What to write on a blank scroll! Naruto’s wish for the Fourth War is…

Shizhan Naruto frowned in disapproval.
What he didn’t agree with was not Itachi saying that his sins were unpardonable, but his attitude of dying.
However, someone first launched an offensive against the filthy weasel.
That person is the 13-year-old boy Sasuke!
“If you feel that your sin against Uchiha is unforgivable, you should take responsibility and make up for it! What kind of redemption is it to die!! It’s just escaping!!”
Sasuke Shizhan was a little dazed. Looking at himself during the Chunin Exam, he recalled that his timeline would soon break with Naruto, and he embarked on a dark road without hesitation.
The young Sasuke accused his brother of another world, “Take responsibility! Revive the glory of Uchiha!!!” Although it was an accusation, the young Sasuke who had seen the video actually felt more distressed that he had carried everything and had to die. to the redeemed brother.
Itachi: “No, as long as Uchiha still exists…”
The tragedy of writing round eyes will still happen.
“As expected of Sasuke’s older brother, he is several times more stubborn than Sasuke.” Young Naruto: “It has been said that the slate of the Uchiha family has been tampered with, there is no need to believe-ah!”
Hei Jue: “Hee hee hee, another idiot who was deceived by me! To prevent blindness from kaleidoscope writing wheel eye does not necessarily require a brother’s eyes, the real method is to obtain a thousand hands or a chakra of the swirl clan. Of course. , it would be better if there were intercolumnar cells~”
“You’re too extreme, Uchiha Itachi.” Chishou Tobirama: “It’s exactly the same as Izuna back then! Constant ‘loss’ will make Uchiha more powerful, but nothing prevents Uchiha from going. ‘Get’, don’t rest on your laurels.”
Uchiha Izuna: “Although I agree with the latter words, what does the former mean?! What does it mean to be the same as me back then!!” This fellow Senpa Tobirama was clearly looking for an opportunity to scold him!
Thousand Hands Tobirama DirectlyNo matter Izumi, staring at the dirty Uchiha Itachi.
Zorana showed her samsara eyes. Although she was not very good at seeing the big guys with kaleidoscopes and even reincarnation eyes, she was always firm: “I opened my eyes because…” The little girl’s voice was filled with aggrieved crying. , “I haven’t seen my father until I was ten years old.”
All kinds of accusing eyes stared at Shu Zuo.
Sarana: “I went to find out what kind of family Uchiha is, but I found out that it belongs to the top secret of the Hokage level! No one told me what kind of family Uchiha is, and I don’t know how to use Shaker!! ”
He followed her and roared: “But today, I feel that even the meaning of my existence has been denied by you!!!”
“`.Wind:~Shadow.”Zi~~:Source~:Group’.2.:0`,? 8~~5`1? ‘1`, 9’, 8! `8:”” Itachi was surprised, “Sorry, I’m not…”
Sarana: “If that’s not what you mean, then look for Uchiha’s real way out!! It’s really bad to use death to escape or something!!!”
Sarana’s words overwhelmed Itachi’s last insistence, and Sasuke, a boy from another era, also made him realize that the real redemption should not be escape.
“Sorry, Sasuke… Resurrection, I’ll trouble you.”
Sasuke Shizhan lowered his head, “Yeah.” With a wrinkled face, it was his last stubbornness not to cry out.
Naruto strikes while the iron is hot: “Look, everyone’s strength is better, let me tell you!” With Sasuke alone, it would be difficult to persuade Itachi.
Just as he was about to continue chattering, he said in a very low voice, “Thank you, the favor will be returned to you.” Naruto was so frightened that Naruto was numb. It was Sasuke himself from another era who gave him the chance to resurrect, right? ! Of course Naruto didn’t know that Sasuke was actually referring to the beatings, kneeling, and breathing he saw in the other self.
At this moment, they don’t know the situation in other war zones for the time being.
The second unit—
Hinata Hinata, who scored 80-90 points, was overjoyed when he saw the name [Hyuga Risari of Konoha Hidden Village in the Land of Fire].
She handed over the right to revive Niizai’s uncle’s uncle to Neji’s brother, and witnessed the miracle together with Hyuga Neji’s almost trembling operation.
Fourth Unit——
Nara Shikamaru, who had rubbed the bottom line and scored 81 points, resurrected Sarutobi Asma.
Medical Logistics Unit—
With a high score of 89, Yuyue Xiyan resurrected her deceased boyfriend, Moonlight Gale.
There are dozens of ninjas with the same rights, who have chosen who they want to resurrect.
Watching the second batch of green light beams fall to the ground.
Even Namikaze Minato, who has seen the ‘reward’ many times, couldn’t help but admire, “Wonderful scene.”
Foul Tuban and Liu Daoban were silent. While such a miracle made them feel incredible, there was also a faint feeling that this world might not be completely hopeless.
[“Respondents with a score of 90 or more—”]
Finally, it was the turn of the last reward.
Naruto Uzumaki excitedly watched a miniature appear in front of him—
“Where’s the video screen?!” He exaggeratedly shouted, “Why is it a blank scroll? I said?!!”
Don’t look at the most people on the main battlefield, only Naruto from the four battles scored a high score of more than 90 points!
When he called out like this, everyone stared at him.
Five generations of Megumi Hokage Tsunade slapped Naruto’s shoulder with a beautiful palm painted with nail polish, “You boy! Good luck too!!”
Naruto of the Fourth War was almost taken out, “But I don’t know how to use it at all. I can’t use it for painting, right?” He thought of the use of the Sakai scroll.
At this time, everyone heard the metal sound of the horror quiz and announced the names of five respondents who scored more than 90 points. The first one was Naruto Uzumaki, followed by the names of two ninjas from Kiriyin Village, and one from Sandyin Village. The name of a ninja, the name of a ninja in a cloudy village.
Immediately after…
[“Please write the name of the person you want to resurrect on the blank scroll.”]
[“1. Only one person’s life can be filled in each scroll.”]
[“2. It is necessary to confirm that the person who wants to be resurrected has died.”]
[“3. No other restrictions.”]
The whole place was silent.
Nothing but stillness!
The first round is limited to the ninjas who died in the Fourth Ninja War.
In the second round, Reincarnation of Dirt Earth was added as a choice!
To the third round…
There is no limit at all! ! !
“Hey! Don’t you want to resurrect who?!”
“This is too foul…”
“I’m so envious! If only I had said the same answer back then!!”
The Konoha Ninja in other war zones.
Hinata, Neiji, Sakura, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino… and others have all heard the announcement of the Grand Ninja Alliance Award this time.
They are happy for Naruto, and they are also thinking that if it is Naruto, he will be resurrectedwho?
Naruto of the Four Battles Uzumaki stared blankly at the blank scroll.
Fragments of various skills flashed back and forth in his brain—
It was the first time I saw the fourth Hokage, the first time I knew that I still had a father and mother, and the first time I was recognized by my father and my idol, the fourth Hokage…
The hand that clapped on his head seemed to be still warm.
and also……
Update today
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