: The Summoning From the Image! The Kingdom of Fire or the Hidden Leaf Village? !

In front of the hundreds of ninja clans, commoners, nobles, nine big-tailed beasts, and of course Heijue during the Warring States Period…
Uzumaki Naruto in the image not only kicked the Qiudao jade away.
What’s more, using a mysterious ability to rekindle the flame that was about to be extinguished in Maitekai’s heart? !
“What did he do?!”
“It seems that I just touched it?!”
“There is no seal, it doesn’t look like ninjutsu!”
“Is it a sealing technique? The sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan!!”
At this time, the Uzumaki clan was also discussing.
“Patriarch, is this a sealing technique?!”
Uzumaki Ashina put her hands into her sleeves, stared at the image and remained silent for a while.
“Probably not. Although it has the same meaning as the Yin Seal, the young man should have used the creative power of ‘creating something out of nothing’.”
“And in the palm of his hand, what is the shape of the sun disc…?”
“Let’s not talk about that, the guy with the thick eyebrows just now! He can make such a big show just by relying on physical skills!! It’s amazing!”
“That’s right! That move called Xixiang! It’s like an invisible monster kicking that guy flying in the sky!!”
“And that ‘Yekai’! Chakra turned into a roaring giant dragon!! It’s too scary, I almost let an earth escape!”
“Do you think ordinary earth escape ninjutsu can resist that move?”
“Uh…probably not.”
“Didn’t you see that Liudao Madara was kicked to pieces half of his body?”
“A ninjutsu that opens all eight gates of the human body. According to my estimation, it is not necessary to open all eight gates when fighting against ordinary enemies. The man with thick eyebrows can live until then, it must be because he has never opened the eighth gate before…”
“That is to say, he can open one to eight gates in his body according to the strength of the enemy. I don’t know what the side effects of the first seven gates are, but they will definitely not lead to death.”
“Bamen Dunjia one to seven moves…” The chubby man said, “What does Patriarch Nara think? That place is called Konoha Hidden Village.”
Just after analyzing the moves of Hachimon Dunjia, the man with the mustache and the towering spine scratched his head: “But it is known that there are people from the Uzumaki clan and Uchiha in the ninja village, so there is no reason in the middle.” Across a thousand hands…”
“In the previous video, the man who was knocked to the ground by Uchiha Madara, wasn’t he called Senshoubanma?”
“Yes, that’s right.” The head of the Nara clan said, “Although it’s troublesome, let’s go to the Thousand Hands clan later.”
The patriarch of the mountain clan asked: “Who are you sending? What is the reason?”
“The three of us are going to discuss the Hidden Leaf Village in the video.”
The patriarch of the mountain clan did not expect the other party to have such a plan. He always felt that the risk of acting like this was too risky and hasty. After all, among the hundreds of clans in the ninja world, few families have a marriage relationship like Senshou and Uzumaki, which can guarantee that the Senshou clan There will be no sudden trouble.
The patriarch of the Akimichi clan put his hand on the shoulder of the patriarch of the Yamanaka clan, and he smiled honestly, “Listen to Patriarch Nara, he always comes up with the most optimal countermeasure at present.”
[“Naruto,” Liudao Madara looked at the back in front of him: “I always feel that something has changed, it’s that guy with soil…”]
【”That’s right,” Naruto turned around. It was the cross pupils of the beast pupils of Nine Tails and the frog pupils of Miaomushan Xianshu. He said, “I also find it incredible that I can change everything now.” !”]
Naruto who watched the movie frowned: “By the way, Kurama said it before! The people who saved me were Grandpa Liu Dao and Uchiha Obito.” But he didn’t know how to save me. Obito shouldn’t be the same as Uchiha Madara camp?
“What does Madara mean?!” He turned his head to look at Hei Duanbo from the Uchiha clan and asked.
The young Uchiha Madara felt offended: “How do I know?!” He pointed to the image: “I’m not the one insideThe guy who likes to invite people to dance at every turn! ! ”
Pillar: “Spot…”
His face was heavy, and Madara Uchiha shivered, “Why? Hasuma.”
“I thought you were just not good at swimming, but I didn’t expect you to dance so badly.”
At the same time Madara Uchiha rushed over to beat him, the ninjas of the Senju clan, Uchiha clan, and Konoha all sighed together in their hearts.
The young clan leader/Children of Thousand Hands/The First Generation/Big Brother…
Your mouth is so cheap.
They all feel sorry for Madara Uchiha, okay? Why is such a black-and-white guy reincarnated as a brother?
Sure enough, I can’t believe it, the brotherly love of the Thousand Hands Clan.
Shikamaru thought silently about the previously broadcast images, he rearranged the order of each image, like making a puzzle.
Then he came to the conclusion: “Naruto, I think that Uchiha Obito may have turned against Uchiha Madara.”
Naruto Uzumaki: “???!!!”
Shikamaru said: “Before Uchiha Madara became Six Path Madara, Uchiha Obito was the fourth ninja war, and now Uchiha Madara’s attitude undoubtedly shows that… that Uchiha Obito has turned against the water.”
“As expected of a boy from Nara’s family, his analytical skills are good.” Second Hokage said: “In the fourth ninja war that I experienced, Uchiha Obito did turn against Uchiha Madara at the end, and it turned the tide of the war. .”
“And the man who turned him against the water…”
“It’s you, Naruto Uzumaki.”
“!!!” Naruto: “Me?!”
The second Hokage didn’t speak, but Naruto’s body, Kurama, who had also experienced the Fourth Ninja World War, told him: “The crime that Uchiha Obito committed, regardless of whether he was influenced by Madara, is not a problem. Not to be forgiven.”
“But because of the emergence of a more powerful enemy, you are indeed on the same front in the end.”
Naruto: “A more powerful enemy?”
“The mother of the Six Path Immortals, the goddess of Mao, Kaguya Otsutsuki.”
“The old man originally wanted to create a ninja sect that uses chakra to connect people’s hearts, but because of the trouble of the bastard Hei Jue, it gradually developed into the world of ninjas, all for the purpose of saving that woman.”
Naruto: “That woman…”
He remembered that in a certain image, he and Sasuke in the future fought together against a ghost-like woman with white eyes, samsara eyes, and reincarnation eyes.
“Are you talking about that… the woman who was defeated by my astringent seduction technique?!”
“Tsk…” Kurama roared, “You didn’t defeat her with that move! You just gave her a punch by surprise!! The one who really sealed it was Liudao’s Liudao Earth-Blasting Star!!!”
The host was powerless, and Nine Tails sighed.
“Forget it, the old man came out to tell you,” Kurama said: “The old man suddenly remembered that there are also nine-tailed beasts in this era. You used the power of the old man twice just now, which must have alarmed them in this era. ”
“Wait, the old man of this era should come to find you.”
“Eh?!!” Naruto unconsciously fantasized about the situation where three nine-tails lived in his body…
In fact, the Kuramas are few, because the next image made not only the nine tails, but also the tailed beasts in other countries moving their huge bodies and rushing towards them.
Because in the video, I returned to the dialogue screen between the Six Paths Immortal and Naruto.
In the era of Kakashi and Obito, only sound images were broadcast, but inexplicably on Naruto’s side, the picture and sound coexisted.
[“It’s all my wishful thinking to stop Indra and what my mother wants to do in this era.” The Six Path Immortals reflected: “Including the use of the tailed beasts, did not bring balance and peace to the world.”]
[“They… are only used as weapons…”]
[“Maybe the old man’s idea is too naive.”]
The six-path immortal in the video reflects on his own creation of the Ninja Sect, and even today, more than a thousand years later, the smoke is still lingering…
Even as a saint, he would inevitably have doubts.
This made the nine big-tailed beasts of the Warring States period in the movie to question the meaning of their own existence.
As long as you survive in this cursed ninja world, there is no peace at all.
“Old man…” The Kurama during the Warring States period bared his teeth. He wanted to refute the old man Liudao, but he knew that it was just an image, and what he said here was meaningless.
He couldn’t refute the idea of ​​Six Paths Immortal.
The people in the video can do it.
When Naruto Uzumaki in the video said, “It’s not.”
During the Warring States Period, the nine-tailed beasts who were crawling to watch the video all propped up their bodies, staring at the video, waiting for what the blond boy wanted to say next.
[“It’s not your fault, Grandpa.” Naruto Uzumaki: “How can things like peace be accomplished overnight, so it is necessary to be like the second-generation uncle, the third-generation grandfather, the horrific immortal, and my father? In the same way, guide and entrust younger generations to continue their dreams.”]
Naruto who watched the movie recalled beforeThe contents of the video-
“That’s right, it’s just like the Haose Immortal, my father, and my mother entrusting me with their dreams.”
He remembered what the horrific immortal had said in the video——
“The so-called ninja is able to endure the pain that ordinary people can’t bear.”
“The talent of a ninja is not how much ninjutsu he has, but the perseverance that never gives up!”
[“Because I am Naruto Uzumaki, I will definitely become Hokage one day, not only that, I will surpass all Hokage in the past! End the curse of the ninja world!”]
[“If there really exists peace, I will hold onto it tightly! Realize your grandfather’s, the Hokage’s, the Hose Immortal’s, my mother’s, and mine—the dream of peace!!”]
[“I won’t give up! Because what I say is my Ninja way!!”]
Immortal Liudao watched the second reincarnation of his second son and was touched by his words.
He knew that this child’s life was much rougher than Asura’s.
He lamented that he had met good parents, teachers, companions, immortals of the Six Paths, and the people who were outside the image heard a shrill voice.
[“He’s right, old man!”]
Shouhe in the Warring States Period: “Me?”
The tailed beast of Youlu in the Warring States Period: “It’s the voice of Shouhe!”
During the Warring States Period, Kurama and Naruto, and the nine tails of Yin and Yang in Minato’s body: “Stupid civet cat?!”
Naruto in the video was taken aback by the sudden sound.
Immediately after that, the entire ninja world, especially the ninjas living in the Land of Winds, was even more frightened!
Isn’t that monster civet cat, which is bigger than a hill, the natural disaster of the land of wind – the Shouhe of Sand? ! !
Update today (2/Saury with six spots)
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