Naruto: I’m stupid, I cried myself…

No matter what he thinks.
In the image, his back is tall and majestic. From the face of Naruto Seven Generations over there, it can be seen that Jiraiya has a high status in his heart.
There is also Asma Sarutobi, a Joinin teacher who is completely different from Kakashi, who always has a cigarette in his mouth and invites students to dinner at every turn.
And Konan, Nagato, and Obito.
Their images came outNow, the members of the Akatsuki organization who were scattered around the third Chunin test venue to perform security tasks sighed.
Angle: “Speaking of which, there should be no Akatsuki organization in another world.”
Fei Duan: “It’s Tuan Mie, Tuan Mie!” But considering that neither of them can be killed, Fei Duan added: “Except for the two of us, probably.”
Guixie: “Unexpectedly, ‘A Fei’ was also persuaded to surrender in the end. You can look forward to the world that that little Uzumaki Naruto talked about.”
Deidara: “What’s the difference between our security work here and the group extermination? It’s not artistic at all, um.”
The Red Sand Scorpion: “Then what do you want?”
Deidara: “Of course, go to the battlefield in the video, and let that Kaguya woman take a good look at what real art is!”
The Red Sand Scorpion: “…, shut up, Didara.”
Didara was dissatisfied, “Eh?! It’s obviously Dan that you asked me! Hmm!!”
In the video——
[Naruto: “I learned the true meaning of ninja from many ninjas!!”]
At this moment, the ninjas in the entire ninja world stopped what they were doing, even the tasks they were performing, and looked up at the image that suddenly appeared in the sky.
In the video is Bai He’s death.
It’s the death of Three Hokage, Moonlight Hayate, and Kimaro…
It is a painful memory of a personal Churiki being isolated, rejected by Ninja Village and his companions, and the lonely scene of them dying alone one by one when the Akatsuki organization captured the tailed beast…
And the death of Asma, the death of Hinata Hisashi, the death of Natoki, the death of Kato Dan…
Everyone saw it again, in the video…
Payne rose to the height of Konoha and shouted that sentence: Let the world feel the pain! Understand the pain!
Behind the ruthless Payne is Nagato who has never stopped feeling pain! Withered body and hair like white snow, they are walking on the rugged and thorny road for the dreams, promises and entrustments of them and Yahiko.
Xiao Nan, who was watching the movie at the moment, grabbed Nagato’s hand and looked at him with a little worry in his eyes.
Nagato smiled at her, “Our world is already different from the image.”
Fei Duan looked at their boss, “Why does the atmosphere feel a little—”
“Shut up and watch the video.” Jiao Du stopped his partner from making a bad mouth in time. Even if he couldn’t die, there were tricks like burying him alive.
In the video, the face of Itachi Uchiha from another world appeared.
Uncle: “Brother!!”
Even though Itachi, who was reincarnated by the pharmacist, was dead, facing his younger brother’s questioning, he still put the entire ninja world first, and just said that sentence against Sasuke’s forehead just before returning to the pure land: “I love you forever.”
There is also Obito Uchiha in his youth, covered in blood.
Holding Nohara Lin’s body, her dazed and dazed look made people feel a little sad.
He spent his whole life as a soldier, abandoned the dream of Hokage, did countless evil things, covered himself with a mask, turned into a man who was nobody, and finally turned into a sentence——
“Lin, I want to create a world with you again.”
[Naruto: “It’s their life and death! Let me understand – the sorrow and pain of death, and the cruelty and misery of war!!”]
In any corner of this world, the ninjas watching this image…
In the video, Naruto Uzumaki’s memories, they saw the figures of their village companions! Those who were once alive died in the mission, or in the conspiracy between Ninja Village and Ninja Village.
The scene of himself pulling Shirazuki up to the top of Quanna’s head with his own hands appeared in front of the heroic spirit Uchiha Madara.
Heroic Zhujian also remembered the sadness of crying while holding Banjian’s young corpse.
Tsunade remembered that he rushed back when he heard the bad news, only Jiraiya shook his head deeply, and the necklace Orochimaru handed him, “It’s useless to look at it, anyway, the corpses are all blown up, after all, it’s a war.”
Younger brother Naoki… died.
What Senshou Feima remembered was that he personally sent away Wajian, Banjian, and finally the eldest brother. As the last person left behind, he sent away all his brothers, and he took on the responsibility in the early stage of the first Ninja World War. The important task of the second generation of Hokage, as well as the entrustment of the eldest brother.
“Our dreams are left to you, Feijian.” ”
Although he doesn’t know that “we” refers to his best friend Uchiha Madara who is also his eldest brother.
But after all, Konoha Hidden Village is his everything, and the safety of the village is his top priority.
Jiraiya also thought of hearing the sad news of the death of the Fourth Hokage during his travels. This is indeed a heavy blow to him who has no children.
Looking at Nagato and Xiaonan in the distance, he really regretted not going back to the Land of Rain to see his other three disciples.
Maybe, maybe there will be some changes?
There are a lot more……
No longer thinking of Bai.
Looking at Chisha, Chiyo remembered the death of her son and daughter-in-law, and the only remaining grandson who suddenly defected to the village.
Uchiha Itachi thought of Loquat Juzo.
Nagato and Xiaonan thought of Yahiko, Hatosuke, Daibutsu and the others.
Everyone living in this ninja world is because of the words of Uzumaki Naruto in the image and his memoryAnd emotions, reminded of those painful memories.
Those comrades who sacrificed will always exist in their memory and become the barb of eternal sadness and pain in their hearts.
【”But ah!”】
Naruto Uzumaki in the video suddenly turned around.
【”not only that!!”】
The people watching the movie were all taken aback.
Then they saw in the video——
Uzumaki Naruto’s mother Uzumaki Kushina and his father Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.
The seventh Hokage Naruto opened his eyes wide, “Mom!” Although he knew this, he had never seen this scene with his own eyes!
At this moment, the two Narutos were staring at the image.
That was the moment when their parents gave their lives for him to protect them who were just born…
In other words, the day he was born was the day his parents died, and every birthday since then has been the anniversary of his parents’ death.
Boren clenched his fists tightly. Not long ago, he thought easily…
Namikaze Minato, who was watching the movie, suddenly used the shadow clone technique, and put his arms around the shoulders of Shimonin Naruto and Seventh Hokage Naruto respectively.
“Anyway, these are the parents.”
“No matter when, Kushina and I will love you with all our love, Naruto.”
Not to mention that Ninja Naruto couldn’t restrain himself, Shu Ming felt bad and was about to burst into tears!
In the video, Kushina’s face is pale, but her eyes seem to be filled with gentle blessings for the newborn…
The voice of Uzumaki Naruto who taught Heijue a lesson sounded again:
[“In the history of ninjas, there is not only the grief of loss, but also the joy of being recognized by others and being recognized by peers, and…” Naruto’s voice choked in the video, “the joy of being loved by relatives…” 】
On the audience stand, it seemed that someone was sobbing.
“`’wind,!`, source., group?,2’~0″!? 8`.5.1..1″? 9.!8,!8?~” Sasuke glanced at it, and Naruto was among them.
Uncle took a look at the Seventh Hokage beside him. Although he didn’t cry, but the way he held his mouth and the sparkle in his eyes, he might have reached the limit of his patience.
【”Everyone’s life and death have taught me this! They entrusted me with the future!!”】
【”What is the history of the ninja world that you created?!!”】
In the video, Naruto Naruto, the Seventh Generation Meme, was extremely popular back then. He pulled up the Heijue Wheel and threw it several times on the expanding Earth Explosion Star…
【”You’re such a brat who doesn’t want to leave mom and can’t even be independent, so don’t tell me nonsense!!!”】
Seeing that Hei Jue had no time to speak, he was blocked by a boulder, and he and Hui Ye were sealed together in the Earth Explosion Star.
Seventh generation Naruto Hokage: “I always thought I was stupid, but after watching the video, I almost cried myself. It’s really terrible!”
As he said that, he wiped his eyes with his sleeve vigorously to catch the traces. Anyway, he was seen, so it’s better to be upright!
In the video, Naruto Uzumaki at this time can be described as handsome in a mess.
It’s just that there may be a strange curse at the end of the Konoha crane that is handsome for less than three seconds, and he began to clamor with a strange expression on how to leave the first ball space created by Otsutsuki Kaguya.
Many people who watched the movie wiped their tears and were laughed at.
“Pfft! Give me back my emotion! You idiot!!”
“But it’s because that guy is an idiot that he believes in himself no matter what and never gives up, isn’t it?”
“Ah, that makes sense.”
“Look, even the tailed beasts are complaining about him.”
“Hahaha, Kyuubi seems to dislike him and embarrass him! It’s so funny, those tailed beasts!”
“Hey! Then you’ve never seen a tailed beast run wild…”
“But having said that, how did they leave that strange place?”
“It’s impossible to release that Kaguya and force her to change the space again, right?”
“Doesn’t Sasuke have a reincarnation eye? Maybe it’s the power of the reincarnation eye?”
“If he can do it, the Uzumaki Naruto and Brother Ying in the video shouldn’t look like that, right?”
While everyone was discussing…
An unbelievably large ‘formation’ appeared in the image? !
Jiraiya: “That’s…”
Naruto: “I’m familiar with this! It’s a psychic array!! I’ll use that to summon Boss Toad! There’s also Toad Brigade!!”
Sasuke, who also learned the summoning technique in Ryūji Cave: “But this formation is too big! Who cast the psychic technique? Could it be that they intend to use this method to psychic us back?!”
Heroic Spirit Senshou Hashirama: “I bet it should be Tobima! He’s good at psychic skills! The Flying Thunder God Art is a forbidden art researched based on this foundation!”
Heroic Spirit Uchiha Madara: “That younger brother of yours is good at all forbidden arts, right?!” Anyway, he didn’t like the guy who killed his younger brother.
“Madara, it has been said that Heijue is the real culprit. You have too much prejudice against Token.”
“Ask him if he has little regard for Uchiha’s construction contract?!”
“To shut up!””…”
Suddenly, a huge “fire” character appeared in the image!
Immediately after that was the face of Naruto Reincarnated Hokage!
Hashirama, who was depressed, said, “I also have a share?!” I’m not very good at forbidden techniques, am I?
Naruto: “¨”Ah! It’s the faces of the first-generation uncle, the second-generation brother, and the third-place grandfather and father!”
In this sentence, seniority is chaotic.
Sasuke: “Is Hokage using spiritism in the past?!”
Others watching the video:
“It’s amazing! It’s worthy of being the Hokage of the past!!”
“With them here, I can rest assured!”
At this time, the word in the video changed to “wind”!
The faces of past Kazekages appeared in the video! !
The ninja representative team of Hidden Sand Village stared at the video in surprise.
“It’s the first generation of Kazekage-sama! There are also the second generation, the third generation, and…”
Gaara, Kankuro, Temari: “Dad?!”
and also……
It is the word “earth” representing the country of earth!
“Master Tsuchikage of the first generation, Master Mu of the second generation! And Master Onogi!!”
Next came “water”!
“The first Mizukage, the second Mizukage, the third Mizukage, and the fourth Miyakura-sama?!”
Then came “Thunder”!
“Sure enough, Raikage from all dynasties is also there!!”
“What the hell is…?!!”
“It’s not just past Hokage! It’s even past Kazekage, Earth Kage, Mizukage, and Raikage?!”
“Except for the accident that Naruto was reincarnated from the dirt, the other shadows seem to be…”
Naruto panicked, “Youyouyoughost?!!”
“The one at the end of the crane, what are you afraid of?! That’s just in the video!!”
Before Naruto finished speaking, the face of the Sage of the Six Paths appeared in the video.
Following a sentence from the Sage of the Six Paths!
The sound of “Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”
The people in the viewing area saw in the video that the seventh class that had just completed the final task, and the nine tailed beasts they rescued were all brought back by psychics!
“This is……”
And Uchiha Madara was also brought back by psychic? !
Naruto: “Ah! This is the image of the Valley of the End before the war!”
Sasuke: “That’s right, it’s connected like this.”
Naruto recalled the image of that time, and remembered that it really happened to another self and another Sasuke.
He said to Uncle, “I said Sasuke from another world, you have to open up a bit in the future, and tell me in another world if you have anything to say, otherwise it would be too scary to come to the Valley of the End! ”
Shu Ming laughed and said, “There is no Valley of the End anymore. The knot between brothers Indra and Asura was untied by Sasuke and I in that battle.”
Naruto: “That’s really great. If only the two brothers could see that scene, maybe they can reconcile earlier. There will be no so many grievances and grievances later. There is a brother and friend who is gratifying and congratulatory.” season finale.”
Heroic Spirit Senjujuma: “Yeah Madara, maybe a lot of your later emotions are influenced by Indra’s Chakra? If the two brothers get rid of the knot in advance, maybe we can also get rid of it earlier.” Let’s create Konoha together, just like the Sengoku period that we have been to before.”
“Oh, that’s not good, Hashirama.”
Uchiha Madara, the heroic spirit, said: “If there was no influence of Indra’s Chakra, when you decided to commit suicide (defense screen), maybe I wouldn’t have held you back at the last moment.”
Heroic Column laughed suddenly a little lewdly.
Update today
Ask for flowers every day~Mua~
[Notice (alternate content, does not occupy VIP points):]
The summer vacation is about to run out, and I won’t be able to receive the 8,000-character Feilu subsistence allowance in the future (crying).
I can guarantee a daily update of 4,000 words, and I will write this article from the beginning to the end, including the extras after the end, and I will never find a ghostwriter.
Since the archived manuscripts were used up, they were all written according to the outline, and the rhythm tended to be fast and slow. After the updates become less, you can think about the chapters during the day. In theory, the quality will improve?
Look at your own outline booklet, the content behind it is:
Make up for the regrets of Nagato and Konan, revive Yahiko and others; make up for the regrets of Jiraiya and Tsunade, resurrect Jiraiya of the Seventh Hokage World; redeem the brotherhood of Yinxiu; and the love and hatred of Otsutsuki’s mother and son Enmity; and the growth of the ninjas, the identity of the horror question and answer, and the army of the six pillars.
Finally, there is an extra episode that can be broadcast on demand…

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