of high burning, let Jiraiya see the handsome side of the seventh-generation Hokage before he dies!

“The most special line of blood in the whole ninja world – the first generation of Hokage’s Mudun, and the development of countless forbidden arts that almost has the forbidden arts of the ninja world.The second-generation Hokage of the name of the record! ! ”
“Who owns the precious battle images of the two legendary ninjas?! And broadcast them over our village?! What’s the purpose?!!”
“What the hell is Konoha going to do?!”
At this moment, on the roof of Konoha Hokage Building.
Tsunade stared at the video, the eldest grandfather and the second grandfather have both appeared, so the lower three are probably…
[“Five Escapes: The Art of Dancing in Dalian!”]
“Teacher Sarubi!!”
Sure enough, it was the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hibiki! !
The Sarutobi Hidden in the image has four shadow clones, and together with the main body, they use water, fire, earth, thunder, and wind, respectively, to resist the enemy’s attack! !
Jiraiya raised the corners of his mouth. Although the third generation did not have a very unique ninjutsu compared to the power of the first and second generation, as his teacher, Jiraiya was still proud of his power.
Resist the enemy’s attack? enemy?
and many more! Why does that enemy have a wooden escape? !
The person standing on the thousands of hands of the cottage Mu Dunzhen must not be Qianshou Zhuma, but a masked man with a white swirl mask? !
At this moment in the Land of Fire, Kakashi’s team looked at Ah Fei in the orange vortex mask, thinking about the connection between the two.
Naruto: “I didn’t expect that guy to be a twin!!”
“No, no!” A Fei waved his arms vigorously like a child: “A Fei is the only child! That white guy is called Kuiju! It’s A Fei’s subordinate! The golden retriever, the fool, the fool!!”
“What did you say?!” Naruto jumped over to beat him, but was held down by Kakashi, “Let’s wait and see, Naruto!”
Naruto still listened to Kakashi’s words, hummed his dissatisfaction at Ah Fei, and continued to watch the video.
Following the three generations of Hokage, there is a flash of gold in the image.
【“What?! You have to deal with more than 50 elite Junin from Iwain by yourself?! How is that possible?!!”]
[“Idiot! Watch it carefully, Konoha’s golden gleaming battle is only a split second!!”]
Naruto and the others all became nervous, it was a fifty-to-one battle!
In the image, the handsome blond man looked at the enemy opposite and roared 617:
[“Spiral Flash Super Wheel Dance Three Forms!”]
Ninja World: “…” Chuunia is sick?
Jin Guang quickly flew among the fifty enemies. If it weren’t for the slow-motion processing of the video, it would never have been seen that Namikaze Minato used the technique of flying thunder god to capture Kunai! After killing the enemy, teleport behind another enemy and kill again!
Naruto’s eyes widened, and his eyes were full of adoration: “It’s amazing! That Fourth Eye!! Sooner or later I will definitely surpass him!!”
Kakashi looked at Naruto with a little smile in his eyes.
Sakura: “It’s amazing, but this naming style is really…”
“It’s hard to say.” Shino finished Sakura’s ellipsis and said, “If you want to ask why, children wouldn’t name moves like that.”
Just as he was talking about the strange name of the four generations of Hokage, the new move was immediately succinct and inconceivable—
【”Screw pill!!”】
It was Minato, who was wearing the fourth-generation Hokage robe, and threw a kunai that penetrated the enemy’s body. Then Minato appeared above the enemy, grabbed the kuna, and hit his back with a spiral pill!
It was a man in a black robe and an orange tabby mask.
After being hit by the spiral pill, his arm fell to the ground like clay, but he couldn’t feel the pain at all? !
However, he is not the point. Immediately after, the video switches between the two fighting states of Namikaze Minato!
[“I’m not very good at immortal arts…”] Just finished speaking, slam! Orange eye shadow, frog eye! It is a more perfect fairy art than Jiraiya! !
[“Next…”] The fourth Hokage in the video is lit with dark orange chakra, wrapped around him like Naruto’s tailed beast coat, and even the imperial robe has become a part of the body!
“What kind of move is this?! Kakashi teacher!!” Naruto was so excited that he looked at the image and asked Kakashi beside him: “It’s a bit like when I use another type of chakra, but better than mine. I’m so handsome now! I won’t be influenced by ‘that guy’ so much!!”
Kakashi didn’t speak, but he noticed that Minato-sensei was also reincarnated from the dirt. If the image is real, what will happen in the future? ! So that they need to be summoned back from the Pure Land? !
He looked at Naruto beside him and thought:
Maybe it was the gift of fate to have the opportunity to meet Naruto?
“Kakashi-sensei? Kakashi-sensei! What are you thinking? I said!!”
“It’s nothing, let’s look at the video first. Now is not the time to explain them one by one.”
After Namikaze Minato, is the current Hokage fifth generation Mutsute Hime!
【“Painful feet!!”】
Half a street with one finger, half a city with one foot.
Seeing the thoughts of ninjas in other villages, it is true that beauty and strength coexist! !
Raikage snorted: “That woman is a medical ninja.” It turned out that he was stronger than Raikage! snort! Not happy! !
【”Yin Seal · Release!”】【“Spirituality · Slug!!”】
The slugs, which were much bigger than the Hokage Tower, turned into countless little slugs and climbed to various places in Konoha Hidden Village.
Although it was only for a moment, everyone saw the chaos of Konoha Hidden Village on the screen!
Someone attacked Konoha Hidden Village!
Forcing Hokage to do it himself! ! !
[“The Art of Melting Escape·Monster Melting!”]
“Shuiying?!! It’s the real Mizuying-sama!”
[“Dust Escape: The Art of Peeling the Realm!”]
“Why are there still shadows?!”
“That’s Raikage over there! It’s the Five Shadows fighting an enemy together!!”
“What?! Five Shadows… need the Five Shadows to join forces with a hostile enemy?!”
“I’m afraid it’s more than that…” The face of the ninja watching the video changed greatly, “How can the five shadows join forces to gain the upper hand?! The enemy is still at ease!!”
“Sharing eye! That guy has a writing wheel!”
Onogi looked frightened: “Uchiha… Madara!”
It’s too late to digest this information, which is worth pondering over the entire ninja world! ! Another shocking news appeared in the video!
[“Lord Naruto! The moon is approaching the earth at an incredible speed, and this continues…”]
[“Calm down, help me get Naruto and Shikamaru to come over.”]
The voice of the man called Hokage is really familiar to them, that is…
Naruto screamed the loudest, but everyone else looked at Hatake Kakashi with shocking eyes!
Even the masked man, the pupils hidden behind the mask trembled violently like an earthquake!
Kakashi became the sixth Hokage? !
“But isn’t Kakashi-sensei’s writing wheel eyes closed?”
Naruto’s questioning voice shocked Kakashi and the masked man over there!
Really black pupils!
Kakashi subconsciously covered his left eye. It was a relic that Obito gave him. Could it be that he who didn’t even protect the gift finally took away Obito’s wish? !
How can a person be so despicable as he is? ! !
how come……
In the chaotic state, Kakashi ignored the wonderful moments of Rachel, Zidian, Kamui, and all kinds of assists behind him. The only thing in his mind was how to lose Obito’s eyes.
“Kakashi-sensei! Kakashi-sensei, I said!!” Naruto called Kakashi back to his senses and told him how handsome Kakashi-sensei in the video just now was, and he was already a senior when he was about the same age as them. Shinobu also developed his own ninjutsu, and was even a student of the fourth-generation Hokage he admired the most.
Kakashi answered absentmindedly.
It was at this time that the clip of the video about Kakashi passed.
Yuyin Village’s Jiraiya touched his chin, “The sixth generation has passed, it should be the seventh.” He looked at Payne, both of them now understand that this sudden change was not part of each other’s plans.
[“Tailed Beast Jade!”] In the video, five different voices called out the name of the Tail Beast Jade at the same time!
Zilai was also taken aback! The only ones who can use the Tailed Beast Jade are Tailed Beast and Human Zhuri! In the video, there are actually five tailed beasts attacking together…
“It’s Kakashi and Matekai?!!”
If the two of them are hit by the tailed beast jade, they will definitely die! ! Not to mention the five-tailed beast jade!
Kakashi, who was watching the movie, still looked like a dead fish, but the masked man’s pupils shrank suddenly!
[“Naruto! The situation is very bad over there!” “I know – I have to take it!!!”]
[The image changes to a top-to-bottom bird’s-eye view, and a golden flash directly knocks the five tailed beast jades into the air! Every tailed beast jade dropped in the distance turned into a nuclear explosion to flatten an entire mountain! ! 】
The entire ninja world watching the movie held their breath!
Who is it? ! what’s the situation? ! Five-tailed beast jade…
“Gold, golden glitter…”
“It’s the gold of Konoha—”
[“Teacher?!” Facing the strong wind on the battlefield in the image, Kakashi saw the fourth-generation Hokage wearing the royal robe with his back to him, and opened the attack of the tail beast jade for him! ! 】
Combined with the surging music, the majestic Yushen robe opened his eyes wide when he saw it, Minato? ! Do not! Not Watergate! !
That is……
–Naruto! !
Everyone in Kakashi’s team didn’t know whether they should look at Kakashi or Naruto. The amount of information in it was so overwhelming that their brains started to stop thinking!
Kakashi-sensei actually sees Naruto as the fourth Hokage? !
Moreover, Naruto’s golden body is indeed very similar to the fighting stance of Lord Shidaimu just now…
[The powerful force brought the disorderly wind on the battlefield, and the five tailed beasts spit out the tailed beast jade at the same time! 】
[“Go! Kurama!!”]
Naruto: “Who is that? That Kurama’s voice is quite familiar.”
The Nine Tails in his body narrowed his eyes dangerously, watching the video with Naruto’s vision.
“How is it possible that there are humans who know the old man’s name?”Character? ’
[Naruto Uzumaki once again burst into golden chakra! That chakra spread like a prairie fire quickly until… it turned into a golden nine-tailed demon fox? ! 】
“Naruto is…”
“Nine tails?!”
Kazuo Shino, Hinata, Sai and the others looked at Naruto blankly.
As companions, they didn’t worry too much about whether Naruto was a human pillar, but they felt even more that the tail of the crane that followed them back then could become such a formidable powerhouse…
Shocked? incredible? Happy? Excited? joy? bless? Mixed feelings, but the rhythm of the video is too fast! There was simply no time for them to savor that feeling and feeling.
Jirai, who is watching the same image in another place, can clearly perceive the surging joy and relief in his chest!
Naruto is his disciple, the son of Minato.
In a way, it’s like his grandson, or maybe he already treats Naruto as his grandson.
Jiraiya’s mood is full of soreness when he can see his grandson grow up to this point, and even surpass his father Minato! !
“Is the Nine-Tails person Zhuli?” Payne said silently.
This image gave him a useful piece of information.
Jiraiya: “Even if I want to kill you, I won’t let you touch him! Nagato!!”
“It’s ridiculous, does the teacher think you still have this ability?”
“It’s sad to be looked down upon by you.” Jiraiya: “What happened?! I thought you were the son of prophecy I was looking for!” Naruto Uzumaki in the video, what he was looking for The son of prophecy, can’t be wrong, it’s Naruto! !
Payne looked at the image of five-tailed beasts on one side, and nine-tailed beasts on the other.
“Even for the Nine-Tails, the disparity is too great. You made a wrong bet again, Teacher Jiraiya.”
[However, as soon as he finished speaking, the tailed beast jade that Naruto and Jiuwei spat out was actually comparable to the tailed beast jade of the five tailed beasts on the opposite side, and they even subtly rubbed each other with the jade that gathered the five tailed beasts. The tailed beast jade flew to the cloudy sky together? ! ! 】
Jiraiya laughed boldly: “I’m sorry! My gambling luck is different from that guy Tsunade! Very happy!!”
[The tailed beast jade exploded in the air together, and the dense dark clouds were pushed away by the powerful destructive force, revealing the blue sky again! It seems like hope rekindled again, bringing people the power to rebirth! ! 】
Seeing this, Jiraiya has the urge to burst into tears!
Can’t go wrong!
——It is the son of prophecy that he has been looking for! !
Lord Senju Hashirama of the First Generation!
The second generation, Sente Tobirama-sama!
Three generations of Sarubi-sensei!
That kid from the fourth generation of Me Minato!
Tsunade Five Generations!
The sixth generation is a disciple of Minato, Kakashi!
Then there is no doubt that the seventh generation is…
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