As soon as these words came out, everyone in the vicinity looked at Sasuke!
Sasuke Uchiha took a few steps back in disbelief. If Naruto had not pulled him from behind, Sasuke would probably have fallen to the ground.
“That liar!! It’s all a lie!!” Sasuke didn’t know who to argue with, so he could only roar at Naruto beside him, hoping to get the affirmative answer he wanted, “Uchiha is an honorable family! Uchiha exists to protect Konoha!!”
“Father…it’s impossible for him to stage a coup…” Sasuke’s voice was slightly weak when he said this.
He doesn’t understand this kind of thing, and he can’t respond to Sasuke’s expectations casually. He can only stand by his side forever as his companion.
【Shisui and Itachi, two small teenagers began to talk about the philosophical issues of Uchiha and the village. 】
[Itachi: “Uchiha’s dissatisfaction with the village is increasing day by day. If the village continues like this, I’m afraid Uchiha will break through the limit of patience.”]
“Can Uchiha change if the village needs to be changed…” Shishui’s voice was a little helpless. 】
[Itachi: “But if Uchiha doesn’t make changes, the village won’t change. The two sides continue to have a relationship of distrust, and the situation will only get worse with time.”]
Yes, this is a paradox.
Uchiha Mikoto stood in the dark, watching the image in front of Konoha Shinobi School, she knew that there were several eyes from Anbu staring at her.
Unsurprisingly, it should be the person arranged by the second-generation Hokage-sama and the third-generation Hokage-sama.
Although there may also be intentions to monitor her, but in the end, the intention to protect her is greater.
After all, the competent Jōnin in the village could also spot her existence. He glanced at her a few times, intentionally or unintentionally, but after discovering Anbu behind him, he turned his eyes away as if he hadn’t seen her.
If the village does not change, Uchiha will not change; if Uchiha does not change, the village will not change.
This is also a problem that has plagued Fuyue for a long time. If she hadn’t made an incomprehensible judgment about the future, how could her husband (bceg) lead the Uchiha clan to rebel?
It’s just a weasel…
Caught in the middle of multiple forces.
This child actually suffers more than anyone else.
Itachi… he is too gentle.
As Itachi’s mother, Uchiha Mikoto often thinks – it would be better if this child was more selfish.
[“I want to try, change this relationship and stop the Uchiha coup.” Zhishui stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the rushing waterfall, as if his mood would get a little peace of mind: “Once the coup is launched, whether it is the village or the Uchiha will only bring unfortunate results.”]
[Itachi stood beside Zhishui, looked at his frowning figure and expressed his opinion: “I, like you, oppose the coup d’état, but if you want to stop the coup d’état, you can only use unconventional means…”]
Sasuke trembled in shock: “Unconventional…methods…”
“Brother…” The unconventional method you mentioned… Could it be that you killed your father, mother, and the Uchiha family with your own hands? ! ! ! !
Can’t agree, he absolutely can’t agree! !
[“It’s better if you don’t act rashly.” Shishui told Itachi: “The guards don’t trust you either, they ordered me to monitor you.”]
[Itachi opened his eyes in disbelief. It turns out that his family has long distrusted him. 】
Seeing this, Hokage III sighed, “That child Itachi, it’s too hard.”
Shishui lowered his head: “Yes.” Itachi…
That’s right, it’s really… it’s too difficult…
[In the next video, everyone witnessed one thing, that is Uchiha Fuyue, the head of the Uchiha clan, persecuting the eldest son Itachi. 】
[Forcing him to live in the villageThe son and the family make a choice, forcing him to serve the family first over the village. 】
In the video, Sasuke saw his father’s severe rebuke to his brother many times.
After seeing his parents leave, his brother’s eyes were filled with exhaustion and disappointment…
Still young, he couldn’t help but have questions in his mind.
“What is a family? What is a Shinobi village? Why must the two have a priority?”
At this time, Naruto Uzumaki next to him spoke.
He folded his arms around his chest, in a puffed-up way.
“I said, why is Gaara’s father too, and Sasuke’s father too, why do you have to force your children to do things he doesn’t want to do?!”
Sasuke doesn’t like to hear this. Although he and Naruto have basically the same idea, he is also angry that his father ran on his brother like this, and that he didn’t notice these things when he was a child.
When he was naive as a ninja student, Itachi and the Uchiha clan had more burdens on their shoulders!
Their father, Uchiha Fugaku, and the eldest son Itachi also travel farther and farther in the process.
Why didn’t you tell him, was it because you thought he was young and useless? !
He hated his brother for so many years, and even when Kakashi asked them about their dreams, Sasuke threatened to ‘kill that man and revive the Uchiha family. ’
Dream was imaged like a public execution, peeling off the flesh and blood layer by layer, revealing only the bones.
Brother, father, Uchiha, village.
Before hearing Naruto’s angry accusations, Sasuke had no complaints against his father in his heart.
But if the village can trust Uchiha more.
Everyone in the Mingming clan is such a gentle person, but in the video, the images of Uchiha, both inside and outside the clan, are shown.
The Uchiha who is in harmony with each other, the gentle and kind Uchiha, and the honorable Uchiha.
Uchiha, who has no room for criticism, and Uchiha, who is arrogant in law enforcement, attempts to stage a coup against Uchiha.
Sasuke gasped for breath, and the pupils in his wide-open eyes narrowed a little.
Occasionally glanced at him from all around, and whispered discussions, Sasuke has long been annoyed!
At this time, Naruto said: “I said, why is Gaara’s father, Sasuke’s father too, why do you have to force your children to do things he doesn’t want to do?!”
“What do you know about being alone since you were a child?!!”
Today’s update (4/limited), please order, shoot everyone. .

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