Arrival in advance! Kakashi’s inauguration as Hokage’s congratulations! Hold up the power of the next era to rekindle!

Shuming: “Oh, it’s that one!”
Both Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato were stunned!
“Minato, your son… he’s really amazing!”
“Thanks for the compliment, Jiraiya-sensei…” Minato Namikaze swallowed.
The young Naruto stared at the image and almost stared at the image, “So handsome!!!”
Gaara, Sasuke, Ningji, etc. this time, Genin also looked at the video in shock.
Of course, there are also Genin from the sub-ages such as Boren, Sarana, Miyuki, and Lutai.
Bo Ren: “So handsome!!”
Zorana: “That’s amazing, Seventh Generation!!”
Fans of Iwabe and Denki are all about to get into the video and cheer for Hokage-sama!
Even the Kurama who existed in the bodies of Naruto Seven and Naruto Young snorted!
Only in the video——
After Sasuke’s full-body Susanoo feinted, the purple Susa’s huge wings blocked…
Naruto Uzumaki’s spiral shuriken!
[“Come on, everyone!!”]
But that spiral shuriken is not the power of Naruto Uzumaki alone! !
Baiyan’s facial nerves are gathered on both sides of Otsutsuki Kaguya’s Baiyan in the image. This is the first time Shizhan Neji and Hyuga Ripa have seen Otsutsuki Kaguya use Baiyan, and they are surprised.
Through her eyes, nine Naruto Six Paths appeared in the image! !
Sure enough, it was the technique of shadow avatars from the beginning to the end! !
At this time, the first Uzumaki Naruto in the video held the spiral shuriken over his head, which made many people feel strange and familiar? !
Gaara and Shoukaku in his body were startled, “That’s-!!”
Shouhe: “That spiral pill has the same color and pattern as my uncle!!”
Sure enough!
The figure of Shouhe appeared in the video! !
[In response to Naruto’s call, the sand guardian crane in Naruto’s body in the image “Mhm.”A sound! 】
Senju Tobirama: “It’s magnetic force! Magnetic escape · Spiral shuriken!”
Namikaze Minato: “No! I named it—”
Chishou Tobirama glanced at him and said nothing.
Namikaze Minato: “Spiral Gravity Sand Pattern Blast…”
Before Namikaze Minato finished showing off his extraordinary ability to name, the next clip in the video is! !
Yukito and Youlu: “That’s it!!”
Karui next to the wooden man waited for the Yunyin Genin team: “It’s the power of Lord Youlu!”
“Because Yoru-sama exists in that Naruto, so you can use Yan Dun?!”
“It’s Yan Dun Spiral Shuriken!!”
The spiral shuriken in Naruto’s hand in the video is blue with a black flame pattern!
It’s exactly what Futuro’s looks like!
[In response to Naruto’s call, he travels again: “Yes!”]
Next, Lin felt a little restless in her body…
Obito and Kakashi: “What’s wrong, Rin?!”
“It’s Isofu.”
In the video, the spiral shuriken in the hands of Naruto’s third shadow clone is indeed a water escape! Isofuji’s figure appears in the video! !
“It’s Water Escape Spiral Shuriken!!”
Next is…
Melt escape! !
Melting Escape Spiral Shuriken! !
Old Zi: “…”
It can be seen on the viewing platform of the entire third Chunin exam. Naruto Uzumaki in the video is holding a magma-like spiral shuriken. It is the four-tailed Monkey King in his body that gives him this power! !
Han: “…”
as well as……
  声音尖细,身体乳白的巨大蛞蝓! !
Yutaka idly leaned to the side blowing bubbles.
The rhinoceros hopped happily in his body, “I also appeared in the camera! How about trying to hide my acid in your bubble next time?! It must be very interesting!!”
“That is……”
Then there’s–
【”I know!”】
Chongming: “Luck!”
His power is a little funny.
The Uzumaki Naruto in the video should be called the Mo Dun Spiral Shuriken!
I really wanted to ink the surroundings while spinning! !
[In response to Naruto’s call, the Eight-Tailed Bull Ghost: “Oh!!”]
at last……
It’s finally here!
Resurrection of Kurama, Naruto Yang Jiuwei, Minato Yin Jiuwei, Qihuo Ming Kurama:
The strongest tailed beast at the finale——
Naruto shouted excitedly at the influence.
【“It’s time to go!!”】
The huge orange fox in the video has been exposed many times by the video, so now everyone is afraid of him, and also has the pursuit of power!
Looking at the video, the audience of Ninja World commented:
“Let me ask, what are the abilities of the Nine-Tailed Kurama?”
“The Shouhe of Sand is sand and magnetic force, the second tail is the fire escape, the flame escape, the three tails Isofu needless to say, it is the water escape, the four tailed Sun Wukong is the melting escape, the five tailed Mu Wang is the boiling escape, the ability of the sixth tail It’s acid, Nanao Shigeaki also has the power of scale powder, and the eight tails are regenerating escape and ink…”
“Okay, what is the power of the Nine Tails?”
“Look, the power that the Nine Tails gave Naruto in the video seems to be Naruto’s own wind escape, but…”
But why does this shuriken seem to be several times bigger than those given by other tailed beasts? ! !
Kurama: “Chakra!! This old man’s power is Chakra!!!”
Everyone: “…”
Crowd-tailed beasts: “…”
[“Xianfa Super-tailed Beast Spiral Shuriken!”]
In the video, the nine Naruto Uzumaki threw all kinds of spiral shuriken looks so handsome, and the blood of the genin in the sub-era was boiling.
The blogger is even more handsome, so handsome, I haven’t finished playing it yet! !Zuo Liangna: “Now you know that Seven Daime-sama is handsome, right? Boruto.”
“Tch, it’s a little bit worse than Sasuke-san.”
“Yeah, that purple Susanoo is also super powerful. I don’t know what color it will be if I can open a Susanoo one day?”
“Impossible, impossible, how can you be as powerful as Sasuke-san?! But if there is really any color that suits you… black?”
“Bo Ren!” Zuo Liangna made a threatening voice.
The blogger hurriedly pointed to the image: “Look, look! What’s there!”
After being bombarded by Uzumaki Naruto’s nine specially-made spiral shurikens in the video, Kaguya seemed to be like fireworks blooming until the smoke cleared! Piles of milky white animal heads scrambled to squeeze out from the severed arm that Naruto cut off before! !
When the lens of the video is zoomed out, the audience can see that those animal heads are——
“Nine Lamas!”
“There are also Niugui, Chongming…”
“Shouhe and Jifu’s heads are also there!”
“Even King Mu, Monkey King, You Lu, and Rhino have come out!!”
and many more……
Naruto counted with his fingers: “One, two, three… No matter how I count, I feel like there’s one extra?”
Sakura: “Idiot! One more rabbit!”
Naruto: “Eh? Is that rabbit with eyes of reincarnation on its forehead?”
Naruto the seventh generation of Naruto Hokage, “We don’t know what it is, anyway, we hit it out of nowhere!”
But at this time, the video happened to show the heartfelt voice of Hei Jue who was poked on the ground by Naruto——
【”That’s the ten tails! Unsettled by Naruto’s blow, the ten tails appeared with mother’s will!!”】
“Ah?!” Seventh Hokage Naruto was taken aback, “That’s Aunt Kaguya’s ten tails?! It’s much different from the ten tails summoned by Obito and Madara!”
Some viewers even said: “After comparing it, I found out that it’s quite cute?!”
But as soon as he finished speaking, the rabbit stretched out its hand towards Sasuke! !
Fortunately, a shadow clone of Naruto knocked him away!
Naruto’s avatar caught by the white rabbit’s hand immediately lost consciousness and merged with that thing! !
“No, no, pretend I didn’t say anything.”
In the video, Sakura’s scream made everyone jump.
Naruto rescued Sasuke, and both of them were floating far away in the air. No one cared about Sakura? !
“Ah! Sakura!!” Naruto watched the movie nervously, “Where’s Mr. Kakashi?! And Mr. Kakashi needs to be rescued?! Me and Sasuke?!”
He guessed what happened next.
It’s a pity that I guessed completely wrong.
Obito Uchiha gave Kakashi the Hokage inauguration gift——
The account has arrived.
In the video——
【”Sasuke! Use your pupil power to help Sakura!”】
In the video, Naruto roared anxiously, Sakura ran away in embarrassment, and Sasuke’s reincarnation eye was ready to go…
Rabbit’s palm slapped down, and Sakura was about to be absorbed into Kaguya’s body like Naruto’s shadow avatar! When Sasuke’s Samsara Eyes can’t keep up! !
A big light blue chakra hand rescued Sakura? ! !
Obito: “?!!”
Kakashi: “!!!”
Uchiha Madara: “That’s…!”
Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui, Naruto and Sasuke all looked at in surprise…
The light blue Chakra giant suddenly appeared in the image.
They almost said in unison:
“That’s Susanoo!!!”
A full-body light blue full-body Susano! The whole body is flowing with blue chakra! The giant seems to have its own consciousness, wearing the armor of an ancient warrior and covering its back with huge wings! !
“I’ve never seen Susano in this color!”
“Has Sasuke Uchiha’s Susanoo changed color?!”
Shizhan Neiji with super good eyesight: “No! The face of Susano from Uchiha Sasuke is also different!!”
“Could it be…, no, it’s impossible!”
Many people have a guess in their hearts. With this guess, they stare at the image closely.
Of course, this ‘many people’ include Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Madara and others!
In the video——
[Naruto: “Great! Sasuke successfully rescued Sakura!!”]
【However, Sasuke appeared behind Naruto and asked: “Susano?! Whose Susano?!!”]
Heroic Pillar: “Isn’t it Sasuke’s Susanoo?!”
Heroic Spot: “Nonsense! Have you ever seen our Uchiha whose Susanoo can change color?!”
Heroic Pillar who was yelled at was depressed and said to himself: “That’s right, Susano is a Susano after all, he can’t do what even a chameleon can do.”
“Do you want to dance?! Hashirama!!”
The seventh Naruto Hokage looked at himself in the video and was taken aback by Sasuke’s words, “That scene at that time was really shocking.Me, I really suspect that Sasuke used the shadow clone to come up with surprises. ”
Shu Zuo smiled and said, “Do you think everyone is the same as you, so you like to play pranks? The one at the back of the crane.”
“Forgive me, I haven’t played a prank in many years.”
“You said that! Who used the erotic show a few days ago—forget it, you know!!”
“Don’t mention that matter anymore!” Naruto Naruto Naruto was wronged, making Minato Namikaze and others in this era super curious about what happened a few days ago.
However, the background sound that suddenly ignited in the video attracted them! !
“What’s going on?! That music!”
“It feels dry!”
“Suddenly it burst into flames!”
In the image is a dull-eyed Haruno Sakura, Sakura-ge!
Susanoo, who was holding her, pulled her to the pentaprism in front of Susan’s forehead…
Kakashi: “!!!”
Obito: “No way?!!”
“Hagi…, no! Uchiha Kakashi?!!”
Hatake Sakumo couldn’t bear it any longer: “It’s said that my son’s surname is Hatake!! It’s my son! It’s called Hatake Kakashi!”
“Wait! Look at Kakashi’s eyes!”
“It’s Uchiha Obito’s kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!!”
“My God! Was the Hokage inauguration gift that arrived ahead of schedule really a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?!”
“And a Susanoo?!”
“Isn’t that Uchiha Obito too modest?! That’s it, it’s too low-key to describe it as ‘not something useless’?!”
The people around Kakashi and Obito looked at them both with shocked eyes.
Obito: “This is… my Susanoo?!”
Kakashi: “Ah! It looks very strong.”
Lin: “Great! Kakashi, Obito!”
Naruto Naruto Naruto: “How can I describe this feeling? Obito should have never driven a Susanoo in his life, but after his death he still gave Kakashi-sensei his power to help him regain his spirits.”
At this time, the Kakashi in the video should also think so. He re-recognized his mission, and Uchiha Obito woke him up again.
[“Thank you, Obito!”]
Sasuke in the video says it’s impossible!
Orochimaru: “As expected of Uchiha.”
[“What’s impossible?!” Naruto Uzumaki in the video forced analysis: “Kakashi-sensei is a famous copy ninja!”]
Others: “As expected of Naruto Uzumaki.”
In the flaming background music, Kakashi, who rekindled his fighting spirit:
[“You watch too! Obito!! This time I will definitely use your eyes to protect them! Protect this world!!”]
Matt Kay: “Oh oh oh! It’s so burning! This is youth!!”
In the video, Kaguya turned into a huge rabbit, and stretched out a huge hand like a ten-tailed tail to attack Naruto and Sasuke!
Susanoo with the card and the card rushed behind the two of them.
Throwing Sakura into the Wulingjing control room, Susanoo had four huge shuriken in both hands! !
Naruto: “Oh my god! This shuriken is much bigger than Sasuke’s Fengmo shuriken!!”
Sasuke: “Idiot, is this the time to compare the size?!”
【“Shenwei Shuriken!!”】
“What?! Kamui Shuriken?!!”
“After the spiral shuriken, did Kakashi realize anything?!!”
However, the scene that surprised everyone to the point where their jaws almost dropped was—
The ‘Kamiwei Shuriken’ carries the power of time-space ninjutsu, and when it reaches the arm of the giant rabbit, it unfolds and twists in space! !
The giant rabbit roared in pain! !
All his arms were completely twisted and cut off by several shuriken! !
“You just ignore your defenses!!”
“It’s outrageous!!”
Shishui: “It’s amazing, that Susanoo.”
Itachi: “Yeah.”
It was also the first time Obito saw his Susanoo, and his own Susanoo’s power, because he only had one eye, and even with the power of Otsutsuki, he still hadn’t opened Susan.
“My Susanoo…?! And the Kamui Shuriken?!!”
Kakashi was completely stunned, speechless.
Obito: “Sure enough, as long as Kakashi and I are together, we can exert a stronger power of Sharinyan!!”
This is what Obito said when he was a child. After so many years, when all this was really confirmed in the video, the Obito of that era was already dead…
Thinking of this, Kakashi felt a pain of suffocation.
The video continues to play.
Seeing that Obi and Ka’s Kamui Shuriken are so powerful, Naruto Liudao exclaimed, “It’s even more powerful than Sasuke! Kakashi-sensei and Obito’s Susanoo!!”
Sasuke: “…”
However, the next moment!
The battle situation has changed again!
Kaguya is associated with a huge black sphere, or the ten tails becomeGot a black ball? ! !
Naruto: “What’s going to happen again?!!”
[No matter when, the stubborn Hei will never give up this good opportunity to play, “This is the starting ball space! Mom is a special area for the Otsutsugi clan!”]
Obito: “!!”
The entire audience was shocked to hear Hei Jue explain—
Update today
Everyday flowers ask for a request~Mua~.

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