: Gentle Curly Otsutsuki? ! Moon BOSS Toto Otsutsuki is here in advance! !

Tobirama Senju, Minato Namikaze and several other Hokage stood up with a swish!
Uzumaki Mito and Nagato, who were also extremely perceptive, also became alert.
The powerhouses who watched the third Chunin exam in the audience of the Martial Arts Arena immediately stood up and ran their chakras, ready to make moves at any time! !
“What’s wrong?! What happened, I said?!”
A certain silly blond boy looked left and right.
Several gray-haired, delicate-looking teenagers suddenly appeared on the field? ! There are several handsome young men behind them? !
“Why are you all so nervous?” Naruto wondered: “Why did a group of handsome guys suddenly appear? Could it be that my color glaze, reverse attack technique has been received and sent out before I felt it. At this level?!”
Although he knew that Naruto couldn’t hear him, Sasuke still wanted to scold: “Super idiot! Don’t always mention your humiliating weird ninjutsu!!”
“Sasuke-kun is right! “Mo Hong” stupid Naruto!”
Sakura’s iron fist once again almost greeted Naruto’s head, remembering that Sasuke had just talked to her not long ago, probably saying that her behavior of always beating up her teammates was not good, so she should restrain herself.
Sakura held back, a bag was missing from Naruto’s head.
This crumbling Chunin exam is going to end again…
Can’t go on.
The referee Shiranui Huo Xuanjian was squatting on the field to watch the play without any image. Anyway, this kind of task of the invigilator and the referee will be taken over by whomever he loves, and he will never do it again! !
The beautiful young people and the beautiful teenagers who appeared on the field are in good spirits!
The audience was buzzing about where these people came from.
Those nobles and wealthy businessmen also asked if they wanted to add drama, which made Konoha Ninja helpless for a while.
How hard this Chunin exam was.
Do you still have some 13 numbers in your heart? !
“But they all have white eyes, isn’t it the extras of your Konoha’s Hinata clan who make guest appearances?”
Hinata clansman: “Unless you look like Madara Uchiha in the cave! We all have black hair in Hinata, or dark blue hair like Mr. Hinata!!”
“No.” Uchiha Obito shivered inwardly, “Don’t you think the style of these people’s clothes is a bit different?Are you familiar? ”
Although there are some differences between Liudaozhujian and Liudaoban’s clothes.
But now Obito is a little flustered when he sees this beautiful young man with long white hair wearing a similar style of clothes!
“Is it the Otsutsuki clan?!”
Looking at these strange guys in front of him, Hyuga Neji’s heart was complicated.
Thank them for taking action, otherwise Hinata might be injured by his chakra string.
But who are these guys? !
Don’t tell him he’s from the Hinata clan!
Their Hyuga clan has never had these people before! !
“That, that…”
Suddenly being blocked by a group of backs, Miss Hinata was a little flustered.
“Excuse me, referee.” She said timidly, “According to the rules, should I lose my score in this exam?”
Suddenly being called, Genma Shiranui with a toothpick in his mouth: “Uh…”
According to the rules, if there are people outside the stadium to help, of course, being helped disqualify him from the competition.
But generally speaking, it is the peers, mentors, and family members of the candidates who will refer to the candidates. How can such a group of people that no one knows suddenly appear on the field to help?
As for the reason for helping…
Shiranui Genma and everyone recalled what those beautiful boys just said.
——Don’t do anything to my bride!
and many more! !
bride? !
Xuanjian looked at Hyuga Hizu, those eyes…
Forget it, let Patriarch Hinata experience it for himself.
On the field, the three beautiful boys turned to Hinata.
Being stared at by a few pairs of unfamiliar eyes, Hinata, who was already shy, thanked him first.
“No need.” The handsome young Bai Changzhi, who looked a little cold and arrogant, said concisely.
And the beautiful young man in the middle has short curly hair and looks gentle: “First time meeting, my name is Toto Otsutsuki, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Hinata.”
There is also a boy with short white hair, but a bit acerbic in character, said bluntly: “Not long ago, he was a waste of a split family! He dared to speak in front of the clan!”
He raised his chin proudly: “You and I are both clansmen, and you should be my bride. I don’t allow you to pay attention to those two guys who are separated!! Can you hear me?!”
The two beautiful young men who led the team, one of whom used to be separated, were a little unhappy when they heard the indifferent expression of the child of the Zong family.
The other laughed, raised his hand and slapped the back of the head of his little cousin who couldn’t speak.
“Sorry, sorry! This kid is a little uncomfortable when he first arrives, so he’ll be fine after a few hits. Don’t mind me!”
“Hey! You—Ow!”
was beaten again.
The audience was stunned and said it wasn’t a show?
Senju Itama’s second brother’s clothes: “Brother Tobama, that person looks like Big Brother Hasuma.”
Senju Hashirama: “Huh?”
Uchiha Izuna gritted his teeth: “White cut black! It really looks like it!!”
Hei Jue’s hoarse voice explained to the fourth-generation Hokage, who was full of small question marks: “It seems that you don’t need to go to the moon specially, the people of the moon have come to marry…”
Minato Namikaze: “Huh?! You mean they are the Otsutsuki clan on the moon?! Hei Juesang.”
“The Otsutsugi clan of my family don’t seem to be so talkative.” Kaguya said.
Is this a good talk? !
never mind.
A special kunai was inserted on the ground four or five meters behind Neji, and then the waves of wind and water appeared and pulled out the kunai and held it in their hands.
“Several guests who have come from far away from the moon, in Minato Minato, are the Hokage of this village.”
The naturally black young man Otsutsuki Miyuki seemed to have been a clan before, so he naturally took a step to negotiate with Hokage Four.
“I am Yota Otsutsuki, he is my younger brother Kazuji Otsutsuki, and the three of them are Ryoto Otsutsuki, Totsuki Otsutsuki and Sanosuke Otsutsuki.”
“I’m the clan! You should introduce me first!!” The hypocritical young man Otsutsuki wanted to argue because of this. It was obvious that he was very interested in the blood and status of the clan.
With a few more beatings on the head, Otsutsuki Yangtai laughed and told him, “Now, already, no, the difference between the clan and the branch.”
Every time two words came out, he beat his little cousin on the head rhythmically, and even the little cousin screamed in agony, with a strong sense of rhythm!
So much so that the people in Yunyin Village thought that this person might have a good chat with Lord Kirabi.
The scene was once very embarrassing.
Rao was the fourth Hokage, and he never thought that so many people would suddenly descend from the moon.
“What is the purpose of your coming to us?” The second Hokage, who followed the second Thunder God, asked eagerly.
In order to stand up for his family, Senju Hasuma of the humanoid self-propelled small tree and the humanoid Shura destruction machine Uchiha Madara also jumped onto the field.
Nagato also made preparations for the battle, and gestured to the other rebellious ninjas in Akatsuki’s organization, asking them to pay attention to maintaining security.
The man named Kazuji Otsutsuki raised his eyebrows and didn’t speak. Sanosuke was about to spray his mouth full of fragrance when Yota directly covered his mouth.
He gave the boy Otsutsuki, who was a little spontaneous, a look.
BigTsutsuki Tototo smiled and answered Hokage II’s question:
“We are here to marry the White Eyed Clan on Earth.”
Ryoto Otsutsuki glanced at him and talked to Shiren, “There is only one clan of the right age.”
After thinking for a while, Toto Otsutsuki said, “But it seems that there is only one clan of the right age to choose, so please choose one from the three of us.”
Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for custom QvQ
The Fourth Ninja World War has not yet been fought, and it is set that the Zong family and the branch family have not fallen out on the moon.

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