Obito and Madara Watch Independently – Hei Jue’s Memory! ! Madara: Everything else is easy to say, Black must die!

“Actually said it was a man who crawled out of hell?” The old Madara Uchiha coughed twice and gasped for several breaths.
The current Uchiha Obito is not the child of the past. In the face of such Madara, he has no other ideas except lamenting that anyone will become powerless and paranoid when they grow old.
He snorted coldly, preparing to escape in HeijueWhen he left, he quickly pulled out the black chakra stick and pinned him to the ground!
“Uchiha Madara,” Obito said, “It seems that you don’t know anything, so let’s take a look at the memory of this thing together.”
He sneered badly: “You should find something very interesting. After all, ‘that second-generation Hokage’ said that this guy has survived for thousands of years, and it can’t be your will at all.”
“Second generation?!” Madara Uchiha: “Tobirama?! Do you mean Qianshou Tobirama?!”
“The second Hokage is the only one, right?”
“Oh yes,” Obito seemed to just remember, “On our side, the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama personally questioned how Uchiha Izuna died…”
When Uchiha Obito said, “I asked about Uchiha Izuna who was resurrected by that terrifying question and answer.” Uchiha Madara stared in disbelief: “Izumi was resurrected?!! Question? Yes. What is there to question?! He was the one who killed Quanna! Hasuma’s younger brother~!!”
Obito’s intentions made Madara Uchiha guess.
Kakashi felt that Obito was unnecessary, so he told Madara Uchiha directly: “According to the second generation, the Thunder God Slash at that time…he used the back of the sword.”
Obito: “Then your brother Uchiha Izuna also responded to his words.”
“It was said that after I gave you my pupil power, a voice said—”
“For your brother Madara Uchiha, you must die too.”
“That’s impossible!!” Madara coughed because she yelled too hard: “That’s inside the Uchiha clan, it’s impossible for anyone to approach Izumi under my perception…”
Halfway through he said, he suddenly remembered, Hei Jue! Black must be the only exception to that! !
At this time, Hei Jue is struggling, but the Chakra Black Stick is indeed one of the few things that can trap it.
Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Madara used the writing wheel at almost the same time, watching Hei Jue’s memory.
The time outside the memory is only a few minutes, but there are thousands of years of stories in the memory.
Of course, Obito and Madara just extracted important content and images very quickly.
Even so, the two of them spent almost half a day outside.
They saw six immortals, saw nine tailed beasts, saw the two brothers Indra and Asura, watched Indra open his eyes for Asura, watched Indra, he began to fear that his brother would get hurt when he didn’t know it …
Then all this was seen by Heijue and used it.
Indra became cold and withdrawn in the worried eyes of his younger brother Asura. All of this is like Madara’s life, and it is more or less similar to Obito’s fate.
Fear of loneliness, fear of losing.
Cut off the connection with the world and with other people.
In the end, Indra’s extremeness broke out under the unfairness of the Six Paths Immortals.
The battle between Indra and Asura was like the battle between Madara Uchiha and Senju.
Indra is wanton destruction, venting, and hysteria.
Asura was helpless, worried and helpless, and finally gave up.
From the perspective of viewing memory, even Uchiha Madara, the reincarnation of Indra, could not replace Indra. He could only see Indra being used and induced in Hejue’s memory.
On the contrary, when he saw Asura’s eyes…
Those eyes overlapped with those of the column.
“Between the pillars…”
After that, Hei Jue’s memory was the original Uchiha clan and the Senju clan.
Like many big clans, these two clans are actually chakras of the Six Paths Immortal branch.
It’s just that Uchiha and Senju are closer because they are Indra’s clan and Asura’s clan.
Watching Hei Jue leave the Six Paths Immortals to the eldest sons and descendants to warn them of tampering with the slate, that originally told the Uchiha clan how to truly unite with the Qianshou clan, and the way to treat blood stains was changed to steal the eyes of the newcomers in the clan. ! !
Quanna was deceived by this slate! In the duel with Tobirama, he was seriously injured, and after entrusting his pupil strength, Hei Jue had a chance to take advantage.
Madara wanted to get angry, to get angry, to vent the anguish in her heart.
But the old man can only restore his youthful appearance and strength in this illusory space.
Quan Nai’s death was not unexpected, followed by the rejection of the clan, and Hei Jue’s silent help.
From a thousand years of memory.
The two villains of the future Fourth Ninja World War were silent for a long time.
Just as Obito reopened Huangquan Hirazaka and was about to leave, Madara spoke.
“Do me a favor, young Uchiha.”
Obito: “…”
“Although I don’t know why you can use a pupil technique that is more powerful than Samsara Eye at such a young age, it doesn’t matter now.”
Ban said: “Hei Jue is very difficult to deal with. I am dying, and my Samsara Eye is not here.”
“Help me seal this guy, use the land to explode the stars or something.”
“It’s different from the woman named Kaguya in its memory, the Earth-Blasting Star should be enough to seal him.”
Obito: “…”
Kakashi looked at the two people who suddenly pointed their finger at Hei Jue in surprise, especially the people like Uchiha Madara.Of course, the tone of asking Madara to ask you to help me is really unexpected.
Obito’s answer was simple and unexpected.
Madara quickly reacted, “It seems that the Samsara eye is the same as the kaleidoscope, and the abilities of different people’s eyes are also different.”
“So, what are your abilities? Uchiha’s little devil.”
“Be polite, old man!” Obito said, “I don’t know the specifics. It seems that I just opened a hole and drilled to another place, and…”
He recalled that in order to avoid the 600 billion detonating charms and the ninjutsu experience scroll, he brought Kakashi to this time and place where the number was not correct when he returned to his ancestors in an emergency. place.
He described it in a mess, and thanks to Kakashi and Madara’s excellent understanding, they understood what he meant.
Kakashi: “Obito! Could it be that your eyes are capable of this!!” This, this reminded him of Naruto’s little green toad!
Madara: “Your reincarnation eye and kaleidoscope writing wheel eye are both time-space ninjutsu, especially the reincarnation eye, which is actually a power similar to a time-space dimension or a parallel dimension.”
“I don’t understand what I said. Anyway, I threw Hei Jue to a place where I can’t come back. You can die in peace!” The only number one character in Obito who can treat Obito like this.
He tore a black hole at random, and threw Hei Jue in together with the black chakra stick. Hei Jue screamed and cursed, and the hole closed instantly.
Too lazy to stay here, Obito dragged Kakashi back to Konoha.
In the pitch-black hole, Bai Jue hid in the distance and did not dare to approach, and whispered about how Hei Jue made Moban angry.
Madara sat there, closed his eyes, and remembered Kurojue and himself, his memories with Hasuma, Izanna, and Tobirama, the Uchiha family, and the Senju family.
After pulling out the support tube that was connected to the divine tree on the back of his neck, Madara finally mocked himself:
“If you know that Hasuma is my younger brother, Senna will show it off to Tobirama, and try to… be a big brother… or something…”
This life is really a bit too long.
Go over there and have a drink with them.
On the other side, when Obito and Kakashi returned to Konoha Hidden Village.
Just in time for the countdown to start counting down the seconds.
what’s the situation?
This had to be said a few minutes ago.
After watching the video, it’s time for the reward part of the horror quiz!
Although people of this era answered the question correctly, there are not many rules and regulations.
The people in the viewing area of ​​Konoha Ninja School were taken aback, Uchiha Fuyue led a group of Uchiha on guard at…
around a slot machine.
Thirty or forty pairs of writing wheel eyes, just staring at the slot machine.
I don’t know if I’m afraid of slot machines.
[“Please Mate Dai to draw the reward.”]
A terrifying metal sound suddenly appeared!
[“The countdown is thirty seconds, please press the lever within thirty seconds to draw a random reward.”]
[“The countdown begins—”]
“Is this…a garden party event?! Dad!!” Matekai looked at the gorgeous slot machine, with the photos spinning inside.
Matty: “Yeah, Kai! Tell Dad what you want! Dad will try his best to give it to you!!”
The boy Kakashi and the boy Obito were speechless.
Young Kakashi: “It’s random.”
The boy Obito opened Ergouyu’s writing wheel, “No! Kakashi! I can see! Although it is still very fast, I can barely see the shadow of a few things!!”
“It’s amazing! It’s amazing! This quiz!!” This was a certain Uchiha clan with a three-hooked jade writing wheel.
“Ah, yes.” Another clan said.
A group of Uchihas with bunny eyes looked good, but they were jealous of other ninjas.
Even Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina couldn’t help but be curious, and asked Uchiha Tomitake and Uchiha Mikoto beside them respectively.
Fuyue: “The lowest value reward I’ve seen so far is…” He paused: “It’s almost equivalent to thirty S-rank tasks in cash.”
Mikoto smiled and said to Kushina next to her: “There are also some things that are a bit bizarre, such as resurrection gold coins, infinite kunai, and spiral flash super wheel dance and roar three-style experience volume?”
“…” Kushina looked back at Namikaze Minato with shame: “Isn’t this ninjutsu what you told me to show me before? This kind of name looks like your naming style, I said! ”
“Uh…that…that is… Kushina, don’t you think this name is very handsome?”
The countdown continues.
The grown-up Kakashi urged: “Go push the lever, it’s all rewards, even if it’s useless, it won’t hurt.”
After eating 600 billion detonationFu Ku’s Obito: “…” I suspect you are talking nonsense with your eyes open.
When the metallic voice of the horror quiz announced “5”, Mattday pushed the lever of the slot machine to the end! !
The rotation of reward photos gradually slows down.
Today’s update (3/crane tail)
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