The Warring States Tailed Beasts Gather! Everyone: Should I tell Naruto in the Nine-Tails video is at his feet?

That terrifying question and answer can actually do this!
Uchiha Fugaku: “That Sasuke from the future should also know a lot, and… that masked man seems to know a lot too.”
Speaking of the masked man, Minato Namikaze didn’t speak again.
Lin turned her head, always feeling that Mr. Minato didn’t say anything.
“Here we come.” Nine Lamas suddenly said.
Naruto: “Ah? What’s coming?”
The Nine Lamas in his body raised the corners of their lips slightly, telling him that he will be there soon.
Sure enough, it didn’t take long. It was Xianglin who couldn’t stand it first. Her perception ability was too strong, so when ‘those guys’ rushed over, she immediately felt the powerful power of the chakra aggregate in essence.
Immediately after were the two ninjas of the ninja sense type.
Not long after, the earth shook and the mountains shook.
“what happened?!!”
“what happened?!!”
“Is there an earthquake?!”
Naruto jumped up, “What happened? What came over?”
The huge and long peacock tail is another series of movements.
Immediately afterwards, he heard a familiar roar:
“Who is it?! Who is attacking this old man with his tail?!”
Shouhe: “It’s not me!”
Jiu Lama: “Don’t put gold on your tail, is your tail so beautiful?!! Besides, the colors are different, okay?!”
The tailed beasts looked at the blue Youlu…
You Lu: “Although the thing that attacked you just now was blue, but the color is different from mine, so it’s not me either.”
When these sounds came to everyone along with the sound of paws rubbing against the ground.
Everyone was shocked.
No way, no way? ! !
Because a certain “tailed beasts for free” guy has not yet grown up, so the ninjas of the Warring States Period may have seen the nine tailed beasts gather together for the first time! !
They were nearly 200 people surrounded by nine tailed beasts.
And the scene is a bit pathetic, after all, the size of a human being is no match for a tailed beast.
Before the Kyuubi in Naruto’s body could say a few words to the Kyuubi of this era.
It just so happened that the video was playing the part where the Sage of the Six Paths entrusted the Tailed Beast chat room.
[“I want to go back to the Water Curtain Cave!”】
Sun Wukong raised his head: “I just came from Shuiliandong.”
[King Mu: “I decided to live in seclusion in the forest.”]
[Chongming: “Can we finally go back to our hometown?”]
[Youlu: “It feels like a dream.”]
The ninjas of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan:
“We are also like a dream…”
The nine big-tailed beasts surrounded them, even the two major ninja clans in the ninja world would not dare to move!
“Actually, I want to say something,” Naruto said, “Kurama, you stepped on my tail and I said.”
The Kurama in the Warring States Period: “Is it you who attacked the old man with your tail just now?! He also attacked twice!!”
After thinking about it, oh, Naruto jumped just now thinking it was an earthquake.
I was shocked when the masked man said that Sasuke had his face on his chest.
A total of two strokes, almost hit the nine tails of the head of the tailed beast…
I have to say, ape shit…
[“Yao, what are you going to do?”]
[“I went back to Bi, and I’m used to listening to his annoying rap. Suddenly I don’t listen to it, and my whole body feels weak.” Niu Gui said: “How about you, Jiuwei?”]
Warring States Kurama: “???”
In Naruto’s body, the Kurama who died in the heavy particle mode quietly put the nine big tails in front of his face, and muttered in a low voice: “Shut up, that guy with eight tails!!”
The Senju clan and the Uchiha clan in the Warring States period stared nervously at the fox with nine huge tails.
When the fox in the video was asked what he planned to do in the future…
[“I…” Because he is the same generation as the tailed beasts, the nine tails didn’t use the self-proclaimed ‘old man’. 】
The other tailed beasts watched the image with great interest, and Youlu, who had cat attributes, couldn’t help but wave the image with his claws.
The nine tails in the video looked erratic, and secretly aimed at a certain blond boy.
Warring States Kurama: “???”
[Six Path Immortals: “All of you have a little chakra in Naruto,…”]
“It turns out that the chakra of the tailed beast can be collected!”
It was the first time that the ninja world during the Warring States period heard of such a slapstick operation.
“The chakra of nine tailed beasts collected by one person?!! That kid from the Whirlpool family is really not easy!!”
“How about a chakra that collects all nine tailed beasts? I’m a little curious.”
[“Naruto will be equivalent to your meeting place in the future,” Six Path Immortal said: “If there is something important to discuss, you can use chakra to discuss it in Naruto’s body.”]
[“This way, even if you are separated from each other, you can still be connected to each other.”]
“It’s so convenient?!”
“Chakra can still be used like this!!”
Hearing the words of the Six Paths Immortal, Ino suddenly opened up, “Right! As long as there is such a meeting place, then no matter when and where, familiar ninjas can conveniently transmit information and communicate information!”
The patriarch of the Yamanaka clan looked at Yamanaka Ino and was speechless in surprise.
I can actually think of using this method for ninjas and ninjas!
The future of this little girl and the future of the mountain family is limitless! !
The other ninjas also looked at the Yamanaka clan with envious eyes. If such an idea could really be realized by relying on the secret techniques of the Yamanaka clan, it would be a huge amount of income.
Even the mission gold doesn’t know how to collect it.
Ino: “But the name of the assembly hall is strange.”
“It’s okay to call it the Tailed Beast Hall, but if it’s called the Ninja Hall…” Ino got goosebumps: “I always think that I will think of the bold uncle who taught Naruto Spiral Maru.”
“Ino, Kurama said that he can teach you about chakra authorization later,” Naruto tilted his head: “Although I don’t know what it means, he told me to tell you.”
It was so sleepy that he sent a pillow, Yamanaka Ino felt that he could realize that idea one step earlier.
Let everyone share information, discuss and chat in it.
“Chat…” An idea suddenly appeared in her mind: “Tailed beast chat room!!”
Ino thanked Naruto and Kyuubi. This was something she would never have thought of before. After all, since all the ninja students of the same period were educated to stay away from Naruto, they would also be a little bit towards Naruto because of their herd mentality. I can’t see it.
But since I saw the images of the future…
Ino Yamanaka, the beauty of Yan control and this control, said that Naruto is not an option. He never imagined that Naruto Uzumaki, who is now like a kitten and shorter than her, will grow up to be such a handsome guy.
Thinking that Hinata has liked Naruto since he was a child, Ino sighed, otherwise, everyone said that the Hinata clan had good eyes.
The six-path immortal in the video suddenly named Nine-Wei.
The Fire Ninja ninjas gathered here were sharp-eyed and found that the Kurama’s ears in front of them were also pierced.
In the video, the Kurama, who is called the head of natural disasters, hummed a little dumbly? !
Is this a tailed beast? Not a ninja dog of the Inuzuka clan, right? ! Right? ! !
[The six-path immortal in the image sees the nine tailsWith that little thought, he arranged: “You will stay in Naruto’s body in the future and be responsible for managing this assembly hall!”]
In the video, the nine tails pretended to be “Huh? Why? ! why is it like this! ‘ small form.
However, his little thought was once again guessed by the father who could almost be said to have created them, the Immortal Six Paths.
[“For you now, it’s not a very painful thing, right? Kurama.”]
When everyone saw that the Kurama in the video did not start, they responded arrogantly and awkwardly:
[“Well, since you said so, old man, I also…”]
“Pfft!” The laughter came from the mouth of Sengoku Yuluzhikou.
“Squeaky, squeaky!” Sun Wukong of the Warring States period laughed with a big mouth.
Immediately afterwards, except for Kurama, the eight-tailed beasts present laughed so much that the earth trembled with them.
In addition to the eight tailed beasts in the image, there are sixteen in total, and the laughter is simply deafening.
Sengoku Kurama: “What are you laughing at!! That’s in the video!! This old man won’t recognize any human stinky brat!!”
In Naruto’s body, the Seventh Hokage, the Kurama and Yang Jiuwei lay on the ground restlessly, as if no one else could hear him as long as he was like this.
However, in the video, he did not clarify this point, but his nine big tails tapped the ground hard to vent his dissatisfaction and embarrassment.
[“What?! What’s so funny?!!”]
[King Mu: “You’re still the same as before, not at all frank, Kurama.”]
…… 0
King Mu of the Warring States Period looked at himself in the image and complained, “Kurama, it seems that in another hundred years, you still won’t be able to change your frankness.”
Warring States Rhinoceros: “Ha! I really miss the time when we used to chat with the old man.”
Warring States and Brigade: “It has been more than a thousand years.”
They looked at the immortal Six Paths in the image, and they never imagined that they would see him again one day.
Warring States Kurama: “Do you remember what the old man said? That stinky toad’s prophecy.”
“Ah, remember.”
“As long as you wait a hundred years, the person in the image will appear.”
“I’ve waited for a thousand years, I don’t care about a hundred years.”
Everyone looked at Naruto and was embarrassed to tell these behemoths that the person you were waiting for was right in front of you.
Just now, I almost hit the nine tails twice with the ‘friend card’…
[Six Path Immortals: “Naruto, Sasuke, before my mother Kaguya Otsutsuki fought, I asked you what you think, do you want to change the answer you gave me at that time?”]
The heroic spirit Uchiha frowned, “Otsutsuki Kaguya?”
Four generations of Hokage said: “According to the information I know, it should be the final enemy of the Fourth Ninja World War.”
He looked at Uchiha Fuyake and said, “Sasuke from the future also said that he is chasing the Otsutsugi clan, but it is very strange that in the time I was alive, I had never heard of such a ninja clan.”
Fuyue: “I haven’t heard of it either.”
“But the clan’s motto of the Uchiha clan…” He paused for a moment: “That is, the slate you mentioned before. It was indeed mentioned that the Uchiha clan were descendants of the Six Path Immortals.”
Minato Namikaze nodded: “It seems that not only the Uchiha clan are descendants of the Six Path Immortals, but also the Senju clan and the Uzumaki clan.”
“What?!” Uchiha Fuyue was stunned: “You mean the Qianshou clan, the Uchiha clan, and the Uzumaki clan are family members?!”
Although Madara Uchiha didn’t react on the surface, in fact, there was an uproar inside.
It’s strange enough to see his father, Uchiha Tajima, and the Senju Buddha standing here watching the movie, and they haven’t fought yet! !
Yinglingzhuma: “Mara… It looks like we may have all been deceived by something.”
Today’s Update (3/’s Apocalypse Card)
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This article is all about family affection, not Ino Ming or Nai Ino ha~~er.

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