This is hell! Watching the shadows fall into the despair of the soil! Instantly kill dozens of Kirigaze ninjas! !

Because of Obito’s painful roar and the power that burst out at that moment, those present who had not noticed him before, Kirigakushi and Anbu, discovered his existence! !
“With soil…”
Lin grabbed Obito’s hand beside her and looked at him worriedly in the image.
The other Obito was not very happy, and his distorted face looked even more wrinkled. Fortunately, there was aThe deputy little tiger mask prevents anyone from seeing~ invisible.
It’s that this little tiger mask doesn’t match the uniform of ‘Xiao-‘ with red clouds on a black background.
But at this moment, he was the only one who could notice these-irrelevant things.
The viewing area here, the viewing area of ​​the Konoha Ninja School, the Land of Fire and even the viewing areas around the world are still shocked by the changes of the boy who is full of love and sunshine.
Wuyin Village and Yanyin Village were shocked.
I was terrified by the pair of Ergou jade eyes that went straight up into the kaleidoscope! I was also terrified of the current state of the boy named Uchiha Obito in the video.
The ghost man Zabuza, who is famous for killing all the ninja students of the same class, is staring at the image at the moment, with a fierce light in his eyes.
The Land of Water and Hidden Wu Village are all hopeless.
Sooner or later, he will initiate a change! Redefine his village! !
In the image, Obito, wrapped in Bai Jue’s body, looks like a monster, he can no longer control his power! No one has ever been like him, only thirteen or fourteen years old, two gouyu writing wheel eye, straight up kaleidoscope writing wheel eye! !
Lin: “With soil!”
Kakashi: “Obito!!”
Minato and Kushina: “!!!”
Uchiha Fuyue and others: “What’s the situation?!!”
I saw the boy in the video bang, and a strange tree branch and black chakra popped out from the right half of his body! !
He himself was knocked back a few steps by this force.
The ninjas in the Hidden Kiri Village in the video are even more inexplicable. Are they still… human?
【“What is that guy?!”】
[“Reinforcement? But only one person?!”]
【”Are you stupid?! You dare to come here alone!!”】
Everyone watching the movie saw that a masked ninja threw several shuriken at the boy! !
Lin nervously clenched the hands of the boy Obito and the boy Kakashi.
“Lin…” “Lin.”
[‘I won’t admit it…’]
【“Bang bang bang!”】
“Did I read it wrong?!” A Uchiha rubbed his writing wheel.
A man from the Hyuga clan next to him said, “No, I saw it with my eyes!”
It’s not just them, there are all kinds of discussions in other movie theaters around the world.
“Did you miss?”
“Isn’t that true?! Those are the people of Kirigakushi Joinin and Kirigakushi Anbu!”
“But those shuriken hit the tree behind him!”
“Why do I look like… passing through his body?!”
“No matter how strong the force is! If a shuriken hits a person, at most, it will only knock the person back by a distance of half a meter to one meter, right?!”
“But look at him, he didn’t look like he was hit by a shuriken at all!”
Minato Namikaze: “This ability… A few hours ago, I didn’t know that the masked man was fighting against him when Obito, and several times my attacks passed through his body!”
He looked at Obito: “Could this be your kaleidoscope writing wheel eye ability?!”
Uchiha Fuyue: “Time and space pupil art?! It’s extremely rare!!”
The current Obito doesn’t know how to deal with Minato-sensei and Kushina-san.
Lin, who understood his mood, sighed helplessly, “I’m going to apologize to Minato-sensei and Kushina-san, Obito.”
“Um, um…”
Although she was wearing a mask, Lin just knew, “Is sand in my eyes again?”
Don’t start with the soil: “No.”
Lin smiled and didn’t bully him again.
Seeing this ability of Obito, she no longer has to worry about how Obito can face so many powerful Kirigaze ninjas alone.
It’s just the next image that lets her know that it’s not Obito who needs to worry, but the dozens of Kirigakushi ninjas who are about to be killed instantly…
[In the video, Obito’s voice came out at that time——]
[‘This kind of thing…’]
[‘Such a world…’]
His unnatural state, like a ghost-like blurring ability, made all the Mist Ninjas stunned for a moment.
[Misty: “What happened just now?!”]
【Mist hidden: “Did you hide?!!”】
Light rain fell in the sky, and it hit the grass in the dark.
Obito, who was wrapped by Shirai Jue, roared—
[“I will never admit such a world!!!”]
Everyone was shocked! !
In their hearts, Obito is enthusiastic, passionate, and loves to help those in need. He is a little timid, loves to cry, and has a good face.
However, Obito in the image…
Crazy, paranoid, dark, desperate, and powerful, just the momentum of rushing towards the Kirigakushi is terrifyingly terrifying! ! Every foot on the ground smashes a piece of ground!
Staring at the writing wheel eyes full of bloodshot eyes.
Everyone watching the movie can see that…
He wants to kill all these Kirigakushi ninjas to pay homage to his despair!
Many of the ninjas from Kiriyin Village who watched the movie swallowed their saliva unconsciously. That was the boss of the Fourth Ninja World War, and the monster’sThe appearance is also terrifying.
【“Don’t underestimate the Blood Fog!!”】
The closest Kirin slashed to Obito! !
However, the moment Obito approached him, the mist Ninja’s body was pierced by countless huge tree branches that suddenly burst out! !
And two or three other Mist Ninjas nearby were not spared either!
“Wood Dun!! That’s the first generation of adults’ wooden Dun!!!”
The older generation of ninjas, such as Sarutobi Hizen, Shun Koharu, Mito Gate Yan, and Shimura Danzo all stared at Obito in the image.
“Actually used a wooden escape!!”
“So what that white monster said is true!” Shimura Danzo said, “Humph! It’s ironic that a Uchiha has the power of the original Hokage!”
He squinted to look at Obito’s Bai Jue, such a stable white monster fused with Mudun cells, he is bound to win! !
As long as Orochimaru studies it, sooner or later, he will gain more power than Sarutobi Hizen, and prove himself!
It’s a pity that Orochimaru is unpopular! Otherwise, which round of Hokage’s position will get on the head of the yellow-haired boy Namifeng Minato? !
Obito cut off the connection between his right hand and Mu Dun, and pulled out a black chakra stick from his body. He straddled one of the mist ninjas, and the mist ninja flinched back in fright.
Faintly, the limelight changed.
None of them thought that only one ‘reinforcement’ could be so strong! !
In an instant, he killed three or four of their Kirigakushi’s Joinin! !
I can no longer underestimate him.
Rin and Kakashi watched the video nervously, and the three Anbu Kirigaku jumped into the sky, ninja knives pointed at Obito! !
“With soil!” “Be careful!!”
They couldn’t help shouting.
Obito: “It’s okay, it’s okay, Lin,” he demonstrated his abilities to Lin, “Look, I can avoid all attacks by blurring, and I can penetrate any material to appear faster where I want to appear.”
From that moment many years ago, he hated everything in the world, including or even more hated himself for not being able to arrive earlier.
In the video, he entered the virtual state just before being stabbed by the ninja sword.
With a scream, the one who was stabbed to death by the ninja’s ninja was the one under Obito, who was their own companion! !
This is Obito’s revenge.
At that time, he completely fell into darkness.
This kind of battle seemed to open up, Obito jumped high through the ninja sword, turned around angrily and kicked back, kicking the heads of the three Kiriyin completely! !
“Too…too powerful…”
Even the Uchiha elites present had to admire.
“It’s only been a few seconds, and the seven misty shadows have already died! They’re still their elites!!”
“Yeah! It’s so powerful, I never imagined that Obito would be so mad!”
The elderly who received help from Obito looked at Obito in the video with distress…
Watching him get splattered with blood from the enemy.
“Obviously a well-behaved and enthusiastic child…”
“To be wasted like this…”
“But it’s good to be alive, isn’t it?” An old lady said, “When I went to pay homage to my son who died in the Second Ninja World War yesterday, I put a few pieces of fruit candy for him in front of the memorial tablet. ”
“Obito is also a Uchiha who likes sweets,” said Gan Ligan’s boss, “After so much suffering, Konoha will have to make him more red bean cakes when he comes back.”
They couldn’t bear to watch that image anymore.
But the video didn’t stop playing as they thought.
In the video, the Kiriggaze ninja was afraid of Obito’s power and decided to retreat with Lin’s body.
This is undoubtedly rubbing Obito’s killing nerves on the ground.
Several Wu Ninja rushed towards Lin’s body.
The other twenty or so Kirigakushi ninjas stood in front of Obito.
At that time, Obito only had ‘Lin’ in his mind, and all the attacks on him were skipped by his avatar ability!
He just wanted to protect Lin! !
even though……
It was just a corpse! !
Kakashi, who was watching the movie, clenched his fists. He knew how important Rin was to Obito.
Obito likes Lin, his favorite.
Lin is the person Obito cherishes most.
However, he violated the agreement, failed to protect Lin, and killed her.
Hagi Shiroya patted his son, and he looked at Obito in the image: “It’s too powerful, this ability is as if the main body and us are not in the same space, and what the enemy sees is an illusion.”
Obito and Kakashi from the future: “…”
Tsk, as expected of Konoha White Fang, no matter where he is, no matter what era he can see through the root of his ability at a glance.
“It’s too far! Those mist ninjas are already close to that girl’s body!!”
The viewers said nervously.
But I saw Obito in the video pulled out a branch as a weapon and threw it out! !
That powerful force directly stabbed a fog close to Lin and flew out! !
Obito untied an unprinted mark on his chest with both hands,【”Boom!”】
The branch exploded in Kirigakure’s body, and more thorny branches grew instantly! !
[Bai Jue: ‘Suddenly used the wood escape·cutting technique! ’]
[‘Bring soil! I can see why White chose you! ! ’]
Bai Jue’s words reveal a lot of information, but no one can take this into consideration at this time! !
They were all petrified by Obito in the video! !
Including Lin and Kakashi.
The Kirigakure Anbe caught by Obito in the image…
It’s like a venting tool that bears Obito’s anger.
Even though he was dead, he was still beaten by the crazy Obito with punches and kicks.
In the video, there is only the roar of Obito’s angry roar and painful whimper, like a desperate trapped animal, which can only prove that it is still alive by tearing its prey apart.
There was no sound in the video, there was no Obito’s howl, nor the muffled sound of fists beating Kirigard’s corpse.
Only dozens of Wunin watched him slaughter his companions, but no one dared to stop him? ! !
Obito like that is really a monster!
Even through the video, people backed away in fright.
Obito covered in blood, and Obito full of despair, even Namikaze Minato was startled by seeing it! !
“Obito…” Lin whimpered with distress, “I’m sorry, Obito, Kakashi.”
“Don’t apologize, Lin.” Kakashi and Obito said.
Because, we did not protect you well.
The three of them were all thinking about each other, and it was precisely because of this that they established a deep bond, but when this bond was destroyed by the war…
In the video, Obito stood up silently, looking at the ninjas of Wuyin Village around him.
Unilateral… killing…
There were countless screams, the sound of struggling limbs, the sound of sharp objects passing through the body, and the sound of bones being crushed.
All the people who watched the movie were terrified. Tonight and that night are the night of the full moon. It seems that they have traveled through time and space. They can feel the bloody wind from the video.
“Hell… Hell…”
Someone commented on this scene.
In this ninja world, killings and wars are not uncommon.
But like this, there are very few methods of unilaterally killing and brutally tearing opponents apart with absolute power.
Obito in the video is waiting for the scarlet Sharingan.
His whole body was soaked in the blood of the enemy.
【’Ah… I understand…’】
【”In hell.”】
Today’s update (2/Wooden Dun·Hell Chaos Art)
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