Shimura Danzo’s One-Armed Writing Wheel Finally Comes Out! The whole ninja world was chilled by the operation of the elder Shimura!

Uncle Zuo: “…”
Bo Ren: “Huh?”
“It shouldn’t, everyone’s ability to write wheel eyes is different. “Uncle Zuo said all of this, and was unwilling to tell Zuo Liangna and Bo Ren more about Sharonyan.
Seventh Hokage glanced at them and sighed at Shuzuo without saying anything.
In the video, Yamanaka Feng asked the oil girl to take the root as the main attack, and she made the bait herself. When the masked man released the ability of blurring in order to attack him, the oil girl’s ability to take the root – killed him with one hit.
I saw the man in the video, who was covering more than Shino, took off his gloves. His hands were a completely poisonous dark purple, and it was horrifying to look at.
“Take the root, it really is you!!”
Among those who watched the video, the one who was most excited was Shino, who was emotionally balanced.
Ya: “Acquaintance?”
“Well, my best friend from childhood joined ‘Root’ to replace me!”
Everyone who knew Shino was stunned, “So the person who was originally selected to be the subordinate of Danzo was Shino?”
Shino bowed his head: “Ah, because I am the son of the patriarch.”
“That guy Danzo!!”
Everyone watched the video, and Shimura Danzo, who was still unraveling the seal on his right arm step by step, saw the oil girl take off the glove, and his expression became a little dignified.
Shino: “His physique is so special that he can’t touch anyone or any bug…”
“Eh?! Why?!”
Just when the viewers were wondering why they couldn’t touch others, the mountain strokes and the oily girl Fukugen in the video had already rushed towards the masked man.
After a few rounds, Shan Zhongfeng revealed a small flaw, and the masked man grabbed the gap and punched him!
At the same time, Oil Girl Fetching is only half a step away from the masked man, as long as his hand touches the masked man’s body…
However, the masked man is not a fool. From the beginning, it was seen that the flaw was the masked man that the two deliberately exposed to him, but the action of attacking the mountain stroke was actually a feint! !
This allowed the oily girl to take the root directly through the masked man’s body, and her hand just touched her companion, Shan Zhongfeng! !
Bo Ren: “What’s the matter?!”
Naruto: “The place where I touched it turned purple, a bit like what I looked like after I failed to control the natural energy in Mt. Miaomu?!” The purple toad is a bit strange, isn’t it?
Hyuga Neji: “It looks like poison or some kind of poison-like technique!”
Shino: “No, it’s a bug!”
“It’s a very special kind of bug in the body of the root taker,” Shino said, “because this kind of insect, Naruto, has the same experience with the root taker as you. Most of the time, it’s locked up by my family for safety.”
Thinking of her friend, Shino has many regrets.
Naruto: “Locked up by the family? Why?!”
Watching the oily girl in the video take the roots and suck the poisonous insects from Shan Zhongfeng’s arms back into her body, Shino said: “When he was a child, he couldn’t control the poisonous insects in his body, as long as he encountered other creatures, the poisonous insects parasitic in his body would quickly crawl to other organisms. Reproduction in living organisms…”
Naruto: “It’s like… Me and Nine Tails back then…”
Oil Girl Zhiwei: “It’s a nanometer-sized poisonous insect, almost as defenseless as bacteria. It seems that even in the future he must wear special gloves, even Uchiha Obito is also in his hands. You can’t get any benefit.”
Sarana: “Obito? Isn’t that masked man named Madara?”
The surroundings were quiet, Obito even wanted to pretend to be a high school girl for a while, Madara behind Sasuke let out a mocking laugh.
In the video, the masked man suddenly appeared behind the oily girl Togeni, whose body was overflowing with poisonous insects. He restrained him with his right hand, and sucked his entire being into the black hole of the right eye of the mask.
Bo Ren: “Suck people into the eyes?! Grandpa Kakashi, what kind of trick is this?!”
Kakashi Dead Fisheye: “Forget about grandpa… Besides, they all said that this is time-space ninjutsu.”
“Pfft!” Obito snickered, “Grandpa Kakashi.”
Unlike Doubi Obito here, the man in the video who is nobody is really fierce. He was poisoned because his right hand touched the body of the oily girl, and he broke Bai Jue’s right hand without saying a word. Throw the arm out!
This is something that the children of the sub-age rarely have the chance to see. The decisiveness and ruthlessness possessed by the ninjas during the war were all startled.
“Did you kill that Danzo’s cronie so quickly?”
“Speaking of which, what problem does this image correspond to?! Uchiha Obi…” When Obito looked over, the person who spoke changed his words: “Does the masked man kill Danzo?!”
Obito: “Who knows, maybe it is~”
Just when everyone thought that the battle between Obito and Danzo would be next, I didn’t expect the image to suddenly switch to a scene of ice and snow. It was… Naruto Uzumaki and Gaara of the same age! !
A bad premonition gathered in the hearts of the two Naruto and the two Sasukes, because that scene seemed to be…
[Gaara: “Naruto, the current Sasuke doesn’t even look at you. He has joined Akatsuki and will attack the Five Shadows with the masked man…”]
In the video, Naruto Uzumaki, who was still wearing thin clothes in the snow, had a sad expression.
[Gaara further said: “And this war is to protect you and the eight tails, and it is also to protect theProtect this world… Whether I am the five generations of Kazekage, or as your friend, I will risk my life to protect you… If Sasuke Uchiha wants to take action against you and the allied ninja army, I am There will be no mercy. “]
[“Naruto, you once told me that your dream is to be a Hokage, so bear the ‘shadow’
name, do what you should do. “]
This sentence, from a certain angle, has a hint of…
Awareness! Yes, that’s right, awareness!
There is absolutely no strange feeling! !
Gaara, who was present, didn’t think anything, they were friends.
Naruto was so embarrassed that his toes scratched the floor, especially when he was beaten, kneeled and breathed and staged a big show in front of Zijie…
Seven generations of Naruto Naruto and Sasuke Samsara are embarrassed out of the sky!
Naruto: “Why do you have to play it again?!!”
Karui, the girl from Yunyin who almost killed the hero of the ninja world: “That’s right! Why do you want to broadcast it again?!! Are you waiting for Konoha or Sand Ninja to kill me in the next Chunin exam? ?!!”
Die Die recognized that the woman in the video was her mother, and she was in a bad mood.
She didn’t even know that her mother was so powerful! Can you beat the Seventh Hokage to death? ! ! Good, very mighty… But how could my mother be able to deal with such a handsome guy?
Boren couldn’t watch that part: “Why didn’t you fight back? I said!! Hmph! Fortunately, Sunflower didn’t come, otherwise she would definitely become super–terrifying when she saw this scene!”
Reminds me of the blackening of sunflowers…
Both Bo Bo and Naruto Qihuo shook.
Especially the bloggers are about to be scared to kneel.
In the video, no matter how others persuade Naruto, Naruto always implements the consciousness he had when he woke up after being knocked unconscious by Sasuke of the Valley of the Dead at the age of 12——
If you can’t save even a friend, what qualifications do you have to be Hokage!
If choosing to give up friends is the smart way, then I will be a fool for the rest of my life!
Nara Lutai: “Anyway, Lord Seventh Generation is really handsome!”
Qiu Dao Die Die: “That’s right!”
Yamanaka Ijin: “It’s completely different from that idiot Boren!”
Iwabe, Denki, and Metal’s class were so moved that they hugged each other and cried bitterly, “That’s so handsome! Lord Seventh Generation! For friends!”
“Well! For friends!”
“Yes, that’s right! For friends!”
Silla: “For a friend.” He will be on par with his father! !
In the video, Sasuke, who was seriously injured, was being healed by Xiang phosphorus.
Uzumaki Xianglin looked at herself like an idiot (dumb) girl in the video, and threw nympho at Sasuke Uchiha…
“Is the me of that world broken?”
Sakura and Ino looked at Xianglin with hostility in their eyes.
Kaorin, who was not rescued by Sasuke Uchiha in the Chunin Exam, felt that friendship was more reliable than love. Keen Sakura and Ino explained that they absolutely disliked Sasuke Uchiha.
It made the two Sasukes extremely embarrassed.
Nara Shikahisa looked at the video analysis: “According to the description of the Five Shadows in the video, that Sasuke should have been seriously injured when he directly challenged the Five Shadows during the Five Shadows talks…”
Inuzukazuo: “Well, it should be said that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, or is it overconfident in its own strength or underestimating the five shadows.”
Qiu Dao Dingzuo: “Yes, that is the leader of Shinobi Village, how could he be killed so easily, even Madara Uchiha…”
Shuming and Shuzuo looked at each other, thinking about the five shadows of this generation, and then thinking about the five shadows of their world, the combat power is not at the same level at all, and it can even be described as a world difference…
It’s like…
In order to highlight the strength of the enemy, it was deliberately weakened!
Anyway, Sasuke, who was young and full of hatred in the video, finally woke up, and the masked man appeared in the Shenwei space, claiming that there was a gift for him outside.
That gift is one of Uchiha Sasuke’s true enemies – Shimura Danzo.
In the video, Danzo recognized Sasuke Uchiha at a glance.
At the same time, the seal on his right arm was finally completely released.
As the huge metal blocks fell to the ground, the bandage wrapped around his arm was undone by him…
Uncle Zuo put his hand on Sarana’s shoulder, “If you can’t accept it, turn your back.” Then he suddenly remembered that on Nobu Uchiha, Sarana had seen that kind of disgusting thing, so he felt relieved Come.
Sasuke swallowed. He could have predicted that something that would shock him beyond belief was about to appear…
In the image, there is a cold wind blowing in late autumn.
The cold wind seemed to blow through the image to the hearts of everyone watching the movie, chilling.
Through the shocked eyes of Sasuke Uchiha in the image, everyone in the Konoha movie viewing area saw—
Shimura Danzo’s arm, which has been sealed for many years, does not look like the skin of a living personon the right arm…
A scarlet writing wheel with an arm full of eyes! !
[“Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Sasuke…”]
[“I will accept your writing wheel eye too!!”]
The entire Konoha viewing area…
No, it should be said that the whole ninja world and the people in front of the movie theaters all over the world were shocked!
Today’s update (3/generation Hokage, referred to as pot shadow)
Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for reservations! Son.

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