Unsolved mystery, how to have a little Uchiha with a slanted sword? – Naruto’s answer shocked everyone again.

Just after Yahiko’s words were asked, the second-generation Megumi Hokage who had the same voice as him asked Kaguya Otsutsuki: “Have all Konoha’s people arrived here? Are other people in the ninja world also affected by Infinite Tsukiyomi? ?”
The nine-tailed chakra is still in the bodies of Minato Nami and Naruto Uzumaki. Logically speaking, it should not happen that the divine tree absorbs chakra and vitality while people are trapped in infinite moon reading.
The time is only 24 hours, which makes Senju Tobirama feel a little relieved.
The answer given by Kaguya confirmed Tobirama’s conjecture, that Konoha’s people were all transferred to this independent space belonging to Kaguya. Except for this space, the entire ninja world has fallen into the illusion of infinite moon reading, but there is no such thing as the divine tree absorbing chakra.
Hasuma comforted his younger brother and said, “There is no danger, just let the whole world have a holiday, and it’s not bad to have a sweet dream.”
Tobirama held his arms in his arms and did not speak, thinking in his mind how to re-plan the disrupted rhythm.
The people of Konoha learned about the cause and effect of the incident, and asked the four generations of Hokage if they wanted to sit here for 24 hours. They got a positive answer. All the Konoha people could only find a way by themselves. Acting means begging the Junin, who also has nothing to do, to give them special training guidance.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the video is not broadcast once or twice in the ninja world. Even the ninja students of Konoha know who is strong and who is weak in this group.
As the saying goes, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. When Madara Uchiha was grabbed by the corner of his shirt with a bubbling snot, he was stunned, while the hairs of the others exploded.
“Let go, stinky brat!” Fortunately, Banana didn’t immediately know the same thing as a brat.
There is a super-long scarf around his neck, and Konoha Maru, who is still losing his teeth, sniffs and says, “I want to learn how to put out the fire!” After learning this, he must be better than grandpa!
Madara Uchiha was speechless: “…” Still need to learn a B-rank ninjutsu?
Tobirama looked at Uchiha Madara’s ferocious eyes and said, ” Madara! Do you want to be as knowledgeable as a child?!!”
Quanna was even more angry than him: “What did my brother do, you put down the hat first?!” He felt that the words “Uchiha Madara’s life is black” were written on Qianshou Baimao’s face.
Hasuma stood up to smooth things out and explained for his best friend: “Yeah Tobirama, don’t think Madara is a little bit fierce, but in fact he likes children just like you, and besides Tobirama, it wasn’t because of your eyes. The murderer scared Sarutobi and the others to cry several times? I heard from Mito that Danzo was scared by you and had nightmares for several days, and secretly asked her if she could change teachers. Times are different now, you should learn mutual understanding.”
Some people think of it, it seems that there was indeed a clip in the previous video where Madara Uchiha saw a child fall and ran over immediately, but her fierce eyes frightened the child to cry…
Of course Madara Uchiha doesn’t have the same knowledge as a child. Now he just wants to dance with Senju! ! And Senju Tobirama, who has always been at odds with Madara Uchiha, has an abnormally high rate of synchronization with the other party’s thinking at this time!
“Hashima/Big Brother, shut up!!.”! ”
Hasuma said depressedly: “Why are you two so harmonious only when you’re training me… Do Madara and Tobirama hate me so much? I’m such a failure as a human being…”
“Hashima/Big Brother, don’t be depressed!!”
For the second time, the enemies who spoke in unison glanced at each other and turned away with a cold snort.
Namikaze Minato is speechless, in his heartI lamented that it seems that the future Naruto career will be more difficult…
Sarutobi Hizan Khan said, “The first-generation teacher is still the same.” But can you forget about your childhood? ! ! !
Hearing Naruto’s laughter, Sasuke asked him, “What are you laughing at? At the back of the crane.”
Naruto said, “It’s okay, I just remembered that Liu Dao’s grandfather said that you and Madara Uchiha are the reincarnations of his eldest son, Indra, and have very similar personalities.”
“What’s so funny about this?” Sasuke didn’t feel that he was the least bit similar to that black long-fried guy.
Coincidentally, Madara Uchiha, who glanced over here, felt the same way.
Naruto sneered: “I once said in the video that Kurama’s eyes are fierce, but in fact he is also very good. Every time I need help, he takes the initiative to pick up chakra for me. Just like you, Sasuke, you It’s the same, saying that I hate me the most, and as a result, when the country of wave is still trying to protect me.”
Ignoring Kurama and Yang Jiuwei baring their teeth in protest, as well as Sasuke’s inappropriate rebuttal, Naruto continued: “In short, when I think that they are all children of Grandpa Liudao, I feel like you are really like, just like The grandfather of Liudao deliberately blended his son’s character into the creation of the tailed beast, I said.”
Kurama: “Uzumaki Naruto! Are you floating?!!”
Yang Jiuwei: “This is the most cruel slander I have received since I was born! No one!!”
Madara Uchiha: “…” The first time someone put him and his psychic beast together, he didn’t even know what to say.
Uchiha Izuna protested on behalf of his silent brother: “You kid and Senju Hasuma are still the second sons of the Six Path Immortals! As expected, they are as annoying as Senju Hasuma!!”
Originally, the topic was very dangerous, but Izumi directly named Madara Uchiha and Chiju Hasuma as brothers.
I don’t know how Hashimama and Madara have followed them in the form of souls for a long time. How can I think that the two of them already know that they are actually a pair of brothers in terms of chakra souls.
Immediately, Quanna glared angrily, “Don’t talk too much about irrelevant things!”
After realizing that he and the Uzumaki boy had leaked some important secrets, Quan Nai said bluntly: “Death this heart! My brother will not recognize the stupid brother Senshou Hasuma!! Of course, I didn’t intend to ask you to be such a despicable person. brother!”
“Who wants to be your younger brother?! Who wants to be Uchiha Madara’s younger brother?! Are you stupid?! This old man—” Senju Tobirama was so angry with Uchiha that he was speechless.
Shima, Madara: “…”
Always feel that your brothers are getting closer? Is it an illusion?
Here, the ninja students of Konoha Ninja School or Kogenin and Shinobi watch the previous Hokage quarreling like children. They always feel that the fighting power in the video is super strong. The combat power ceilings (really thousands of hands) don’t seem to be so scary.
One by one, following the example of Konoha Maru, they rushed over to ask for a teacher.
My best friend and brother came back to their side and understood that Moon Eyes were a scam. Putting aside the dark side, Madara, who really likes children, was a little helpless.
Seeing that his best friend had finally returned to the way he used to be, his younger brother just snorted coldly and stopped being so hostile to him. He instantly felt that he was complete, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a winner in life.
“The first generation of adults, I also want to learn to transform into a Buddha from the top.”
“Uh…, to learn this, you may have to learn Mu Dun first.”
“Big brother, don’t mislead children! Can Mu Dun ‘learn’ it?!!”
“Sir, I want to learn your forbidden techniques, such as reincarnation from dirty soil or something.”
“…It’s impossible, the big brother has been sealed, so let’s change it.”
“But the second-generation eyes are almost all forbidden techniques…” The child thought for a long time before saying, “¨”The second-generation eyes, I want to learn your sea escape ninjutsu.”
“There is no such escape technique at all! Don’t think that there are none of these, go and learn the three-body technique first!!”
“Uh, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-sama is so fierce!!” The poor child cried and ran away, Hasuma looked at his brother with complaining eyes, “Tobirama, you are too fierce.” “Humph!”
“Mara-sama, what color do you think my Susanoo will be?”
“…, only Uchiha could have Susanoo…”
“But Hatake Kakashi also has Susanoo?” The little kid who just entered the ninja school and didn’t understand anything became serious. “We’ve all seen it in the video – Susanoo! Kamui Shuriken!! Kamui Raiki!!” He took out two wooden shuriken to learn Susanoo’s way in the video.
Madara Uchiha: “…”
Hatake Kakashi: “…”
Afraid that Madara Uchiha would really get angry, Minato Namika quickly explained to the child embarrassingly: “The situation of Obito and Kakashi is rather special, it can only be regarded as a special case, not everyone can imitate it.”
Sasuke sarcastically said, “Yes, first of all, you need a Uchiha with a slanted sword.” He deliberately emphasized the word “pick-up slanted”.
Kakashi sighed and admonished his students: “Sasuke, don’t say that to Obito. If it weren’t for me, he himself would be the Uchiha closest to Hokage…”
Sasuke refused to accept: “My brother is the most powerful! Even Brother Shisui is better than Uchiha Obito—”
Before he finished speaking, he asked how to have Taka and Susa earlier.Nenghu’s child instead grabbed Sasuke’s clothes: “How can I get a Uchiha with a slanted sword?”
It’s rough, this question is unsolved…
Naruto akimbo hahaha laughing: “Then before you can accomplish this big goal, you first need to set a small goal for yourself!”
“What small goal?” Not only that child, but others, including the current Uchiha and Hokage of all dynasties, looked at Naruto Uzumaki.
Naruto: “A guy who can’t even be a Hokage, how can he have his own Uchiha?!!!”
I am most afraid that the air will suddenly become quiet, and everyone’s eyes will wander—
There is Madara Uchiha next to the original Hokage.
The second-generation Hokage is fighting with Uchiha Izuna.
The three generations of Hokage and Uchiha mirror talked about the year.
The four generations of Hokage and Uchiha Fuyake discuss how to revive the glory of the family. Uchiha is an indispensable and inseparable part of Konoha.
The future six generations of Hokage…
Oh, his Uchiha just got off the hook again, and now I don’t know which parallel world to experience life in.
The future Seventh Megumi Hokage was punched by Sasuke Uchiha.
Is it because you are the only woman? ! ! ! It’s all Hokage, why is she the only one who doesn’t deserve to have her own Uchiha? ! !
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