rubbed his head embarrassedly: “But there are still less than eight doors open for the time being.”
“Then you! Then why do you usually…”
Why didn’t you get promoted to Jōnin and didn’t even care about their chunin bosses’ reprimands?
Mattey looked at the top of his son’s hair and whispered, “I’m a cowardly man.”
He rubbed Matekai’s head, “The thing I want to protect is right here, so even if I don’t go to the battlefield, it’s okay to be tolerant all the time.”
Recalling the previous video, Matekai felt ashamed of his father, but Kakashi gave a different view——
“Kai, no matter when I was a child, I still insisted on what I said when I was a child,” said Kakashi from the future: “You and your father are the most handsome ninjas I have ever seen!”
Mask Obito: “…” You seem to have said this to Kakashi too?
[In the image, Liu Daoban said: “Although it is like a candle in the wind, you did please me. As a thank you, before you turn into ashes, let me, the enemy, kill you!”]
Outside the video, Konoha Hidden Village followed Kakashi’s words and shouted, “The most handsome ninja I’ve ever seen!”
“That’s right! Even if it’s a genin, it’s a ninja even more handsome than a shadow!!”
“Hey! In our Konoha, the tail of the crane means never admit defeat!”
“The strongest crane—”
The voices were full of voices, surpassing the image of Liu Dao Madara attacking the dying Matekai.
Just before the word ‘tail’ at the end of someone’s strongest crane came out–
That jade begging the Tao was…
Kicked away by a blond teenage ninja? ! !
“Who is it?!!” Each village ninja looked at the boy in orange who suddenly appeared in the video in shock! !
Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Obito from the future opened their eyes wide.
Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki clung to their clothes nervously.
Jorin Kakashi raised the corners of his mouth and said in a low voice, “Really, every time I came to the rescue just like Minato-sensei…”
aroundpeople looked at him.
Kakashi stared at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure in the image and said:
“This is… Konoha’s strongest crane tail!”
“Uzumaki Naruto!”
Today’s update (1/crane tail)
Rolling around~ Asking for a monthly ticket, asking for flowers, asking for automatic subscription~.

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