No way! No way! How could itachi be such an unpleasant brother? !

Naruto while watching the movie was a little excited: “As expected of my dad! How can I use chakra so freely! But I seem to be more powerful in the future!!”
[Naruto in the video was also inspired, and he said on the battlefield: “I count one, two, three, let’s work hard together!!”]
However, this one, two, three is the common voice of all the tens of thousands of ninja coalition forces involved in the tug-of-war.
The moment when everyone worked hard together…
Naruto came to Obito’s inner world.
Behind Naruto, there are countless fetters that are suitable for him to connect with chakra, all of which he wants to protect, and also his comrades who vow to protect him to the death.
Obito looked back at himself.
Just like his empty heart.
But when he turned around.
The person opposite is not Naruto…
Obito: “!!!”
But another choice, himself.
It is Uchiha Obito who returned to the Hidden Village of Konoha and insisted on the will of fire and the dream of Hokage! !
Standing by Kakashi’s side, he taught Konoha No. 7, as well as the five generations of Hokage Obito who passed on the will of fire to many of Konoha’s younger generations! !
[“Could it be that I regret it?!”]
Obito: “I…” I regret it.
He looked at Kakashi and Rin beside him, his heart was bitter, what should I do when his companions were really by his side, he felt so far away from them, too far to touch them, like falling into like a swamp…
[“You want to be Hokage, right!”]
The words of the famous person in the video made Obito in the video a little flustered, he told Naruto to get out of his heart! !
Naruto told him that if he became Hokage, he would try to chase him behind him and become Hokage behind him.
[“You can’t change the facts even if you put on a mask!”]
“!,Wind~: Shadow!: Capital?.’Source!.Group’`2′.0:!`8″:5:1~,1″.9,.8`.8.?” [“What A man who is nobody!!”]
【“You are you, Uchiha Obito!!”】
Uchiha Obito took out a brand new orange mask from the Kamui space: “…”
This mask will make him relaxed and make him disguise as UchiBo Ban, let him treat himself as Ban and avoid all responsibility and pain.
He realized that compared to Naruto in the video…
“I’m really a cowardly man.”
Just as he thought, Naruto in the image said:
[“You and I, we are really alike, whether it’s Hokage’s dream, or ignorance of parents, or the tail of a crane, not getting the attention of others, or losing someone important…, these we it’s the same.”】
Seeing this, Naruto, who was watching the movie, suddenly felt a little lonely, or in other words, many complex emotions came together.
He muttered to himself, but what he said was obviously to Uchiha Obito.
“My mother…”
“Kushina clearly admires you the most, and even hopes that my son will be like you, even if his grades are not good, even if he is a crane tail, as long as he has a loving companion and a firm and persistent heart, it is more important than anything else…”
As an adult, Obito had seen this video, and he clenched his fists fiercely, feeling uneasy in his heart.
The boy Obito had never seen this video, and Zhishui thoughtfully showed him that video with the illusion of a writing wheel, which made the boy Obito so moved that he wanted to go back to his own time to see Mr. Minato and Jiu. Sister Sinna, let them know that she is still alive and surprise them!
In the video, Naruto and Rokudo Obito have a battle of wills in their inner world.
Anyone can see that Naruto is not a little confused or hesitant.
But Liudaodai was hesitant.
[Naruto: “Let the war end and become Hokage, there are no shortcuts!! My teachers and my ancestors told me that the so-called Hokage…”]
The boy Uchiha Madara stared at the image.
In his heart, he was accepting the will conveyed by Naruto in the image.
[“The so-called Hokage is the one who can endure all the pain and walk in the front of his companions!! It is for everyone who removes obstacles on the road one by one!! It is not like you and Madara Uchiha! Escape from reality! Going alone! The destruction of the world in pursuit of the false peace in the dream!!”]
[Naruto: “It’s not that this world has lost contact with you…”]
[“It’s you, who cut off all ties with this world!!”]
At this moment, several pictures were interspersed in the image.
It was Kakashi who brought Obito’s favorite red bean cake, and stood in front of the memorial monument. He seemed to have cut off contact with the whole world.
Before Sasuke defected, he said, “How about I also kill all your important people?!” Kakashi replied, “Then you may not be able to do it, because all my important people have been killed. already.”
It was Payne who attacked Konoha and killed Kakashi. Before he died, he muttered like a relief: “Obito, Rin, Minato-sensei… I can finally find you.”
These images made Lin and Obitu feel sad and distressed.
Also Madara and the original Hokage.
The original Hokage would rather commit suicide than leave Madara and the Uchiha clan allied.
Looking at the image, Qian-handed Buddha was about to die of anger.
The second generation Hokage looked at the image and wanted to stomp and explode chakra.
Knowing that he might marry Senju Shima to promote the common development of the two clans, Mito Uzumaki further determined that such a man who was doomed to die prematurely was no good.
There is also Madara about to leave Konoha, and Hakuma is reluctant and helpless.
And when he came back with Nine-Tails to destroy Konoha, Chishou Hasuma persuaded him again and again. The act of defending and not attacking again and again was not because Madara Uchiha was unworthy to fight him, but…
He hoped that Madara Uchiha was in their village.
Just like Naruto’s determination not to cut off his connection with Sasuke, even if he were to die with him, he would not allow him to go down the wrong road.
Uchiha Obito.
Uchiha Madara.
Looking at the video, it seemed that this scene was specially shown to them.
He lowered his eyes.
The image once again returns to Obito’s inner world.
He recalled the past of the Watergate class.
This is proof that he is shaken again.
In the memory of Uchiha Obito——
[Rin bandages his wound: “You can’t be so brave. Didn’t Obito already make an appointment with me? You’re going to be Hokage!”]
[“Listen to Obito, I also really want to end this war and save the world!” The brown-haired girl in the video said: “So I made up my mind to guard you carefully, because saving you is saving you. world, right?”]
The girl’s playful voice said that she cried Obito.
But it also made Obito always remember a promise—
[“Come on! Obito!!” The girl’s crisp voice in the video: “You want to become Hokage, show me heroically save the world!”]
In the viewing area, the two Lins held their hands with soil.
“Obitu,” they sighed, “no matter when you are so brave, don’t hide yourself, I see it all!”
With a shriveled mouth, the two Obito almost returned to the cry-loving Obito like when they were children.
[“Come back to my path! As Uchiha Obito, as a Konoha ninja! Make up for your sins!!”]
Obito: “…”How can he make up for his sins?
Naruto and Sasuke who watched the movie here were also very surprised. They didn’t expect the self in the video to say that…
Sasuke: “How to make up for it?! The reputation of the Uchiha clan! How can he make up for the Uchiha’s hundreds of lives?!”
“…” Naruto was silent, and reflected on the images he had watched all along.
He couldn’t forgive Obito Uchiha.
But if this problem is really in front of me.
How should he choose?
This kind of question seems to be much more difficult than the question of horror quiz.
If Obito dies, neither Kakashi-sensei nor Rin will be really happy, and there may even be a void in their hearts.
But if he doesn’t die, how will everyone’s hatred and anger be appeased?
Before Naruto could figure this out, Naruto’s last heavy attack appeared in the video.
In Uchiha Obito’s memory, he saw Obito whose consciousness was about to be swallowed by Ten Tails. Relying on the fetters of recalling Minato Ban, he overwhelmed Ten Tails’ will with his own will, thus controlling fragments of Ten Tails’ power.
Obito is irrefutable.
[In the video, Uzumaki Naruto said: “If that person named Lin was still alive, she would definitely say that to you…”]
【”Don’t be brave, don’t hide yourself, I can see it all.”】
“Really!” Lin was a little surprised: “I really said that to Obito just now!!”
She was a little excited, “The son of Minato-sensei and sister Kushina is indeed an incredible child! I really want to become Naruto’s Jonin mentor soon!”
Naruto scratched his head: “In fact, although Kakashi-sensei loves to read limited books, he is always late, making excuses to say that he was lost on the road of life, was accosted by a beautiful woman, or that an old lady took a lot of things You have to handle it…but it is still very reliable at critical moments!”
Sasuke interrupted: “Although it is reliable at critical moments, it is never always on time!”
Sakura nodded desperately, and couldn’t agree more.
Young Kakashi: “Are you sure you are talking about me, not Obito?”
Kakashi Takihan, how does he know that Obito is still alive? ! !
Lin: “Kakashi has become the same as Obito!”
Obito glanced at Kakashi, but said nothing.
Kakashi: “…” In fact, there is another person named Skye who is the male version of Lin. I hope that the Horror Quiz will not publish these too! ! !
The boy Obito said excitedly: “Maybe we can take turns to be the Jonin instructors of the seventh class in the future!”
Boy Kakashi: “But I have to remind you, Obito, you are still just a Chunin.”
“…” Juvenile Obito: “Of course I will become a Jonin! I am the Uchiha Obito-sama with Sharingan! I can teach…” He looked at Sasuke, “I can teach this little Uchiha how to use it Sharingan writing!”
Sasuke: “Who is Little Uchiha?! Who needs you to teach Sharingan?!”
Facing Sasuke who suddenly lost his temper, the boy Obito murmured dissatisfiedly: “The real murderer is not at all as cute as the children of Fuyue brother’s family.” Speaking of which, he will buy gifts for Xiao Itachi after returning home! He will be happy! !
Itachi: “Sasuke is my younger brother.”
Boy with soil: “Eh?!!! No way, no way?! Itachi is so cute, how could he have such an unpleasant younger brother?!”
If it weren’t for the large number of people here, Sasuke would definitely pass by with a fireball!
Naruto looked at the video and suddenly interjected with them, “I tell you, even if you don’t like children and like to help the elderly, you should stay away from that bad old man Uchiha Madara.”
Juvenile Uchiha Madara: “Naruto Uzumaki! Who do you call a bad old man!!”
“Ah, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean you.”
Heroic Spot: “Your reincarnation is as annoying as you, Hashirama.”
“Wait, look at the video!!” Ya shouted, focusing their attention on the video.
They saw Obito of Six Paths strangling a celebrity’s neck! !
“What’s going on, let me tell you!” Naruto: “Didn’t it be fine just now, did you recall the time in Konoha and regain your dreams?!”
Lin stared at the video nervously: “It’s going to be fine, Obito is just trying to be brave.”
That’s right, this one in the video is Obito’s last stubbornness.
Immediately afterwards, he was punched down by Naruto!
【”If you don’t hesitate! Don’t—think about being Hokage!!!”】
【”Up to now, what are you still trying to do?!!!”】
This second voice is…
It was the voice of a boy with soil.
Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Liu Dao Obito in the image was even more surprised.
In the video, Obito Uchiha of Class 7 is wearing dark blue sportswear and orange goggles.
【”Lin, the person she wants to protect is not you now! It’s Obito Uchiha!”】
“!!!” Obito saw from the video…
Seeing the self in the image who became the soil of the six realms…
There are also Minato-sensei, Kakashi, and Rin.
Lin pulled another Obito to pass him by…
Lin wouldn’t even take a look at him now..
This scene made the boy Obitu look at his other self, who was also watching the movie. He felt pity for that self, but he also realized that he had done a lot of unforgivable wrongs.
In the video——
The boy Obito, who was dragged by Lin and skipped Liudao Obito, stopped suddenly.
He turned around and extended his hand to Liudao Obito.
[“That’s right, Rin doesn’t even notice the way you are now. The person he wants to protect is…, the one who loves his comrade! Uchiha Obito who has Hokage dreams!”]
[“That’s enough, don’t be brave!” The boy Uchiha Obito took two steps to grab Liudao Obito’s hand. 】
The boy Obito turned into Naruto Uzumaki, with an air of hating iron but not steel, he pulled Liudao Obito to his side! !
[“Stop talking nonsense! You bastard!! Don’t underestimate everyone’s strength!!!”]
Following Naruto’s words, the image returned to reality once again, a scene of a tug-of-war with tens of thousands of ninja allied forces!
While Naruto Uzumaki pulled Liudao Obitu to his side, the ninja alliance finally rescued all the tailed beasts! !
Obito lost…
People who watched the movie in the Warring States period talked about it.
“Finally won, it’s not easy.”
“I’ve mentioned it in the previous video! It’s over when the human column power loses the tail beast!”
“So that guy called Obito is going to die?”
“It feels the same as that six spots, looks a little lonely?”
“Are you pitying him?”
“Although what he did is not worthy of pity, but…”
“Ah, after seeing his experience, there is indeed something pitiful.”
“What will the two children choose? Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha.”
The rescued tailed beast thanked Naruto, recognized Naruto, and stood on the same front as the ninja coalition.
Between Naruto and the tailed beasts talking, Sasuke rushed over to give Obito the final blow.
Naruto Uzumaki obviously wanted to stop him, but it was already a little late.
Sasuke wants to kill Obito? !
This realization surprised the Konoha Ninja who was watching the movie, but it was unexpected.
But unexpectedly…
It was indeed Kakashi who suddenly came out of the Kamui space and sat on Obito! !
Boy Obito: “Future stupid Kakashi!”
Young Kakashi: “What are you going to do?!!”
Kakashi: “Could it be!”
Obito: “…”
Seeing Kakashi raise the kunai in his hand to stab Obito.
Lin, Lin: “Obito! Kakashi!!”
Soul Wave Minato: “Kakashi!!”
Update today (2/I want to dig my heart out!!)
Asking for a monthly ticket, asking for flowers, asking for automatic subscription~.

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