Extra points for horror quiz! If you answer correctly, the reward will be doubled! ! A large wave of malicious attacks attacked Kakashi! !

Obito: “Fragrant, sausage mouth?!!”
Lin: “Da,…”
Namikaze Minato: “Big buck teeth?!”
Regarding Kakashi’s face behind the mask, let alone Kakashiban’s Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura curious.
Even Minato Minato, Uchiha Obito, and Rin Nohara of the Minato class were very curious.
At the end of the image, Kakashi thanked Obito, and then lost the power of the Kaleidoscope Shaker. Kakashi, who was six and six, was unable to help him for a moment, and almost fainted, thanks to Sakura-ge who helped him from behind.
[“Sharing Kakashi, it ends today.”]
The image ends and disappears.
Matekai’s face was solemn: “Kakashi in that world… It should be difficult to heal the pain in my heart.”
“But it doesn’t matter! I in that world will definitely bring his youthful enthusiasm with him!!”
Li: “Mr. Kai!!” He was moved by the sincere friendship between Mr. Kai and Mr. Kakashi! !
Ignore the pile of hot-blooded teachers “Mo Hong” disciples.
Minato, Obito, Rin, and Kakashi all took a breath, and finally there were no additional questions.
This made Naruto, Obito and others even more curious about Kakashi’s face under the mask.
Kakashi took a step back, “No, it’s nothing special…” When he looked up, he found that Kakashi Ban and Watergate Ban were curious, and almost everyone who heard this topic in the vicinity focused their attention on him. on…
To be precise, it was condensed on the mask of his face.
Hatake Sakumo: “Actually, it’s not a big deal, hahaha, there will definitely be no buck teeth and sausage mouths.” However, Kakashi has always used a mask to cover up his slight social fear, letting him be in the crowd of tens of thousands of people. It might be really difficult to take off the mask in places.
Everyone looked at Kakashi’s father, Hatake Sakumo, known as Konoha White Fang…
Others don’t know what Kakashi looks like, but Konoha Baiya definitely knows! !
Sakumo: “Really, although Kakashi’s hair color and eye color follow me, he looks more like his mother, so the face under the mask is not ugly.” Although he hadn’t seen it for more than ten years, Kakashi Cassie was pretty amazing when she was a kid, didn’t she?
Kakashi: “Dad, you don’t need to talk about this kind of thing…” Although the sadness caused by the video just now improved after changing the subject, it would be better if you don’t get entangled in his appearance. .
Minato Namikaze suddenly interjected, “If I remember correctly, Kakashi’s mother, Sakumo-senpai’s wife should be a beauty…” Thinking this way, Kakashi is definitely not ugly?
Sakura suddenly remembered: “Oh yes! We invited Kakashi-sensei to eat ramen before to see his face under the mask…”
Naruto: “Ah! That’s right!! I saw Kakashi-sensei’s face beating Uncle and Sister Ayame with their hands!” Naruto made a funny (?v?) gesture .
Even Sasuke nodded, indicating that it was indeed the case.
Everyone: “…”
I’m getting more and more curious…
What did the class of that class look like?
Just when everyone was going to end this topic, or coerce Kakashi to take off his mask! !
The metallic sound came to everyone’s ears again in the third Chunin exam.
【“Extra credit questions—”】
Everyone was stunned.
Hasn’t the image disappeared? ! !
Why is there a bonus question after the additional question? !
Obito, Naruto, and Jiraiya are all going to have a nervous breakdown at the tail of the crane that locked the last one all the year round. What’s the matter with this feeling of returning to the ninja school? !
I finally graduated from the ninja school. What does this horror quiz mean? ! !
For the time being, it was difficult for everyone to confirm whether this question was only for Uchiha Obito, so Uzumaki Mito, who brought Kimamaru to find Orochimaru, immediately used a large-scale silence seal together with Senju Tobirama!There was a sudden silence in the audience of tens of thousands of people.
There was a faint tension in the air.
Everyone is nervously waiting in this silence for the new question of the horror quiz…
[“Please answer Uchiha Obito who ‘leave this world as Kakashi’s friend’.”]
Do war criminals in the Fourth World War have no human rights? ! ! Is it over yet? ! !
Besides, he is still alive! ! live!
Understand? !
With so many identities, is he Uchiha who doesn’t want to lose face? ! !
With a sigh, Second Megumi Hokage and Uzumaki Mito opened the sealing formation that stopped talking.
Minato Namikaze looked at Obito with a little helplessness in his eyes. He always felt that Obito, the arrogant child, had accidentally provoked a terrifying question and answer.
Lin: “Don’t worry Obito, we will help you figure out the answer together!”
Obito was deeply moved: Lin! Definitely the best Lynn! !
Naruto: “But this time there are so many additional questions. Sasuke and Gaara still have to compete.”
The famous name of the country of fire quickly showed off his presence, “Don’t worry! Yu will also help!”
Obito: Thank you so much! !
Kakashi: “Then please, daimyo-sama.”
Obito: Please what? ! Please ask him to find someone to scold me? ! Chicken can be repaired! Rubbish Kakashi! hypocritical! Fake! !
Deidara: “That guy Fei must have offended people, eh.”
Scorpion: “I agree with this too…” After all, he used to be the mastermind behind the Akatsuki organization. I hope he can pass away peacefully…
Deidara: “Although his mouth is a bit cheap, it’s not easy for him, um.” He has a schizophrenic personality as a high school girl, um.
After a pause…
The metallic voice finally announced the questions and rules of the bonus questions——
[“Under Hatake Kakashi’s mask, what can be his iconic symbol?”]
For a while, everyone’s eyes were cast on Kakashi’s mask.
This time, not only Obito, but even Kakashi felt that he was going to die.
Hatake Sakumo patted his son’s shoulder, with a snickering expression on his face? !
[“1. Only Uchiha Obito can answer this question.”]
[“2. This question is a bonus question, so there is no penalty for wrong answers.”]
[“3. Answer this question and the reward will be doubled.”]
[“4. Answer this question correctly within 30 seconds.”]
Is it so generous? ! !
Double the reward? ! Or double the reward after two additional questions? ! !
This is very exciting!
No, shouldn’t it be the horror question that you want to know about Kakashi’s face under the mask? !
Someone said this idea, and then someone retorted:
“No! The horror quiz must know what Kakashi looks like! Otherwise why would he ask such a question?!”
Nara Shikamaru looked at Naruto’s eagerness to try, “From the point of view of the problem, there is indeed something under Kakashi-sensei’s mask that others may not have. It can be used as a symbolic symbol after he takes off the mask, but Naruto…”
He changed his words, “Even if you don’t take off the mask, you should be able to see that there is no sausage mouth and big buck teeth, right? I’m sorry, I really don’t know whether to say you are observant, or occasionally stupid.”
Naruto: “Then what else could be used as an iconic symbol? A harelip? Scars? Shouldn’t I have a Kurama’s beard like me?” These couldn’t be seen through the mask.
Sakura: “So Kakashi-sensei does have scars on his face.” It’s quite deep. In the video, he left the battle damage to save Uchiha Obito.
Sasuke vetoed: “The scar and the shackles with soil are covered by his forehead guard, and have nothing to do with the mask.”
I’m getting more and more curious!
What’s under Kakashi’s mask? ! !
Update today
Everyday flowers ask for a request~Mua~
Remember to read the announcement at the end of

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