Death of the Open Society – Everyone’s Infinite Monthly Reading Dream! ! That person’s dream is a bit miserable…

The tailed beast jade of the outsider golem was launched towards the crowd watching the official Konoha movie.
Although I know that everything is a virtual image, watching this mode is really thrilling, and many ninjas subconsciously want to make a defense.
[“Shouhe!” “You travel again!” “Isofu!” “Sun Wukong!” “King Mu!” “Rhinocero!” “Chongming!” “Ox-ghost!” “Kurama!!”]
The nine people, Zhuli, exchanged the names of their tailed beasts one by one. The outsider golem-tailed beast jade meets the tailed beast jade of the nine-tailed beasts. The nuclear explosion is about to explode, and the outsider golem is destroyed. Scorpion and Deidara stand in a funny way…
[“Oops! Art is overdone!!!”]
Xiao organized several people to look at Deidara and Scorpion, and seemed to have a little pity in their speechlessness, which made Deidara and Scorpion threaten to teach Yatai Renzhu a lesson after going out, so that his future dreams will be radiated in art. under the halo.
Naruto laughed and said that it was a pity that Kirabi’s uncle didn’t see it. Jirai also said that some of the dreams he saw in succession gave him great inspiration. Not surprisingly, the fourth volume of Intimacy Paradise has been confirmed to be named “Intimacy Moon Reading”. In one sentence, Madara and Obito really can’t say anything. I don’t want to get the eyes of the moon.
After that, it may be because everyone’s dreams are too scattered, and the horror question and answer is directly turned into a regional movie viewing experience.
I don’t know where ‘It’ came from. It looks a bit like a modern XX Studios. You can watch different people’s dreams after walking a distance. It’s a very novel viewing experience.
Sixteen-year-old Hinata and sixteen-year-old Naruto were sitting intimately together on a park bench. The word dating almost popped into the minds of many people.
Oil Girl Shino: “So that guy Naruto isn’t unpopular.”
Beside Jiaodu said: “I have to remind you that the fans of Naruto Uzumaki are all over the country of fire now, no, it may be spread all over the Ninja world. Last time, the famous name of the country of fire invested a lot of money and only asked for an autograph.”
“Yes! That’s really the case!! It would be great if my Evil God-sama also had so many heavyweight followers…” Feiduan said aloud, and Jiao Du said bluntly: “Impossible.” The two almost fought.
It was probably Akamaru or Tooth’s dream over there. When Hokage’s Tooth was domineering, he first made a dog-raising day as a holiday, and then ordered everyone in Quan Konoha Hidden Village to raise a dog…
A certain Jinnin who came to participate in the competition from Kiriyin Village complained: “This can no longer be called Hokage, right?”
“That’s right!” His companion said, “It should be called Dog Shadow!”
“Hey! Are you two stinky bastards looking for a fight?!” Inuzukazu and Kuromaru were so frightened that they couldn’t make a sound.
Shino’s dream was even more bizarre. He dreamed of cultivating a new species of flying insect that could carry people to the sky.
The girl Ninja Fu from Takiyin Village, who came to visit his Infinite Moon Reading Dream, said, “Then why don’t I just introduce Chongming to him? That way I can have one more friend!”
Unexpectedly, Shino himself came to visit this dream.
“If you can, please be sure to introduce Mr. Chongming to me. On the other hand, I will also introduce all my friends to you.” As he spoke, a black bug appeared in Shino’s skin.
Fu: “Isn’t it easy for me to gather 100 friends?!!”
These two are a natural couple.
Dingji’s dream is to have a girlfriend who likes to watch him eat and who knows how to cook.
Genin Karui from Yunyin Village sneered: “How could such a person have a woman willing to marry him, just dream!”
Nara Shikamaru, who had already guessed who Dingji’s future wife was based on Qiu Dao Die Die’s appearance, was speechless: “You better take this back, otherwise it will be very troublesome.”
Karui was inexplicable: “Huh?!”
Shikamaru’s dream was even worse. Seeing that Asma was coaxing her child and being instructed to do things by Hong, his father Nara Shikamaru was even scolded by his mother’s nose. He could only sigh and make up his mind not to get married.
Temari behind him also agreed.
Lu Jiu looked at the stupid appearance of this son, and thought that if this continued, his daughter-in-law would be gone! !
[“I won’t give Ino to you! Ino is my woman! Go away!!” “No! He is my woman!!!”]
Seeing the fake Sasuke and the fake Sai rush for Ino together, Sakura complained, “You can dream about this kind of thing, Ino Boar!”
“Huh? Although it is veryI’m sorry, but Sakura, you should still remember that the reason why you didn’t enter the world of Infinite Moon Reading was because you happened to be standing next to Naruto, right? ”
These words hit Sakura too hard, and Sasuke-kun actually saved himself in order to protect that Naruto, and it hurts people’s self-esteem too much.
Ino patted Sakura on the shoulder: “Forget it, think about the two brothers, the inextricable bond between Indra and Asura is not something ordinary people can understand.”
Xiao Sakura’s voice was aggrieved: “Yes, what about Three Lives and Three Worlds…”
Madara and Hisashima, who felt insinuated: “???”
In the viewing area over there, Xiao Li used the Profound Truth of Youth to easily defeat Neji Hyuga and Naruto Uzumaki, and Sakura flew to hug him…
Tian Tian: “Sorry, I don’t know why I feel a little wicked.”
Neji: “I feel the same.”
Sakai’s dream is somewhat similar to Yamato’s, and he is accepted as a companion by more people, who praises his sincerity and unpretentious smile.
Naruto: “It’s obviously a happy dream, why do I feel so sad.”
Banma: “I think so too.”
The second generation Hokage sighed: “Danzo disappeared, I have already redeployed, let them adapt as Anbu for a period of time, and then integrate into Konoha according to their personal wishes. It is also the fault of the old man, Danzo’s character should be corrected earlier. .”
…… 0
Iwama: “It’s not Tobirama’s fault! I think Konoha is still a good place. After all, it’s the hard work of Hasama and Tobirama!”
Itama: “That’s right! I think so too!!”
Senju Tobirama, who was comforted by his younger brother, rubbed the two lost younger brothers with relief. He thought that watching them grow in the sun was like a dream for him.
Kankuro’s dream…
Forget it, anyway, the Red Sand Scorpion almost blew up that viewing area.
In Temari’s dream, the two younger brothers were very dependent on him, and Temari’s face, who happened to be watching his dream, turned red with shame, “I-I actually didn’t expect that much!!!”
[“Sister! Please! Help me think of a way!” “Wait! You should talk to me first, sister!!” “No, I came first!” “I am Fengying and I should be the priority. !!”]
Temari: “Although, it’s not bad…”
Terumi Mei’s dream is to marry a good man.
The Genin members of Kiriyin Village looked at each other in dismay.
Their leader Jounin wisely warned them: “If you still want to live, or don’t want to be melted, don’t mention this to Mr. Terumi Mei after returning to the village.”
“Yes!” “I feel the same!” “The situation is quite serious.” “If you mention it, you will definitely die.” “That’s right, it was melted by the technique of melting and melting monsters.” “Or being evaporated by the technique of boiling and magic mist. Not even bones are left.”
People from other villages: “…” Terrible.
Afterwards, Gaara, Sasuke, and Naruto watched Gaara’s Infinite Moon Reading Dream——
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