Battle in the Valley of the End! Sasuke threatened to use Naruto’s death to pay tribute to his brother, Itachi: …

Namikaze Minato resisted the urge to vomit blood and touched Lin’s head.
“It’s okay, Lin, let’s watch the video first.”
Lin: “???”
Madara Uchiha let out a sneer, and was given a stern look by Minato Namikaze and the first Hokage.
[“My brother is a loser…”]
Sasuke in the video clenched his fists in pain.
[“Because he left my brother, he only left me, he couldn’t attack my brother, so he failed.”]
Naruto looked at the image and seemed to be able to understand Sasuke’s pain through the image.
[“But I’m different…”]
[“My father, mother, brother and Uchiha’s clan are all gone!!”]
Sasuke Uchiha, who was in the fourth stage in the image, almost overflowed with hatred from the sky.
Not surprisingly, Sasuke at that time…
He hates the whole world.
[“I’m alone,” Sasuke said in the video: “So I can bear all the hatred on my own!! I hate the world, so if that’s the case, let the world hate me too!”]
The Hundreds of Ninja World are looking at the video at the moment, and they are a little bit unable to understand what the last descendant of the Uchiha clan with super power said, as well as his thinking and logic, which makes people feel that they are not on the same brain frequency.
A Uchiha expert who has a deep understanding of the Uchiha family, the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, don’t want to talk.
Sasuke’s words in the video were beyond the comprehension of twelve-year-old Naruto. He bumped into Sasuke next to him and asked him, “What the hell are you trying to do? I’ll tell you!”
Sasuke: “I’m afraid it’s—”
Before he finished speaking, Sasuke Uchiha in the video spoke out his thoughts.
[“I want to unify the entire ninja world!”]
“Is that kid crazy?!!”
The Hundreds of Ninja World stared at the image, waiting angrily for Sasuke Uchiha to reveal a fierce light.
There was a boy of seventeen or eighteen who said he wanted to rule them? !
It’s a big joke! !
With a little bit of strength, dare to endure with themThe Jie Hundred Clan’s challenge is too contempt for their power! !
However, they could only shout a few words in front of the video, then calm down and continue watching the movie.
[“In the dark, hatred will not disappear, in this case…”]
Sasuke Uchiha in the video said:
[“Then why don’t I use my own flame to burn all the darkness of the Five Great Ninja Villages!!”]
[“This is what I said…”]
Masked Man Uchiha Obito: “…”
“Should I say it’s the same person’s reincarnation?” He said, “When I first met Madara Uchiha, he said something similar to me.”
Kakashi: “???”
Obito recalled what the old Madara Uchiha said—
“The world can’t always be what I want…”
“The longer you live, the more you feel that the real world is filled with only anguish, pain, and loneliness…”
“Everything in this world is the same, if there is light, there must be shadows…”
“Only Infinite Monthly Reading can cut off the causal relationship in this world!”
After hearing this, Kakashi said, “If Sasuke is left alone, he will become like you and Madara.”
He sighed: “It’s just escaping the pain of loss.”
“…” Obito lowered his head and didn’t speak, which was a default.
“sorry.”. “Kakashi suddenly apologized, and Obito looked at him strangely.
Kakashi: “If I knew you were still alive, I should have pulled you out of the darkness earlier.”
Obito: “In what way? Die together? Did you have 600 billion detonating charms at that time? Did you have a big spiral wheel?”
“…” This Kakashi was not happy, he never expected that he would be scolded by the tail of a crane one day! !
Lin: “???”
Is Kakashi going to die together? ! ! with who? ! !
There is another Naruto memory in the video.
That’s because Sasuke mentioned that he doesn’t care about other people’s opinions and objections, as long as he has enough power, he can suppress everything.
This reminded Naruto of Uchiha Itachi, who had just participated in the fourth ninja war and met the reincarnation of the dirty earth.
At that time, he also felt that he had become stronger, that he was omnipotent, that he was proud, and that he could be a dictator! You can do it alone | Turn over the entire ninja world!
But Brother Itachi told him: “You once said that you got this far because of everyone’s blessing, but now that you have gained strength, you have forgotten others, become proud, and obsessed with one person to carry everything…, So sooner or later you will become a ‘Mad (masked man)’ like a person.”
Having seen the video of the future, Obito knew that he wanted to pull Naruto into his camp during the Fourth World War, to prove that his choice was correct, but it was unsuccessful.
It turns out that all this was a foreshadowing that Itachi bought.
What a terrifying man, Itachi.
Itachi told Naruto: “Never forget your companions, or you will become a loser like me. The reason why your father Namikaze Minato can be recognized as Hokage by everyone is because of your mother Uzumaki Kushina and his companions. .”
Naruto in the video recalled this, and wanted to tell Sasuke on the opposite side that he had misunderstood the meaning of Itachi, and also misunderstood Itachi’s way of life.
[“Brother Itachi…” He entrusted you to my companion! 】
It’s a pity that Sasuke at this time, like Madara Uchiha and Indra a thousand years ago, can’t enter their hearts no matter what.
To put it bluntly, they are at this stage…
There is no distinction between good and bad, oil and salt do not enter, it is like a layer of DBUFF that is immune to all mouths, there is really no other way but to fight.
Uncle Zuo: “…”
I can’t feel it just from memories. Only by watching the video can I find that I was really in trouble at that stage, and I was able to pull him back thanks to the tail of my crane.
The most terrifying social death is that he once said to the tail of the crane——
[“Naruto, the first thing I have to do is kill you!”]
Moviegoer: “…”
But then, there was something that surprised them even more.
Shu Zuo: “…” Waterfall Khan, wanted to die, wanted to close his ears and block his eyes.
[“I will use your blood to worship my dead brother!!” Sasuke Uchiha in the video laughed wildly and changed his attitude: “As the last blood, brother will like it.”]
Itachi looked at Sasuke and Shuzuo in horror: “No! Sasuke, I don’t like it!!”
“Why do you think so?”
Shishui also looked at the two with disbelief.
“Do you still have any questions about Itachi?” He stood up in front of Uchiha Itachi: “If the genocide has caused you a psychological shadow, I think I can help Itachi explain!”
The Uchiha family: “…”
What’s the explanation for this? ! ! !
At this time, Itachi’s voice came from the image again. It was Naruto’s inner voice, his memories of Itachi.
[“Naruto, you said that Sasuke is like your brother, so only you can stop Sasuke.”]
[“Sasuke will leave it to you.”]
recallItachi’s entrustment, no matter what I say, I can’t persuade Sasuke’s sincerity.
A battle in the Valley of the Dead version is still inevitable.
The two had met the Six Path Immortals respectively, and Naruto wanted to save Sasuke because Sasuke was his most important friend.
Sasuke wanted to kill Naruto, but the reason was precisely because Naruto was his most important friend.
I don’t know whether to sigh about the fate of the two, or to sigh that their characters pushed their fate in two different directions.
At this moment, the hundreds of ninja tribes in the Warring States period looked at the image.
On the statue of Senju Hurama and the statue of Madara Uchiha…
Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki finally formed the “Seal of Opposition”.
Just like Senju Hasuma and Madara Uchiha.
“` It was like in front of Iruka-sensei at Konoha Ninja School.
In the video, several screens are switched back and forth——
Madara Uchiha in his youth and Senju Hashirama in his youth.
Burdened with clan responsibilities, Madara Uchiha, who became the head of the Uchiha clan, and Senju Hasuma, the head of the Senju clan, respectively.
Madara Uchiha, who brought nine tails to attack Konoha, and Senju Hasuma, who was Hokage from Hidden Village of Konoha.
And then there’s…
Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki of Konoha Ninja School.
When they were young, they were the two figures in the battle in the Valley of the End.
“It’s the final battle.”
A first-class ninja can be detected just from this aura.
Uchiha Tajima and Senju Buddha saw the images of their eldest son fighting with the other’s eldest son in the video respectively, and they also knew that they were the reincarnations of the two sons of the Six Path Immortals. Watching the battle between Sasuke and Naruto subtly took the place of Madara and Hashirama.
The same is true for the boy Hashimama and Madara.
And Kazuma Hasuma, who is a Heroic Spirit.
It’s the sound of the seventeen-year-old Sasuke and the seventeen-year-old Naruto Uzumaki colliding with each other in the video! !
The two jumped backwards.
Similar to the battle in the Valley of the End, the two first had a physical duel!
Sasuke suddenly held Naruto’s hand, Naruto was stunned, he actually relied on his fingers to guide Naruto to help him complete the ninjutsu seal!
“That blond boy hasn’t entered the state yet.” Someone commented while watching the movie.
The ninja next to him said, “Ah, not enough awareness.”
“The Uchiha boy across from him is going to kill him, if he doesn’t cheer up, he will…”
As they were talking, they saw Naruto in the image forming several shadow clones and attacking Sasuke.
Sasuke spit out a fire ball and attacked Naruto.
In the video, Sasuke’s figure is again switched to the appearance of the last Vale of End War.
Naruto’s growth is even more rapid, and in a blink of an eye, it has become a chakra mode of the six-tailed beast! !
Naruto Uzumaki, who looked at the tailed beast’s Chakraga magic state.
The ninja who spoke just now said, “It’s okay, I don’t have enough awareness, let’s make up for it with strength.”
“Well, that blond boy, he can.” said the ninja next to him.
In the video——
Sasuke’s reincarnation writing wheel eye, Naruto’s tailed beast chakra mode and seeking jade, make this war a blessing to an incredible extent.
Sasuke relied on the ability of reincarnation to create a thousand birds to gather in his left hand, and at the same time, he appeared behind Naruto and knocked Naruto out.
Naruto fell into the water, not waiting to react.
On the opposite side, the purple Susanoo with the black flame of Amaterasu has attacked him again! !
The three black flame arrows were offset by the Qiu Dao jade behind Naruto, and a huge explosion occurred in the air! !
The full purple Susanoo takes the form of an ancient tengu samurai!
There are tengu wings on the back, armor, holding a giant blade, huge to the size of a tailed beast! !
As a last resort, Naruto Uzumaki on the opposite side can only be transformed into a tailed beast, something Konoha Ninja has seen before, that kind of golden chakra nine-tailed pattern! ! !
Susanoo flew on the lake, and the golden nine-tailed animals lay on the lake and charged up to attack! !
The tail beast cannon and Susanoo’s arrows collide frequently! !
The deafening crackling sound came one after another! Blast the lake into huge water columns one after another! ! !
This is just a minute’s worth of content! !
Hundreds of ninja tribes are stunned!
Feelings, the two of you chatted for so long just now to prepare us mentally! !
Who said just now that the boy named Sasuke Uchiha had “a little” ability and thought he could fight against them? ! ! !
Is this a bit? ! ! Is it a bit? ! ! !
This is a million dots, right? ! ! !
In the video, Susanoo stretched out a fist, and the golden nine-tailed fist that stood up like a human was facing the fist! !
The power of the hedge made the huge waves rolled up on the lake roared and faced each other behind the two of them! ! !
The scene made all the Ninja tribes stunned…
Konoha Ninja sighed:
“This is the stubbornness of our village.”
Update today (1/Naruto’s only card)
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