Don’t be timid, let your dreams bloom in the wind! Because of the bond between you and me from beginning to end…

This is the first time that a video and a song are combined!
The content is a picture that has been pieced together, but it matches the lyrics and rhythm of the song amazingly.
In the video, Naruto Uzumaki when he was a child pushed aside the indifferent Konoha villagers and ran forward, from childhood to teenagers to young people.
[“Dream hurricane に 咲 か せ る! Illness に な ら ~ な い で!”]
(Don’t be timid, let your dreams blossom in the wind!)
Nine-tailed chakra mode seventh-generation Hokage battleTsutsuki Momo pose, one hand on his shoulder.
The golden chakra nine tails immediately put on the lavender Susanoo, and with a flick of his hand, he added a long sword to form a long purple sword, and Kurama handsomely cut the enemy’s side in half!
This is the first time in the world to see Shuzuo Shuming teaming up against the peach-style image. The three miniature nine tails are so proud of the image, their small chests are all high, and their disgust for Uchiha has dropped. A little bit.
[“Servant らの涓はelimination えないだから…”]
(Because of the bond between you and me from beginning to end…)
“Don’t be timid, because your partner is always by your side? The lyrics and the video match wonderfully!” Inuzuka asked, showing his teeth, “But why is it always Naruto and Sasuke! Can’t put more handsomeness about us? Video?!!”
Shino: “Even if you don’t show Naruto and Sasuke, it probably won’t be your turn. If you want to ask why…”
No one noticed Shino’s words, they were all looking at Kakashi Anbu, the boy in the video, with sad eyes, stroking the scar on his left eye.
When the picture changed, the silver-haired ninja was standing in the rainstorm, repenting lonelyly at the memorial tablet.
【“Scars にtouch れる, Confession in front of the monument of comfort”]
(touching the wound, repenting in front of the memorial tablet)
[“これからの戦い, お前の名言を覚えてる”]
(Every battle in the future, let me remember your motto)
Catering to the artistic conception in the lyrics, the picture changes to Kakashi, who left Anbu and became the Konoha Elite Joinin, carrying three radish heads to perform the mission of the Land of Waves.
In the face of a powerful enemy, Kakashi changed his usual lazy and condescending appearance, and vowed that he would never let any of his companions die in front of his eyes again.
While watching the movie, Obito was sweating, and he always felt that the sacrificial habit of stupid Kakashi was caused by himself? ! !
【“Pain, Lost”】
(pain, confusion)
The picture in the video switches to a dark cave, where black phantoms gather, discussing the future course of action of the organization, collecting all the tailed beasts, and making the world feel pain.
In the movie, Xiao organized the crowd: “…”
Nagato’s embarrassed smile was still a little shy.
Yahiko, who has the same voice and face as Payne, has a carefree personality, which really made the members of Akatsuki’s organization get used to it for a long time.
【”The world’s true 実が見えない”】
(can’t see the truth of the world)
In the video, Payne raises his arms high above Konoha, and from here he brings pain to the world.
The members of Akatsuki’s organization who are watching the movie in Konoha at the moment, looking back at Payne in the video, don’t know what happened, and suddenly they are a little uncomfortable with Payne in that video!
Deidara: “I remember the scene where Hokage with white hair was forced to imitate Boss Payne to destroy Konoha, eh.”
Feiduan: “That’s right! I thought it was true at the time? He definitely wouldn’t do it! I didn’t expect that guy to imitate it for the reward! Hahahaha!”
“Shut up, it’s very noisy. / It’s too noisy, you two.” Scorpion and Jiao both spoke at the same time.
Quanna and Madara were taunting hard, and Tobirama was forced by his elder brother to endure his impending temper.
Kagami and others felt sorry for Teacher Toriyama.
[“Toughness, eyes, dark, hope, light”]
(And your stubborn eyes are the light that makes hope bloom in the dark)
Although the song is sonorous and powerful, this section shows the young Uchiha Obito being smashed under a boulder, asking Nohara Rin to give Kakashi her will to write a wheel.
This really shocked the boy Obito who was brought to this world by Anbu Obito. He merged with Shiro, and the boy who had pure white skin and hair color probably knew what happened to him in another world.
“So you weren’t beaten to death?”
“You should say—that way ‘I’ was not killed! Stupid brat! We are both Uchiha Obito!”
“It’s different! My brain is more normal than yours!”
“That’s because you haven’t opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel!”
Hearing the conversation between the two Obito, Uchiha, who was present, wanted to give Anbu Obito a punch. What is the abnormality of opening a kaleidoscope? ! Is there such a thing as scolding your own family? ! !
【”The Authentic Nakama Recognizes め合う”】
(True companions always appreciate each other)
Cater to the rhythm of the song and the content of the lyrics.
In the video, Madara Uchiha and Senju Hasuma in their youth are sitting on the place that will become the Hokage Rock in the future, looking down at the forest below.
Talking about who changed the world of ninjas, everyone candidly meet and drink the bond wine and become brothers.
“How many times do you have to play this kind of stupid thing as a child!” Madara was unhappy and stood arrogantly in the corner of the crowd watching the movie. Except for a few people who were familiar with him, a vacuum was naturally formed around him.
Hakuma lowered his shoulders and drooped his head and complained in a low voice, “How can this be called a stupid thing, it’s a proof of our mutual recognition!”
Before he wanted to say, ‘Madara, you are my apocalypse! ! ’ Before, Qianshou Tobirama roared in time: “Shut up! Big brother!!”
The first Hokage: “…” Eliminate Duang Shen.
【“Looking away from the eyes and looking forward to the posture of all strength”】
(Can’t take your eyes off, you are fighting with all your strengthSample)
The image is that during the Fourth Ninja World War, because Shidou Shima arrived at the battlefield, Shidouban jumped over with a flame fan and shouted: “Wait for you for a long time, Shima!!” And Shima responded: “You wait first! Solve it! Let’s talk about the ten tails.”
Looking at Madara’s embarrassed expression in the video, Hasuma looked at Madara and snickered while covering her mouth: ” Madara is still as fun as when she was a child~”
“Are you looking for a fight?! Hasumi!!”
Madara became angry, and Quanna wanted to draw a knife. Tobirama wanted the three of them to be quiet, but it was more difficult to manage each of them.
Senju Tobirama once again clarified his plan – after this Chunin exam, he must betray the village, bah, he must leave the village and retire!
Live the life of the sixth Hokage after the seventh Hokage took office! !
The video also quickly switches to Sasuke and Naruto teaming up to fight against the enemy. After playing a beautiful combination, they changed their bad habit of quarreling at every turn. They punched each other and saw firm trust in each other’s eyes.
And Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui swore to each other that they would never betray each other, and practiced and fought against the enemy in the shallow stream under the moonlight.
And at that time…
Shishui playfully tugged at Itachi’s pigtails when he was drinking water, causing Itachi, who had not graduated from the ninja school, to choke on the water. There were also two people who fought off Anbu, who was pretending to be Danzo’s subordinates, and Itachi twisted his feet and was carried home by Shisui.
“Cough cough…”
Itachi saw in the video that when he was a child, he didn’t know what Shishui said, and his face was puffed up with anger. He was so surprised and embarrassed that he coughed a few times before he stopped the embarrassment.
But these coughs brought the eyes of others to him.
Loquat Shizang and Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark talked to each other:
“I didn’t expect that kid to be so cute. When he was on a team with me, he always had a paralyzed face.”
“It’s the same when I formed a team, but it’s good to have such a teammate, at least it’s not too much trouble, there shouldn’t be the feeling of being forced to be babysitters like Jiaodu and Scorpio.”
Gui Shark’s words stinged Deidara and Feiduan, but Jiaodu and Scorpion suddenly realized that their team was one old and one young. , Could it be that the boss wants them to be more energetic?
But think about Payne’s more zombie face than anyone else…
They must have thought too much.
Sasuke never imagined that Itachi had that kind of expression, and he was completely stunned by the scene in the video, and even forgot to fight Kaleidoscope with Uchiha Shisui Kaleidoscope.
Fortunately, my friend Naruto Uzumaki reminded him in time: “Open the writing wheel! Stupid Sasuke!” In the future, you will also have a handle on Brother Itachi! !
Before he could scold Naruto for being a super idiot, Sasuke immediately opened the writing wheel to record the video. The copying skills seemed to be well-received by Kakashi.
Itachi: “…”
Glancing at Shishui who couldn’t help laughing, Itachi looked at Sasuke and Naruto helplessly, thinking that he didn’t feel sorry for Naruto-kun. He usually called Brother Itachi very affectionate, but at the critical moment, he helped Sasuke find a way to deal with him, right? too friendly?
[“The Servant た ち は の た め に 戦 battle field で っ た っ た!”]
(We meet each other on the final battlefield because of our bonds.)
The image quickly flashed past the image of Naruto and Neji looking at each other in the final battle during the Chunin exam.
The picture flashed – in the Konoha collapse plan, Gaara and Naruto stood on the treetops of the Konoha forest, staring at each other with a short knife of a toad, one fighting for himself, the other fighting for his partner , both sides have the determination to kill each other.
The scene flashed – Sasuke and Naruto trembled from childhood to adulthood, and the second time the Valley of the End rushed towards each other, it seemed to show a microcosm of their lives.
A screen flashed – Hasuma became the patriarch of Senju, with Tobirama standing behind him. Madara became the Uchiha Patriarch, with Quanna standing behind him, Yuhi’s friend, because of the family’s grievances and interests, although there was no hatred, he became a mortal enemy.
A picture flashed – Indra and Asura swore to each other that until the battle between the two was over, their souls would live forever.
“Actually, it’s quite romantic in a sense?”
Mitarai Red Bean suddenly commented on the reincarnation bond between two brothers, three lives and three lives in the video. She whispered with Yuhi Hong and glutinous rice balls in their mouths: “If this were replaced by a man and a woman, wouldn’t it be a popular bitterness drama?”
Although they are ninjas, they occasionally go to the cinema to watch movies, chasing dramas that ordinary people like. For example, the recently released Princess Fengyun is a movie that combines ninja themes.
Hong Yuhi didn’t dare to comment too much on Anko’s words. After all, she was a straight daughter, and most importantly, she seemed to have seen Indra and Madara Uchiha look this way just now.
Uchiha Madara is relatively good.
But Indra, who had read the complete set of “NARATO”, was not able to accept it.
Thinking of the kiss of Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki in the book, Indra felt so embarrassed!
After all, that was the reincarnation of him and Ashura! !
Why did that kind of relationship develop? ! !
The contents of the books in the Ninja School are all about echoing before and after. Could it be that this is the first call, leading to the aftermath of their reconciliation in this life? ! ! !
“Brother? What’s wrong with you? Your face is very bad.” Asura saw his brother’s face turning paler and paler, and approached him to inquire about his physical condition.
“You will keep a distance of ten meters from me in the future.”
“Uh…” Asura was stunned, did his brother hate him to this extent? ! !
He just asked his brother if he was not feeling well! ! !
Unknown second-generation Hokage and fourth-generation Hokage looked at each other, thinking that the time between the two brothers was less than seventy-two hours. ! !
Ask for tickets, ask for flowers, ask for custom QvQ
Indra, Ashura, Madara, Hashima: We have a different relationship with you.
Naruto and Sasuke laboriously explained that the ninja student who was assisted by God could not wait to shrink himself into the sky.
The song was written after listening to Naruto mobile game duel arena goodbye. It took me a long time to write this lyrics! ! Son.

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