All members of the Fourth War Ninja Alliance Learn to Blur! What exactly is the reward called ‘banquet’?

The battlefield of the Fourth Ninja War——
Regarding the last sentence that Rokudao Madara left behind, Senshoubei was speechless for a while: “Since we all know that it is a conspiracy by Heijue, why do such stupid things against humanity?!” He turned his head and stared at Uchi, who was reincarnated from the dirt Popa: “Blade, you don’t want to go on as planned, do you?”
Glancing at Quan Na beside him, Su Tuban hesitated for a moment, “Let’s catch the evil spirits of this world first.” Let’s talk about the rest later. If you know that the Moon Eye project is a conspiracy from beginning to end, it is impossible for Madara to say that he does not feel the slightest bit of frustration. After planning for so long, there is a problem with the fundamental problem, how can he not be angry.
“I’m one of the ones who catch gangsters.”
The kaleidoscope writing wheel behind the mask of the fourth war with soil stared at Uchiha Madara, “Then, I will seal you, Uchiha Madara.” “seal.
“It’s up to you?” Uchiha Madara seemed to have heard some interesting speech, “Don’t forget who entrusted you with your ninjutsu and taijutsu. It’s too presumptuous to say such big words.”
Si Zhan Daitu: “There’s no point in arguing with you now, we’ll wait until Hei Jue is caught.”
Seeing that the two big bosses were in conflict, the ninja coalition forces looked at each other, not knowing what to do next. The fourth ninja world war collapsed like this, should we fight again?
Compared to their confusion, people from the Chunin Exam era have reached the point of hesitation. It has been nearly ten hours since they were thrown into this era. It is still unknown when they will be able to go back.
Naruto of the Fourth War pointed at the door where the big wooden peach style was released, “What should I do with this thing? Just leave it alone, what if something strange comes over?”
“That’s true, that’s right,” Mr. Tsuchikage said: “That guy called Otsuki Momo-style is actually not easy to deal with, that is, he suffered the loss of being dumb when he met the Uchiha Madara who became the ten-tailed Jinchuriki before. ”
Terumi Mei: “And I don’t know if the guy who comes over next time will be stronger if this door is left open.”
12-year-old Naruto suggested: “Why don’t we just throw something into the door and see if he can get something and close the door?”
Sasuke in the same period: “Are you an idiot?! That thing is not a trash can, just put the lid on it if you throw anything away!!”
At this time, the Akatsuki organization also sent a representative to ask when they could go back. The audience has been suppressed harmoniously by the beliefs of Hiduan and Jiaodu, or by the artistic values ​​of Didara and Xie.
[“Comprehensive score reward——”]
And there are comprehensive rewards? This is something that the Ninja League did not expect. The previous resurrection rewards really made them overjoyed. The tense feeling of the battle had already been diluted when each partner was resurrected. Hearing that there would be rewards, the Ninja Alliance almost eagerly looked forward to it.
The Fifth Hokage Tsunade of this world patted Namikaze Minato on the shoulder in a good mood, “Don’t worry, there must be a way to go back, it’s a rare opportunity to bring people from the two eras together, it would be nice to stay longer. ”
Namikaze Minato smiled awkwardly, still worrying about how to go back, and Senshou Kaima was also afraid that Danzo and Heijue would make trouble when they were not around.Affection.
With the advent of the metal sound of the horror question and answer, the miracle that made everyone in the fourth war unbelievable came again, and all the ninja coalition forces in all the war zones were actually transferred to the main battlefield! !
Tobirama Senju: “The fluctuation of time and space ninjutsu!”
Namikaze Minato: “And it’s a large-scale space-time ninjutsu that moves tens of thousands of people over long distances.”
Nara Shikahisa, the commander-in-chief who was transferred from the Ninja Federation headquarters, immediately obtained information from the two Hokage, but no one knew what the reward of the banquet meant.
‘Boom – bang! ‘ With the faint smell of gunpowder, dazzling fireworks bloomed in the night sky.
“Signal flare?”
“Idiots are fireworks!”
“Oh, I’ve been at war lately. Speaking of which, it’s almost time for the Summer Festival.”
I don’t know where the fireworks were launched, and they shot up into the sky one after another, each blooming beautifully on this full moon night.
“Is the fourth ninja war still going to be fought?!” Raikage, who was in a hurry, punched his younger brother who was rapping at the fireworks, “Don’t forget Madara and the masked man are still here.”
Gaara: “The war isn’t necessarily over, and I don’t know whether this kind of relaxation is good or bad.” Everyone knows the truth of one rush and three failures.
Nara Shikahisa took a heavy cigarette, “I really don’t know what I should command now, although I was messed up by that quiz question, but after resurrecting so many people, I really can’t have a temper with ‘that guy’… ……” That guy was referring to the person behind the horror quiz or horror quiz.
Just like the concept of the word ‘banquet’, the venue of the Chunin Examination and the main battlefield of the Fourth World War appeared out of thin air that fit the theme of the banquet. The white-eyed writing wheel took turns to verify that it was not a fake caused by Chakra, but the slightly strange situation still made these ninjas speechless.
What’s even more bizarre is that someone found that the reincarnation of the dirt they sealed in the scroll jumped out of the scroll? !
He hurriedly resealed, but found that the seal could not be sealed! The big snake pocket hidden behind the rock didn’t know why he was moved here at first, and then found that the reincarnation of the unsealed dirt was still out of his control.
The scene was chaotic, and the ninja coalition forces, who were about to relax, were facing a formidable enemy. The ninjas in the Chunin Examination era were ready to help fight the enemy together.
[“All the members are green names.”]
The ninja world has never heard such a strange word. What does the green name of all members mean? It’s too late to think about Kirikin’s ninja swordsman, except for Zaifu who has no intention to fight and Guidengmanyue who discovered that his younger brother Shuiyue has also been transferred to the battlefield, the others are almost all slaughtered lunatics.
Just after getting out of the seal, Kurihara Kushimaru and Nori Jinha pulled out the long knife stitches and blaster droplets and charged straight at the nearest ninja coalition!
Ordinary ninja coalition forces are the opponents of the Kirigaku Ninja Blade Seven, except for instinctively tightening their bodies, they have no time to do anything to resist. “Urusi!!” Orochimaru looked at the bottom-level Konoha ninja who was pierced by Li Hunchuanwan in shock. It was his brother in an orphanage, Urusi, who had also appeared in the video before! ! !
“Kimamaro, Corpse Vein, Dance of Zafern!!” With a large-scale destructive attack ninjutsu, countless sharp white bones sprang up from the ground in the direction of Kuri Arashimaru and Nori Jinha! !
Kazekage Gaara: “Other people run away!!” Sand’s defense is trying to block Orochimaru’s ninjutsu and regain control of those filthy villains who have unlocked the seal! !
However, he found that whether it was his sand or the bones of the snake pocket, all passed through the human body? ! There is nothing wrong with Wuluxi. He was pierced, but he didn’t feel a little bit, as if…
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