Smoothing out the regrets after the Fourth Ninja World War! The resurrection of the ‘Shogi’ imagery is…

Namifeng Minato: “This is the horror quiz we mentioned just now. The quiz session has ended, and now it’s the lottery session.”
“Lottery draw?” Obito of the Four Wars was completely stunned. These situations were unheard of by him. The voice that suddenly resounded around but had no substance made him think that he had come to the real Pure Land.
Namikaze Minato: “It sounds incredible, but people who have died will be resurrected randomly.”
Even if these words came from Minato-sensei, Shizhan Obito still couldn’t believe it.
Could it be that someone is using the reincarnation technique? !
Immediately afterwards, Obito of the Fourth War saw a huge image suddenly appear over the battlefield, and a huge question mark in the white screen was clearly visible.
[“Please prepare Uchiha Obito.”]
The huge question mark in the white curtain~ began to change.
The four wars with soil were mainly food, toys or ninja tools.
[“The owner of the image please: Uchiha Obito, within 60 seconds, 2 resurrection personnel will be awarded by lottery, the timeout will be invalid-, please know.”]
[“Drawing method: just call to stop.”]
[“Countdown, start!”]
Four Wars Obito: “!!!”
He subconsciously opened the kaleidoscope and stared at the rapidly changing patterns in the image.
When I see my favorite red bean cake…
The two “stop” came from the mouths of the two of them one after another!
Shizhan Obito subconsciously turned to Anbu in that black cat mask! At the same time, he found that everyone was looking at him with dumbfounded eyes?
“Anbu with the black cat face mask” is also watching the four wars Obito. If he hadn’t been wearing a mask, everyone would have found that he was equally astonished in his anger.
There are also people who found that the image originally stopped at the beautiful red bean cake pattern – the next image…
When the tofu sushi is served! !
The image skipped to the next image after half a second—
In chess? !When everyone thought that the final pattern was locked on ‘Shogi’, did the image dance again to ‘Beancurd Sushi’? !
After a while, everyone saw that the images actually started to repeatedly jump horizontally on ‘Tofu sushi’ and ‘Shogi’? ! !
Obito was dumbfounded, is this a beancurd sushi or shogi? !
Namikaze Minato pondered, but he didn’t clarify the horror question and answer. The two Obito are both Obito, so whoever said it shall prevail?
Shizhan Obito didn’t know what was going on, and didn’t know what was the difference between the images of bean skin sushi or shogi, or the images of tomato ramen and red bean cake saury that appeared before, and what information they implied.
What he cares more about at the moment is why Anbu, who is sitting between Rin and Kakashi, has the same voice as him! !
Uchiha Obito, who imitated Madara Uchiha all the year round and thought he was being followed, immediately stared at that ‘Anbu’ with a bad expression on his face…
“You guy, who are you?!”
Obito: “…”
Seeing that ‘Anbu’ didn’t speak up, Obito in the Four Wars was a little hairy.
Wearing a mask all the year round, he finally knew how annoying the guy who always wears a mask to hide his identity is so annoying!
He stared out of the kaleidoscope writing wheel, turned on the blur, and ran straight to the man!
I saw that the four battles Obito wanted to seize the “Anbu” and restore it to a real body…
Didn’t catch it? !
Go through? ! !
what happened? ! Is there a problem with your own writing wheel? Blindness should be a pupil technique he played well? ! How can it suddenly be unclear whether it is solid or virtual? !
Obito, who didn’t know the truth, didn’t want to understand no matter how he thought about it.
In fact, it is very simple. Although they are all in the same Shenwei space, when Obito used the physical body in the four battles, the Obito of this world used virtualization.
Conversely, when the Obito of the Four Wars used the avatar, the Obito of this world used the entity.
So even if the two of them overlap and stand on the same coordinate, they actually exist in different spaces on the two levels, and there will be no conflict at all.
Seeing that Obito on their side was enjoying themselves, Lin and Kakashi were helpless.
Kakashi: “Idiot, stop playing! Obito.”
Shizhan Obito: “Why did you scold me suddenly? Is this guy wearing a mask all the time to hide his head and show his tail?!”
Kakashi pointed at Anbu of the black cat mask, “No, I’m scolding him.”
“Anbu” Obito: “Don’t expose me, stupid Kakashi!” He wanted to tease this future self from another world for a while.
Even if he was a newcomer in the four wars, he never thought of this possibility, and he heard the approximate identity of this black cat mask Anbu from Kakashi’s words…
Lin’s expression was a little tangled, “Obito is really, as soon as we meet, he fights with himself in another world.”
Shizhan Obito, who immediately wanted to understand: “You are me from another world?! You didn’t leave Konoha?!!”
He still remembers that in the Fourth Ninja World War, he and Naruto saw his innermost thoughts together, returned to Konoha, became Hokage, and ended the war.
Because they were all Uchiha Obito, the Obito of this world immediately knew the idea of ​​the Four Wars Obito.
“Stop what you think now, I’m sure it’s different from what you think.” When Hokage? Oh, how can he still have this qualification now.
When the farce is going on here.
The image that switches back and forth between ‘Shogi’ and ‘Shogi’ ends up on ‘Shogi’.
[“Confirmed Resurrection – Dirty Earth, Sarutobi Asma.”]
【“Confirmed Resurrection—Four Wars: Shikahisa Nara.”】
[“Confirmed Resurrection-Four Battles, Yamanaka Kaiichi.”]
[“Confirmed Resurrection – Four Generations of Kazekage·Luosha.”]
Is this a jackpot? !
It is different from the last time Shiro and Uchiha Obito were resurrected separately.
This time, you just announced the resurrection of the five people together? ! !
Among them, Sarutobi Asma Kazuo, Nara Shikahisa, and Yamanaka Kaiichi all exist in Naruto’s memories in the video, while the fourth Kazekage Rasa was called for help from the Pure Land by the Six Path Immortals in order to summon them back.
Even Shu Zuo couldn’t help but praise the tail of the crane beside him, “Fortunately, every time you think about things, you enjoy the family and bring all your companions with you.”
Shuming was also a little excited: “It’s too good! Shikamaru will be happy enough to cry, I’ll say it!! There is also a little future, and finally I can meet her father! Teacher Hong will also be very happy, I said. !”
“Although I don’t know which Obito drew it, thank you so much! It’s really great, I say!”
Listening to the Seventh Megumi Hokage from the future, one ‘got to do it’ followed by another ‘to do it’.
Knowing that the more excited Kushina was, the more “necessary” Minato Namikaze looked, and in his heart he wished his son who was already taller than himself in another world.
It’s luckier than anything else to be able to erase these regrets.
….. 0 ……
Four wooden coffins rose from the ground.
“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”
The coffin board fell in response.
A life reincarnated as a dirtDead man, Sarutobi Asma opened his eyes first.
“The Chunin exam venue? But it’s bigger than any Chunin exam I know of in Hongdae.” Then he was confused by a few people in the audience.
“Hong and… me?”
Not waiting for him to understand.
He, Nara Shikamaru, and Nara Shikahisa of this world are all looking at the fourth war Nara Shikahisa in the coffin who experienced the Fourth Ninja World War and died under the attack of the Ten Tails.
And Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro.
Update today
Every day’s flowers ask for a request~Mua~er.

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