When Sasuke and Shito Itachi suddenly heard the voice of Uchiha Fugaku? !

On the battlefield against Uchiha Madara Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki heard Sasuke in the video saying that he would decide whether to destroy Konoha or make other choices through the answer of the first Hokage.
This made Naruto Uzumaki in the fourth battle impatient.
He wanted to contact Uncle Yamanaka and ask him to help him find Sasuke. But at this moment he can’t contact Uncle Yamanaka, and Sasuke is not around…
and many more!
When Uncle Yamanaka talked to the future him just now, did he and the other shadow clones also hear it? !
“Sasuke who became an uncle, I have to ask you for help!”
This blow was a big blow to Uncle Zuo, and he didn’t know why. Anyway, he hated Naruto calling him Uncle, and his back would go numb when he heard it.
At this time, Naruto Uzumaki couldn’t control so much. He asked his future self, “Is the uncle in the mountains here? I need him to help me contact Sasuke!”
Kaiichi Yamanaka, who was resurrected not long ago, stepped forward, “Are you trying to contact Sasuke-kun of this era?”
Naruto Uzumaki: “That’s right! I don’t know where he is, but Uncle can use that secret technique to contact my Sasuke by contacting this Sasuke!”
Although what he said was confusing, Kaiichi Yamanaka and the others immediately understood what he meant!
“Okay, let me try!”
Yamanaka Kaiichi’s mind-transmitting technique brought ‘Uchiha Sasuke’ into the communication channel.
“Sasuke-kun, can you hear my voice?”
Sasuke, who had just met Uchiha Itachi, who was reincarnated in the dirty earth, said vigilantly, “Who are you?”
Naruto Uzumaki directly grabbed Mai: “Sasuke! It’s me!!”
He subconsciously called outAt the back of the car, it was only later that they realized that the two of them should have broken up, “Talk what’s going on.”
Naruto Uzumaki: “Have you seen the image? Something strange happened here! The future me and the future you are both here!”
“I don’t have time to listen to your stories.”
“Really, let me tell you!” Uzumaki Naruto was anxious to death, “There are still many people who have come from the future and the past! They know the truth! Both Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito were used by people, and that aloe vera It is the real enemy!!”
Ordinary people would definitely think that this story is getting more and more complicated, and that aloe is the ultimate enemy?
But Uchiha Sasuke immediately understood Uzumaki Naruto’s meaning, “Heijue?!”
“That’s right! That guy Hei Ze used Uchiha in order to resurrect a woman who can turn everyone into Bai Ze. If that woman resurrects, the world will be over!!”
Through Uchiha Sasuke mechanically repeating Naruto’s words, Uchiha Itachi instinctively felt a terrifying conspiracy.
But Sasuke himself is the kind of character who never looks back until he hits the south wall to death.
“What does the end of the world have to do with me!”
Sasuke is not interested in Naruto’s words, and now he has a lot to say to Itachi! !
But then, Sasuke was completely stunned by a voice joining Haiichi Yamanaka’s thinking chat room.
Uchiha Fugaku: “Come here, Sasuke.”
Uchiha Sasuke, who was full of hostility and wanted to destroy Konoha, was completely taken aback.
Itachi: “??!!”
Sasuke roared: “Naruto Uzumaki! What kind of tricks are you playing?!”
Uchiha Fugaku: “As the Naruto of this world said, Mikoto and I come from another world, but anyway, it should still be you and Itachi’s father.”
Sasuke: “!!!”
Uchiha Fugaku finally said, “So, come here with Itachi, we have something to tell you, tell you the truth.”
After a while, Sasuke said, “Address.”
Naruto exploded a string of coordinates and exited the thinking chat room.
In the video——
Because Sasuke said he wanted to destroy Konoha, this made the Second Hokage, who always believed that the Uchiha clan was an uncontrollable bomb (defense) from time to time, directly angered Chakra!
He raised a finger.
[“You actually said to destroy Konoha? Uchiha is a born evil kid! Here, the old man will—”]
Whether it was the aura or the strong oppressive feeling of Chakra, Orochimaru, Sasuke and the others on the opposite side took half a step back! !
The young Naruto was taken aback: “Is the second generation’s brother angry so terrible?! But Sasuke is not born evil.”! He corrected him and said, “They are just too simple, and they are particularly easy to be deceived.” ”
Heroic Column: “That’s right! Madara is as innocent as a piece of white paper!”
Sasuke and Sudban wanted to beat Naruto, but Heroic Madara snorted to express his dissatisfaction.
The other Uchihas were ashamed, but they didn’t show much because of face.
Second Generation Hokage felt that…
These words are so familiar! From the tone to the content of the words, they are exactly the same as his stupid big brother! !
Others also feel this way, especially in the video, the first generation of the Lord just said that Sasuke is a simple child, don’t speak ill of the Uchiha clan in front of him.
Heroic Pillars laughed loudly, “Hahaha, it is indeed the reincarnation of the same person, and the evaluation of Madara and Sasuke is also the same!”
Uchiha Madara, the heroic spirit, said with a black face: “Do you think I’m easy to deceive?”
Heroic Pillar laughed calmly, “Isn’t it easy to be deceived? When I was young, ah! Do you think the image of you being deceived by me when we were young will be exposed in the video later?! I really miss it!”
Ying Lingban refused to talk to him again.
In the video, after the second generation went mad, the first Hokage followed closely.
【”Between the door—!”】
With a majestic rebuke, the floor under his feet shattered, and the long hair of the first Hokage was lifted up by the sudden soaring Chakra.
This is not to make Orochimaru and others take half a step back.
The entire Uchiha Shrine is about to collapse!
Watching the video, the Second Hokage snorted unhappily, and Uchiha Madara watched it so much that he wanted to find Hashirama to dance immediately, while others lamented the difference in brotherhood between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan.
Qiu Dao Diedie gave a pertinent person to set up a movie review: “Typical mindless and unhappy.”
Second Hokage, who is a little out of touch with the times: “???”
Yamanaka Jingzhen: “Shut up, fat pig, show some respect to Hokage-sama, besides, they are brothers, not male and female masters!”
Anyway, people who have nothing to do with themselves smiled openly, such as Uzumaki Mito?
She laughed so hard that she couldn’t have any temper at all.
Heroic Pillar could not understand at all. Anyway, everyone seemed to be happy.
The Ghost Lantern Water Moon in the video was frightened into a puddle of water.
Just now he felt that the first generation of Hokage had no majesty, and he was hiding behind Orochimaru——
【”Domineering, so domineering that I’m scared to death!!”】
The first generation of Hokage who bullied his own brother in the video laughed, and put down Chakra together with Tomama.
Seeing such an image, Uchiha Izumi was a little dumbfounded. As a younger brother, he felt that the treatment was poor.A lot.
Received the seemingly sympathetic look of the nemesis, Qianshou Tobirama was unhappy and unhappy!
The Four Shadows in the video learned that Madara Uchiha was resurrected. The first Hokage can only make a long story short, although it still doesn’t look very short… even though…
Anyone who knew the truth found out that the fourth Hokage was in a hurry to see his son.
The image enters the battle between the first Hokage, Madara Uchiha, and the nine-tailed demon fox.
“That’s when Madara Uchiha attacked Konoha with his nine tails!”
“So the image should be the memory of Hashima-sama?!”
Naruto: “Ah! It’s the Kurama!! It’s not golden, that means he just treats the Kurama as a psychic beast?” According to his understanding of the fox who was not very good-tempered, but was actually very warm-hearted, he must be unhappy. to the extreme.
Looking at the battle clips in the video, those who have seen the video many times before can’t help but sigh:
“It’s really a fight with Zuo Ming’s Valley of the End.”
“As expected, he is also the reincarnation of the Six Path Immortals!”
“Three lives and three lives, in fact, the two brothers clearly love each other, right?”
“Oh, it’s all Hei Jue’s fault.”
“My younger brother is clueless, and my older brother is not happy. It’s a pity.”
Madara Uchiha: “???” What are these guys from Tobirama talking about? How could he not understand it at all?
“Look, it turns out that the first person to use Susato’s nine tails was Madara Uchiha!!”
【“Wood Dun·Wood Dragon Technique!”】
【”Wood Escape·Wooden Man’s Art”】
[“Psychic: Five-layer Rashomon!”]
“Almost never seal…”
[“You dare to teach me?”]
I don’t know that these former uncles scratched their short hair, “Madara and former Sasuke are really similar, the nerves are too slender! The first-generation uncle probably didn’t mean that at all, I said!”
Shu Zuo: “Don’t drag me on.”
Shuming: “I don’t have any ill intentions, I just think that you are too bullying for our stupid people. Is it interesting to be so eloquent?”
Naruto Shimonin looked at the first Hokage: “Ah! It was Madara when you were young! When I first saw you, I was about the same age as me, but now you are the first Hokage. It’s incredible.”
The first Hokage Madara: “¨”I find it incredible, you people from the future and future images that let me know the truth and the truth.”
Second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, “I just wanted to ask, why do you two exist at the same time? Shouldn’t the second generation succeed the first generation after the death of the first generation after re-election?”
Chu Huoban: “This is the rotating Hokage system that you proposed from another world. After he saw your future, he felt that the Hokage lifetime system was completely unacceptable. The other is the suggestion from your elder brother. In order to promote relations, when I was a Hokage His younger brother was Hokage’s advisor, and when he was Hokage, my younger brother was Hokage’s advisor… This damned idea tortured Izuna! You don’t know how many times your elder brother sneaked out a month! And the last Five Shadows meeting That guy was so excited that he knocked his head on the table board on the spot!! No matter what other people put forward, he would ummmmmmmm, it makes sense, it’s okay, it’s okay! It made Quanna so angry that he almost killed Hokage on the spot!!!”
Mom, how much resentment is this…
It can make the first Hokage Uchiha Madara so angry that everyone looks at the second Hokage Pillarma.
Then it was exactly the same as in the video, “Hahaha, sorry sorry.”
The second-generation Hokage snorted coldly, doesn’t he know how his big brother is Hokage? It’s just–huh!
Uchiha Izuna was in a cold sweat, she felt sorry for herself in another world, but…
“Sounds like a peaceful world?” No one died when looking for him or Tobirama.
Chu Huoban said, “Ah, that’s about it, Konoha Hidden Village, which has nine tailed beasts, is the leader of all Shinobi villages. In addition to the internal affairs of his own village, he has to supervise other Shinobi villages.The major policy direction of the CCP does not need to be concerned with internal affairs, but it will be concerned with matters that will provoke war or be excessively cruel. ”
“Excessively cruel thing?”
“Avoid human experiments or abuse of forbidden techniques.”
“Isn’t the tailed beasts evenly distributed to other villages? In order to balance the strength of Shinobi villages or something.”
Chu Huoban: “The tailed beasts voluntarily stay in the village. In addition, the lifespan of humans is too short. It is not a bad thing for the tailed beasts to supervise the future.”
It is worth mentioning that in that world, the human column force is no longer an existence that will be rejected and isolated by others.
Because the tailed beasts are too big, it is very inconvenient for them to occasionally go out to play or eat a good meal. So in the end, it simply turned into a model where the tailed beasts hand-picked the human pillars. Every few years or ten years, the tailed beasts would change to a ‘nest’ to live in. At that time, all the male and female ninjas who would become human pillars and would like to become human pillars. All require registration and strict screening, and then send it to the tailed beasts for them to choose.
It is not only the ninja of Konoha who can be elected as Renzhuli. Ninjas from other ninja villages can also sign up. After the same screening process, if they are selected by the tailed beast, of course, the tailed beast will leave Konoha for a few years for a change of taste. preparation.
For example, Sano Isofu often dislikes Konoha’s stale fish and the earthy smell of river fish and chooses ninjas from the Land of Water, and Yau Ogori also dislikes that the swimming pool is too small to spread its tail.
Nine tails?
All in all, mentioning the Nine Tailed Beasts, Erhuozhu sighed for a long time.
Everyone watched the young man Uchiha Madara in the video, and his skills in water drifting were terrible.
Ask him the reason for his sigh.
Erhuozhujian said: “Alas, it would be best if the tailed beasts and the others didn’t always quietly expect me to die sooner.”
The tailed beast expects Senju Hasuma to die soon? What is this operation?
Heroic Spirit Pillar: “???”
Heroic Spirit Madara Uchiha: “???”
Neither of them would have imagined that in the other world, the tailed beast resources were left in Konoha? It wasn’t what they had experienced, and Hakuma only caught them back.
How could you expect him to die sooner?
Still quietly looking forward to it?
Update today
Everyday flowers ask for a request~Mua~.

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