Hyuga Neji’s Resurrection! Seventh Generation Hokage: “Ningji, we all… miss you so much!”

【“Reward 1—”】
As soon as the voice of the horror question and answer appeared, everyone knew that there was more than one reward this time!
Because all the previous signs indicated that the reward this time was very generous, everyone present was inexplicable.Somewhat looking forward to.
After all, although I don’t know what the horror quiz is, even Hokage, the second generation of dirty soil, can be pulled from another world and resurrected by “him”, which is enough to prove that this guy’s ability is beyond everyone’s perception.
In addition, even if the reward is a detonating charm or a friend card, the horror question and answer can be used in units of hundreds of billions. What will happen after a process similar to self-evolution? !
Many people rolled their throats, waiting for this reward.
[“Reward 1: Resurrection – Hyuga Neji.”]
Neji: “What?!!”
Naruto Seventh Hokage Uzumaki: “Could it be…” Neji from their world? ! !
Kurama: “…” Will that kid really be resurrected? ! if so……
Bo Ren: “!!” Will it really be resurrected? ! Uncle Ningji! !
Because Neji in this world hasn’t died yet, the Genin people of this era can’t feel the urgent desire of Naruto Seven.
When the wooden coffin appeared on the battlefield, Naruto Seven Naruto jumped directly from the auditorium to the wooden coffin on the battlefield…
The wooden coffin opens.
It was Neji Hyuga who was eighteen years old and looked like before her death.
477 As the seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki took a step forward unconsciously.
Neji Hyuga, who was wearing Konoha Jonin’s uniform, stood peacefully in the coffin. He didn’t wear Konoha’s forehead guard, and Naruto knew that it was when Neji fell to save him…
“Curse Seal!”
Shocked 14-year-old Neji Hyuga!
The 18-year-old Neji Hyuga who died in the Fourth Ninja World War in the coffin…
There is no curse mark of a caged bird on his forehead! !
Naruto Seven Naruto looked at Neji like this, as if he could still hear Neji’s dying words and the belief he wanted to convey.
If it weren’t for the belief that Neji conveyed to him at that time, and if Hinata hadn’t woken him up at that time, he might not have been able to support it.
A huge chakra fell from the sky and smashed on the wooden coffin.
Fire Dun, Water Dun, Wind Dun, and another wave of gorgeous tree-cutting performances.
When the 18-year-old Xiang Ningji was resurrected in the Fourth War, what he faced was the scene that made him look bewildered.
His first reaction was not to recognize the 32-year-old Naruto Seven, but he looked at the 12-year-old Shimonin Naruto in surprise and said:
“Naruto! What are you doing? How did you become like a child?!!”
Naruto Shimonin: “Ah…” I’m not, I don’t, Neji, who has grown into an adult, don’t talk nonsense!
The first reaction was to be shocked by Naruto Uzumaki’s unexpectedness, and the day after, Xiang Neji saw Naruto with a boyhood self and the man in his thirties opposite…
Four battles, Neji suddenly remembered!
He should be dead already! Died in the fourth ninja war, under the attack of Uchiha Obito! !
“Ning…” The seventh Naruto Naruto saw the living Neji again, and his whole body was blown away, as if he had returned to the age of seventeen, “Ningji!!!”
“This voice is—”
After a moment of hesitation, Hyuga Neji, who had just been resurrected, was hugged tightly by the seventh Naruto Naruto, “We all miss you so much… Neji.”
Said, Naruto Naruto Naruto’s wrinkled mouth, and his blue eyes seemed to flicker with water.
Shizhan Neji: “Naruto, what the hell is going on? How many years have passed since I died?”
Naruto has been working on Hokage for many years. Anyway, Naruto’s language and organizational skills have improved. He briefly explained to Shizhan Neji that he, Sasuke and Boren are all from the future of a parallel world, and at this moment this place is another The hidden village of Konoha in the world, the time line is when they take the Chunin exam.
Shizhan Neji: “It’s unbelievable that such a thing would happen.”
Shuzuo followed and jumped onto the battlefield, followed by Bo and Zorana.
Shuzuo: “Long time no see, Hyuga Neji.”
When Neji Hyuga died in the fourth ninja war that year, Sasuke Uchiha hadn’t come to the battlefield. So Neji Hyuga, who had just been resurrected at the moment, reacted, and it was also through Sasuke’s harmless breath that he basically confirmed that the other party was no longer Konoha’s enemy.
“Long time no see, Sasuke Uchiha.”
Looking at Sasuke’s empty sleeves, and Naruto’s right hand obviously not belonging to the normal chakra meridian…
“It seems that a lot has happened since I died.”
“Well, a lot of things really happened,” Naruto Seven Naruto seemed to have a lot of energy all at once, and began to talk about what happened after Neji’s death, “Obito was actually used by Madara! And then In fact Madara was just a pawn used by Heijue to resurrect his mother, anyway, the whole Uchiha has been calculated by him for thousands of years!!”
“Black Jue?! It’s the Akatsuki organization…”
“That’s right, it’s the guy who looks super weird. After all, he’s still the younger brother of Grandpa Liudao, ah right! Neji, do you know?! Grandpa Liudao, I mean Immortal Liudao, his younger brother is White eyes, that is, your ancestors have to take it!”
“What?! Could it be the Six Paths Immortals you’re talking about?”
“That’s the one! Legend has it that he started the ninja world, but he said he started aA place called Ninja, but later, under the instigation of Heijue, the world of ninjas slowly formed! ”
After the Fourth World War, Ning Ci listened to the Seventh Naruto Naruto talking about the information fragments after the Fourth World War. It was hard to imagine what Naruto and the others experienced afterward.
Naruto of the Seventh Generation Hokage did not chat for a few words and brought Uchiha back, “Ningji, you must not imagine it! Sasuke and I, as well as Senju Zhuma and Uchiha Madara are the sons of the two sons of the Six Paths Sage Reincarnation!”
Si Zhan Ningci glanced at Shu Zuo and Shu Ming, “Doesn’t that mean that the two of you are… brothers?!”
Seventh Hokage Naruto nodded: “Yes, Sasuke should be considered my elder brother, right?”
“At the end of the crane, for some reason, I really don’t want to hear the word ‘brother’ come out of your mouth!”
When Uncle Zuo said this, Qi Huoming immediately remembered the embarrassing scene that exploded a while ago, and quickly slapped it out of his mind, and continued to communicate with Neji: “Actually speaking, Hinata, Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki are all They belong to the family of brothers, and the eyes of Grandpa Liu Dao are reincarnation eyes, which are more advanced pupil techniques than Uchiha’s Kaleidoscope Sharingan!”
Si Zhan Ning Ci was taken aback, “You just said that the younger brother of the Immortal of the Six Paths is supercilious?!”
“That’s right, but because his younger brother Otsutsuki Hamura sealed his mother Kaguya’s relationship, he voluntarily exiled to the moon to accompany his mother.”
“Ah! That’s right!!”
Seventh Hokage Naruto smashed his palms, and excitedly told Neji the good news, “There is another white-eyed clan on the moon! I know where the secret path is, and I will take you to find them when I have time!”
Hyuga Hyuzu, Hyuga Neiji, and members of the Hyuga clan were all dumbfounded.
“What? There are white-eyed people on the moon?!”
This part is information that has not been revealed in the video until now! !
Not only that, the seventh Naruto Naruto released another important piece of information——
“That’s right, and corresponding to the Uchiha clan, they will have Kaleidoscope Sharingan and Samsaragan, and the white eyes of the Hyuga clan will also have Tenseigan!”
Today’s update (1/Tianshengyan)
Don’t forget to vote for me, I want to hit 400__ before the end.

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