Watch the trials of Indra and Asura, and reflect on the relationship between the three generations of brothers. Naruto: You can only hit a straight ball against Uchiha!

“Looks very similar to Susano?”
Uchiha Madara became a little interested.
If you want to say that people bump into each other, we can barely understand it, but you almost bump into Susano…
This is not appropriate, is it?
On the cover of the book in Obito Uchiha’s hand, there is a dark gray almost black “Susanohu” painted on it, with bright orange-yellow lines on his body, golden lightning-shaped horns on his head, and holding a spear in his hand!
It is indeed very eye-catching – the shape.
and on its shouldersStanding there was a young woman in combat clothes with what looked like a helmet tucked under her armpit and waist?
“Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn?” Uchiha Izuna read the name on the cover of the book. It was also a gray Susa. To be honest, he never thought about what weapon his Susa should have, nor did he think that Susa was still on his body. Can have a bright orange-yellow radiance.
“Bring it to me and see.” Uchiha Madara stretched out his hand.
Obito then threw the book image behind him, and the book was drawn into the Kamui space in mid-air.
“I’ll borrow you after reading it.”
“Humph! Brat!”
Quan Na felt that this Uchiha clan was too ignorant! But Madara Uchiha didn’t force it.
Several people looked at the image again…
[In the video, Asura’s expression is a bit bitter. He told his father that when he and Xiaobai rescued him back then, his brother was still very gentle, but after that, he didn’t know what happened, and he became more paranoid about the pursuit of strength and loneliness. 】
Indra: “…”
He didn’t even know that there was such a dialogue between Asura and his father!
Ah! ridiculous! !
[“But I believe!”]
[“I believe that my brother’s original intention is still the same as that time, but the way to pursue strength is wrong! I will also work hard to cultivate and try to help my brother!”]
It would be wrong to hear that one of the Asuras himself sought power.
Indra, who was watching the movie, suddenly glared at his younger brother, Asura, with his Shaker Eyes.
“You think the way I pursue power is wrong?!” He asked, “Then you think the other way is right?!!”
“Another, another way?” Asura immediately persuaded his brother when he was angry.
I never expected that the conversation between him and his father would be made public in the video. Obviously, if his father was there, no one around would be able to escape his father’s perception of chakra and vitality.
“Answer me! Asura!!”
In the face of Indra’s pressing question, Asura took a half step back, “My brother asked me, and I… but what is the anger of my brother? What is the purpose of my brother’s seeking power? Why can’t you tell me and my father?!”
Facing Asura’s question, Indra just looked at him.
“It’s nothing.” Indra suddenly ended the topic, and the atmosphere between the two brothers seemed a little dignified.
Hakuma whispered to Banana quietly beside him: “Banara, you seem to have a bit of this problem too…”
Ban said, “Who do you think is wrong?!”
“You, just like Indra, suddenly stopped talking in the middle of the sentence, and every time I was so uncomfortable.” Hashimama would habitually purse his lips when he was dissatisfied. Same.
Hasuma thought, if Madara had directly told him what was written on Uchiha’s stele and what the Infinite Moon Reading was, this misunderstanding might have been solved long ago? !
Banana snorted coldly, thinking that if he didn’t let him go when he was a child, he would go away? ! Does he know how uncomfortable it was to be blocked at that time? !
Above, it is Qianshou, who has a small temper when he quarrels with his brother, and Uchiha, who is vengeful and loves to turn over old accounts.
Hasuma leaned closer to Apocalypse’s ear and asked quietly, “So what is another way to become stronger that Indra said?”
Madara still didn’t speak, and Hasuma thought he didn’t know either, so he didn’t ask any further questions.
But when Hakuma made a circle in his mind, he reacted!
Uchiha’s pupil strength is enhanced. The most necessary and convenient way is to endure great pain. The so-called way must be…
——Kill the one you love!
The pain of losing love will make Uchiha and Sharinyan stronger!
But at the same time, they will become extreme and narrow-minded because of the loss of love…
Thinking of this, Hasuma also felt melancholy for the bond between the two brothers, and it was very similar to Indra and Madara’s situation, as well as the boy named Sasuke Uchiha.
I want to come out of a perfect ending in this fate…
Hashirama looked at Naruto Uzumaki.
It’s true that a guy like Naruto is a must.
I have to say that Hashima himself is ashamed of this, and has the envy of Naruto’s obsession with not giving up his friends.
And Madara Uchiha sneered in his heart when he saw the interaction between the two brothers, even the ancestors of the Uchiha clan couldn’t avoid the disaster…
——Killing his own brother, or being killed by his own brother.
[“Hey, did you hear about it?!”]
[“Master Yui is finally going to choose the heir of Ninja Sect!!”]
[“Will you choose Lord Indra or Lord Asura?”]
[“This kind of thing must be the eldest son, the talented Indra-sama.”]
[“But… Indra-sama’s words are a bit…”]
【”Be careful!”】
The discussion among the villagers happened just before the two brothers who were standing here watching the movie came, and what my father said at that time was exactly the same as what he said in the video at the moment——
[“Next I will choose the heir of the Ninja Sect,” he handed each of the two sons a scroll, “This is a trial for the two of you. When I sealed my mother, the torture of the ten-tailed body was scattered throughout the world. everywhere, although most have been resolved, these twoFang’s problem has not been dealt with. “]
[“Indra, Asura, the trial for the two of you is to solve the problem there, and I will decide who is the successor of the Ninja Sect based on the results of this trial!”]
In the video, Asura quarreled with his father, saying that he did not inherit the talent of the ninja sect.
Naruto, who was watching the video, didn’t really understand it. He asked Sasuke, “Aren’t Indra and Asura brothers? Wouldn’t it be better to divide his father’s property equally between the two sons? Why is it so complicated? I said? ”
Sakura: “Stupid Naruto! That’s Ninja, not an ordinary family property!”
Naruto: “Why is it not ordinary?”
Sasuke gave him an example to explain: “If the position of Hokage is passed down from father to son, and you still have an older brother, would you give up the position of Hokage to your elder brother?”
“Hokage is my dream! I will never give up!!”
“That’s not over—”
“But if Sasuke…” Naruto thought for a while: “Didn’t I say that in the future? Sasuke is like another Naruto, protecting the village and this ninja world in another way.”
Naruto was chattering about the previous video, when Shiren and the others attacked, didn’t Sasuke arrive in time to save Konoha?
Double Hokage, it’s just that there is no precedent before, but it’s not impossible.
And Sasuke couldn’t listen anymore, his face covered by him was a little embarrassed, and he really shouldn’t reason with the tail of the crane, playing straight balls or something…
Sakura and Ino: It’s too straight! ! !
Knowing that Sasuke and Naruto are the reincarnations of himself and his brother, Indra looked envious at the moment when they were interacting with them. It would be great if the time between him and his brother could go back to that time.
He, his brother, and Xiao Bai.
[“I don’t want to inherit the Ninja Sect! It’s enough to let my brother send me at will!!”]
But in any case, the Six Paths Immortal has made up his mind, and he expects to see his two sons throw themselves into the world and find their own problems.
“My younger brother has a gentle and honest character, but it is the elder brother who inherits the writing wheel. Maybe the younger brother will not return to the village because of the older brother?” In the video, the half-human-tall Toad talks to the immortal Six Paths. 】
Yu Yi, who was watching the movie, said with a smile: “I really miss it. Toadmaru at that time was not as old as Miaomushan now.”
Naruto was shocked!
“The old-fashioned grandpa Toad was only a little bit older than Toad Ji!!”
Minato also said, “It’s really a rare sight.” When he went to practice at Miaomu Mountain, the great toad immortal was also very old and lay sleeping in the huge shallow pool.
[Six Path Immortals: “Even so, it can only be like this, I don’t want to give them a trial, but although I can’t deny Indra’s excellence, it is because of his too strong power that he doesn’t believe in love and disbelief The power of fetters is always thinking of a person to solve problems quickly, while ignoring more important things.”]
[“Compared with the result of the trial, I would prefer to see the two of them find their own problems and grow.”]
[“In the end, the two brothers can support Ninja Sect together! That’s my vision.”]
Indra: “…”
Asura looked at his elder brother, “Brother, my father understands. He is just like me. I just hope you can… pay more attention to everyone, don’t, don’t always be alone…”
Knowing the cause and effect of the incident, Qianshou Tobirama said, “It’s not that he doesn’t believe in love, he just doesn’t dare to create bonds.”
Asura: “What do you mean?!” He just thought this was very important information! The white-haired man seemed to know a lot of things they didn’t.
“Don’t talk too much.” Indra’s writing wheel looked at Senju Tobirama.
Tobirama himself didn’t plan to elaborate, he thought about it last night…
When Jiraiya asked who the question was, the answer he got was: I am nobody, and I don’t want to be anyone.
When asked what his purpose was, the other party said that he wanted to create a world of peace and no regrets.
Tobirama reflects on all the quizzes and future images have done since his resurrection!
If he did not deduce wrong!
The relationship between Indra and Asura is also part of ‘regret’!
So even if he doesn’t say it, the images, questions, or rewards that follow will definitely make the two brothers put their quarrels to rest! !
…… 0
[“Can it appear already?”]
When looking at the man who followed Asura and walked out of the woods in the video, the Yinxiu brothers who were watching the movie were all stunned.
“That guy is waiting for me on the road?! Damn, then he has to wait!” Ashura smirked, “We don’t know when we can go back to the world here.”
[In the image, the brothers Indra and Asura would have taken the route of their destiny if they had not come to this world. 】
[Asura was as expected by Kamamaru. In order to give up the Ninja Sect to his elder brother, he had already made a plan not to go back for a long time. After his elder brother inherited the Ninja Sect, he planned to go back to assist him. 】
[Even if it hadn’t been brought up by Taizang, he wouldn’t have even thought of itGo to the place of trial that my father said. The sudden realization looks like the occasionally unreliable Hakuma and Naruto. 】
[The barren land is dead silent. 】
[It’s Asura’s trial ground. If Asura’s Chakra could sense that the divine tree was nearby, he and Taizang would even think they had gone wrong. 】
[The small village is quite resistant to outsiders. Fortunately, because Asura showed his power to heal others with chakra, he was invited to the village and received good treatment. 】
“I’m so lucky! Brother!” Asura saw that his trial seemed to be going well, chatted with Indra next to him, and temporarily forgot to answer the question and said that he would inherit the Ninja Sect.
They are watching the movie here, but they cannot perceive the Chakra in the image.
But Indra can see from Asura’s expression in the video that the trial will not be so simple.
[In the villages of the trial land, a strange disease has been circulating. 】
[The cause of the disease is unknown. The sick person is as thin as firewood, and something similar to the air roots of plants will grow on his body, and he will become neither a person nor a tree. 】
None of the medical ninjas watching movies in the villages have ever seen such a strange disease.
But Orochimaru suddenly said: “Look carefully, it’s a little like an experimental body that slowly integrates into the cells between the columns.”
Chishou Hasuma said: “Tobirama has done experiments with animals and plants, injecting a small amount of my flesh and blood into injured animals, and those animals and plants will grow from their bodies like roots of a divine tree.”
“So eldest brother, you are the most special existence…”
Qianshou Tobirama recalled the experiments he had done. He had tried countless times. Even if he injected a drop of his big brother’s blood diluted with his own blood into the test subject, it would immediately produce a rejection reaction dozens of times more than the eyes in the video. .
But I never imagined that Madara Uchiha would be fine!
This is probably because the big brother is not affected by the spot pupil technique, as if there is an invisible relationship of checks and balances.
[“I want to ask you to cure my mother’s illness!”]
Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for a custom QvQ.

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