The whole ninja world angered Madara Uchiha, and Naruto finally had a chance to escape Madara Uchiha! !

Uchiha Fuyue stared at Uchiha Madara with a kaleidoscope writing wheel.
As the patriarch of the genocide generation, Uchiha Fuyue didn’t want to say much, but as one of the few people who could see the heroic spirit Uchiha Madara, in fact, at the moment when he learned the truth, he left the village as a traitor and took nine with him. Uchiha Fugaku, the former patriarch who gave the villagers countless fearful impressions, has long complained.
“In the long river of history, there are not many clansmen who open kaleidoscopes and write round eyes.” Uchiha Fuyue said: “It is scary to lose cherished things, but like light and shadow, only new things can heal the past. The pain of ‘loss’.”
Uchiha Fugaku is not a person who can speak, and his words are a little harder to resonate with those of Naruto, who was once isolated by the whole village.
Uchiha Fugaku, who suddenly stood up to speak, was also a little embarrassed.
However, it was as if he was deliberately helping him!
Only limited to their viewing area, but a small-scale medium-sized image appeared? !
just as inIn another viewing area, Naruto, Kakashi, Obito, Kirabi, and Matekai saw the same image of Obito hugging Lin’s corpse and vowing to create a new world.
This image is-
Ino: “Ah! Yes~ that!!”
Fragrance: “!!”
This is……
The images they saw in the forest of death during the second round of the Chunin Exam.
[“This is the Ninja World War…-…”]
Destroyed, there are traces of detonating talismans and large-scale ninjutsu everywhere, as well as corpses and ninja tools that have lost their masters.
Sasuke: “!!!”
Sasuke of this world was stunned when he saw the image, it was…
“elder brother?!”
The young Itachi Uchiha stood on the cliff.
[“Life will struggle…”]
Then Uchiha Itachi, who was only four years old, took a deep leap.
[“Life will die…”]
Uchiha Fuyue: “!!!”
[“Life has no meaning at all.”]
He had no idea that the four-year-old Itachi wanted to jump off a cliff? ! Only then did he realize that it was a mistake to take itachi, who was only four years old, to the battlefield of the Third Ninja World War.
The combined forces of Sasuke and Ninja in this era were also shocked by the man who he once thought was a traitor and a sinner of Konoha.
Fortunately, at the last moment, the child was still in the instinct of human beings to want to live, and desperately used Kunwu to pierce the cliff to slow down.
Five generations of Hokage Tsunade: “This child is too precocious, only four years old, and Orochimaru said in front of children the theory that life has no meaning, if it really died like this…”
The next scene suddenly became Uchiha Mikoto telling Itachi that she was pregnant and that he might have multiple brothers or sisters.
This is the first time anyone who knows Uchiha Itachi has seen him so happy.
[“It’s my brother!”]
【”how do you know?”】
[“Because I’m a brother.”]
Sasuke: “!!” He looked at the image, pouted and sad.
The Naruto of this era beside him looked at him worriedly.
It is followed by the fourth and last picture.
Uchiha Fugaku appeared in the video. Unlike the image in front of people, he held up Sasuke who was just born, and his face was full of excitement, joy and even excitement.
[“Sasuke! Don’t let this name down, be an upright man!”]
At this moment, everyone looked at the ‘inconsistent’ Uchiha Patriarch.
“Cough cough.” Uchiha Fuyue clenched his hand into a fist and coughed twice to hide his embarrassment.
Sasuke and several Sasuke looked at their father in surprise.
He has always felt that compared to his outstanding and talented brother, his presence in his father’s eyes is not that high.
However, such an image subverted his entire cognition.
Immediately after, the young Itachi in the video took over his infant brother and took care of him in an orderly manner. Looking at his younger brother’s smiling face, he revised that belief in his heart——
【“Life will be born!”】
[“A new life will come to this world again! We are all expected to come to this world and become part of other people’s worlds. At the same time…”]
In the video, Itachi, who is the older brother, hugs his infant younger brother with surprises in his eyes.
[“Other people’s lives also become part of Tanaka’s world…”]
[“Sasuke, no matter what happens in the future, brother will protect you well!”]
The video ends.
The entire video is less than three minutes long.
Over there, Sasuke, who belongs to this era, has lowered his head so that he can’t see his expression, but Naruto of this era beside him saw a tear fall to the ground.
Naruto Shimonin had seen more videos, and he told Madara Uchiha: “As a child in the videos, you know that only when people are honest with each other can they let go of hatred and bond wine and become true brothers.”
“But now you are delusional about enclosing everyone in your own false world and cutting off people’s connection with each other through illusions!”
“The person who really puts the cart before the horse—”
“It’s you, right!!”
After Naruto finished speaking, he immediately got the approval of the ninjas who came from the era of the collapsed Chunin Exam and had seen more videos.
Including the ninjas of the villages who participated in this ninja war and became the ninja coalition with the fate of the world on their shoulders, they are also full of pain, resentment and hatred. They not only agree with the words of Naruto Uzumaki from the boyhood of another world, but also have emotional hostility. , cursing Madara Uchiha.
“That’s right!”
“That’s it!”
“You’re putting the cart before the horse!”
“Yes! I can’t understand his thinking at all. The first-generation adults brought different ninja tribes into the village, and the second-generation adults created a ninja school to allow children from different families who have not yet developed hatred to accept each other. Why put the cart before the horse?!”
“It’s you! You were deceived by Hei Jue, and also killed Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi, causing the entire Uchiha clan to be wiped out!!”
“How could someone like you follow you, such an evil guy?!!”
 …. …
“go to hell!”
“Go to hell!”
“No, he’s already dead, he’s reincarnated from the dirt!”
“Bastard! If you die, you will find trouble for future generations!”
Yingling Senju Hasuma: “Hey! You are talking too much!!”
But no one could hear the justification.
On the contrary, Quanna was so angry that she stared out of the kaleidoscope, and a giant chakra hand appeared around his body. It was the incomplete Susanoo!
The giant hand patted the crowd.
Young Gaara and Kazekage Gaara jointly defended and defended!
Although he is a little younger, there is Shoukaku in the body of the boy Gaara. Although Shoukaku and Kyuubi cannot be compared, the power and chakra contained in it is not something that ordinary ninjas can see if they want to know!
There are so many powerful people in the era to protect, those who have seen the future images are not afraid at all! Even if there are six spots…
On the contrary, the six spots are not there anyway.
Those who have seen the video of the future said: “Yes, in fact, although the person who provoked the fourth ninja war was Uchiha Obito, but that guy was used by Uchiha Madara like a ninja tool! We have seen it with our own eyes! The reason why he chose Uchiha Obito is because Uchiha Obito had Hokage’s dream and cherishes his companions, because Uchiha’s power comes from the hatred of losing love, the deeper the love, the more hatred Strong! So he deliberately let Uchiha Obito see the loss of ‘love’ and ‘companion’ with his own eyes!”
Obito of this world: “!!!”
He looked at Nohara Rin.
“Is this…really? Lin?!”
Update today
Everyday flowers ask for a request~Mua~
A few days ago, I was a little stuck, and I finally found the feeling in this chapter! ! Son.

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