Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

130: Jizi's Funeral? Ji Zi Wanted To Make A V Sign!

on screen.

After the violent explosion and the flame subsided, the Herrscher of Dominion also declared a complete defeat, and the Dominion Theater also gradually burst into cracks like spider webs, as if falling apart with the destruction of the puppets.

Qiyana raised the great sword of fire, and pointed at the only puppet left kneeling on the ground, her eyes were awe-inspiring.

【"You lost."

"I lost...

The puppet raised its head blankly, stared blankly at Qiyana, and it took a long time to realize: "Yes~, we lost..."

"But what did we lose to..."

"Lost to justice? Lost to hope? Or simply lost to power...?"

The puppet looked straight at Kiyana, as if the daughter-in-law wanted to get an answer from her eyes.

To this day, they still cannot understand—why did they fail?

Obviously they once seized the power of the Herrscher of Reason and the Herrscher of Knowledge, and they once awakened the consciousness of the Herrscher of Space to fight against Qiyana, even they are obviously only one step away from the final victory!

However, in the end they still lost - a crushing defeat.

"You won't understand."

"But we want to understand, Kiyana." The puppet lowered its head in disappointment: "Qiana, we really envy you...why do you win every time?"

"No matter what obstacles you encounter, you will never waver...No matter what desperate situation, you can save the day with your own strength..."

The malice of her companions can't shake her, and the will of the Herrscher can't break her. No matter what method or means they use, they can't defeat Qiyana.

It seems that she can always stand up again and again and resist fate to the end.

It seemed that she never gave up struggling.

"No." Kiana said, "I'm never alone."

"But we are not alone!" the puppet struggled and said, "We obviously... have a thousand companions..."

"What connects you is not ideals, understanding, and even less mutual trust.

Kiyana looked directly at the puppet: "You just gather together for a common purpose, to vent the same polarized emotions."

"- Such a person is not called a companion." 1

The puppet was silent for a while, and then muttered to itself in frustration: "So that's how it is..."

"But Kiyana, let me ask one more question...

The puppet raised its head, and its tone was full of confusion and doubts: "With your so-called belief, so-called companions, and so-called protection... can you really defeat Honkai?"

"——We may have failed, but the next enemy is far more contradictory and stronger than us... At that time, can you still rely on these illusory things to fight against them?"

"I will not give up."

It was Qiyana's firm words that answered it, as if revealing an unshakable belief: "Moreover, this is by no means something illusory.

"——This is the proof of what makes a human being."

There was another long silence, and the puppet lowered its head, accompanied by a faint low smile.

"Haha...... Kiyana. To be honest, I was almost moved by your persuasion."

The puppet sighed: "I really envy you... You are right, we are just puppets of collapse... The only thing that connects us is those annoying threads...

At this moment, the puppet's body seemed to awaken the emotion that shouldn't exist, and its voice was a bit puzzled.

"Weird...Which side am I on? Is it because I'm dying that I'm thinking about these weird things..."

Kiyana watched it silently.

....... But, human malice will not disappear, Kiyana..."

The puppet whispered, "You'll soon understand...no, you've always understood..."

"There are still many tests left for you..."

It made a sound like a whisper in a dream: "Ah... ah...he is here..."

"The [golden] thread is already wrapped around me...

Kiyana remained silent, while the puppet completely lowered its head, quietly waiting for its own ending.

So, towards the last puppet, towards the theater that has closed the curtain—

Kiyana swung her sword down. 】

Finally, is it over.......

Qiyana stared blankly at the Dominion Theater that was on the verge of being broken, and looked at the Herrscher of Fire Flame who put down the great sword of Fire Fire and raised his head to face the exposed rising sun, and heaved a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart.

"It looks like it's really over this time."

Mei also sighed: "In the end, Qiyana still defeated the Herrscher."

Ji Zi nodded: "Yes, in the end, Qiyana's faith and courage still defeated the law of domination.

Teresa gave a thumbs up: "Qiana, that's great!"

The little goose also applauded: "Sister is awesome! She's so handsome!!"

"Hey, it has nothing to do with me..."

Qiyana rarely scratched her head shyly: "Honestly, even I am surprised that the future me--is so strong and brave!"

In all honesty, if Chong Chong from the question-and-answer space was allowed to go on his own, he might not have been beaten to the point of complete frustration early on, and would have been reduced to a puppet of the Herrscher of Domination.

Only the Qiyana who has experienced many hardships in the future can create miracles again and again and completely defeat the Herrscher of Domination.

Although Qiyana likes to be brave and doesn't like to admit defeat, it doesn't mean she doesn't have self-knowledge.

The future self is completely incomparable to the present self.

But there is one thing to say, since there is such a Qiyana, that is to say..... This lady may become such a hero in the future!

Thinking of this, Chong Chong's heart is filled with pride and joy!

"Qiana, I see you are happy."

Zhibao complained: "You don't really think that Qiyana is yourself, do you?"

"No, it's not!"

Chongchong scratched his head: "I'm just proud and proud of my future self! What's wrong! Is it not allowed!"

"Of course, Kiyana."

Fu Hua stopped Shibao who wanted to say something: "We are all proud of her."

"Yes." Teresa glanced at Chongchong: "I just don't know if I can see Qiyana like this in other places outside the screen of the Q&A space in my life..."

"?" A big question mark appeared in Kiyana's head.

"Anyway, congratulations to Qiyana for successfully defeating the Herrscher of Domination."

Ji Zi paused, with doubts in his eyes: "However, then again—at the end of the puppet, what did the so-called 'golden thread' refer to?


"...the golden thread...  

Teresa was also a little puzzled: "Indeed, if the puppet is not alarmist, it seems that the matter is not over yet."

"The Herrscher of Domination has indeed been wiped out by the Herrscher of Fire Flame, but the crisis of Honkai has not been completely resolved.

Ji Zi pinched her chin: "I guess, maybe it means that? But what does it have to do with the golden thread?"

"Tsk, I always feel a bad premonition."

Zhibao clicked his tongue: "Speaking of which, don't you guys have discovered a very important problem?"

When everyone heard Zhibao's words, they all turned to look at her with puzzled eyes.

Fu Hua: "Xiao Shi, what do you want to say?"

"Didn't you really notice that this time, from the beginning to the end of the Herrscher's appearance and exit, from the beginning to the end...there was no movement from the Mandate of Heaven?"

Zhibao pointed out the crux of the problem: "Especially the insidious and cunning guy Otto! That guy likes to make trouble when the Herrscher comes out, but in the whole process from the appearance to the exit of the Herrscher of Domination, he Didn't even show up!"

——— To be reasonable, don’t you really think it’s weird?!”

Based on Zhibao's understanding of Otto, the appearance of the Herrscher of Domination, it is absolutely impossible to stand idly by or sit idly by!

There must be something secretly planned!

"That said, it seems to be true."

Fu Hua, who can be said to know Otto the best besides Xiaoshi in the field, also nodded, thoughtfully: "With Otto's temperament, it is impossible for him to sit idly by and ignore the existence of the Dominating Herrscher."

Teresa's eyes widened: "Could it be related to grandpa again?!"

Fu Hua shook his head: "Currently there is no clear evidence, and it is still too early to draw conclusions."

"Huh? This still needs evidence?" Zhibao dismissed it: "Tell the truth, Old Antique! I feel that the incident of the Herrscher of Domination is very likely to be planned by Otto!"

"...well, I can't tell. 11

Although it is not good to speculate without any evidence, but Fu Hua considers the situation of editing this guy... Maybe it is really possible!

She shook her head, not wanting to think about it any more.

Anyway, even if it is really Otto who is behind the scenes, I believe that with the power of that Kiyana and her companions, they will be able to save the day!

"Ah! Take a look!"

Chongchong suddenly pointed at the screen and exclaimed: "We in the future seem to be holding a funeral!"

Everyone was stunned, and raised their heads to follow Qiyana's line of sight.

I saw pure white flowers occupying the screen, and a few faint clouds floating in the sky, motionless, as if they were casting a solemn salute to the place of flowers in the picture.

The wind blew gently across the grass, and there was a rustle, as if a prayer was whispered in their ears.

Teresa's figure appeared on the screen, and on the marble platform behind her was a broken sword.

"We are here today to honor a mutual friend and an eternal hero.

0. Ask for flowers...

"I'm not going to give a biography of her, or list her contributions."

"——Because of these "everyone can see it.

"I just want to share with you a time spent with her."

Teresa softly recounted her acquaintance with Jizi, and recounted the time she experienced when she was an ordinary member of the Valkyrie Stormtrooper.

After experiencing the death of his father, the passing of his team members, and his own suffering...

Then, she entered St. Freya and became a teacher.

All of that seems to be still yesterday, until now it is still vivid in my eyes and ears.

Teresa closed her eyes, and that time could still pass before her eyes.

"It is such a teacher who saved his students."

"It is such a teacher who taught us the meaning of being in the same class, the meaning of fighting and the meaning of ideals."

Theresa clasped her hands together, her expression solemn and dignified. At this moment, she looked more like a nun: "It also taught us ----- beautiful meaning."

"There is no better teacher than her."

Teresa turned to face the marble table, took out a bottle of red wine and placed it on top.

"Jizi, this is a good wine."

"When I took it away, you were sad for a long time."

"——Now, it should return to its original owner."】

"Huh? Teresa?"

Ji Zi was a little surprised: "I didn't expect you to keep this bottle of wine?"

Uh, I think it's actually in my safe.


Teresa scratched her head, her expression a little embarrassed: "After all, you seemed quite heartbroken at the time, and I didn't drink, so I kept it.

"That's great!" Ji Zi was overjoyed: "When you go back, why don't you give it back to me, I've always wanted to taste it again!"

"That depends on your performance!"

Teresa glared at her: "After all, it's because I found out that you drank secretly during work!"

"Uh, I haven't been drinking much recently." 1

Ji Zi was also a little embarrassed: "Don't worry, don't worry! I promise not to drink during work!"

Teresa emphasized: "It is not allowed to get drunk!"

Ji Zi raised her hand: "I promise!"

"However, I really didn't expect that one day I would be able to witness my own funeral with my own eyes..."

Ji Zi sighed and looked at the screen: "This is really a novel experience."

Fu Hua coughed uncomfortably: "Indeed, seeing my own tombstone...... This kind of thing is indeed quite delicate.

Ji Zi shrugged noncommittally, thinking that if she could enter the screen at this time, she really wanted to try to make a V sign in front of her tombstone for a photo.

That's a classic!

It's a pity that I can't get in, no matter how I think about it, I can't get in!

In the picture, as Teresa retreated, Qiyana, who had been waiting by the side, also stepped forward and put the serum container in her hand on the marble table.

Her expression was equally solemn and solemn, and her voice was low and full of respect—

【"I have made mistakes because of confusion, I have lost myself because of fear..."

"In the dark, it was you who lit the sky for me and illuminated the way forward for me in the most silent night."

"You showed me how to move forward."

Qiyana took a deep breath and confided her heart: "Mr. Jizi, the sky you left behind is still clear. We will continue to move forward along the path you opened up."]

In the picture, the sound of the wind stopped praying, and the surroundings were silent.

Everyone stepped forward one after another and put down their memories on the marble.

People are immersed in the passing past, and there are few words until the end, until the stars fill the night sky.

The crowd gradually dispersed.

And in the middle of the night, Leiden Mei came to the marble alone and stopped.

【"Sorry, Teacher Jizi, I came to see you alone at this time."

She paused for a while, as if she was framing what she wanted to say.

She has a lot to say, but feels that once some words are spoken, they lose their original meaning.

"I have always kept your teachings in mind, which made my choice more firm.

"You told me how to protect a person and how to carry out my own life."

—————and I did that too. "

Mei took a deep breath and said slowly: "Compared with words, it's better to prove to you with actions?"

She stepped forward, placed a bouquet of flowers on the marble platform, and then stepped back softly.

"Thank you, Teacher Jizi."

"It is an honor to be your student.

Mei bowed lightly, then turned around and disappeared into the starry night. Four】.

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