: The faces of Minato and his son are pale! A discounted resurrection of Kushina? ! ! Watch Naruto and Kushina meet.

Horror Quiz is the first time to ask a question related to Naruto’s mother. It’s too late to think about how Uchiha Madara answered correctly. Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Naruto, and Obito, Kakashi, and Rin from the Minato class are all eagerly waiting. with rewards…
[“Reward: Uzumaki Kushina…”]
When the horror quiz read out the reward word by word, Naruto and Minato’s eyes gradually widened, and their hearts were pounding with excitement.
I don’t know if the horror quiz was spoken slowly on purpose, or it was presented very slowly in their ears. The sound seemed to enter their ears slowly word by word.
[“1/9 of the fragments.”]
Broken, broken pieces? !
Just now, Minato’s complexion suddenly turned as pale as snow because of the blood rushing up from the excitement!
The little Naruto next to him was completely dumbfounded!
How can a living person appear in the form of fragments? ! !
Thinking that the next thing might be a malicious gift from the Horror Quiz, Minato Namikaze was even overwhelmed. What if what was delivered to him and Naruto was really a part of Kushina’s body…
If this is the case, then it is better not to answer correctly!
Next, a ball of light that could not be seen inside appeared in front of several people, and the voice of terrifying question and answer said:
[“Please answer correctly—Uchiha Madara, receive the reward.”]
Uchiha Madara was also a little confused, let alone how he answered the question correctly with a casual sentence, even he felt that this reward was really a bit of a waste!
During the Fourth Ninja World War in another world before, it was no problem to resurrect almost all the ninja coalition forces. Now that kid from the fourth generation wants to resurrect a woman from the Uzumaki clan, you give him the father and son—that woman’s Zero 647 pieces? !
Let them see? !
“Mr. Madara, Mr. Madara, please, trouble, you…”
Namikaze Minato’s expression was stiff, and he and Danzo were able to smile calmly when they were facing political output, but at this moment, except for the twitching of their cheeks, they couldn’t show a smile.
Unable to understand his weakness as Hokage, Madara Uchiha snorted and stuck his hand into the golden ball of light.
Under the gaze of Minato, his son and the others, Uchiha Madara seemed to have touched something, and his expression became a little strange.
Sasuke and Sakura were worried about Naruto, their shoulders were trembling with fear seeing that guy.
Even being prepared to help that super idiot if he fell down, Sasuke devoted some energy to paying attention to Naruto’s state.
Before Minato could ask, Madara Uchiha had pulled out the so-called ‘fragments’ from the photosphere.
“This is… the fragment?”
Seeing the palm-sized thing in Uchiha Madara’s hand, everyone froze for a moment.
Throw the ‘fragments’ to Namikaze Minato.
The golden flashes that instantly killed more than fifty rock ninjas without shaking their hands, but at this moment they could only catch them in a panic…
puzzle? !Convex left and concave right, concave up and convex down.
This is indeed a puzzle, that’s right! !
The contents of the puzzle…
Minato could tell at a glance that it was Kushina’s smile, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised and only a little bit of the tip of his nose was exposed.
You can also see some on the neck and the tip of the chin.
“What is this, let me tell you?! Why did the ‘fragment’ draw a puzzle?!!” Naruto’s voice was so loud that he didn’t know who to ask.
But the only thing that can give him an answer is that terrifying quiz…
[“Shards of Uzumaki Kushina (1/9)”]
【”Collect all nine fragments, you can resurrect an important character—Uzumaki Kushina.”】
The four members of the Minato class and Naruto Uzumaki were stunned in place.
Shikamaru analyzed rationally to help his friend: “Listen to me, Naruto, that is to say – there are at least eight questions to come, and if nothing happens, they should all come to you or the fourth generation.”
Namikaze Minato also thought of this.
Naruto stared at Shikamaru and waited for him to continue.
The boy from Nara’s family said: “How many times do you have the opportunity to answer these eight questions? What are the questions and what is the answer format? I don’t know for the time being, but there is only one thing that is absolute… You must answer all of them correctly!!”
It doesn’t matter if you don’t answer one question!
This level of pressure is tens of thousands of times stronger than the first Chunin exam, when Morinoi Hiki’s exam papers and horror quizzes appeared for the first time.
At this moment, Naruto, who was only 12 years old, stared blankly at the fragment in his hand, as if he was dumbfounded.
“I want…to meet her…”
The dry and hoarse voice made Minato uncomfortable.
It was originally planned that if Kushina did not return to them, he suggested that Naruto should use that part of the precious chakra when he opened the seal at the age of sixteen or even twenty.
But looking at Naruto like this, he couldn’t give any other answer except a hum.
However, it just so happened that Naruto’s wish was not answered by the horror quiz, and the future image of another world was immediately opened!
【”Immortal Method Super Spiral Pill!”】
【”Do you think you’ve won the old man?!”】
【”How dare I break your seal if I can’t beat you?!”】
“This is?!”
The mini-nine lamas swayed their nine big tails flamboyantly, “When he was cultivating in Yunyin Village, he opened your seal for the second time, using the key you left behind.”
Minato knew that the way the toad left the scroll was the correct way to truly open the Nine-Tails cage. It was the power he left for Naruto the moment Nine-Tails attacked Konoha, and it was also a kind of entrustment.
[In the video, Naruto and Kyuubi are fighting in the dark golden space of deep psychology! 】
【Naruto caught Nine-Tails’ Chakra in the same way as Kirabi! 】
At this moment, the mini Nine-Tails still remembers that tug-of-war no matter how many years.
In the image, Naruto grabbed the blue chakra towards him, but with the anger of the Nine Lamas, the hatred, disappointment, and even despair and disgust towards human beings accumulated over thousands of years followed that Chakra poured into Naruto’s body!
The dark chakra wraps the 16-year-old Uzumaki Naruto, his mind is full of hatred, pain, and desire to kill. Naruto instantly reads the endless hatred in the heart of the nine lamas, and the human beings are ugly one by one. His face burned like a wraith into the heart of the huge fox in front of him.
“Look! That Naruto’s celestial state has disappeared!”
Not only that, his eyes also turned into the dark red of Naruto Darkness! !
Qianshou talked to Indra in a low voice: “Have you read that book to some extent? Naruto’s experience when he was a child was much worse than what you saw. It was something your brother Asura had never experienced.”
So he worked harder and desperately than Asura.
Indra had this idea, but he didn’t say it out loud.
Everyone has darkness in their hearts. He once thought that Asura didn’t have one, and even secretly resented why Asura’s heart was always so clean. But from this point of view, Uzumaki Naruto, who inherited the reincarnation of Asura Chakra, was even more bumpy because of his childhood experience, which instead inspired a kind of perseverance.
But the darkness suppressed in his heart is no less than anyone else’s.
He hasn’t finished reading the set of books called “NARUTO”. Looking at the video at this moment, he is even more curious about what will happen to such Naruto Uzumaki?
Will Asura who has been eroded by darkness become like him?
【”No one will agree with you.”】
【”Your existence is a trouble.”】
[These vicious words eroding Naruto’s soul are like backlash! Captain Yamato and Kirabi who helped Naruto practice can’t control this power! ! 】
Otsutsuki Yumura: “Brother, it seems that the nine lamas have also experienced very painful experiences in the past thousands of years.”
“Well, this is not ordinary resentment.” Looking at the blond boy over there, Yuyi thought to himself: If it wasn’t that he finally appeared like Hamamaru’s words, but someone took advantage of the hatred gathered in the hearts of the nine lamas Thinking about it, such ten tails might be unimaginably terrifying.
At this moment, the 12-year-old Uzumaki Naruto is staring at the video, the last time he saw himself in another world, he felt deeply in his heart.Li Zhong was so painful that when he was almost swallowed by the Kurama, it was…
It was he who knew that he also had a parent and a mother. He was a child entrusted by his parents and recognized by the great hero, Hokage, the fourth generation.
Then this time…
[“Disappear…you all disappear for me!!” Naruto in the image desperately suppressed his resentment towards the villagers who had bullied him. He knew that these were images of Nine-Tailed Chakra, but he didn’t expect that he had already After accepting the test of the real waterfall, he still couldn’t bear it. 】
How to do? How did he get through this difficult time? !
Not only Uzumaki Naruto, but the people of the ninja world who have been watching the video have such a question in their hearts, eagerly waiting for the content that follows.
Immediately after, they saw the 16-year-old Uzumaki Naruto in the image wrapped in a golden world, and a gentle female voice told him—
[“If it’s painful, just stay here for a while.”]
Hearing this voice, Minato knew that this was the foreshadowing that the husband and wife had planted for their beloved son more than ten years ago, and the blessings he sent when he grew up.
But in this situation, hearing this voice, which is also the rise of Naruto’s father and Kushina in the video, the emotion and expectation in his heart also made it difficult for him to express in words.
[In the image, I can no longer hear any voice clamoring for him to disappear, Naruto Uzumaki raised his head dumbly…]
Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for custom QvQ
Anyone who understands the resentment of Fragment Terrier understands it.

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