Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

Chapter 106: Phone Fraud From Mom Fu! Zhibao Was Fooled!

【"What did you do to Kiyana?!"

Bronya asked the doll angrily.

"It's nothing, just doing what the Bishop of Heaven did back then.

The puppet replied with a smile: "If you want to see it, you can go and see it yourself.

"—Of course, the premise is that you have to pass through here, hee hee~!"

The puppets stood in front of Bronya and Fu Hua one after another, approaching them slowly, their voices singing like devils.

"This time is different. In front of you, there is only this way!"

"Come on! Choose! You can escape from the first day of the junior high school but not the fifteenth day. If you have the ability, kill 'us'!"

Knowing that Bronya and Fu Hua dare not kill them who are parasitic on the host, the dolls swarmed unscrupulously, and they must be intercepted here!]

"This group of puppets! It's too arrogant!"

Qiyana expressed that she couldn't bear it: "Squad leader! Bronya! Show them "August 17" some color! Let them know how powerful we are!"

Bronya: "No problem... Although Bronya wants to say that too...."

Fu Hua chimed in: "But the situation doesn't seem very optimistic..."

Although the puppets are taken out individually and their strength is very weak, they still hold the power of the Herrscher of Reason after all, and they also occupy an absolute home court advantage... In addition, they also use the host's life to blackmail them.

Even if Bronya and Fu Hua are in their prime, they don't dare to use their full firepower.

After all, the hosts parasitized by dolls are just a group of ordinary people, and if nothing else, just Daxian'er's memorization may kill half of them.

"Then can we just be restrained by them like this?!"

Chongchong was a little unwilling: "My future me, what's going on! Wake up quickly!"

"Calm down, Kiyana."

Mei comforted Chong Chong's emotions: "Didn't that puppet say that your current situation is actually not safe."

"Damn, hate, hate! Miss Ben is so mad!!"

Qiyana stomped her feet anxiously, wishing she could get in and beat these puppets who like yin and yang to the ground at this time!

In the picture, Bronya was helpless for a while.

【"What should I do? Squad leader, I can't find any other way right now.

Bronya asked Fu Hua, but she was silent for a moment, as if she was thinking about something.

.It seems that there is no other way. "


Fu Hua seemed to have made up his mind, and raised his head: "Bronya, I will cut off their connection with the host."

Bronya was taken aback after hearing this: "Cut off contact? What should I do?"

Fu Hua briefly explained: "I cut off the connection between Sirin and the will of the Houkai in the second Houkai, and the principle is similar."

"But...... squad leader, you don't have Yu Duchen anymore."

"That's right, I can't do it with my strength." Fu Hua nodded: "So, I must rely on the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

"The Herrscher of Knowledge?" Bronya opened her eyes slightly: "But this is very dangerous..."

Fu Hua's expression was firm: "I know, but I have to try!"]

"Hmph! Sure enough, at this time...... Qiyana, Bronya, and Old Antique are all unreliable!"

Zhibao crossed his arms, with a proud expression on his face: "It has to be me! The great lady Herrscher of Knowledge!"

"Oh! Xiaoshi is amazing!"

Chongchong applauded at the right time: "If Xiaozhi is allowed to come out, the squad leader should be able to return to his heyday!"

"Hey! Why did you mention that old antique again!"

Shibao is not happy anymore: "Obviously the credit is on me! Also, call me the great lady of the Herrscher of Knowledge!!"

Mei whispered: "However, if you don't have the monitor's physical body, you can't use your full power, right?"

"Then, so what!" Zhibao said loudly as if he was in an awkward situation: "Even if there is no old-fashioned body, the Herrscher's remaining power is enough to defeat these sloppy dolls!"

Ulandal expressed doubts: "But, isn't the Herrscher who dominates able to seize the power of the Herrscher?"

Teresa: "If Xiaozhi is allowed to use the power of the Herrscher unscrupulously, the situation will get worse..."

Ji Zi: "I can't say it."

"You guys, stop looking down on people!" Zhibao clenched his fists: "A weak puppet like this still wants to take away the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge?"

"I bah! Dreaming!"

Bronya: "All in all, with the help of the Herrscher of Knowledge, you should be able to easily break through this group of puppets."

Fu Hua: "Well, I think it should be!"

"Hey hey hey! You all take it for granted!"

Zhibao said unhappily: "I haven't said that I will lend you strength, can you not draw conclusions so quickly!"

Alicia suddenly exclaimed: "Ah! Take a look!"

Everyone quickly raised their heads and looked at the picture on the screen.

I saw Fu Hua closed his eyes, as if he had sunk his spirit into the deepest part of his consciousness.

【She felt the heavy chain again.

As always, the chains sank into bottomless darkness. The other end of it leads to an unknown corner of the world, and the people standing there still refuse to move an inch.

"Listen to me, if you can hear enough"

Fu Hua injected a whisper into the chain, and she didn't know where her voice would go: "Qiana is in danger now, I need your strength."

Although no one responded, there seemed to be movement on the other end of the chain.

Fu Hua continued: "I need...your help."

In the long silence, there was a faint sigh of helplessness.

"Oh, old antique! You two are quarreling with me all day long, don't you bother me!"]

"Oh! Xiaoshi responded!"

Qiyana shouted excitedly: "Great, this will definitely save me!"

"Hey! I haven't promised anything yet!"

Zhibao stared at Qiyana: "You are too happy too!"

"Oh, Xiaozhi~"

Chongchong smiled subtly, knowing everything about Zhibao: "Although he said awkward things, he was actually thinking of the squad leader. We already knew this before!"

Zhibao's eyes widened: "What—!?"

"So, Xiao Shi will definitely not ignore the squad leader's request!"

Kiyana vowed: "Otherwise, Xiaoshi wouldn't have rushed over to help immediately because the squad leader and Kevin had a fight when he was on the moon at 2.9 hours ago!"

"I, I...!" The Herrscher of Knowledge blushed, "I, I was just worried that Old Antique would break his body and end up implicating me, I don't care about Old Antique or anything like that! "

Bronya sighed with an inorganic voice: "Ah, what a standard tsundere character..."

Mei: "However, the tsundere character design seems to be outdated now..."

Teresa: "Don't you think it's cool? There's a sense of retro age or something.

"You, you...!!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge pointed at everyone in St. Freya Academy, and finally glared at Old Antique with anger: "Hmph!"

Fu Hua said that he was used to it, and took the initiative to take the blame: "...All right, I will take the blame."

Continue to ask for a wave of flower evaluation votes, so I will write the next update!.

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