The entire Ninja world felt that Konoha had to set up a special psychological counseling and medical service center for the Uchihas.

When the Konoha ninjas who watched the movie heard angrily, Obito Uchiha uttered nonsense to their four generations of Hokage.
The scene in the video has upgraded the whole ninja world again, and of course it also includes Konoha ninja’s cognition of the fourth ninja world war.
Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who had already left office, was so surprised that he almost dropped the cigarette pouch from his mouth, and Shimura Danzo beside him suddenly opened his eyes wide!
“Second… Master Nidaime?!!”
“Teacher Feijian?!”
And the whole ninja world let out a voice of amazement!
“That big fur collar!!”
“That’s right! It’s the Second Hokage!!”
“Even the man with the title of ‘Ninja Forbidden Art Catalogue’ was reincarnated by the filth?!!!”
“The Fourth Ninja World War is really terrifying!”
“No, what shocked me was why the two Hokages felt helpless against the last Hokage disciple?!”
“That Obito, what kind of guy is he?!! Intelligence Department! Does the Intelligence Department know?!”
However, soon they got the news——
“There used to be a guy named Uchiha Obito in Konoha Hidden Village. He was a disciple of Namikaze Minato before he became a Hokage period, but…”
“In the third Ninja World War, Konoha Hidden Village and Iwa Hidden Village died in the battle of Kannabi Bridge. Most importantly, until the time of the sacrifice, the child seemed to be a Chunin at the end of a crane.”
“Hey, I heard that during the third Ninja World War, Konoha had a Wannian Ninja named Maitdai, who killed four of the Seven Kirigakure Ninja Swordsmen by himself?!”
Inadvertently, a joke spread——
In the future, if you see a golden flash, you can take a moment to think about escaping, but when you encounter Konoha’s crane tail, you must immediately choose to retreat!
I don’t know how the ninja world has gossiped about them and the Fourth Ninja World War in the video. At this moment, the Fourth Hokage and others somewhere in the Land of Fire are looking at the video, unable to guess what will happen next.
“Naruto,” Kushina continued, “I’m probably going to be blown up by what that guy said.”
Minato: “Kushina, how do you know?”
Another Minato from the “Mo Hong” pure land after the Fourth World War lamented that Kushina is indeed a mother. He patted himself on the shoulder in this era and said, “Kushina is right, just look at the video.”
“…” Minato pursed her lips, and then moved indistinctly, blocking Kushina and Naruto again.
[A strange white sticky substance slipped from Liudao Obito’s weapon. 】
Minato of this era: “Is it an attack from Mt. Myogi’s toad?!”
[In the video, Nidaime Hokage looks at Naruto and thinks: “It seems that he is not just a natural idiot, he has already discovered it!!”]
Everyone saw that blue spiral pills gathered in Naruto’s hands.
【”You who failed to become Hokage, what qualifications do you have to belittle Hokage?!”】
“That is a spiral pill?!”
“That’s the move of the Fourth Hokage?!”
“Before that Obito seemed to say that Master Fourth lost face in front of his son, could it be…”
“The son of the fourth generation?!”
【”Naruto you?!”】
The Second Hokage in the video instantly appeared behind Naruto, with his hand on the back of the swirl mark.
“Master Nidaime is going to assist Naruto?!” Sarutobi Hiruzen said.
Danzo stared in surprise: “Teacher Toikama?!”
Jiraiya: “No, that’s not an ordinary spiral pill!!”
The voice of future Naruto came from the video again——
[“More importantly, you are not qualified to…”]
Halfway through the conversation, the Second Hokage had already taken Naruto with him and disappeared in place! !
When everyone watching the movie saw the two reappear in the video, it was already the appearance of the spiral pill hitting Liudao Obito’s back heavily! !
【”Belittling the one who became Hokage, my father!!!”】
In the video is Naruto’s angry shout, and the close-up of the screen is a spiral pill smashing on Rokudo Obito’s back, and the force like a vortex twists his entire back! !
[Sasuke: “It worked?! What’s going on?!”]
Here, the Uchiha elites saw a Uchiha boy with a three-pointed jade writing sharing eyes in the video, and they talked about who this person was.
Fuyue thought to himself, similar to the son of the fourth generation, could it be Sasuke? !
Looking at the video in front of Konoha Ninja School at this moment, only five-year-old Itachi also told Mikoto: “Mom, that’s Sasuke.”
“How do you know?” asked the eldest son with a smile.
Itachi tiptoed to tease Sasuke in his mother’s arms, “Because I’m an older brother, right Sasuke.”
In the same way, Kushina poked his son’s face, “You’ve become a ninja more handsome than Minato, Naruto.”
For those who watched the movie, Minato of the Fourth War had an excited expression on his face, but Minato of this era was just like the one in the video, he was completely dumbfounded.
【Second Generation FireShadow: “He wounded him! As expected, even if the ninjutsu is ineffective, the immortal attack will still work!!”]
Jiraiya: “Xianshu!! That kid actually thought of adding the power of Xianshu to the spiral pill!!”
“That white mucus really is the attack of the Miaomushan toad! Just by observing that the attack was not quickly disintegrated, I immediately thought of the attack method that can add the spiral pill to the magic, and the operation was successful?! Genius, the son of Minato , it’s not a shame that he is the disciple and grandson of Immortal Toad Jiraiya!!! He must be a good boy who has been a great genius since the ninja school, right?!”
In the video, Naruto, under the main attack of the second-generation Megumi Hokage, pressed a celestial spiral pill on Liudao Obito’s back, and beat him, who was floating in the air, to the ground! !
And in the follow-up, Spiral Maru’s spare power made the ground Obito as the origin, and the spreading wind made the four generations of Hokage and Sasuke in the distance unsteady, and had to take a half step back to lower the body and shift the center of gravity.
The whole earth was shaken by this power! !
Minato stared at the image and said the same words as Namikaze Minato in the image.
He said: “Even I have learned the magic of Teacher Jiraiya! Naruto!!”
The eyes of the two fourth-generation Hokage are full of light, and they feel that such a son will be able to live forever! !
In the video, two little girls are in the distance.
A girl with long blue-purple hair and white eyes, obviously from the Hinata clan.
The other is a girl with cherry hair standing on a giant slug.
They are all watching the battlefield in the distance!
[Hinata: “Naruto-kun is amazing!!”]
[Sakura: “Huh?! What happened?!!”]
[“Naruto-kun’s attack worked!!”]
Just a picture, two or three lines of dialogue, made the Hinata clan people jump for joy.
“This is the clan, the heir of Lord Sunzu?!! The one you’re carrying!!”
“It feels really unreal. The child has not been born yet, and I have seen her look so slim.”
“Neiji, who is one year older than her, should take good care of her sister.”
“Yes, yes.”
And Haruno Zhao and Haruno Meabuki, they were so excited they couldn’t wait to throw their daughter away!
“That slug!!”
“Ah, that’s right!! It’s the psychic slug of Tsunade-sama, one of the three ninjas!!”
“I didn’t expect our Sakura to become a big shot!!”
“Yo Xi! Let’s celebrate tonight!!”
Kushina became even more worried, “Ah, both girls are good, will one be my future daughter-in-law?!”
“Kou, Kushina… It’s too early to think about this now.”
Kushina looked at the newly born little Naruto and began to be immersed in happiness, “If other people’s parents would support it, as long as Naruto likes it, and that child also likes Naruto, that’s enough.”
Just as everyone was excited for this exciting moment in the image, a huge black shadow appeared behind Minato Namikaze, who only had one arm in the image.
The majestic and steady voice startled the viewers.
[“You have given birth to a good son who is filial to his parents, Minato Minato.”]
[“No wonder even the old man’s half body can convince him, he is really a formidable boy.”]
In my impression, the huge dark orange animal claws were shot behind the fourth Hokage.
[“Don’t you want your son to take care of the aftermath for you? That’s why the old man’s half body is sealed in his body, so that he can gradually use the old man’s power and get the help of the old man’s half body.”]
Kushina and Minato of this era looked at the other, the newly resurrected Minato, in amazement. The couple immediately realized that this was something that the other Watergate really did in other endings! !
Seeing two eyes staring at them, Minato looked at them after the Fourth World War and said with sincerity, “You can all accompany Naruto in the future, this is more important than anything else.”
On the side, he thought that it was because he and Madara Uchiha were deceived that he killed the Minato-sensei family in order to execute the Moon Eye plan.
Uchiha Obito from the future clenched his fists fiercely.
[Yin Jiuwei in the video said: “Kushina’s death is not your fault, and it is not a bad thing for Naruto to become a human pillar, the world is facing extinction, and it is yours who are trying to save this world. Son Uzumaki Naruto!”]
Seeing the face of the nine tails in the video, the Shinobi world, especially Konoha, were shocked! !
“That nine-tailed?! The tailed beast is actually comforting Minato-sama?!”
“Oh my God! Is it true in the video?!”
“I just found out that tailed beasts can talk!!”
“Ah, I also thought they were just beasts formed by natural disasters.”
“Wait! Speaking of which, Kushina-sama, she…”
“What’s going on?! Where is Minato-sama?!! Let’s protect him and Kushina-sama!!”
“I heard that the Anbe directly under the third and fourth generations have already been deployed!”
“By the way, there is also the Uchiha clan, and the elites of the clan have also rushed to the battlefield!!”
“Oh oh oh! Then don’t worry, there is Hokage directly under Anbu, and…”
“Although most of the Uchiha clan looked a little cold, arrogant, and not gregarious, but such a large group of elites used to make people feel at ease.Heart! ! ”
Unfortunately, behind this person…
Just a few Uchihas.
“I’m really sorry for being cold, arrogant, and not fitting in with the group!!”
“Uh…” The man decisively took the blame: “Didn’t you say that the elites of the Uchiha clan are all deployed to fight?!”
A few Uchiha opened the eyes of Yigouyu or Ergouyu: “I’m not an elite, I’m really sorry!!”
“Eh? Does the Uchiha clan also have a crane tail? Suddenly I feel a lot closer to the people!”
“Not being an elite does not mean that we are the tail of the crane!! The Uchiha family has never been to the tail of the crane!!!!”
The honorable application of the Uchiha family is inviolable, and several cold Uchihas couldn’t help roaring at the man.
At this time, a voice reminded everyone.
“Yes, we have a crane tail surnamed Uchiha this year.”
People nearby looked at him: “???? Who is it?”
Genma: “Uchiha Obito, the one in the video who was just beaten to the ground by the son of Lord Four.”
“!!!!!!” “?????”
For a while, everyone didn’t know whether to be surprised or confused.
Several Uchihas: “I’m not an elite like Shisui, nor is it the tail of a crane like Obito. I’m really sorry.”
Because the video was broadcast all over the world, many tailed beasts and people Zhuri have seen the scene of the nine tails comforting the fourth Hokage.
Of course, there is also the fourth Megumi Kazekage, “Did Konoha’s fourth Megumi Hokage make the same choice as me? That child named Naruto Uzumaki has the exact same fate as Gaara.”
Luo Sha: “Sooner or later, these two children will meet.”
The medical ninja suddenly rushed in: “Lord Kazekage! Lord Gaara suddenly burst into tears, and the chakra reaction on his body was extraordinary!!”
In fact, tailed beasts are not as sentimental as humans, and the reason for Gaara’s situation is…
Shouhe rolled around with laughter in the seal, “Hahahahaha! That stinky fox!! If I knew that I was publicly executed! I must be so angry that I would be split!!! Hahahahaha, actually comforting the most hated humans!! ”
Fortunately, it was just split in half and sealed. The Yin-Yang and Nine-Tails were all in a deep sleep. Otherwise, it would not only be Gaara who was crying loudly, but also a newborn Naruto…  
Just when everyone relaxed a little and made a few jokes just now because of Naruto’s effective attack! !
In the video, Obito used the wooden escape in the eyes of everyone in Konoha who were extremely surprised! !
“With soil!!”
The young Kakashi looked at the boy Obito wearing an orange mask in surprise, “You can escape?!”
In fact, what he wanted to ask was, how did you survive back then?
But at this moment, facing such Obito, he couldn’t even ask.
When the Quan Ninja world was shocked by the image and was speechless, a huge tree rose up from the ground, and the flowers on the tree were actually gathering attacks like a tailed beast cannon! !
[“I am the ten-tailed renzhuli now, of course I can do this.” Liudao Obito used the Chakra black stick to replace the position of Hokage of the Four Scarlet Suns to create the Six Scarlet Suns! ! 】
People watching the movie immediately discovered that his formation of the Six Red Suns trapped all the ninja coalition forces inside! ! They didn’t even give them a chance to escape, and let them face that kind of attack directly in the array! !
“Juri of the Ten Tails?! Never heard of it!!”
“This is the Fourth Ninja World War?!”
“Five countries deal with one person?!”
No, that’s not right! !
In the video, they saw Madara Uchiha and the first Hokage Senju Hashirama again, and they were both immortal and immortal reincarnations! !
“That is to say, the Ninja Alliance and the shadows of the five major countries, plus the previous Hokage, have only two people to deal with?!! This is the fourth ninja war?!!”
The whole ninja world is dealing with two people, and both of them are still Uchiha.
At this moment, the Uchiha Patriarch, Uchiha Fuyue and all the Uchihas felt inexplicable pressure.
The shadows of the five major countries are all focused in front of the image, and there is nowhere to escape an attack of this level!
As Iwagakushi said in the video, even if the entire ninja coalition used Tudun, there was no way to defend against this attack! !
Minato Namikaze: “There are too many people, even if I and the second Hokage use the Flying Thunder God, I can’t do it!”
[Liudao Obito: “This is the end. This kind of world is hopeless. Why don’t I destroy it quickly and recreate a peaceful world where people have no barriers.”]
Hearing Uchiha Obito’s words, the people outside the video were shocked.
“Does that Uchiha Obito really want to destroy the world?!”
“Create a new world?! Peace?!”
“Is he crazy?!!”
Konoha couldn’t help but persuade Uchiha next to him, “If you have something to discuss, you can talk about it if you have any difficulties. It’s not good to think so extreme!!!”
Uchihas: “…”
Everyone is paying attention to the changes in the situation in the video.
One bad thing is the end of the whole play.
Their future is over!!
The first Hokage and the second Hokage in the video are also calmly thinking about various ways at this moment, trying to save the people of this ninja world! !
[Second generation Hokage: “Fourth generation, can you pass through two attacks at once?!”]
Because there are four tailed beast jades in the image, as long as the second and fourth generations of Megumi Hokage respectively transmit two attacks to the outside of the Six Red Sun Formation, this formation will instead become something to protect their ninja coalition! !
But unfortunately, the answer given by the four generations of Hokage is that it can’t be done.
Coincidentally at this time, Liudao Obito began to launch a mental attack on Naruto and Shidaimu Hokage again.
Perhaps it was just as Kushina’s wish was, Naruto and the former Obito were too similar.
So Obito wanted to pull Naruto like himself into the darkness time and time again.
This proves that your choice is correct.
Only you can help the world move towards peace! !
The Eye of the Moon project is the way to help him fulfill his promise with Lin——
Bring peace to this world!
[“Naruto, your father accomplished nothing!”]
[“He failed to protect your mother.”]
[“I didn’t protect my subordinates either.”]
[“Do you know what day tomorrow is?”]
[“It’s the birthday of your parents, Minato and Kushina!!”]
The people of Konoha Hidden Village were stunned! They probably got it! !
That Uchiha Obito means, today! !
October 10th is the day when their fourth Hokage and his wife died! ! !
More and more Konoha ninjas give up watching the video, looking for the place where their four generations of Naruto and the masked man Obito fought.
At this time, the future self was so stupid that he couldn’t vent his resentment, the little tiger mask jumped to Hei Jue’s side, and pulled out sections of black chakra sticks from the palm of his hand, like stabbing a villain. Nailed on Hei Jue.
Kakashi, wearing a little white rabbit mask, asked, “Obito, what exactly is the Moon Eye plan? Why are you and Madara Uchiha deceived?”
Both Obito and Kakashi here looked at Obito who tied the paper and tied the black in shock.
Miku Obito: “Don’t ask! Just don’t want to tell!!”
Update today (1/Innocent Uchiha)
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