A blue bird, spread its wings and fly high! Through the blue sky, the Hinata clan ushered in true freedom! However……

Tsunade stared at the image.
Jiraiya’s expression was unpredictable, and at first he was surprised.
Then, looking at Tsunade beside him, there is still nostalgia for Dan Kato…
Even he can’t be exempted from the world, his expression is full of unrequited pain.
Orochimaru: “Oh, a fool like you would show such an expression.”
The seventh Naruto Naruto remembered that when the horrific immortal died, he yelled at his mother-in-law, and his mood was a little complicated for a while.
Jirai also quickly rectified his emotions, “Cut! Who am I?! I am a hero, Miaomushan Toad Immortal, Jiraiya! I am busy saving the world, and I don’t have time to think about these mundane things like you do. thing!!”
Orochimaru smiled and commented that he was wrong.
Provoked Jirai and asked him if he was disregarding the feelings of his old classmates and wanted to grab the battlefield first and fight with him.
On the opposite side, Orochimaru said that it doesn’t matter, just fight.
But the Fourth Hokage considered that the battle between the two would be ruined, so they persuaded the two not to fight.
The heroic spirit behind the second Hokage and Naruto, the first Hokage, was a little curious about his granddaughter’s performance.
The only living people who can see him here are Uchiha Tomitake, Nohara Rin, and Namikaze Minato. Yinglingjuma approached Shidaimu Hokage, “Sidaimu, who is that guy with blue hair? Tsuna’s reaction is so great!”
Although Minato Namikaze can’t tell others that the first-generation adults are here, but answering his questions and communicating with him is no problem, at most people are regarded as talking to himself.
And the second generation Hokage also cast him a questioning expression, so everyone else thought that he was explaining for Senju Tobirama.
“Uh, that is Dan Kato, who is the same ninja as Tsunade-sama, Jiraiya-sensei and others…”
“Well… It is said that he is also Tsunade-sama’s lover, but unfortunately he died young and died in the Second Ninja World War.”
Orochimaru: “So, humans are really fragile.”
Second Megumi Hokage nodded, looking at Dan Kato in the image, his eyes filled with scrutiny.
The original Hokage was more bold…
“Oh! It’s Xiao Gang’s lover!! He looks like a good man! It’s just that his life is a little short… In fact, I think that Jirai next to him is also pretty good! I bet he has a long life!!” Ying Lingzhu He nodded vigorously and sighed as time passed, “Ah, it’s incredible, I didn’t expect Xiao Gang to reach the age of love and become a big girl!”
Four generations of Hokage almost spit out a mouthful of old blood…
Although she has the mark of a hundred heroes, Tsunade-sama looks like a girl, but she should be about the same age as Teacher Jiraiya! !
Is it a little too late to say, ‘It’s also the age of love’? ! !
Or is it the age of falling in love at the age of 50, is it the reason for the super long vitality of the Qianshou clan or the Uzumaki clan? ! Very thoughtful!
In the video, the person who confronts Asma and Kato Kato in the video is Akimichi Dingza!
Qiu Dao Dingji: “It’s Dad!”
Qiu Dao Didie: “Wow!”
In Kato Duan’s eyes, even though Ding Zuo was his junior, he was surprised that he had grown so big when they met.
And another theater of war on the coast…
【“Baguazhang · Back to Heaven!”】
Hyuga Hizu: “!!”
“Really, it turns out that even you have already mastered the secret technique of returning to the sky, day-to-day.”
The just-resurrected filthy sun was sent to the sun by the sun: “Sorry, brother from another world. ”
Hyuga Hizu looked at herself in the video wearing the uniform of Konoha Jōnin and the forehead guard of the Ninja Allied Forces with the word “Ninja” on her head, fighting with her younger brother who was reincarnated from the dirt…
“I probably don’t want to fight against you in that world, right?”
Hyuga Riza, who did not experience the Fourth Ninja World War but died in the Yunyin Village conspiracy, was shocked by the scale of the Fourth Ninja World War, “I didn’t expect that even the head of the sect was put on the battlefield, that fourth Ninja World War. The Ninja World War is really unusual! Who the hell started this war?!”
Obito: “…”
Ying Lingban: “…”
The patriarch of the Uchiha clan held his forehead, and his family was unfortunate. Compared with the tragedy of Uchiha, what is a bird in a cage!
In the video, Risashi sighed about his own destiny. He was already dead but was reincarnated by the dirt. He still had the seal of the caged bird on his forehead. As a branch family, he was manipulated to attack the clan.
[“There is no such fate! Your son and my daughter are fighting for the future!!”]
The video was interspersed with scenes from other battlefields at the same time. Neji Hyuga and Hinata Hinata, who had resolved their resentment, retreated from the enemy together and cooperated with each other as companions.
The people of the Hyuga clan.
Not only the Hinata Hizu, Hinata Nisari, Hinata Neji, and Hinata Hinata here, but also the Hinata clansmen in other places all sighed in common…
[“It turns out that such an era will really come!”]
Neji: “Not as a branch and the chief clan, but as a companion and as a family to fight together, the future…”
Xiang Ningji: “It’s not the future anymore, isn’t the seal of the caged bird on our foreheads gone?”

At this moment, the people who rushed over to report the news from the Hyuga branch mansion in Konoha Hidden Village finally arrived here—a battle field established separately outside Konoha Village.
He took a breath, ignoring the surprise of Lord Ripa’s resurrection and the appearance of two Rizai on the field, so he shouted at them with all his strength—
“Curse Seal—! Everyone’s curse seal has disappeared!!”
“Lord Neji! And, Lord Niizai! All the curse marks of the division—”
The members of the Hyuga branch took off the bandage that had been hiding the ugly seal…
In addition, what shocked them to split up was…
Although the elders were dissatisfied with this and discussed whether to re-impose the curse on the split family, the younger generation of the clan members did not panic because the split family lost the curse, but sincerely congratulated their relatives and brothers. , best friend.
It was only at this time that Ningji Hyuga reacted.
The second reward of the horror quiz – freedom, what a great gift.
and also……
He looked at his father beside him, “Father…”
“The cage seems to be opened.”
In front of him, he seemed to see a blue bird flying out of the cage that was opened.
Spread your wings and fly high, fly to the blue sky, pass through the snow-white clouds, and pursue your dreams and freedom.
Hyuga Risashi looked at his elder brother Hiza Hizu, “Brother, will the clan really allow this?”
“Look at the video, when facing a common enemy in the future, wouldn’t it be good to have no clan and division?” Hyuga Hizu: “Nisari, this time I will more firmly retain my opinion! End the division. The distinction between family and clan!”
“I also have this plan.”
The man who suddenly appeared on the field was Minato Namikaze.
Others saw the specially made kunai on the ground, “You’re still so fast, Lord Shidaimu.”
Minato Namikaze smiled, “Although I also helped Patriarch Hinata to end the distinction between the clan and the branch, and I didn’t want to interrupt everyone’s retelling… but the Chunin exam is still going on, I’ll bring a few back to the auditorium first.”
Flying Thunder God’s Jutsu is worthy of being the fastest ninjutsu in the ninja world, and Minato Namikaze brought them back to the auditorium in a blink of an eye.
But what surprised him a little bit was…
In the video, when the fourth Ninja World War was just played on the coast, Hyuga Hizu, the head of Konoha’s ninja and the head of the Hinata clan, played against his long-dead younger brother, Hyuga Riza. Wonderful ninjutsu performances against Baguazhang, Rouquan and Rouquan until the end.
I thought this was the end of the movie viewing. Karui of Yunyin Village and Saoi of Konoha Village could finally have a showdown…
[“I want to tell them… what is real despair!!”]
Uchiha Obito’s voice resounded above the battlefield.
The arrival of a new image is more or less a warning of danger to Uchiha Obito who is sitting beside Kakashi…
At this moment, if Obito took off his mask, the expression on his face must be very wonderful.
Although I don’t know what I did in another world, but… it’s unlikely to be a good thing anyway…
“This sentence……”
Seven generations of Naruto Naruto:
“Could it be that time…?!!”
Today’s update (3/day difference)
Don’t forget to vote for me, I want to hit 400__ before the end.

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