The reconciliation conditions proposed by Uchiha Quanna – the five generations of Hokage, the surname must be Uchiha!

In fact, Hasuma didn’t think about anything, he just heard Quanna’s request and Tobirama immediately agreed to the conditioned reflex in the future.
He finally managed to gather all his brothers. After Iwama and Itama, he will also enter the ninja school to study. How could he lose the younger brother who has been with him the longest?
At this time, he suddenly shouted, and everyone turned to look at him.
Hasuma didn’t know what to say, so he just got angry with his younger brother, “Anyway, I definitely don’t agree with him.”
Quanna thought Tobirama felt that Senju is nearby before agreeing to his request deliberately, calling it despicable as always.
But in fact, Qianshou Tobirama has always felt that he may not belong to this world. In addition, he is different from Tobirama and Iwama. He has already passed his life and even was reincarnated from the dirt he developed twice to participate in the war. With the strongest Madara and his eldest brother in charge, and with the four generations of Megami Feng Minato, who seems to be naturally dumb but is actually as meticulous as his eldest brother, the necessity of his own existence is not high.
Madara, Obito, and Kaguya, who would have brought destruction to the ninja world during the rare period of stability in the ninja world, all stood by their side.
The only three unstable factors that exist are:
1. Terrorist quiz and future images and various reward and punishment systems that it can control.
2. Fake Black Jue, who seems to be related to everything.
Three or six thousand-hand pillars…
As long as these three unstable factors are eliminated, death for him is nothing more than returning to the pure land again.
He analyzed the pros and cons to Qianshou Hasuma, but Hasuma accused him that he should not calculate his own life and death, even if Baili belongs to Konoha, but if this harm is to be imposed on his most important brother, then Absolutely not!
Madara: “Whether it’s your own brother, friend, or child, you can kill it, didn’t you say it?” It’s not good to be the double standard of the first Naruto and the god of ninjas?
“I’m talking about if they have to harm Konoha!” The first Hokage really felt that his understanding of this apocalypse was sometimes different from that of normal people: “Disadvantage and harm are two concepts, good or not, your understanding is really very strange!!”
Speaking of this, Senju Hakuma felt that he was wronged.
“Also before, when I say I don’t want to kill you, I mean I don’t want to fight you, I don’t want to kill you, and I don’t want to be killed by you. How can it be that I can easily kill you when I come to you?”
A substantive haze appeared over Senju Hashima’s head, and depression spread rapidly. Seeing that Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Madara wanted to give him backhandspunch.
“What does it look like! Stand up, brother!”
“Don’t lose face! Why can’t your depression be cured?!”
Seeing the sudden tacit understanding between his brother and his deadly enemy, Uchiha was concerned about the hatred in his heart! Is that guy in Senjujuma poisonous? ! Even he was itching to punch him! !
“Okay, let’s get down to business.” Thousands of hands asked: “How can I promise the old man to reconcile?”
“It’s easy to say,” Quan Nai sneered: “Don’t talk about me, can you really let go of your prejudices and reconcile with a Uchiha? Senshou… Tobima!” I deliberately accentuated the word ‘senju’ to remind the other party that he Before being a Hokage, he was still a Senju!
Once Uchiha’s greatest enemy.
“If the old man and elder brother still have Wajian and Banjian not resurrected, there will be no Qianshou in this world.”
Uchiha Izuna’s unexpected answer. He only thought that there were few Senju people, but he didn’t expect that there were almost as few as Uchiha, and even the clan disappeared?
“However…” Qianshou Feijian said a turning point and continued: “You can also understand that Qianshou has become the stem and leaf vein of Konoha, and has integrated into every part of the village.”
“What do you mean?” Quan Nai asked with a frown.
Hashirama answered for his younger brother: “Not long after Madara took Kyuubi to attack Konoha, Tobima and I strongly supported Senju’s marriage with other families and even commoners, diluting blood and family concepts, and offsetting different families. disappearing family concept.”
Some families also followed the practice of the Senju clan, but for example, the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan did not adopt such a policy because of their longer history, complicated blood-stained relationship, and historical issues.
“What’s more, even though Madara was unpopular at that time, there were still some hawks who followed him in the village and resolutely resisted Senju’s Hokage orders.” Dissatisfied with the hawk Uchiha.
“Hmph, are you saying that Uchiha who did not adopt this policy is suicidal?” Quanna laughed angrily, even more angry than Uchiha Madara who was directly pointed out as unpopular.
“When did the old man say such a thing?! Is your Uchiha’s comprehension malfunctioning?!! Can you listen to people’s speech normally?!”
“Look at you insulting the entire Uchiha together! How could a person like you become Hokage, and the Uchiha would not be exterminated!”
“I can’t communicate with you at all!” A living person can be pissed off! “Just tell me what exactly do you want?!”
Uchiha Izumi paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and made a still shocking request…
——”The fifth Hokage, the surname must be Uchiha!”
Neither Uchiha Madara nor Uchiha Obito expected that Quanna would make such a request.
He looked at Quanna in shock, confirming whether he was joking against the Second Hokage, or seriously proposing that Hokage wants to change Uchiha’s lineage!
Everyone knows that Fifth Hokage is Tsunade Hime.
Even though she was very good as Hokage, if it wasn’t for her own will, how could her freedom-loving gambler be willing to take on such a heavy burden?
Now the Fourth Hokage is alive and well, because he died early, and his age is a few years younger than his two students…
“Hahaha, there’s nothing wrong with that!” Senju Hashirama was overjoyed: “I originally wanted Madara to be the Second Hokage, but he ran away as soon as he couldn’t think about it.”
Madara: “…”
The others were even more speechless. Lord First Daime, do you know that Lord Togama is here? ! ! You’re saying that because Madara isn’t here, the substitute Tomona-sama came on, okay? ! !
Understanding other people’s eyes, Hashirama said: “Actually, I didn’t know until I heard Tomona’s truth before I died. The most ideal situation is that Madara can change his mind, and then he will be the second Hokage, hahahaha .”
“The old man still has the second half of the sentence! If he is not suitable, then I will kick him off the stage and get on my own at any time!!”
“What does it matter~ Anyway, Tobuma is also so dishonest, just like Madara and Kulama! You should have told your brother the truth earlier~”
“Brother! I advise you to shut up!” Qian Shou took out three truth-or-dare game rolls, “Would you like to confide in your heart?”
Hashirama was shocked: “Feijian! We are brothers!! Why are we so anxious!!!”
Seeing how the Senshou brothers get along more than once, Madara and Izumi couldn’t help sighing in their hearts…
——It’s just… It’s kind of funny.
“Actually…” At this time, Minato Namikaze interjected weakly, “I also agree with this idea.”
“Huh?” Quan Nai was taken aback.
Minato smiled politely: “I think it would be great if I can pass on the position of Hokage to a Uchiha.”
Kakashi and Lin keenly noticed Obito’s slightly lowered head.
‘I want to be the first Uchiha Hokage! You all watch it for me! ! ’
More than ten years ago, this was the dream of the young man who wore goggles every day and was so enthusiastic that the villagers in Konoha thought he was a fake Uchiha, who would yell and poop almost every day.
But now, there really is such a chance for Uchiha to become Hokage…
His fate is different from this timeChances are exhausted.
Whether it was Uchiha Obito who killed the fourth generation of Hokage and his wife, secretly manipulating Akatsuki, the rebel group Akatsuki that ran rampant in the world of Shinobi 647, or Uchiha Itachi who once slaughtered the Uchiha clan with his own hands, no matter what the reason is, it is because of his irreparable consequences. original sin.
The remaining candidates…
Uchiha Madara.
However, according to him, he has no interest in the position of Hokage, but Hasuma feels that Madara is just too embarrassed to become Hokage because of this. It is better to be a free and peace-loving villain boss.
Uchiha Izuna.
Compared to being Hokage, he prefers to help his brother Madara Uchiha. If Madara Uchiha’s current thinking is to re-look at the ninja world from a different mentality, then his thinking will be the same.
Uchiha Fire Core.
He was hiding from the task that Quanna had arranged for him to rejuvenate the family. But why hide? Because the method of revival is to let him quickly engage in the object realization project.
Uchiha Tomitake.
In the case of the genocide that year, he attributed the greater helplessness and fault to himself. One is that it is impossible to stop the arrogance of the hawk clansmen; the other is that it is not only impossible to offset the high-level suspicion of Uchiha, and the failure to discover Obito led to the death of Kyuubi who was controlled by Uchiha and attacked Konoha Minato twice, which exacerbated Uchi. The contradiction between Bo and the whole Konoha; the third is knowing that his son is on Hokage’s side, and his choice is not to resist and be killed by him…
There are many considerations Uchiha Fuyue does not want to be a Hokage, nor does he think he has the talent to be a Hokage.
The only people left are Uchiha Mirror and Uchiha Shisui.
Mirror is Tobirama’s disciple, and Shisui is Mirror’s grandson.
Going around and back again!
But on the whole, Shishui is just the grandson of Kyo after all, and has no direct connection with the Hokage lineage.
Looking at the whole circle, really only Uchiha Shisui is the most suitable.
Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for custom QvQ
I wrote 695 chapters today, and there are still a few chapters before the end of 699. I feel a lot of emotion~.

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